Biology Interactive DNA Computer Labs

Name ______________________________________________
Date _________________
Biology Interactive DNA Computer Labs
Objective 3.01
Directions: Today you will be using different interactive websites to simulate
DNA replication, protein synthesis. Afterwards, you will perform virtual lab
techniques and analysis. Go to the following websites in the order listed below. Once you have
completed the activity, continue by going on to the next website listed and proceed until you
have finished. (Make sure the volume on your computer is off.)
1. DNA WORKSHOP: Perform the DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis Activities
Go to & read the introduction
a. Click on "DNA Workshop Activity" hyperlink
b. Click on “DNA Replication” tab and follow the directions...Answer the following
questions as you work to replicate DNA.
i. Unzip the DNA. What happens to the molecule in a real
ii. The DNA now resembles a ________________. Enzymes, special kinds of
_________________, move up the ladder, breaking the rungs.
iii. Match bases to make two new DNA strands. G matches ________ and A
matches _________.
iv. What Happened: Each human chromosome, for example, contains
_____________________ of base pairs. All human chromosomes contain
______________________ pairs.
c. Click on “Protein Synthesis” tab and follow the directions...Answer the following
questions as you work through protein synthesis.
i. Unzip the DNA.
ii. ____________________: Matching DNA and RNA bases to make mRNA
iii. Match bases to make a mRNA strand. T matches _________, U matches
___________, and G matches ___________.
iv. What Happened: In a real cell, the RNA molecule would be anywhere
from ___________ to _____________ bases long.
v. An RNA molecule transcribed from DNA is called
________________________, or mRNA for short. The mRNA now moves
____________ from the DNA and leaves the cell's ______________.
Outside the nucleus, _______________ attach themselves to the mRNA.
vi. Translation: Match ___________ anticodon to mRNA codon.
Name ______________________________________________
Date _________________
vii. What Happened: A ribosome has attached itself to the ____________.
The mRNA bases are grouped into sets of three, called _______________.
Each codon has a complementary set of bases, called
_________________. Anticodons are a part of _________________ RNA
(tRNA) molecules. Attached to each tRNA molecule is an _____________
viii. What Happened: The ribosome moved right, making space for the next
tRNA. The first tRNA will float ___________ from the ribosome, leaving
its amino acid behind.
ix. What Happened: The ___________________ chain, the protein under
construction, is now three amino acids long. Protein synthesis will end
when _____________________________________________. The
ribosome will then release the polypeptide chain.
2. Click on “TRANSCRIBE AND TRANSLATE A GENE” and read the instructions.
a. Transcribe the DNA sequence by typing in the appropriate letter to represent the
correct nitrogen base.
b. Translate the RNA sequence using the codon chart provided. List the sequence of
the amino acids in the protein you created:
________________ ________________ _________________ _________________
c. Read the information provided below and to the right of the interactive window and
complete the blanks below.
1. The DNA that makes up the human genome can be subdivided into information
bytes called ____________. Each gene encodes a unique protein that performs a
specialized ____________in the cell. The human genome contains more than
___________ genes.
2. Cells use the two-step process of transcription and translation to read each gene
and produce the string of _________ ___________ that makes up a protein. The
basic rules for translating a gene into a protein are laid out in the __________
Genetic Code.
Click on the back arrow to return to the “Learn. Genetics” page
Name ______________________________________________
Date _________________
3. Click on “WHAT IS A PROTEIN?” Watch the slides and fill in the blanks below as you go.
You will need to click on “next” after each slide.
a. Proteins are the _______________ that make all living things function. Every cell
contains _____________of proteins that work together to run the cell.
b. What role do proteins have in sending a pain signal to the brain? Nerve cells
create a network, like a telephone wire.
 The receiving end of each cell in line has ______________ ____________ on its
 They are responsible for picking up the ___________ and passing it along to the
next cell.
 ____________________proteins help the nerve cell to have branches and hold
them in place.
 Each ____________in the DNA codes for how to make an individual protein.
Close out of the protein window.
Click on the Learn.genetics “home” button
Click on Extracting DNA under VIRTUAL LABS
Click on “start lab”
a. Why would you need to extract DNA? ____________________________
b. DNA needs to be purified away from proteins and other cellular ________________.
c. What cells are collected? _______________________
d. How many cells are on the swab? _________________
e. The ______________solution is use to break apart the cells.
f. The _______________ in the lysis solution causes the cell membrane and the
nuclear membrane to release its DNA.
g. Proteinase K, an_____________, is used to cut apart the histones to release the
h. The salt causes _____________and cellular debris to be clumped together.
i. After spinning in the centrifuge, the proteins and debris sink to the bottom, whereas
DNA is present throughout the ____________.
j. Alcohol is added to the fluid with DNA because DNA is not ____________ in alcohol.
k. Once the liquid is removed, DNA can be allowed to dry and then be stored in the
freezer for ______________ years or used right away for further testing.
Name ______________________________________________
Date _________________
5. RACE THE CELL: Go to:
1. Your body needs more than ____________ proteins to keep working properly.
2. ________________breaks apart the DNA molecule, so it can make a copy
3. Once a copy of the DNA is made, the DNA zips back up and the mRNA molecule
passes through a ___________ of the nuclear membrane.
4. The ribosome moves along the mRNA and matches it to the correct sequence of
5. It took you _____ seconds to build a small part of a protein. In the same time, a
speedy cell could have created ______________________ complete proteins.
6. MAIZE MUTANTS: Corn’s ten chromosomes DNA Sequencing provides new tools for understanding
crop traits and for selecting for desirable traits with greater efficiency.
Go to the following web page. (Make sure your volume is off)
Click on the play button to begin. Click on chromosome 1 to reveal descriptions of some
genes on the chromosome. You will need to move the arrow down the chromosome to
expose the genes.
Give at least one characteristic/trait that is carried on each chromosome..
Chromosome 1. _________________________________
Chromosome 2. _________________________________
Chromosome 3. _________________________________
Chromosome 4. _________________________________
Chromosome 5. _________________________________
Chromosome 6. _________________________________
Chromosome 7. _________________________________
Chromosome 8. _________________________________
Chromosome 9. _________________________________
Chromosome 10. ________________________________
Turn your name into a sequence and see how different types of mutation can affect
your name! Go to: