University of Mary Washington Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness Assessment Activities Reporting Template 2014-2015 Directions: Use this template to document your assessment activities for the year. This template temporarily replaces assessment documentation in the University wide assessment management system pending the acquisition and implementation of the new assessment management system. Answers should provide enough details on your assessment plan and the results gathered throughout the year. The completed template should be ready, reviewed by your supervisor and sent directly to the Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness by June 1, 2015. College Department Program Mission Statement Student Learning Outcomes CAS Historic Preservation Historic Preservation Historic Preservation focuses on the research, maintenance, conservation, advocacy, and interpretation of historic sites and structures often expressed as heritage studies or cultural resource management. Historic Preservation supports the mission of the University by providing opportunities for students to gain a deeper and richer understanding of America's cultural and ethnic diversity and the ramifications of technological innovation and social change on quality of life while immersing the students in heritage research and interpretation at the local and regional levels. 1. Ability to identify and categorize artifacts. 2. Application of advocacy and leadership skills. 3. Appreciation of historic resources in modern society. 4. Appreciation of the evolution of the preservation movement in America. 5. Appreciation of the role of culture in the study of history. 6. Comprehend the multidisciplinary nature of preservation. 7. Develop the vocabulary of historic preservation and its processes. 8. Explain and analyze distinctions of form, time, and space. 9. Research the evolution of historic resources. 10. Skill in application of field methods. 11. Skill in conducting oral interviews. 12. Skill in inspecting and evaluating historic resources. 13. Skill in producing hard line architectural drawings. 14. Skill in recording observances of historic resources. 15. Skill in using photographic equipment. Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness Ver.1.0 16. Skills in using computers in the analysis and documentation of historic resources. SLOs assessed Identify SLOs assessed during the year. [Each program must assess at least two learning outcomes.] Assessment Methods Provide details on the assessment methods used for each SLO assessed during the year. [E.g. For SLO 1, students in URES 201 will complete an essay at the end of the year. The essays will be assessed using a rubric that measures four qualities of the paper (see attachment). For SLO 2, a standardized test that measures…will be administered to PHIL 432 students at the beginning and end of the course.] Success Criteria Preferred outcomes from the assessment results [ E.g. At least 80% of students will rank at or above the average level on the rubric. 75% of the students will rank in the 90th percentile of the national average.] Results Details of the assessment results. [This may include trends, pattern, strengths and weaknesses, and any other observations that support the assessment process. Provide as much details as possible. Also cite and reference any supporting documents.] Supporting Documents Documents that support the assessment plan and results. [E.g. rubrics, Assessment Coordinator Supervisor Date Michael Spencer assessment data, homework samples, artifacts, etc.] Andrea Livi Smith Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness Ver.1.0