20 10 - 11 MEETING HEALTH NEED OF URBAN POOR [ Annual Report for the Year 2010-11 UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH | 1 Table of Contents LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 1: BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF UDAAN SOCIETY................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2: ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 QUARTERLY COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDER GROUP MEETING .................................................................................................... 2 2.2 CONVERGENCE MEETING ................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.3 ORIENTATION OF STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.4 WORLD POPULATION WEEK ............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.5 FORMATIVE RESEARCH OF JHCCP ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.6 VISIT BY FHI, VICE PRESIDENT AND CONSULTANTS................................................................................................................ 3 2.7 UDAAN OFFICE VISIT..................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.8 PEER EDUCATOR FELICITATION AWARD .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.9 CONSUMER FACILITATION PROGRAMME ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.10 NUKKAD NATAK IN SLUM AREAS ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2.11 ORIENTATION OF RMP MEETING .................................................................................................................................... 5 2.12 ORIENTATION TRAININGS OF THE STAFF ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.13 COMMUNITY MEETINGS ................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.14 FORMATION OF STAKEHOLDER GROUP MEETINGS .............................................................................................................. 6 2.15 FRONTLINE WORKER MEETINGS...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.16 SERVICE DELIVERY DAY.................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.17 AGRA ORIENTATION MEETING ........................................................................................................................................ 7 2.18 PARTICIPATION IN RALLY OF POLIO AND FEMALE FOETICIDE .................................................................................................. 8 CHAPTER 3: OTHER ASSIGNMENTS OF UDAAN SOCIETY ............................................................................................... 9 3.01 GLOBAL GIVING ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.02 GUIDE STAR ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.03 LIC JEEVAN MADHUR POLICY ......................................................................................................................................... 9 3.04 MOTHER DAIRY ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.05 TECHNOPAK .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.06 CHILD LINE ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 3.07 MID DAY MEAL ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 2 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS ANM ASHA AWW BCG CDC CMC CMO CPECAMI CPR CSG CSM DADI DIP DLHS DMPA DOT DPO DPT DUDA FBO FHI FMDC FOGSI FP GT HIV HPD ICDS IHSDP IPC IUD JHCCP LHV LMO MTP NGO NH NSV OCP ORW PC PD = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Auxiliary Nursing Midwife Accredited Social Health Activist Anganwadi Worker Bacillus Calmette - Guérin Centre for Disease Control Community Mobilization Coordinator Chief Medical Officer Centre for Promotion of Education and Cultural advancement of Muslims of India Contraceptive Prevalence Rate Community Stakeholder Group Contraceptive Social Marketing Doctor Apke Dwar Detailed Implementation Plan District Level Household and Facility Survey Depot Medroxy progesterone Acetate Directly Observed Therapy District Programme Officer Diphtheria, Pertusis Tetanus District Urban Development Authority Faith Based Organization Family Health International Field Monitoring and Documentation Coordinator The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India Family Planning Grand Trunk Human Immunodeficiency Virus ‘D’ type Health Post Integrated Child Development Schemes Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme Inter-Personal Communication Intra Uterine Device John Hopkins center for Communication Program Lady Health Visitor Lady Medical Officer Medical Termination of Pregnancy Non Government Organization National Highway Non- Scalpel Vasectomy Oral Contraceptive Pill Outreach Worker Project Coordinator Project Director UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 3 PE RMP RTI SDD ST (F) STI TBA TO-COCM TT UNICEF UN UP = = = = = = = = = = = = Peer Educator Registered Medical Practitioner Reproductive Tract Infection Service Delivery Days Sterilization Female Sexually Transmitted Infection Trained Birth Attendant Technical Officer for Community outreach and community mobilization Tetanus United Nations fund for Children United Nations Uttar Pradesh UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 4 Chapter 1: Brief Introduction of