47th Tobacco Workers' Conference TITLE & ABSTRACT SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS CHOOSE ONE: Oral Presentation Poster Presentation PRESENTING AUTHOR: Family name should be underlined. E.g.: Smith, R.R., Jr.; Parker, J.B., III, where Parker is the presenting author. Name: Company/Affiliation: Address: Telephone: Email: ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Set in upper and lower case. Family name first, followed by comma, initials, another comma and information such as “Jr.” or “III.” Semicolons separate author names. List the institutional affiliation and location (city, sate, country) of each author. If multiple authors have the same affiliation, list that affiliation only once. Additional Authors - Cut and paste into this cell: ORAL PRESENTATION SESSION TOPIC: Please select your preferred session topic. Final assignment will be made by the Editorial Committee. Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Entomology Tobacco Disease Council Other: POSTER SESSION: See instructions for poster requirements at www.TWConference.com. TITLE & ABSTRACT Title: Capitalize the first word only except for proper names, trademarks, Latin, according to standard practice. Precede subtitles with a colon and capitalize the first word. E.g.: Tobacco harvest mechanization: Cheaper harvesting with new equipment. Cut and paste your title in this cell: Abstract: Must include a brief description of the objectives, the methods used, the results and their implications. The editorial committee reviews and accepts papers based on the abstract. Very short or vague abstracts will not be accepted. A. Copy Length: Maximum 300 words; minimum 180 words, excluding title and authors. B. Abstract Text: (1) Indent four word spaces. (2) Capitalize, italicize or underline according to standard practice. (3) Include in the abstract the Latin name for significant organisms if that information does not appear in the title; underline or italicize Latin if possible. (4) The following notice must appear at the end of every abstract: (Reprinted with permission) C. Key Terms: (1) Provide a maximum of six key terms, excluding organism names mentioned in title or abstract, to assist in indexing. (2) Leave single blank line between abstract and key terms. D. Abbreviations: Do not use an abbreviation without explaining it. All acronyms should be written out in full at the first occurrence, followed by the acronym in parenthesis: subsequent occurrences of the term may be abbreviated. For instance: Enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) was used to identify potato virus Y (PVY) strains in a variety of Solanaceous crops. E. Sample: Smith, E.G., III; Brown, S.E., Jr.; Nicotiana resistant blue mold (Peronospora tabacina). Paper presented at the 40th Tobacco Workers’ Conference, 2002. Infiltration Paper, Inc., 233 Barklay Way, Chattanooga, TN 80009 USA. Telephone: 919-990-8888. Fax: 919-899-7887. E-mail: smith@ca.ut.edu. The first line of the abstract should be indented 4 word spaces. Follow the other directions given for abstract as closely as possible, Remember, your abstract should contain 180-300 words. (Reprinted with permission) Key terms: resistance, Mexico. Abstract: Cut and paste your abstract in the cell below. Please note the following: 1. Authors must follow the Abstract Format outlined above. The senior author of each paper must email this completed form, including the abstract to Andy Bailey, abailey@uky.edu 47th TWC Chair for consideration by the Program Committee. 2. Type or paste in the information into the form, save it to your computer and then attach the completed template to your e-mail submission. 3. Abstracts must be received no later than September 1, 2015. Confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be provided to the principal author via e-mail. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt by September 4th, assume the abstract was not received and contact Andy Bailey, abailey@uky.edu. 4. Only PowerPoint presentations may be used at the conference. If you require other provisions, please contact the Conference Committee no later than October 1, 2015. 5. Company logo is permitted ONLY on title slide. 6. The maximum presentation time is 20 minutes including questions and answers. PERMISSION TO PUBLISH AND REPRINT: (Required for each abstract or poster submission) I grant permission to the Tobacco Workers' Conference (TWC) as follows: (1) Publish the title & abstract in Conference Proceeding and posting industry-related web sites such as CORESTA); and, (2) Unless specifically noted below, to include a PDF version of the PowerPoint slide, or Poster file presented at the conference on the post-conference CD distributed to all attendees. Check here if you DO NOT grant permission to include a PDF version of the PowerPoint slide, or Poster file on the post-conference CD . Electronic Signature: Date of Submission: