this FAQ document - Baltimore City Public School System

SEPTEMBER 14, 2010
Students who are still out of compliance with immunizations on Monday, September 20, 2010
will be excluded from school. Current projections predict that starting Monday, September 20,
City Schools will be forced to exclude upwards of 1,000 students because parents have not
fulfilled their responsibility to ensure compliance with the state immunization requirements. This
document answers frequently asked questions about City Schools exclusion process for students
who have not met the regulations.
Please ensure that this process is implemented when the rules take effect on September 20, 2010,
and make every effort to provide information to parents/guardians so that their children return to
the classroom quickly.
1. Why are students being excluded?
Students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 who fail to comply with the state vaccination
requirements will be excluded from Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) as of
September 20, 2010 in order to comply with state law. COMAR provides that a
public agency may not knowingly admit or retain a child in a preschool program or in
kindergarten through 12th grade, unless the child’s parent or guardian has furnished evidence of
age-appropriate immunizations (or proper documentation of temporary or permanent
2. How many students are likely to be excluded system-wide starting September 20, 2010?
Based on weekly statistics and data from past years, current trends predict more than 1,000
students will be excluded. Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and students in grades 9-12 are the most
3. What final notifications are being given to parents/guardians and students about this
A series of letters and phone calls have been initiated since August to families regarding required
immunizations for students. Schools have also sent letters, made phone calls and, in many cases,
made door-to-door visits since the start of school.
On Thursday, September 16, 2010, each student who still requires immunizations will be given a
letter reminding the parents that the student will be excluded from school starting on Monday,
September 20, 2010. (Letters are available on the Principal’s Dashboard under Student
Information and then Immunizations). It will also include information about where vaccinations
can be obtained. Further, automated phone calls are going out to parents/guardians about the
exclusion from school and with information about where they get vaccines for their child(ren).
The City Health Department scheduled free immunization clinics, and the September dates and
times were shared with all school-based immunization coordinators and are available in the Take
Note section of City Schools Inside.
4. How do I know which students are not in compliance with the new state regulations?
The list of students who are out of compliance in each school can be obtained from SMS. This
report will produce a detailed list of students who are out of compliance and the vaccinations they
need to come into compliance. SMS web reports of non-compliant students are real-time
5. How should schools handle students who come to school on Monday, September 20 who
are out of compliance?
All City Schools should follow the following process:
1. Inform the students that they are out of compliance with the state immunization
requirements and that they must be excluded from attending school until they bring
records documenting that they are in compliance or that they have an appointment to come
into compliance.
2. Call the student’s home to inform the parent or guardian that the student will be excluded
from school until he/she comes into compliance. If the parent can pick up the student from
school, encourage the parent to do so. Parents should be told to keep their child(ren) at
home until they have received their vaccines as required by state law. Please also remind
parents that City Health Department clinics offer free shots; they can find out dates, times
and locations by contacting 410-396-4454.
6. What do we do with excluded students whose parents cannot or will not pick them up
from school on September 20?
Please ensure contact with parents/guardians that day through use of the emergency numbers or
other contact so that students will not return the next day.
7. What should I do if students who are out of compliance receive transportation services?
Yellow Bus Transportation/Taxis – Schools can choose to suspend yellow bus transportation or
taxi services to out-of-compliance students, if necessary, as an extra measure. Schools that
suspend services must communicate with the Transportation Department at City Schools by email ( to stop and then re-start transportation for students.
For more information on transportation, contact the Transportation Department at 410-396-7440.
8. How does this requirement apply to students with IEPs and the services required in their
Students with IEPs are not exempt from the state’s immunization requirements. Schools are not
obligated to provide Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) services during the period of
Documentation of non-admittance from the school office should be given to the IEP Team
Associate to be placed in the confidential folder of the student. The IEP Team Associate must
then record this information on the Communication Log of the Confidential Folder. SMS
attendance records will document the unauthorized absence of the student.
9. How does this requirement apply to students who are homeless?
Per Maryland State Law, a homeless student cannot be excluded from school because of missing
immunizations. The school social worker should be engaged to assist in providing needed
10. How can City Schools help excluded students return to school as quickly as possible?
Parents should first seek arrangements with their doctor for immunization services. Some schools
have school-based health centers equipped to provide vaccines. Parents need only to provide
consent for those shots to be given.
If the student’s doctor is not available or cannot provide services in time for the students to
quickly return to school, the Baltimore City Health Department offers free shot clinics in
September (410-396-4454).
Once students receive the vaccination or required documentation of prior vaccination, students
will be able to return to school immediately upon submitting verification of the vaccination. The
school will then immediately enter this information into SMS.
Please remember and communicate to parents that:
1. Every school has a designated immunizations point of contact who can help parents
through immunizations related questions and issues
2. City Schools encourages parents to stay in close contact with the school so they can
update them as soon as the child’s situation changes
3. Schools are calling parents and sharing Baltimore City Health Department’s September
TIKE immunization clinic schedule that includes locations/times that free shots can be
Contact your Network Business Team Member for direct support.
Baltimore City Health Department: 410-396-4454 or
City Schools Office of Student Support–Health Services: 410-396-8904
Executive Director, Student Supports: Jonathan Brice - 410-396-8672