Review the Bed Net Dialogue`s Compliance Questionnaire and

Bednet Industry Dialogue
Industry Action Commitments
This Compliance Questionnaire and Checklist has been prepared by the
Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. It is meant
to serve as a resource for private sector actors wishing to adhere to the Industry
Action Commitments set forth in Section 2.1 of the Bed Net Industry Dialogue’s
Report—Improving Global Bed Net Procurement: Stakeholder Action Proposal (July
2009). Private sector actors can use this checklist as a compliance roadmap for
completing the Model Certification Statement attached hereto as Appendix A.
1. Adoption of Code of Business Conduct
Has the company adopted a code of conduct demonstrating commitment
to globally accepted business conduct principles, including those that are
contained in the United Nations Global Conduct Principles?
2. Infrastructure and Training
Does the company have an appropriate infrastructure for implementing
and controlling adherence to its code of conduct? Does it require training
for all staff that will facilitate their understanding of applicable business
conduct principles and their role in achieving adherence to them?
3. Documentation
Does the company have policies and procedures to fully document
implementation and adherence to its code of conduct?
4. Review of Programs
Has the company reviewed the adequacy of their current compliance
training programs and where appropriate strengthened their current
5. Compliance Guidelines
Has the company developed and implemented clear compliance
guidelines for the bed net industry?
6. Agents and Distributors
Has the company strengthened oversight of its agents and distributors
involved in the bed net industry?
7. Mechanisms for Reporting Concerns/Violations
Does the Company have in place communication channels and other
mechanisms for making and receiving complaints about non- adherence
to its code of conduct? Is there in place a procedure for diligent
investigation of such complaints and a policy of corrective action where
non-adherence is confirmed?
8. Audit
Does the company regularly audit adherence to code of conduct
specifically as they apply to the bed net industry? Has the company taken
demonstrable and documented steps to assure that the principles in its
code of conduct are being adhered to by its staff, agents, and distributors
in the bed net industry?
Appendix A
On behalf of [Insert Company Name] (“the Company), I hereby certify that the
company has:
1. Reviewed its Industry Action Commitments (“Commitments”) described
in the Bednet Industry Dialogue Stakeholder Action Proposal dated June
14, 2009;
2. Determined that the Company’s Commitments are adequately addressed
in the Company’s [Insert names of Company’s relevant Corporate Codes
and Policies] (Ethics Policies);
3. Audited the Implementation of the Company’s Ethics Policies as they
apply to Company’s activities in the Bednet Industry; and
4. Verified through such audit that the Company’s Ethics Policies have been
adequately implemented in regard to Company’s activities in the Bednet