Robertson County Board of Education Board Meeting Minutes March 16, 2015 6:30 pm Present: Board Members –John Burns-Chair, Angie Knarr, Marsha Jones-vice, Lauren Hughes, Superintendent/Board Secretary – David Murray, Treasurer – Tracy Teegarden, and District 3 Newly appointed member-Jeremy McCloud Others – Jim Hamm-KDE, Kay Kennedy-KDE, Shelly Williams-Board Attorney, EmployeesHolly Linville-DPP, Cathy Stewart, Frank Gifford, Tammy Gray, Kim Roberts, Diana Wells, Lenita Henderson, Kendra Armstrong, Shanda Gay, Karen King, Steven Tuel, Community/Parents- Cecil Lawson, Patti Price. Meeting was called to order by Chairman- Dr. John Burns at 6:30. All members present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND AMENDMENTS BOARD ITEM 031615-1 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the agenda and amendments. VOTE: 4-0 SWEAR IN NEW DISTRICT #3 BOARD MEMBER Newly appointed District 3 member Jeremy McCloud was sworn in by Notary Tracy Teegarden. APPROVAL OF MINUTES BOARD ITEM 031615-2 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mr. McCloud to approve the February 23, 2015 regular board meeting minutes with a change of 3-1 on the approval of the mission statement. VOTE: 5-0 STUDENT OF THE MONTH RECOGNITION-Jamey Johnson CERTIFIED STAFF OF THE MONTH RECOGNITION-Jamey Johnson CLASSIFIED STAFF OF THE MONTH RECOGNITION- David Murray Mr. Johnson recognized Hadleigh Linville, Rachel Unthank, Alex Schalch, and Lacey Mitchell as students of the month and told them to keep up the good work. Mr. Johnson recognized Tammy Gray as certified staff of the month. Mr. Murray recognized Steven Tuel as classified staff of the month. TEACHER PRESENTATIONS The following teachers presented to the Board what has been occurring within their classrooms: Karen King, Kim Roberts, Kendra Armstrong, and Lenita Henderson. APPROVE CLAIMS AND FINANCE OFFICER`S REPORT-Tracy Teegarden BOARD ITEM 031615-3 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the finance report given by finance officer-Tracy Teegarden. VOTE: 5-0 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mr. McCloud to approve the March Claims. VOTE: 5-0 REPORTS PRINCIPAL`S REPORT-Jamey Johnson Mr. Johnson presented his Principal’s report stating how he has been working on the certified evaluation plan. He shared this plan with the Board by showing the drafted plan on projector. Jenny Ray and Charles Rutledge from area co-ops assisted with the development of the plan. Eleot walkthroughs have begun. DPP REPORT-Holly Linville Mrs. Holly Linville presented to the Board the D.P.P. report stating the average attendance percentage is currently at 94.45%, and current enrollment is at 346. She has worked with KDE officials regarding revising the district’s attendance policies and received infinite campus training. KDE officials will be returning on April 1st and 2nd to assist further. Mrs. Linville discussed with the Board the student testing that has occurred in the district since the last board meeting, and stated that student Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) will be completed by May 15, 2015. She is also researching some RTI programs for the district, and a data team for the school has been developed. The data team is going to work with teachers to get data charts developed within each classroom and other areas throughout the school. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT-David Murray Superintendent Murray presented to the Board that the 30/60/90 day plan strategies are currently being completed within the district. The district has received positive feedback regarding staff greeting students upon entrance of school each morning. Administrators and some staff completed the HUB visit and retained some helpful information that our district can utilize to help test scores. Mr. Murray stated that the District Facilities Plan draft has been completed and will go before the Board at tonight’s board meeting, and then will move on for approval at the June 2015 state board meeting. The district received the new bus purchased this year earlier in the week. Mr. Murray presented the following personnel to the Board: Resignation-C.L. Skip Wagner- C. I. O. effective 3/01/2015 Resignation-C.L. Skip Wagner-District Technology Coordinator-effective 3/13/2015 Hire-Tracy Teegarden-C.I.O. effective 3/02/15 STATE ASSISTANCE PROGRESS/DISTRICT ACTION PLAN-Jim Hamm, Kay Kennedy Mr. Hamm, KDE, presented his state assistance report stating how the district has had KDE officials assisting the school nurse with a health service plan. KDE officials have been assisting the district with revising attendance policies and infinite campus training. KDE officials will be assisting with the head start / preschool utilization plan again this year. Everyone within the district is getting into the 30/60/90 day plan. The district really benefited from the HUB school visit. School needs to develop a process that ensures that student ILPs are being completed and people assigned who will be responsible for assuring these are completed. Mr. Hamm is requesting a diagnostic review be completed over the 3rd standard which is teaching and learning so recommendations can be given on how the district can improve in this area. He still has some concerns regarding district enrollment numbers, but the district is making progress. PARENT REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD Issues resolved before the board meeting. CONSIDER CALENDAR AMMENDMENTS TO HAVE SCHOOL ON MAY 19 (PRIMARY ELECTION DAY) BOARD ITEM 031615-4 