2014-2015 Bilingual Peer Tutoring Program Claudia Kassner The Bilingual Peer Mentoring program was designed with the primary objective to assist entering level #1 and emerging level # 2 English Language Learner students. The bilingual- peer mentor students’ participants in the program will experience the opportunity, under the supervision of the bilingual counselor, of tutoring entering level# 1 and emerging level# 2– English Language Learn (ELL) students in their core classes: such as math, science, and social studies. West Jordan High School BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Table of Content I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Purpose and Rationale Action Plan Detailed Description of Project 2014-2015 Bilingual Peer Mentors Pictures Program Data Results/Outcome Additional Actions Taken Bilingual Peer Tutoring Students’ Comments Teachers Survey Results Program Results/Outcome Statement 1 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Purpose and Rationale of this Bilingual Peer Tutoring Project (Why was this project chosen?): In the past three years the percentage of Hispanic student enrollment at WJHS increased by 5%. And this year (2014-2015) 22% of WJHS student enrollment was composed of Hispanic students. And out of the 22% of the Hispanic students, 8% of these students did not speak English and did not have the academic background to succeed in school. The data clearly shows there was a need to develop a Bilingual Program to assist our 8% Hispanic students. Action Plan: Action Plan Stakeholders Involved Activity Timeline Met w principal to identify project September 2 of 2014 Principal and me Project identified To develop a program to assist English language learner (ELL)students Proposal Informal Presentation September 3 of 2014 Principal, me, registrar, counselors, attendance of office head secretary, special ed. Life skills specialist Met with the Life Skills specialist to gather ideas on how to create the program disclosure Met with the registrar September 4 of 2014 Heather Tester and me September 4 of 2014 Registrar and me 2 Anticipated Results Discussed ideas and benefits of the bilingual peer mentoring program to assist English Language Learner (ELL) students. Requested a copy of the Peer Tutor Disclosure Requested Skyward students’ enrollment by student ethnicity Notes/Other Brainstorming ideas on how create a mentoring program to assist new students who don’t speak English. 1- Develop the program disclosure and student orientation before recruiting students. Looked for some ideas on how to develop the Bilingual Peer Mentoring disclosure Analyzed the 2014-2015 students enrollment and identified the number of Entering- English language BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER development (ELD students data and determined who needed assistance Conference call with the district counselor specialist September 4 of 2014 Nancy K and me Requested to create a course number for the Bilingual Peer Tutoring program Met with September 5 of counselors and 2014 Spanish teachers to ask for outstanding bilingual students’ referral. Counselors, Spanish teachers, and me Identified potential bilingual students who would be great role models for the new English Language Learn (ELL) students. Meet with potential bilingual candidate students interested in participating in the program. Proposal results September 5- 25 of 2014 Several potential bilingual candidates and me September 5 of 2014 Principal, me, vice principals, and counselors, attendance office secretaries, Selected more than one bilingual student per period. Total of 20 students. Total was more than we expected. Highlighted the outcomes and benefits of the program would have on student 3 Findings: Course number should be created and approved before the end of first quarter October 30th. District specialist said that a new course number could not be created for this school year, so we decided to use the existing Peer Tutoring course # 02075 then. 2- Analyzed bilingual students’ academics, attendance, and behavior. 2- Interviewed bilingual existing students to participate in the program. Bilingual Peer Tutoring students would provide interpretation and translation BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER counseling office secretaries, registrars, life skills specialist, and district counselors specialist Met with the English Language Development teacher September 5 of 2014 ELD teacher and me learning, parents, school participation, teachers contribution, and graduation rates. Support from stakeholders. Identified ELL students who would benefit from the Bilingual Peer Mentor Program. services to Entering English language learner (ELL) students, parents of ELL students, and school staff. Went over the English language development (ELD) list and identified students who needed help the most. 1. Detailed Description of Project The Bilingual Peer Mentoring program was designed with the primary objective to assist entering level #1 and emerging level # 2 English Language Learner students. The World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) system