7.Multilingual-Cente.. - capcsd

Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD)
Global Summit on Higher Education in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Newport Beach, California, Thursday, April 19, 2012
Educating Students to Serve Multilingual-multicultural Populations
José G. Centeno, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, St John's University
Raquel T. Anderson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Indiana University
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Figure 1. Diagnostic framework for language assessment of bilingual persons (adapted from Centeno,
2010; Centeno & Eng, 2005).
First Language (L1)
Second Language (L2)
Individual Language Acquisition Variables
Frequency and Intensity of Linguistic Input
Contexts of Language Practices
Age of Onset of Language Use
Socioeconomic and Educational Factors
Acculturative Variables
L1-L2 Experiences and Gains
Exposure and Use
Linguistic Mastery/Proficiency
Diagnostic Process
Informants’ Reports
Background Information
Bilingualism History Questionnaire
Assessment Procedures
Formal and Informal Assessment
Language Difference vs. Language Disorder
Personalized Intervention
Linguistically-/culturally realistic techniques
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