Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013 EQ/DBQ

2012-2013 Week of___10-7-2013 – 10-11-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013
EQ/DBQ: What happens at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones?
SIOP Format
AKS/CC Objectives:
16. - investigate the
composition and formation
of Earth's surface (GPS,
16a. - compare and contrast
Earth’s crust, mantle and
core including temperature,
density and composition
16. - investigate the
composition and
formation of Earth's
surface (GPS, ITBS)
16a. - compare and
contrast Earth’s crust,
mantle and core
including temperature,
density and composition
16. - investigate the
composition and
formation of Earth's
surface (GPS, ITBS)
16a. - compare and
contrast Earth’s crust,
mantle and core
including temperature,
density and
composition (GPS)
16. - investigate the
composition and
formation of Earth's
surface (GPS, ITBS)
16a. - compare and
contrast Earth’s crust,
mantle and core
including temperature,
density and
composition (GPS)
16. - investigate the
composition and
formation of Earth's
surface (GPS, ITBS)
16a. - compare and
contrast Earth’s
crust, mantle and
core including
temperature, density
and composition
Lesson Title:
Plate Boundaries
Research on Plates
Stations Day 1
Stations Day 2
2012-2013 Week of___10-7-2013 – 10-11-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013
EQ/DBQ: What happens at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones?
At end of class
SWBAT investigate theory
of plate tectonics as it
applies to the composition
and formation of the earth’s
SWBAT utilize
documents and
research to investigate
the composition and
formation of the earth’s
SWBAT orally describe
the 3 types of plate
boundaries as
identified within the
theory of plate
SWBAT investigate
plate tectonics within
stations to further
SWBAT investigate
plate tectonics
within stations to
Plate tectonics, drifting
continents PPT from share
drive, Cloze notes for
Plate tectonics jigsaw
printed from resources,
Chart paper, markers,
groups of 8 created
based on team needs
Thinking map from
prior day’s activity,
plate boundaries
video: “Types of plate
boundaries,” printer
Candy Bars (milky way
fun size), lab sheet for
candy bar plate
tectonics, Play doh or
clay for plate tech lab
activity, modeling sea
floor spreading lab
sheets, chart paper
w/markers, color
coded cards of the
vocabulary for units
for 1st semester (to be
created by science
Candy Bars (milky
way fun size), lab
sheet for candy bar
plate tectonics, Play
doh or clay for plate
tech lab activity,
modeling sea floor
spreading lab sheets,
chart paper
w/markers, color
coded cards of the
vocabulary for units
for 1st semester (to
2012-2013 Week of___10-7-2013 – 10-11-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013
EQ/DBQ: What happens at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones?
Anticipatory Set :
Looking at plate boundaries
puzzle from 10/3/13, ask
students what they think
this puzzle has to do with
evidence for plate tectonics.
Have students discuss how
the puzzle may represent
the earth’s crust.
Teacher will print out
the plate tectonics
documents from
resources, and he/she
will assign one per
group. As a group,
students will read
through and describe
how this relates to
Wegener’s theory.
Groups will report out
to the class.
Teacher will have
groups from
10/08/2013 continue
thinking map. Teacher
will then instruct
students to answer the
following questions in
the frame of
1. Why is this
2. How do I know
3. How could I
use this
instructional coach)
be created by
science instructional
Teacher will divide
class into 5 groups.
Teacher will review
procedures for
stations activity.
Teacher will explain
the steps involved
with each station
from resources.
Teacher will divide
class into 5 groups.
Teacher will review
procedures for
stations activity.
Teacher will explain
the steps involved
with each station
from resources.
2012-2013 Week of___10-7-2013 – 10-11-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013
EQ/DBQ: What happens at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones?
Guided Practice: (I do,
we do, you do,
Teacher will model PPT on
plate tectonics and
continental drift from
resources on share drive.
Teacher will describe
the concept of sea floor
spreading and
synthesize that
information to the
As groups, students will
create their own definition larger concept of plate
tectonics. Teacher will
of what the theory of
continental drift entails.
play page 198- 201, Ch.
They are to provide
7 section 2 from the
evidence from the PPT that audio portion of the
supports their definition
online textbook.
and have a member from
the group report out to the Teacher will play
eActivity for sea floor
spreading to reinforce
Students will fill in the cloze information from
notes that go along with the
Teacher will show the
following video about
plate boundaries:
“Types of plate
boundaries.” Teacher
will model the hand
gestures associated
with each of the 3
major types of plate
boundaries. (Please
direct questions about
hand gestures to
content leader or
instructional coach).
In groups students
will participate in the
following stations for
a total of 20 minutes
In groups students
will participate in the
following stations for
a total of 20 minutes
Station 1: Candy Bar
lab (instructions in
Station 1: Candy Bar
lab (instructions in
Station 2: Plah Doh
activity (instructions
in resources)
Station 2: Plah Doh
activity (instructions
in resources)
Station 3: Model sea
In groups, students will floor spreading
predict what types of activity (instructions
land formations will
in resources)
Station 3: Model sea
floor spreading
activity (instructions
in resources)
2012-2013 Week of___10-7-2013 – 10-11-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013
EQ/DBQ: What happens at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones?
PPT materials.
result from the
following plate
In groups, students will boundaries:
create a multi-flow map Convergent collision,
describing the cause
and effect nature of the subduction, transform,
and divergent
process of sea floor
Students will create
visual images of each
Using color for purpose,
type of plate
each student will have
boundary. They are to
their own color to
label each type, and
assess individual
write 1 complete
student participation in sentence as a caption
describing the process.
the creation of the
multi-flow map.
Station 4: Students
will create a tree
individually or in small
groups) to classify the
3 types of plate
boundaries and to
summarize key
information about
each. Be sure to have
student’s complete
frame of reference.
Station 5: Students
will work with
partners to practice
the key vocabulary for
semester 1
Station 4: Students
will create a tree
individually or in
small groups) to
classify the 3 types of
plate boundaries and
to summarize key
information about
each. Be sure to
have student’s
complete frame of
Station 5: Students
will work with
partners to practice
the key vocabulary
2012-2013 Week of___10-7-2013 – 10-11-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 10-24-2013
EQ/DBQ: What happens at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones?
for semester 1
Teacher will show Brain Pop
video that reviews the
concept of Plate Tectonics.
Time permitting; teacher
will review the quick quiz
questions at the end of the
Students will discuss
the process of sea floor
spreading within their
Hand gestures review
as whole class, teacher
will call on students to
show their visual
As ticket out the door,
students will tell
teacher 1 thing that
they learned during
their participation in
stations activities.
As ticket out the
door, students will
tell teacher 1 thing
that they learned
during their
participation in
stations activities.