Strategic Plan Goals and Activities

UW-Stevens Point
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Partnership
Strategic Goals and Activities
Goal #1: Develop a model for AODA prevention and intervention that will engage a diverse group of stakeholders and various
departments in its implementation.
 Review and select appropriate campus-specific planning models
 Secure Chancellor’s approval
 Develop and sustain campus coalition (core, management, Prevention Partnership)
 Ensure best practice for coalition sustainability
 Recruit and train members
 Ongoing: engage members in community readiness, biennial review, training, and intervention activities
Goal #2: Develop guidelines, data collection processes, and training components to support enforcement and sanctioning
 Develop and adopt sanctioning grid
 Provide training on sanctions; Maxient; enforcement practices
 Publicize consequences for campus violations, sanction grid
 Sanction grid process implemented for all student organizations, available online
 Sanction grid plus VC letter disseminated at fall semester
 Develop community enforcement standards and sanctions for UWSP students
 Increase publicity about sanctioning for external partners
 Review campus models and recommend changes
Goal #3: Establish and implement system for AODA-related policy development, review, revision, and dissemination. (Review at
alternating biennial reviews-every 4 years)
 Implement drug screening policy for all student athletes
 Local keg registration ordinance
 Explore alcohol-free residence halls
 Enhance awareness of personal liability
 Inform parents of policies (at summer orientation) to encourage discussions with respective student
 Guidepoint document disseminated to all student organization members; holds all student organization policies including the
alcohol policy
 Residence hall posters include AOD policies
 Discussion about policies at floor and hall meetings each semester
 Ensure mandatory re-recognition process for all student organizations, annual
 Engage Advisors to student organizations in training, three-year cycle
 All student organization alcohol-related events must be submitted for review with the Assistant Director
 Mandatory pre-season meetings include expectations of all student athletes; content includes policy review
Goal #4: Establish minimum standards, enforcement protocols, and consequences for conduct related to AOD use as related to official
and unofficial university and academic activities.
 Investigate models, policies, protocols in practice at other institutions
 Conduct key informant interviews to gather suggestions and potential solutions
 Standards, protocols, and consequences should be developed and vetted
 Include select initiatives in the biennial review (standards, protocols, and consequences should be reviewed systematically)
 Include initiatives in training of personnel
Goal #5: Improve evaluation practices within programs and services including expectations for knowledge, skill and behavioral
 Provide training on evaluation
 Include various offices (Residential Living, Student Health Promotion, Counseling Center, Student Health Service, EAP)
Establish a minimum set of standards for campus programs
Establish evaluation measures for various campus programs
Establish PACE (Personal Alcohol-Control through Exploration) follow-up
Establish BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) follow-up
Evaluation should also include mandated referrals
Evaluation should also include informal follow-up
Goal #6: Establish communications plan and curriculum to share AODA-related data, prevention strategies, resources, and alcoholfree options for faculty, staff, and student employees.
 Consult other institutional plans, promotions, and guidelines
 Become compliant with biennial review recommendations (develop promotional piece to meet biennial review minimum
 Establish and maintain current web presence
 Promote student assistance programs and services for AODA issues
 Include content in new faculty/staff orientation
 Create promotional piece to serve as a resource
 Offer presentations to campus organizations
 Provide staff trainings
 Alcohol-Wise program made available to campus for review
 Check-Up To Go-Alcohol availability
 Check-Up To Go-Marijuana availability
 Include training and materials for off campus employers
 Establish off-campus outreach strategy
Goal #7: Provide quality education through programs and services—increase knowledge of the effort/knowledge of the issue by using
best practices as advanced by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, and related research findings.
 Implement and sustain a universal prevention program for UWSP students; Alcohol-Wise for all incoming students
 Implement and sustain an intervention program for selective and indicated populations (student-athletes and Greek-letter
 Implement and sustain an individualized brief alcohol education intervention (BASICS) for referred students
 Develop and adopt curriculum for first six weeks
 Social Greek organizations conduct risk management
 Adopt alcohol-free activities
 Implement and sustain an alcohol education group course with Tier 1 strategies
 Correct misperceptions and challenge alcohol expectancies
 Ensure clinical service includes assessments and education (AUDIT completed and reviewed with practitioner, including BMI
and/or referral to counseling)
 Alcohol education programming provided by RHA
 SGA sponsored Zombie Run with ‘mocktails’
 Alcohol education programming provided in residence halls
 Outreach by Counseling Center’s Ed and Prev Coord
 Explore parental education and communication as a beneficial strategy for prevention or intervention
Goal #8: Develop, implement, evaluate, and sustain initiatives to reduce negative consequences from student drinking in the
immediate surrounding communities.
 Off campus initiative to promote the top five issues of concern and how to prevent (noise, vandalism, litter, parking/traffic,
 Involve the Dean of Student’s Office in accountability
 Develop landlord communication
 Involve local city leaders on housing ownership and reports
 Involve local city law enforcement on problem locations
 SGA Clean-up and related initiatives