UDAAN Society UDAAN Society is basically an issue based, grass root, non-government organization registered on December 13, 2004, under the Society Registration Act -1860 and is working in the most backward regions of Aligarh and its surrounding areas. People at UDAAN strongly believe and promote networks and alliances for advocacy of the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. The organization has its central office in Aligarh itself. We have supported governmental programmes dealt with child labour, routine immunization, pulse polio programme, HIV/AIDS, and Family Planning etc. The emphasis of our work is on awareness generation in terms of health education, rights and duties of the people, poverty alleviation, social issues and dissemination of schemes and programme related to development and welfare of general masses. In order to generate understanding about these programmes, our team of volunteer organizes health camps, rallies, wall writing, group meetings, awareness generation camps and other activities of mass mobilization. Our members of working committee as well as in general body are professionals in different streams. They have competencies related to social work, financial administration, human resource management, agriculture, law, public administration etc. with doctorate and Master Degrees in their relevant fields. They are equipped with wide range of experience and exposure. The major thrust of UDAAN Society is the rural development in which the building of human communities, empowerment of rural women and education of the girl children rank supreme. The evolution of the UDAAN Society is but manifestation of sincere selfless desire to serve the mankind. UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH | 1 Chapter 2: Activities at a Glance During the Year 2010 - 11 the UDAAN Society contributed a lot in the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization as a whole. Almost all the activities were replicated in order to ensure the project goes with its pace. With Ten ORWs and Ninty Peer Educators, UDAAN Society worked in the most backward and toughest areas of the Aligarh city. During the period we came with so many activities and tried to initiate the project as per the programme guidelines and detailed implementation plan. The summary of the activities done, objectives, people participated and the outcomes are mentioned below. 2.1 Quarterly Community Stakeholder Group Meeting The objectives of these meetings are too aware the Community about the project goals. The most active and influential community members are invited in these meetings who have greater acceptability and influence in the area. The objectives, goal, strategies and programme activities are oriented to them so that they can spread the information about the project services. Each Peer Educator needs to form at least one group with five stakeholders in each area. 2.2 Convergence Meeting The convergence meeting are organized to disseminate the information at each and every stratum of the slum through respective partners which consist of UNICEF, Social Mobilization network, BMC and their respective CMCs, Local Quacks, Anganwadi workers, Shahayika’s, local political leaders, Teachers, Dai etc. The points of discussion in convergence meeting are the goal and objective of UHI Project, Identification of beneficiaries and information sharing about the potential beneficiaries with social mobilization network. The UDAAN staff specially the Project Director and Project Coordinator informs the general public in detail about the family planning project and call for support to the programme as this will also cater to the need of Polio resistant families in the area. UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH | 2 2.3 Orientation of Stakeholder Meetings The objectives of this Orientation of Stakeholder Meetings are to orient all the Stakeholders of the community about the goals of the project, objective and Strategies of the program, issues of Social Marketing and Contraceptives. Goals of the Project. Objective and Strategies of the program. Social Marketing. Use of Contraceptives. 2.4 World Population Week All the human resource of the UDAAN Society took active participation in World Population Week observed in Deen Dayal Hospital from 11th to 17th of July, 2010. Before this we had contributed in conveying the message in community through IPC with the help of Peer Educators and displaying of banners at different locations. While on 11th and 12th of July we participation in population day and supported in registration, counseling and over all management of the programme. ORWs facilitated the patients in getting the services whereas FMDC and PC both supported in registration and counseling services at the hospital. 2.5 Formative Research of JHCCP A study was made by Sambodhi Research Foundation, Delhi in slums to know how the knowledge, awareness and use of contraceptives methods. This study was part of Formative Research for the successful implementation of UHI project. Under the study, group meeting individual in depth interview of Anganwadi and Doctors in the area was done. The group meetings were held by preparing groups of newly married couples, couples with one child, and couples with two or more than two children. In all thirty five interviews were done. The whole activity was supported by ORWs and PE in their respective areas. 