APPENDIX I MAIN USERS OF THE LABOUR COST SURVEY 2012 USERS BASIC NEEDS SATISFACTION OF USERS´ NEEDS Statistical Service The LCS is the basis for the LCI. National Accounts have expressed interest in using the LCS data for their estimations. For the LCI, the Labour Cost Survey provides the main basis for the computation of actual hours worked as well as the estimation of other variables not available from any other sources. It also provides the basis for the computation of the quarterely hours worked for short term statistics Ministries Ministries are interested in the basic measures of the Labour Costs and their impact in the Labour Market. The Survey gives them a more complete direction int he governments effort to formulate its labour policies The various ministries have been our major users for the results extracted from the Wages and Salaries Surveys and the Labour Cost Index. In the past years we had observed a great interest in the results fo the LSC. Other Government bodies(i.e Central Bank of Cyprus) The Central Bank of Cyprus has been using the labour cost statistics for examining the performance of the economy as well as for short-term and medium term forecasting. The Central Bank is a frequent user of short-term statistics (Labour Cost Index) For the Central Bank, LCS is a rich source of information, for labour costs Enterprises Trade Unions/Employers´ Associations Enterprises have been very interested in the LCS data. Labour cost statistics from the Wages and Salaries Survey have been used a a tool for formulating their human resource policy Data from the LCS 2000 and 2004 was used as a guideline in the negotiations of the collective agreements. The various trade unions have expressed their interest to have the results of the LCS 2008 The Survey gives the enterprises a complete picture of the Labour Costs in the various sectors of the economy. The Labour Cost Survey provides an extra input of information as regards the benefits provided for the employees Students/Pupils Research Centres and Universities Eurostat Other European and International Bodies Information on LCS is mainly requested by students majoring in economic and social sciences Students have an extra source of information as regards to the labour costs in various economic activities. The only problem is that they only have four series of the same type of information(2000, 2004, 2008, 2012). Their most frequent demands concern annual updates concerning the increases in earnings and labour costs.With the absence of the annual surveyof Wages and Salaries, students refer to the annual earnings and the Labour Cost Index. There has always been a great demand for labour cost statistics for research purposes. Research centres and úniversities are very interested for the LCS 2012 Results. Cyprus has an obligation to comply with the Council and Commision Regulations concerning the production of Labour Cost Statistics Cyprus has complied fully with thev requirements of the European Legislations. Comparability with other European countries can therefore be achieved . The LCS is conducted and sent to Eurostat based on specific European Regulations. Cyprus has complied fully with thev requirements of the European Legislation on the completion of the specific survey.Comparability with other European countries can therefore be achieved .