DIFFERENTIATED LESSON PLAN Suggested Components Name: Renee Smith Subject: Science Date(s): Jan 20, 2016 Lesson Topic: Ecosystems Within Unit on: Relationships Unit Essential Question(s): What is the relation between any system? Time Frame for Lesson: 1 day Lesson Generalization(s): Relationships can be positive or negative. Lesson Essential Question(s): What are the positive or negative relations ecosystems have on people? CCSS/Objectives for the Lesson: Students will learn about ecosystems and the factors that affect organisms that live within those ecosystems. Students will know factors that affect the number and types of organisms and people an ecosystem can support. Essential Standards: 6.L.2 Ecosystems KNOW UNDERSTAND DO Ecosystems Understand the impact of Collect, analyze, infer, Energy ecosystems on other systems explain, draw conclusions Environment Systems Interdisciplinary Connections: In Math, students are learning to display numerical data in plots (number line, box and whisker plots). I will incorporate an option on the choice board to allow students to represent data. In LA, students are writing arguments to support claims with clear reason and relevant evidence. I will incorporate literacy using CCSS argumentative tasks to promote writing arguments. Students will also summarize and paraphrase information in texts. In SS, they are studying the push/pull effect. Students explain the factors that influenced the movement of people, goods, and ideas and the effects of that movement on societies and regions over time. I will connect ecosystems in the regions discussed in SS. Knowledge of Students: There are 27 students in my class. 18/27 are predominantly visual, 6/27 are predominantly kinesthetic, and 3 are auditory. The students enjoy videos for learning, using technology, 1/3 of the students do not enjoy reading. 5/27 have 504 plans (enlarged notes, seating, extended time). One student has an IEP for behavior. All but 2 kids play a musical instrument. Two students are ELL. One student is homeless. (I have completed a student interest survey to get to know their interests: sports, dance, art, music, and science) Time Activating Strategy/Link to Prior Knowledge/Warm-up: 15 min Flower Activity: Students will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will receive one of the petals to get into depth about ecosystems. This will be used as a front loading strategy. The flower of detail will be revisited and new ideas learned will be added. Details: (Student’s Names: 1,2,3,4,5) Value: (Students Names: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Purpose: (Students Names: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Conditions: (Students Names:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22) Function: (Students Names:23, 24, 25, 26, 27) *Possible answers are on page 57 in the DA Binder. Differentiated Activating Strategy The petals are tiered based on ability. It is more difficult to think about the condition and function than it is to think about the details, value, and purpose. Time Lesson/ Content/ Process Activity 15 min The students will use the tiered cubing activity on pages 122-125 in the DA binder. Homogenous groups are formed based on ability to complete the triangle, square, circle, or star group activity. 10 min The groups will then be jig-sawed to make them heterogeneous. The students should check with these students to make sure their work is accurate. 20-25 min New heterogeneous groups will be formed based on the ecosystem chosen (pond, forest, ocean, etc…) from the triangle, square, circle, or star group activity. Have the groups turn the classroom into various ecosystems, showing organisms that live there the factors that affected their lives and the items needed to survive in their ecosystem. Differentiated Content The content is differentiated through learning different ecosystems. A variety of texts (varied reading abilities) and online resources for ecosystems are provided. Differentiated Process Flexible Grouping Depth and Complexity Questions Jigsaw Ecosystem Choice The cubed activity is tiered based on readiness of four groups: above grade, on grade, below grade, and ELL students. Additional help is offered to the ELL and below grade level group by teacher modeling in these groups. Adaptations for Inclusion: Help each ELL student choose the activity that challenges his or her ability and offer additional support needed. Summarizing Activity/Closure (each day if lesson extends more than one day) Time 20-25 min Students will revisit their groups to add to the petal they started with. The students will then use a gallery walk to read and learn about other attributes of ecosystems. Students will take notes as they visit new petals. Some students will be given a note taking guide to help take meaningful notes. Differentiated Summarizing Activity/Closure Guided notes will be provided for the lower leveled and ELL students. On grade and above level students will be able to free lance their notes to promote organization and summarizing of the material. Products/Assessment: Students were given a tic-tac-toe choice board that is an extension of this unit. Students should continue to work on these projects. http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/18258_Gregory_ActDiffClssrm_Gr4_Pages_35_36.pdf Differentiated Products Students will all be assessed on ecosystems. A choice board with a rubric was given to the students at the beginning of the lesson for scoring purposes but students can choose how to present material based on their learning style. A student does not have to use a computer to complete the assignments. However based on KOS, the majority of them enjoy learning using technology and therefore can create products using the computer. The choices on the choice board reflect the students’ interests. Materials and Resource: Shell Education Lesson p.122-125 Planned groups Varied Textbooks on ecosystems Online resources/websites Reflection/Notes: Students did not have enough to take notes for all petals. Tomorrow, after we go over the petals as a whole group, students will take notes on the information gathered from each petal. I need to work with the Details group to solidify their understanding and provide extra support.