2.6 Visit by FHI, Vice President and Consultants In the month of September UHI consultant Ms. Liza and Mariyam and vice president of FHI Mr. Mike Welsh visited the organization’s working area and met with beneficiaries of male sterilization , female sterilization, DMPA and IUD. Both the visits were successful as UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 3 the visitors appreciated the work done by the organization and saw the worst condition of slums too. Ms. Liza and Mariyam also visited UDAAN office and met with PD, PC, FMDC, ORW of UDAAN and Sharman Sansthan both. Mr. Welsh in the field saw the Mapping and listing exercise done by PE also visited the TO and NTOs in the Dori Nagar, Gandhi Nagar and Bhujpura area. The visit was facilitated by Mr. Mukesh Sharma (City Manager), Mr. Samarendra Behera (TOCOCM), Rashmi Mohanti from Delhi office, Sales Officers and UDAAN team. 2.7 UDAAN Office Visit In the year 2010 - 2011 a special visit was done by Mrs. Elizabeth from FHI, Dr. Vijay, Mr. Lov Agarwal, Mr. Bitra George from FHI, Mr. Gopal Mukerjee (UHI Delhi) along with Mr. Mukesh Sharma (City Manager UHI), Mr. Samarendra Behera (TOCOCM), Mr. Y K Pandey (TO-SM), Ms. Rashmi Mohanty (UHI Consultant), and Ms. Zakiya Arshad (TO Quality Assurance) at Lodhipuram, UDAAN Office, Aligarh as programme reviewer. The Purpose of Visit was to review how UHI project was initiated, criteria for beneficiary selection, how and who to approach for family planning services. Moreover, major achievements in UHI Programme till date, hindrances and support needed from UHI team were also discussed. All the visitors talked with Project director, PC, FMDC and ORW’s about the field realities and how they overcome with the challenges which come forward in the field. 2.8 Peer Educator Felicitation Award On December 19, 2010 UDAAN Society organized a small Peer Educators Felicitation Award Ceremony at Hotel Royal Residency. The chief guest for the programme was Chief Medical Officer Family Planning, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Khattar, Mr. Mukesh Sharma (City Manager UHI), Mr. Samarendra Behera (TOCOCM), Mrs. Rashmi Mittal (TO SM) Dr. Abdul Waheed (Director of CPCEMI), DR. Mohd. Shahid (Reader at Delhi University), Mr. Gyanendra Mishra(Project Director), Mr. Lalit Upadhayay along with the Project coordinator, Accountant, FMDC, ORW’s and Peer educators also participated in the programme. One peer educator from each ORW area was selected for the award. The best peer educator award was carried away by Mrs. Aneesa Begum for highest no. of cases and UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 4 performing her duties with all the sincerities. The ORW award went to Faizan Ahmad for providing highest number of contraceptive service at Bhujpura area. 2.9 Consumer Facilitation Programme On December 14 and 15th, 2010 Urban Health Initiative (UHI) under the guidance of Dr. Y.K. Pandey organized a Consumer felicitation programme in the areas of Naurangabad, Ambedkar colony, Dori Nagar and Bhujpura slum at Yuvraj and Heena Lodge respectively. The objective of these programmes was to facilitate the clients regarding the use of Condoms and Combined Oral Pill and around 100 eligible couples took participation in this programme. This Activity was supported by UDAAN Society in which the Project coordinator along with the ORW and Peer Educator took Active participation in order to make it successful. 2.10 Nukkad Natak in Slum Areas Nukkad Nataks are organized at various slums of Aligarh. The objective of these are to make public aware about the advantages of various Contraceptive methods as they are considered to be more long lasting in comparison to other modes of communication and it is very popular among the general public. The infotainment mode of the programme was to entertain as well as to provide information on the issue of Family Planning. The community realized that it was very much informative and sensitized them as well. 2.11 Orientation of RMP Meeting The Orientation of RMP meetings is held at different slums in which Local Quacks along with the chemist participate. The main mottos of these meetings are to seek support from the quack as they are first referral points at slum level in absence of any qualified doctor. Most of the slum UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 5 dwellers have full faith in them and they can easily motivate the daily patients who visit them. 2.12 Orientation Trainings of the Staff The basic objective of these training programmes are to orient all the Peer educators and Outreach workers (ORW) about the programme goals, objectives, strategies, job responsibilities. It includes specific one day orientation on various Family planning contraceptives like Condoms, Oral Combined Pills (OCP), and Male and Female sterilization, Injectables etc. To add on these IPC, communication and mapping & listing issues were also discussed. 