Agricultural Science 2013 Extended response template


1. Save this template to your school network or computer and alter it for your own assessment design or copy the below information into your school-based assessment instrument template.

2. Delete the information that is not relevant to your assessment, e.g. if the task is for Year 11, delete the Year 12 conditions. Information is provided in tables so to delete, highlight the row you wish to remove, right click, and select Delete Rows .

3. Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.

4. Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no red text remains.

5. Delete this instructional text.

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Agricultural Science

Extended research response — Extended agricultural investigation (EAI) or

Response to stimulus

(delete Extended agricultural investigation (EAI) or to stimulus depending on the instrument type and remove the bracketed text)


Insert context


Insert task and/or stimulus material. An extended response to stimulus involves students responding to stimulus materials related to agricultural issues or problems. Stimulus materials are known or provided materials/sources and concepts. This may include case studies, media articles, quotes, statistics, images or industry standards/data. Students respond to a seen question or statement using data, researched information, primary and/or secondary sources.

Specialised extended research response: Extended agricultural investigations (EAIs)

Students investigate an open-ended practical research question using laboratory or field-based methods to collect primary data. EAIs follow an inquiry-based investigation process. The total time taken for the various parts of the process would usually be several weeks. The process includes student research, primary data collection and the development of a response.

In conducting EAIs, students:

 formulate research questions, hypotheses and plans for investigation if appropriate

(development of these may be group or individual, and teacher or student-directed)

 complete risk assessments to identify potential hazards and ensure animal welfare and ethics requirements are met

 collect, select and organise agricultural information from primary and/or secondary sources

 analyse information and interpret agricultural information to compare research results and agricultural industry standards if relevant

 evaluate information to draw conclusions and make decisions and recommendations, including modifications to equipment and procedures

 justify conclusions, decisions and recommendations

 communicate to audiences through a written, spoken or multimodal research response

 maintain a scientific journal to accompany the research response. The main aims of the scientific journal are to:

maintain a log of the stages of the inquiry-based investigation, including modifications to equipment and procedures


note the primary data collected by the student in the laboratory or field.

Scientific journals do not contribute to the word limit, but may be used to support judgments about the objectives. The journal or sections of the journal may be included in the verification folio if required to substantiate teacher judgments. Common elements of scientific journals may include:

 research questions and/or hypotheses

 plans for agricultural investigations including modifications

 primary data, including qualitative and quantitative data

 conclusions, decisions and recommendations.

Supporting documentation — Extended research response

When an Extended response is presented as a spoken or multimodal response, supporting evidence must be provided.

For spoken and multimodal responses supporting documentation may include:

­ research

­ notes or annotations

­ summary of findings

­ journal entries or log book

­ seminar brief or conference paper

­ a recording of the response (as appropriate).

Conditions — Extended research response

Year 11

written response 800 –1000 words

spoken 3 –4 minutes

multimodal 3 –5 minutes

students may use class time and their own time to conduct research and develop a response

Year 12

written response 1000 –1500 words

spoken 4 –5 minutes

multimodal 5 –7 minutes

students may use class time and their own time to conduct research and develop a response

Conditions — Extended response to stimulus

Year 11

written response 600 –1000 words

spoken 3 –4 minutes

multimodal 3 –5 minutes

students may use class time and their own time to conduct research and develop a response

Year 12

written response 800 –1200 words

spoken 4 –5 minutes

multimodal 5 –7 minutes

students may use class time and their own time to conduct research and develop a response


1. Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.

2. Make the standards instrument-specific. (Words may not be added to the standards except to specify the issues, problems, concepts, recommendations, and audiences and purposes.)

3. The following words may be used in the singular: issues, problems, concepts, recommendations, and audiences and purposes.

4. Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no red text remains.

5. Delete this instructional text.

Insert school-specific information (if required)


Instrument-specific standards matrix

Standard A

The student work has the following characteristics:

thorough definition and description of agricultural concepts

thorough explanation of agricultural systems using agricultural concepts

discerning and systematic application of understandings to agricultural issues and problems.

Standard B

The student work has the following characteristics:

definition and detailed description of agricultural concepts

detailed explanation of agricultural systems using agricultural concepts

systematic application of understanding to agricultural issues and problems.

Standard C

The student work has the following characteristics:

definition and description of agricultural concepts

explanation of agricultural systems using agricultural concepts

application of understandings to agricultural issues and problems.

The student work has the following characteristics:

formulation of questions, hypotheses and plans for agricultural investigations

Standard D

The student work has the following characteristics:

definition or simple description of agricultural concepts

simple explanation of agricultural systems using some agricultural concepts

simple application of understandings to agricultural issues and problems.

The student work has the following characteristics:

formulation of simple questions or hypotheses, and use of given plans for agricultural investigations

Standard E

The student work has the following characteristics:

statement of aspects of agricultural concepts

statement of aspects of agricultural systems

statement of agricultural concepts or systems somewhat related to agricultural issues or problems.

The student work has the following characteristics:

use of given questions or plans for agricultural investigations

The student work has the following characteristics:

formulation of purposeful and relevant questions and hypotheses, and thorough plans for agricultural investigations

purposeful and methodical collection and organisation of agricultural information

thorough analysis of agricultural information from reliable and valid primary and secondary sources

thorough interpretation and comparison of research results and industry standards.

The student work has the following characteristics:

formulation of relevant questions and hypotheses, and detailed plans for agricultural investigations

methodical collection and organisation of agricultural information

detailed analysis of agricultural information from valid primary and secondary sources

detailed interpretation and comparison of research results and industry standards.

collection and organisation of agricultural information

analysis of agricultural information from primary and secondary sources

collection and partial organisation of agricultural information

simple analysis of agricultural information

partial collection of agricultural information

identification of basic relationships or patterns

interpretation and comparison of research results and industry standards.

simple interpretation or comparison of research results and industry standards.

statement of results.


Standard A

The student work has the following characteristics:

Standard B

The student work has the following characteristics:

thorough evaluation of agricultural information to draw logical conclusions and make purposeful and relevant decisions and recommendations

reasoned and valid justification of conclusions, decisions and recommendations about agricultural issues and problems

coherent and clear communication using wellchosen language conventions suited to purposes and audiences.

detailed evaluation of agricultural information to draw logical conclusions and make relevant decisions and recommendations

valid justification of conclusions, decisions and recommendations about agricultural issues and problems

clear communication using appropriate language conventions suited to purposes and audiences.

Standard C

The student work has the following characteristics:

evaluation of agricultural information to draw conclusions and make decisions and recommendations

justification of conclusions, decisions and recommendations about agricultural issues and problems

communication using language conventions suited to purposes and audiences.

Standard D

The student work has the following characteristics:

simple conclusions drawn or basic recommendations made

simple justification of conclusions or recommendations

communication using inconsistent language conventions.

Standard E

The student work has the following characteristics:

statement of opinions

inconsistent use of evidence that supports opinions

communication using language conventions which impede meaning.