classifies students with level #1 language proficiency as students who do not understand or speak English with the exception of a few isolated words or expressions. It classifies students with level #2- language proficiency as students who understand and speak conversational and academic English with hesitancy, who also have difficulty in understanding parts of lessons and simple directions and who are at a preemergent or emergent level of reading and writing in English that are significantly below grade level. To qualify to participate in The Bilingual Peer Mentoring program, students would need to speak another language other than English or be willing to creatively and patiently repeat the teacher’s instructions to the ELL student to whom he or she will be 4 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER mentoring. Also, the bilingual peer mentor students will be required to act as a role model to their mentees and be in good standing with the school community. They must have good behavior, good school attendance, and be on track for graduation. In addition, the bilingual peer tutoring students would need to feel comfortable interpreting for the school offices when it is needed. Moreover, the bilingual peer mentor students need to have the passion and ability to inspire their mentees, and to follow school policies and procedures as well as to teach the mentees how to use the school facilities. The bilingual- peer mentor students’ participants in the program will experience the opportunity, under the supervision of the bilingual counselor, of tutoring entering level# 1 and emerging level# 2– English Language Learn (ELL) students in their core classes: such as math, science, and social studies. As well as assisting in the counseling center, attendance office and main office with such tasks as: Interpreting from Spanish, Portuguese to English for staff as needed. Being a role model for the Entering- English language learner (ELL) students. Assisting Entering English language learners (ELL) new students in their native language by: explaining and showing their schedule and classrooms, showing and teaching how to use their locker, the lunch process, and encouraging ELL students to participate in one or more of the school extra-curriculum activities. Tutoring and helping ELL new students with homework and class assignments as needed. 5 Answering parents’ phone calls in their native language and communicating BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER with the office staff in English. Helping with the organization of Spanish Latino parent night event. Facilitating the communication between office staff and parents who do not speak English by converting one spoken language to another. 6 Helping the Skylerts specialist with Spanish. BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 7 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Program Data Results/Outcome Total of classes passed Q1 in 2013- 2014 and 2014-2015 A comparison of ELL students who did not receive bilingual services in 2013-2014 school year with ELL students who did receive bilingual services in 2014-2015 school year quarter 1 R,I 4 Q,H 8 6 P,G 9 2 8 O,F 8 N,E 8 4 2013-2014-Q1-Classes Passed(33) 8 M,D 2014-2015-Q1-Classes Passed(61) 3 L,C 3 K,B 7 3 8 J,A 0 0% 8 5 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Total of classes passed Q2 in 2013- 2014 and 2014-2015 A comparison of ELL students who did not receive bilingual services in 2013-2014 school year with ELL students who did receive bilingual services in 2014-2015 school year quarter 2 R,I 3 8 Q,H 6 P,G 8 3 8 O,F 9 N,E 3 M,D 3 L,C 8 6 9 J,A 0 0% 9 2014-2015-Q2-Classes Passed(57) 6 1 K,B 2013-2014-Q2-Classes Passed(34) 3 7 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Total of classes passed Q3 in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 A comparison of ELL students who did not receive bilingual services in 2013-2014 school year with ELL students who did receive bilingual services in 2014-2015 school year quarter 3. R,I 5 8 Q,H 8 P,G 8 1 8 O,F 6 N,E 6 M,D 3 L,C K,B 7 6 6 J,A 0 10 2014-2015-Q3-Classes Passed(61) 8 6 0% 2013-2014-Q3-Classes Passed(41) 9 7 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Total of classes passed Q4 in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 A comparison of ELL students who did not receive bilingual services in 2013-2014 school year with ELL students who did receive bilingual services in 2014-2015 school year quarter 4. R,I 3 Q,H 6 7 P,G 7 4 9 O,F 3 N,E 0 10 M,D 2013-2014-Q4-Classes Passed(27) 4 L,C 0 8 K,B 6 3 J,A 0 0% 11 2014-2015-Q4-Classes Passed(60) 9 8 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Total of No Grades in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 A comparison of ELL students “No grades” who did not receive bilingual services in 2013-2014 school year with ELL students “No grades” who did receive bilingual services in 2014-2015 school year semester 1 12 10 8 2013-2014- Semester 1 -NGs (31) 6 2014-2015- Semester 1 - NGs ( 0 ) 4 2 0 J,A 12 K,B L,C M,D N,E O,F P,G Q,H R,I BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Total of No Grades in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 A comparison of ELL students “No grades” who did not receive bilingual services in 2013-2014 school year with ELL students “No grades” who did receive bilingual services in 2014-2015 school year semester 2. 