2.13 Community Meetings The objective of these Meetings is to spread Knowledge about the Project in Slum Areas and to improve the services which are provided through the programme. All meetings are supported by ORW, FMDC and held under the supervision of Project Coordinator. In these meetings we discussed about the Goal and objective of the Project, Mother and Child related Diseases and their Problems. Additionally, we discussed about the type of Contraceptive, advantage of Contraceptive, how to use them and the services provided under the Project for the community. The community was made aware about our running Programmes and was ready to accept the services and gave assurance for full cooperation in various activities. 2.14 Formation of Stakeholder Group Meetings Community meetings were held at each slum areas of first phase in order to identify the slum level stakeholders who will help in implementing the programme in their areas. The idea was to identify most active and influential community members through these meeting who have greater acceptability in the area. The objectives, goal, UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 6 strategies and programme activities were informed in these meeting to spread the information about the project services. After the meetings now we have twenty nine stakeholders groups who are ready to help and committed to support us in our project. For wider publicity we did IPC exercise with the help of PE before the meeting and TO and NTOs of the area was also informed to participate in these meetings. 2.15 Frontline Worker Meetings The Frontline Worker meetings are organized to disseminate the information at each and every stratum of the slum through respective partners which consist of AWW, ANM, ASHA, TBA, DOT providers, D type health posts etc. The points of discussion in Frontline Worker meetings are the goal and objective of UHI Project, credibility building about the programme, understanding about the programmes among all the government stakeholders, identification of beneficiaries and information sharing about the potential beneficiaries with social mobilization network. The UDAAN staff informs the general public in detail about the UHI project and call for support in the programme as this will also cater to the need of General public. 2.16 Service Delivery Day During the year 2010 -11 Service Delivery Days were organized at ‘D’ type health posts of Bhujpura, K.K.Jain, Indra Nagar, and Naurangabad and along with the M L G Hospital. Before the day the prospective clients were screened by the Peer Educators with the help of respective ORWs. Total 443 cases of IUD, 208 cases of DMPA, 180 cases of Female Sterilization and twelve case of Male Sterilization received service. In this way, UDAAN Society was able to deliver contraceptive to 843 clients and it was only possible because of the sincere efforts of Project Director, Project Coordinator, ORW and respective Peer Educators. 2.17 Agra Orientation Meeting Two day orientation workshop was held in Agra on 10th and 11th June at Grant Hotel in which Project Directors, Project Coordinators, FMDC participated from Aligarh and Agra UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 7 District. The training program was felicitated by the Technical Advisor Dr. Sainath Banerjee, City Manager, Technical Officers of Agra and Aligarh along with Technical Officer Quality Assurance of Agra. The detail information was given on Goals, objectives and strategies, responsibilities, structure of the people associated with the project and roadmap of the project were defined. Planning and Implementation of the project in the area was given special focus along with all the details of the project. 2.18 Participation in Rally of Polio and Female Foeticide On February and March 26, 2011 UHI Partners, UDAAN Society and Sharnam Sansthan Project Coordinator’s along with their team participated in the Polio and Female Foeticide Rally along with the UHI Staff which constituted of Mr. Samarendra Behera (TO COCM) and Mr. Y K Pandey (TO SM), along with the Chief Development Officer (CDO) of the City, SM NET UNICEF staff which constituted of District Mobilization Coordinator, District Underserved Coordinator, Chief Medical Officer, ACMO, Chief Medical Superintendent, Basic Shiksha Adhikari, World Health Organization SMO, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health Department Family Welfare. The rally started from District Hospital and ended at Gandhi eye Hospital. The objective of this rally was to make people aware about the female foeticide and promote girl child. UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 8 Chapter 3: Other Assignments of UDAAN Society 3.01 Global Giving Global Giving is the project which Unleash the potential of people around the world to make positive change happen. It builds an efficient, open, thriving marketplace that connects people who have community and world-changing ideas with people who can support them. Global Giving is changing the way people give, offering donors a transparent, high-impact giving experience. The project is implemented by UDAAN Society and it is basically for the children reside at platform of Aligarh Junction. These children whose age ranges from 5-16 years don’t have any option but to find themselves in the nexus of exploitation. Their exploitation ranges from sexual, drug abuse, non-availability of education, exploitation by police, improper living conditions, etc. The project will provide an opportunity of education as well as life skill education to these children so that they can come out from the nexus of exploitation. The children will be part of mainstream society and work for the upliftment of themselves as well as community. 