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mr. McCloud to approve May 19 as a school day and April 6 as a spring break day contingent upon the Governor`s signature. VOTE: 5-0 SET GRADUATION DATE BOARD ITEM 031615-5 Motion was made by Mrs Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to set graduation date as May 29, 2015 as recommended by school administration. VOTE: 5-0 CONSIDER SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH CONTRACT WITH THE KENTUCKY SCHOOL BOARD ASSOCIATION BOARD ITEM 031615-6 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the use of the KSBA superintendent search service contract at a discounted total price of $4,000 (1/2 of payment due this fiscal year and other ½ of payment due next fiscal year). VOTE: 5-0 APPROVE HPS CO-OP FOOD SERVICE CONTRACT BOARD ITEM 031615-7 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the HPS CO-OP Service Contract. This new service contract will save the district money due to lower food costs compared to our current co-op prices. VOTE: 5-0 APPROVE FY END 2015 AUDITOR PROPOSAL WITH DENISE KEENE BOARD ITEM 031615-8 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the 2015 audit proposal with Denise Keene. VOTE: 5-0 APPROVE TRAVEL REQUEST BOARD ITEM 031615-9 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to approve the following travel requests: VOTE: 5-0 March 10, 2015-Jamey Johnson-CEP Training-Ashland, Ky. March 10, 2015-Rodney Massey-AD Meeting-Paris, Ky. March 16, 2015-Holly Linville-DAC Conference-Lexington, Ky. March 17, 2015-Holly Linville and Jamey Johnson-CITTS Cadre-Ashland, Ky. March 26, 2015-Kim Roberts Preschool and Tammy Gray Kindergarten-Newport Aquarium-Newport, Ky. March 27, 2015-Holly Linville, Jamey Johnson, Thomas Mitchell-IC User Group MeetingFlorence, Ky. March 30, 2015-Brandi Thayer & FCCLA Students-FCCLA State Mtg.-Louisville, Ky. April 29, 2015-Linda Ishmael and Tiffany Turner, Karen Brumagen and Bobbie CollinsIntermediate Grades-State Capital and Ky. History Museum-Frankfort, Ky. April 22, 2015-Christy Graves-Special Ed End of Year Training-Morehead, Ky. March 10, 2015-Jamey Johnson-CEP Training-Ashland, Ky. April 7-8-Driver Trainer Meeting-Steven Tuel -Frankfort, Ky. APPROVE FUNDRAISER REQUEST BOARD ITEM 031615-10 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the following fundraisers: VOTE: 5-0 Central Office and Staff Fundraiser: Spring 2015 Cherry dale Sales to raise funds for copy paper which will benefit everyone in district March 17 – 30, 2015. APPROVE BUILDING USE REQUEST BOARD ITEM 031615-11 Motion was made by Mr. McCloud and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the following building use request: VOTE: 5-0 Robertson County Farm Bureau Fair –September 17-19, 2015 APPROVE DRAFT DISTRICT FACILITIES PLAN BOARD ITEM 031615-12 Motion was made by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mr. McCloud to approve the draft district facilities plan. VOTE: 5-0 APPOINT LOCAL HEARING OFFICER TO CONDUCT THE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE DISTRICT FACILITIES PLAN BOARD ITEM 031615-13 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mr. McCloud to appoint Holly Linville as the local hearing officer to conduct the District Facilities Plan public hearing. VOTE: 5-0 FIRST READING OF HOMEWORK POLICY #08.211 BOARD ITEM 031615-14 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to table the first reading of the homework policy #08.211 until the building leadership team has time to consider board member recommendations. VOTE: 5-0 SECOND READING OF POLICY REVISION FOR GRADUATON REQUIREMENTS POLICY #08.113 BOARD ITEM 03161515-15 Motion was made by Mr. McCloud and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to approve the second reading of policy revision for graduation requirements policy #08.113 effective 2015 Graduating Class. VOTE: 5-0 APPROVE INTERIM DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR EXTRA SERVICE POSITION FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE 2014-2015 YEAR. BOARD ITEM 03161515-16 Motion was made by Mrs. Hughes and seconded by Mrs. Jones to approve the Interim District Technology extra service position for remaining 14-15 fiscal year and to pay $5000 for this position. Superintendent Murray reported to the board that Thomas Mitchell would be filling this position. VOTE: 5-0 OTHER BUSINESS No other business was brought before the board. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO KRS 61.810(F) STUDENT EXPULSION BOARD ITEM 031615-17 Motion was made by Mrs. Knarr and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to go into executive session to discuss student expulsion. Time 9:05 pm VOTE: 5-0 CONVENE EXECUTIVE SESSION BOARD ITEM 031615-18 Motion was made by Mr. McCloud and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to come out of executive session. Time 9:35 pm VOTE: 5-0 EXPULSION STUDENT A BOARD ITEM 031615-19 Motion was made by Mr. McCloud and seconded by Mrs. Hughes to expel Student A for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year with services provided. VOTE: 5-0 EXPULSION STUDENT B BOARD ITEM 031615-20 Motion was made by Mr. McCloud and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to expel Student B for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year with services provided. VOTE: 5-0 ADJOURN BOARD ITEM 022315-22 Motion was made by Mr. McCloud and seconded by Mrs. Knarr to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:52 pm VOTE: 5-0 ____________________________Board Chair ______________________________ Secretary ___________________ Date