10 9 9 8 7 6 6 5 2013-2014- Semester 2 -NGs (22) 4 2014-2015-Semester 2 NGs ( 4 ) 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 J,A 13 0 K,B L,C 0 M,D 0 N,E 0 O,F 0 P,G 0 Q,H 0 R,I BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Additional actions taken to help these ELL students succeed in school • Met with parent and phone calls were made regularly regarding students’ attendance, required shots, school dress code, transcripts, and graduation requirements • Calls were made home every time students missed school • On-going conversations with teachers regarding student’s progress happened on a regular basis • Ideas on how to use differentiated teaching strategies were discussed with some teachers who asked for help • Students were removed from class where differentiated strategies were not applied to help students to succeed • Teacher training on how to use differentiated teaching techniques was scheduled to help teachers teach ELL’s student more efficiently • Ongoing conversation with the BPT students about how to encourage their assigned ELL's student to learn and speak English. This happened on a regular basis. Bilingual Peer Tutoring Students’ comments: 14 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 15 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 16 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 17 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 18 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 19 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER 20 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Bilingual Peer Tutoring Program Teachers’ Survey 23 Responses • Summary Have you ever taken advantage of our bilingual peer tutoring program translation services? If yes, how helpful was the program? • no • I have not but I think its an excellant idea! • So far the tutor is doing great. Sometimes I have to remind her to teach the students and not do it for them! • These services have been very helpful. As an office employee I frequently have a need to communicate with Spanish-speaking students and have used the peer tutors to translate for me. • No. • I think the program is great. It is much easier to assist students and have them understand what is required of them when they can have it spoken in their home language. • I have not. • No • No- but I want to! • yes, it was very helpful. • Yes, helped several students I have that speak almost no english. • Yes! • No, I have not used this program. I teach Spanish so all of my students need a bilingual peer tutor basically... ;) • Yes. It was helpful until my peer tutor stopped showing up and now I rely on another student in class to help. • Not yet, but I plan to in the future. • The program has really helped our students succeed better in school. • i love having a student who is dependable and helpful who can translate for me. I am not bilingual (my high school Spanish did not stay with me unfortunately,. 21 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER • Yes! I currently have two tutors who help translate for four of my ESL students. They have been crucial in my student's success. I have no experience with ESL and am not endorsed so their help is greatly appreciated! • yes. One of the bilingual peer tutoring students helped me understand one of the parents when they came into the Counseling Center one day. Have you ever taken advantage of our bilingual peer tutoring program translation services? If yes, how helpful was the program? • yes, the translation was helpful • No. • I have not. • No • The tutor was able to help me understand a parent that needed interpretation. What do you think about the bilingual peer tutoring program • I believe it did until the tutor no longer showed up. • awesome • Most definitely! They are the reason my ESL students are successful. By having them involved I am also learning how to modify my practices so that my ESL students can be more successful. • don't know • ? • i think that is a good idea. If non speaking English students can interact with peers that do and that peer can help them learn English,I believe they will be better off. • Yes they have understood a lot better. • I am certain that the program has helped both me and my students in the classroom. My students are more likely to stay on task, take better/more complete notes, and score higher on tests when a translator is their to read to them. • It seems to be doing quite well. • Fantastic! • I think it is a great idea and very needed at our school. • Even though I have not used it, I think it's great! I can only imagine that it's helping the students. • Yes! • I think this is one of the most helpful services at our school. It has made a huge difference for our ELL population. • I don't know if any of my students have used it, so I don't know. • I think it's awesome! 