3.02 Guide Star Guide Star India provides information of over 1000 NGOs in India in an easy to search fashion to help users connect quickly with organization(s) working in the area of their choice (location/ cause/ type of activity). All information is self-reported by NGOs, however, organizations upload supporting documents such as their tax returns, registration documents and audited accounts. Organizations have undergone different levels of due diligence before being featured on this site. UDAAN society got registered with Guide Star so that it can reach and get connected with more people. 3.03 LIC Jeevan Madhur Policy Insurance and saving is the miracle for down trodden and people living with abject poverty. As this is the group living in highest threat to life, their insurance cover is best social service. When heard about the collaboration of CNRI with LIC for the JEEVAN MADHUR policy, Organization took initiative to work on this issue. The best part of policy is that it is been implemented through member NGOs of CNRI and not through any of the traditional agents. 3.04 Mother Dairy Mother dairy project purpose is of collecting milk in and around Aligarh. UDAAN society who is responsible for covering maximum area for collecting milk, reporting, organizing group meetings with local farmers, coordinating in financial support from banks and other institutions for livestock, supporting in immunization of livestock, and providing recent technological updates to farmers in the area of dairy development. The objective of the project is to generate employment, to create awareness among the poor farmers regarding the advantages of dairy farming, train them in newest technologies and enhancing their annual income, to encourage activities like dairy farming, where women can actively UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 9 participate, to look into alternative finance activities for the farmers who are interested in dairy farming, to disseminate information about Modern and well established scientific principles, practices and skills to obtain maximum economic benefits from dairy farming, to increase the number of milk collection centers and to cover maximum villages for collecting the milk. 3.05 Technopak Technopak is a project about unemployed youths who belong to below poverty line (BPL) family who are educated at least till standard 5TH and should be of or above eighteen years of age. They will be provided a training of four to five days at the training center at Ludhiana and after the successful completion of the training they will get the placement in the company. 3.06 Child Line Childline stands for vulnerable children 24 hours of the day, 365 days of the year. A phone number that spells hope for millions of children across India, Childline is India's first 24-hour, free, emergency phone service for children in need of aid and assistance. Whether one is concerned adult or a child, he or she can dial 1098, the toll free number to access the services. We UDAAN Society are handling the project as Collaborative organization and we will not only respond to the emergency needs of children but also link them to services for their long-term care and rehabilitation. Childline project is associated with destitute children, a child - friendly nation that guarantees the rights and protection of all children. We work for the protection of the rights of all children in general. But our special focus is on all children in need of care and protection, especially the more vulnerable sections, which include, Street children and youth living alone on the streets, Child laborers working in the unorganized and organized sectors, Domestic help, especially girl domestics, Children affected by physical / sexual / emotional abuse in family, schools or institutions. Children who need emotional support and guidance, Children of commercial sex workers, Child victims of the flesh trade, Victims of child trafficking, Children abandoned by parents or guardians, Missing children, Run away children, Children who are victims of substance abuse, Disabled children, Children in conflict with the law, Children in institutions, Mentally challenged children, HIV/ AIDS infected children, Children affected by conflict and disaster, Child political refugees, Children whose families are in crises. 3.07 Mid Day Meal Organization under the aegis of Department of Primary Education has launched a mid day Meal distribution programme in three school of urban Aligarh. Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan there is provision of distribution of mid day meal for children studying in primary schools. The organization at present is distributing the meal in two schools, one in the area of Soron block of Kashi Ram Nagar in which 1295 children’s are being provided meals and the other one are Patiyali and Bhargain nagar panchayat. UDAAN SOCIETY, ALIGARH| 10