

Lithosphere Earthquakes Unit Study Guide

1) Complete the table.


Boundary Stress Changes land how?

(decrease volume, twist, or pull/stretch)

Fault Zone (Rift or subduction)

Feature (ridge or trench)



Transform *************** *************

2) How many seismographs are necessary to find the precise location of an epicenter?

3) Why does a rock fracture along a plate boundary?

4) Match each of the following with one of the following waves. a. primary b. secondary c. surface

_____ I. fastest seismic wave

_____ III. moves land in push/pull motion

_____ II. does not pass through outer core

_____ IV. slowest seismic wave

_____ V. refracts when enters outer core

_____ VII. moves land in an up/down motion

_____ VI. always first wave to be registered by a seismograph

_____ VIII. responsible for most structural damage

_____ IX. does not pass through molten/liquid material _____ X. moves land in direction perpendicular to wave motion

_____ XI. moves land in same direction as wave motion _____ XII. moves land in all directions, both p and s motions

_____ XIII. absence of this wave in seismogram indicates seismograph is on opposite side of Earth upon which earthquake's epicenter located

5) What other than lava is emitted into the atmosphere during a volcanic eruption?

6) Circle the earthquake description that you believe would cause the most structural damage for each pair. a. 1) 5 km deep, magnitude of 3.5 b. 1) 30 km deep, magnitude of 4.0 c. 1) 90 km deep, magnitude of 5.5

2) 5 km deep, magnitude of 4.0 2) 15 km deep, magnitude of 4.0 2) 10 km deep, magnitude of 5.0

7) Seismograph A records a lag time of 25 seconds between the P and S waves, B records a lag time of 15 seconds, and C records a lag time of 50 seconds. a. Which seismograph recorded data for an epicenter that was closest in proximity? b. Which seismograph recorded data for an epicenter that was furthest in proximity?

8) Volcanoes and earthquakes mostly occur along _______________ _________________.

9) Circle the best word in each pair to complete the sentence.

Volcanic mountains, found along (oceanic-oceanic, oceanic-continental) convergent boundaries, and ocean ridges, found along (divergent, transform) boundaries, are both examples of volcanoes. While they both are volcanoes in that they allow magma to flow onto Earth's surface, (violent, relatively slow) eruptions are more common along ( trenches, ridges).

10) Draw line from the earthquake terminology to the appropriate definition. focus area at Earth's surface, directly above fracture fracture epicenter fault area along Earth's surface, evidence of quake activity break that occurs due to excessive sress upon rock area beneath Earth's surface, exact location of rock's fracture





11) Use the map to answer each of the following. Circle one or both of the letters that satisfy the statement. a. found along a divergent boundary, F and B b. likely to experience quake or volcano, D and A c. found along a convergent boundary, G and E d. not likely to experience a quake or volcano, B and D e. found along a subduction zone, H and G

12) g. likely to experience a quake or volcano, E and F f. found along a rift zone, F and H h. more likely to have a violent volcanic reaction, G and C


Using the above seismograms, match the letter, or letters, that best describes the statements below.

_____ I. seismograph is in the p wave shadow zone

_____II. seismograph is closest to the epicenter of an earthquake

_____III. seismograph reads only p waves

_____ IV. seismograph is on side of Earth opposite of which earthquake occurred

_____ V. seismograph reads both P and S waves

_____ VI. seismograph read waves that only passed through the mantle

13) Lahar can (increase/decrease) deposition of sediment, (block, create new) tributary systems, and bury/destroy communities.

14) Underline each of the following related to convergent boundaries, circle those related to divergent boundaries, and strike a line through those related to transform boundaries. land is compressed land is pulled/stressed land is twisted reverse fault ocean ridge subduction trench shear stress land slides past each other volcanic mountains rift zone normal fault strike slip fault tensional stress volume decreased
