Dr Ngiam Tong Tau

Dr Ngiam Tong Tau
Brief CV
Dr Ngiam is currently Chairman of Sky Urban Solutions Holdings Pte Ltd. He also sits on the
Boards of several food and agriculture related companies. Dr Ngiam has special interest and
experience in preventive veterinary medicine; veterinary public health; food safety; sustainable
Agrotechnology in the peri-urban and urban areas; pig and fish farming and animal waste
management and treatment. He currently provides consultancy and technical support services
in these areas to several companies in Singapore, Vietnam and China.
Dr. Ngiam Tong Tau, a Colombo Plan Scholar, is a veterinarian who graduated from the
University of Sydney with a Bachelor in Veterinary Science in 1968. He also obtained his Doctor
of Philosophy (PhD) in Veterinary Medicine from the Royal Veterinary College, University of
London, UK in 1974.
Dr. Ngiam had been at the helm of agriculture and veterinary developments in Singapore over a
span of 21 years from 1984 until 2005. As the Director of Primary Production, Ministry of
National Development from 1984 until 1999 and as the Chief Executive Officer and Director
General of the AgriFood and Veterinary Authority of Singapore from 1999 until his retirement
in August 2005, Dr. Ngiam had been responsible for all matters pertaining to food, agriculture
and veterinary medicine in Singapore. He was responsible for establishing a Food Safety
Program which has kept the food supply safe for Singapore. He also established programs to
ensure adequate overseas sources and supply of safe food for the Singapore market. He is
recognized as the architect for the development of Agrotechnology Parks as well as Aquaculture
in Singapore and for keeping Singapore free from exotic infectious diseases in plants, animals
and fish. Dr. Ngiam was also an Adjunct Professor at the School of Biological Sciences, National
University of Singapore from 1993-2005.
For his distinguished service, Dr Ngiam has been awarded several national honours including
the Meritorious Service Medal; the Public Administration Medal (Gold); Friend of Labour
Award; the National Trade Union Congress Meritorious Service Medal and Honorary Fellow,
Singapore Institute of Food Science and Technology.