Hazard Communication - Brentwood Services, Inc.

Hazard Communication Program
To communicate the ______________________ Hazard Communication Program to all company
To safeguard our employees’ health by providing a management guide for compliance.
To provide our employees with the necessary information and training concerning health
and physical hazards of the chemical chemicals they may encounter.
To maintain compliance with the Hazard Communication Standard for General Industry,
Federal OSHA Regulation CFR 1910.1200
This compliance program will provide the means necessary to communicate information in order to
inform employees of the chemical products which are potentially hazardous and to which they may be
exposed. It will include the following:
Listing of the chemical products that may be handled, used, or stored on project location
or company property.
Assure that appropriate identifying labels are affixed to containers of hazardous
chemicals being used, handled, or stored.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) will be required and procured for all hazardous
chemicals which employees of this company will encounter. MSDS will be available to
employees for those chemicals to which they may be exposed.
Employees will be trained to recognize and interpret labels, warnings, color coding, and
signs affixed to containers that they might handle, in order to avoid potential hazards.
Ensure that each subcontractor and their employees are provided with the necessary
information and precautions concerning such materials.
Chemical: Any element, chemical compound or mixture to elements and/or compounds.
Container: Any bag, barrel, bottle, box, can cylinder, drum, storage tank or the like that contains a
hazardous material.
Brentwood Services Loss Control
Employee: A worker who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal operating
procedures or in foreseeable emergencies. Workers such as office workers who encounter
hazardous chemicals only in non-routine isolated instances are not covered.
Exposure or exposed: When an employee is subjected to in the course of employment to a
chemical in a physical or health nature.
Hazardous Chemical: Any chemical that poses a physical or health hazard.
Immediate Use: The hazardous chemical will be under the control of and used by the person who
transfers it from a labeled container of hazardous chemicals.
Label: Any written, printed or graphic material displayed or affixed to containers of hazardous
Subjected: In terms of health hazards, includes any route of entry (e.g. inhalation, ingestion, skin
contact or absorption).
Hazardous Materials/Chemical Inventory Lists
A list of all hazardous chemical used, transported, stored or otherwise present on
company property will be made available, maintained, and updated in a timely fashion to
reflect the hazardous chemicals to which employees may be exposed.
Provide a company procedure to insure compliance with hazardous chemicals lists’
regulations. These shall include:
Inclusion on the purchase order form a notice that purchase of potentially
hazardous chemicals is conditional upon receipt of the Material Safety
Data Sheet for that hazardous chemical.
Inclusion on the purchase order forms a notice that all hazardous
chemicals must be appropriately labeled.
Material Safety Data Sheets received from the distributor or
manufacturer accompanying the product or other means of transmission
must be maintained in the MSDS notebook(s).
Material Safety Data Sheets (Msds)
Material Safety Data Sheets will be obtained for each hazardous chemical used/handled
by company personnel.
Copies of MSDS’s for all hazardous chemicals to which employees will be exposed will
be maintained in a 3-ring MSDS notebook at each company location. An inventory list
containing the name and manufacturer of each product and the class of those employees
who normally use the product will be kept in the front of the book and shall be updated as
necessary. The book will be kept in a location readily accessible to employees at all
Brentwood Services Loss Control
MSDS’s will be available to all employees in their work area for review during each
work shift. If an employee discovers that a MSDS is not available or a new chemical is
introduced to their work area, they are to immediately contact their supervisor
The analysis provided on the Material Safety Data Sheet by the
manufacturer/importer/distributor will be considered to be accurate and complete.
Each and every container of hazardous material, regardless of size, must be properly labeled, tagged or
marked prior to potential employee exposure.
Original containers containing hazardous chemicals are not removed, defaced, or
otherwise made illegible.
If hazardous materials are transferred from their original containers, the labels on the
containers into which they are placed must be changed to indicate actual contents.
EXCEPTIONS to this rule are made only when materials are transferred from a labeled container to an
unlabeled portable container, intended for he immediate use of the employee who performed the transfer.
Such containers need not be labeled.
Container labels should include the following:
Name of substance in the container.
Appropriate hazard warnings that address both normal use and
reasonable foreseeable misuses, and should consider both physical
hazards as well as health hazards.
Name and address of the manufacturer, importer, distributor, or other
responsible party.
Employee to be trained:
All employees who may be exposed to hazardous materials through use,
handling, transportation, or other means of exposure shall be provided
with information and training regarding the hazards and precautionary
measures to be taken for such exposure.
All employees who are newly hired or
transferred to another location where that person will be exposed to
hazardous materials will be trained prior to their initial assignment in the
Brentwood Services Loss Control
protection needs from improper use or exposure to such hazardous
Training components
An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard
Communication Standard.
Employees shall be informed of the availability, location, and actions
required in order to access the written Hazard Communication Program,
the hazardous chemical inventory list, and MSDS.
Information contained on an MSDS covering the key sections and terms.
Explain health hazards that are associated with chemical usage.
Physical description of chemical hazards.
Employee personal protective measures.
Emergency steps to take in the event of an accident/emergency involving
any hazardous materials.
Special safety and control practices the company uses to reduce exposure
and risk.
Chemicals present on company property that the employee will be
exposed to in the course of their normal employment.
Labeling system used by the company and how to recognize the type and
degree of hazard.
Hazardous non-routine tasks
Periodically, employees are required to perform hazardous non-routine tasks. Prior to starting work, each
affected employee will be given information by their supervisor about hazardous chemicals to which they
may be exposed during such activity.
Specific chemical hazards and exposures including any adverse physical
and/or health effects which may occur.
Protective measures the employee can take.
Measures the company has taken to lessen the hazards including
ventilation, protective equipment, presence of another employee, and
emergency procedures.
Brentwood Services Loss Control
Informing Subcontractors
Any outside company that provides contract services for _____________ shall be provided with the
following information:
Hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on company property.
Specific chemical hazards and exposures.
Precautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposures by
usage of appropriate protective measures.
Prior to starting work for our company, contractors will be required to provide information concerning
chemical hazards that will be brought onto company property.
Brentwood Services Loss Control