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Welcome to LawTech Futures 2014
Netlaw Media and Charles Christian
Present the 3rd Annual
LawTech Futures – The Future of Legal Technology
QEII Conference Centre – London, United Kingdom
Following capacity sell outs in 2012 & 2013, Netlaw Media and Charles Christian of the Legal IT
Insider are proud to announce the 3rd annual ‘LawTech Futures 2014 – The Future of Legal
Technology’ will return to London, United Kingdom on Tuesday 25 th March 2014.
With LawTech Futures 2012 & 2013 reaching capacity sell outs 4 weeks before the events took place,
Europe’s largest legal technology conference and exhibition will return to the world class QEII
Conference Center in Westminster, London to be staged over a floor space of over 2,500 square
As one of the world’s leading legal IT events, ‘LawTech Futures 2014 – The Future of Legal
Technology’ will offer three presentation stages including a 450 seat conference room delivering
multi-stream conference sessions, keynote presentations, panel discussions, interviews, debates and
interactive demonstrations.
With the Inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee confirmed as Keynote Speaker,
‘LawTech Futures 2014’ will continue to step aside from the traditional and often mundane legal IT
event structure by bringing together some of the most highly respected professionals from both the
legal and commercial technology worlds to examine and explore the new range of systems,
processes and platforms that will drive law firms and legal businesses into the next decade and
Following on from the success of the 2013 event, ‘LawTech Futures 2014′ will also offer over 70
exhibitions with some of the world’s best known suppliers showcasing a range of new systems and
upgraded technology as well as the best legal and commercial technology on the market.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee - Inventor of the ‘World Wide Web’ to Keynote ‘LawTech Futures 2014’
Netlaw Media & Charles Christian are proud to announce Sir Tim Berners-Lee as Keynote Speaker of
‘LawTech Futures 2014 – The Future of Legal Technology’ in London on the 25th March 2014.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a pioneer and advocate of the Internet age, and is best known as the inventor
of the World Wide Web.
Sir Tim is currently with the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, he
Directs the World Wide Web Consortium (a Web standards organisation) and is also a Director of the
World Wide Web Foundation which funds and coordinates efforts to advance the potential of the
Web to benefit humanity by creating programs that help give access to the Web often in developing
countries. In addition, Sir Tim is also a Founding Director of the Web Science Trust, which promotes
the multidisciplinary study of the web and its effects on society.
In 2001, Sir Tim became a Fellow of the Royal Society and is the recipient of many international
awards including the Japan Prize, the Prince of Asturias Foundation Prize, the Millennium Technology
Prize and Germany's Die Quadriga Award.
In 2004, Sir Tim was knighted by H.M. Queen Elizabeth and in 2007 was awarded the Order of Merit
(one of 22 living members bestowed as a personal gift of the Queen).
In 2009, Sir Tim was elected a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences, and in the
same year, the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that Sir Tim Berners-Lee would work
with the UK Government to help make data more open and accessible on the Web.
Having been ranked joint first in ‘The Telegraph's list of 100 greatest living geniuses’, on the 18th
March 2013, Sir Tim along with Vinton Cerf, Robert Kahn, Louis Pouzin and Marc Andreesen, was
awarded the ‘Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering’ for ground-breaking innovation in engineering
that has been of global benefit to humanity.
Photos from LawTech Futures 2012 – The Future of Legal Technology
Speakers & Chairpersons of LawTech Futures 2013 – The Future of Legal Technology
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London – Venue for the 2013 LawTech Futures Event
Event Organisers
The LawTech Futures series of events are produced by Netlaw Media, Europe’s most successful
legal events and media organisation behind a record eight major ‘sold out’ law events in succession,
in association with Charles Christian, the world’s most widely-read legal IT commentator.
The ‘LawTech Futures’ series of events is in no way associated with any other event or event
organiser which has recently begun using an extension of the word ‘LawTech’.