Session Name: Pacific Lamprey: Understanding Their Mystic Biology and Decision Making in the Face of Uncertainty Title: Artificial Propagation of Pacific Lamprey: Riverine Rearing Site Suitability and Feasibility Evaluation in the Methow, Chelan, Entiat and Wenatchee Basins Presenter: David B. Conlin Authors: Conlin, David B. GeoEngineers, Inc. 1101 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, WA 98402 253.383.4940 Monahan, John T. GeoEngineers, Inc. 600 Dupont Street Bellingham, WA 98225 360.647.1510 ABSTRACT Pacific lamprey have exhibited dramatic population declines in the entire Columbia River Basin. As part of FERC license obligations to achieve No-Net-Impact (NNI) for the Rocky Reach Hydroelectric Project (RM 473.7), Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County (Chelan PUD) has been implementing measures in its Pacific Lamprey Management Plan. GeoEngineers was contracted by Chelan PUD to coordinate and develop a planning document to identify potential methods, facilities and riverine sites for development of an artificial propagation program that would mitigate for unavoidable impacts to lamprey at Rocky Reach. The focus of GeoEngineers work was to identify potential suitable natural riverine sites for juvenile rearing in the Methow, Chelan, Entiat and Wenatchee River basins. Use of riverine sites is desirable to alleviate spatial requirements of structured rearing facilities (hatcheries) due to extended time requirements for juvenile lamprey larvae development, which may take up to seven years before they are ready to migrate. GeoEngineers worked with members of the Rocky Reach Fish Forum (RRFF) to develop site evaluation criteria and identify potential suitable riverine sites for rearing juvenile lamprey. We then performed field evaluations of top sites, recommended a sub-set of these sites for further consideration, and made specific recommendations for additional monitoring and feasibility evaluations. We documented findings in a Pacific Lamprey artificial propagation feasibility study and edited additional material provided by the USGS and USFWS regarding early life history artificial production methods and rearing facility requirements, producing a comprehensive Pacific Lamprey Artificial Propagation planning document. The report will be used by Chelan PUD and the RRFF to provide juveniles for passage studies at the Project and potentially for restoration efforts in the Upper Columbia once effect studies are completed. Student Presenter: Oral Presentation No.