22 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER • I think the idea is wonderful, and I would guess that it is very helpful. However, because I have not used it, I cannot say for sure. • I am fortunate in that my peer tutor is able to help more than one student in my class. These students are doing much better with her help. • I work in the Counseling Center and I see the tutors mentoring and helping their students with homework and finding their way around the school. I think it will help them in the classroom tremendously. To what extent do agree with the following statements about the bilingual peer program? a) My English language learner (ELL) students are benefiting from the translation services provided by the bilingual peer tutoring students Strongly agree 10 52.6% Agree 7 36.8% Disagree 2 10.5% Strongly disagree 0 0% b) The bilingual peer tutoring students have helped my English language learner (ELL) students to learn the subject taught in my classroom 23 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Strongly agree 7 38.9% Agree 8 44.4% Disagree 3 16.7% Strongly disagree 0 0% c)The bilingual peer tutoring program is helping my English language learner (ELL) students to feel more at ease using English Strongly agree 7 41.2% Agree 7 41.2% Disagree 3 17.6% Strongly disagree 0 0% d)The bilingual peer tutoring program is helping my English language learner (ELL) students to be engaged in the classroom's activities Strongly agree 24 8 47.1% BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Agree 8 47.1% Disagree 1 5.9% Strongly disagree 0 0% Do you think that WJHS should continue with the bilingual peer tutoring program next school year? Yes 22 100% No 0 0% Do you have any suggestions for improving our bilingual peer tutoring program? • I believe that It could help if the program is done differently. It needs to be known through out the school, because not every student is aware about the program. Perhaps I am not well informed, if so please send me something so I can become aware and guide ELL students to the area where they need to go for help. • There is a struggle to find students that are willing to participate in the program. And often times, they miss class on extremely important days, such as test day. Would it be possible to have a "back up" translator? A student who might not be wiling to help in the classroom everyday, but might be will to be a TA in the counselor office and pitch hit for classrooms that are in temporary need for the day. I don't know that having the peer translators have encouraged most of my students to speak English in any way. But it has enables them to succeed in math class in spite it. 25 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER • After the ELL have been helped the first year, allow them to be mentors for new students in the next school year. If they are teaching it to others, it will help them to continue to master the English Language. • My answers are all disagree because of the fact that my tutor stopped showing up about 3 months ago. • I don't know if you did this this year or not, but I think it would be helpful to make sure that the tutors have training on how to effectively tutor in 2 languages and to make sure that the student is still paying attention to the real teacher and trying to understand instead of just relying only on the peer tutor... • yes • I don't actually disagree, but I don't know if any of my kids are using it, so I don't know if it has helped them, but it is making me choose... Important things to consider: (1) Try to avoid pulling kids from core classes--then they miss information/assignments/activities and are even more behind. (2) Make sure the tutor performs well in that subject. It the tutor doesn't understand the subject, they will not be able to accurately translate subject-specific concepts into Spanish, and neither one is likely to know the "technical" terminology in Spanish. This is true for science, art, history, or any other subject. • Do the peers get credit for the tutoring? Maybe give them more credit, or some how link it to an award at graduation. • Often my tutors are either late or absent. Luckily, I have a student in the class who speaks Spanish and is willing to move to help my ESL students, but this is a very big problem. If this bilingual student was not in my class, my ESL students probably would not be as successful, as my tutors are frequently late or absent. 26 BILINGUAL PEER TUTORING PROGRAM BY CLAUDIA KASSNER Program Results/Outcome Statement Based on the above students’ quarter 1 and quarter 2 grades’ results, students’ first semester attendance school results (NG’s), Bilingual Peer tutoring students’ comments, and teachers’ program survey, the outcome of our bilingual peer tutoring program has been successful. To make certain that our bilingual peer tutoring program continues to be successful in helping our ELL students learn the academics while acquiring the English Language, data will be collected every year, teachers and staff survey suggestions’ will be implemented, and bilingual peer tutoring students will be carefully selected to participate in the program. 27