Independent EPA appointed auditor announced

Gasworks Arts Park
Project update
9 November 2015
Independent EPA appointed auditor announced
An Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) appointed environmental auditor has been
engaged by the Victorian Government’s Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) to provide
independent oversight of contamination management works at the Gasworks Arts Park in Albert Park.
Mr Paul Fridell of Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd (ERM) ( has
been engaged by DTF to undertake an environmental audit as outlined in s53X of the Environment
Protection Act 1970 (the Act).
Mr Fridell holds a Bachelor of Science (Geology) and Master of Environmental Science Hydrogeology)
from the University of Melbourne and has over 20 years’ experience in contaminated land assessment
and remediation in Victoria, nationally and internationally. Mr Fridell is supported by local and
international contaminated land experts at ERM.
Environmental auditors are appointed by the EPA based on the recommendation of an expert panel.
The panel evaluates the auditor’s knowledge and expertise in assessing and managing contaminated
land. The integrity of the audit system depends on the independence of the environmental auditor.
The Act states that an environmental audit must assess the nature and extent of harm, or risk of harm,
to the environment posed by an industrial process or activity, waste, substance or noise.
Environmental audits, such as the one that will be undertaken at Gasworks Arts Park, will deliver
authoritative, independent and transparent advice and recommend measures to reduce identified risks
to the environment.
This is a new audit (s53X environmental audit) which is a slightly different statutory environmental audit
(s53V environmental audit) to the one undertaken previously. No opinion of suitability for use is
required under a 53V audit, hence the earlier audit only considered the risks of harm posed to the
environment by the former site activity (gasworks) and associated contamination.
The work of CH2M and the independent environmental auditor will help DTF and the City of Port Phillip
get a better understanding of the contamination at the Gasworks Arts Park and the best way forward.
What are the next steps for the environmental audit?
The environmental auditor notified the EPA of his engagement at the commencement of the audit. The
environmental audit report will be conducted in accordance with EPA guidelines and in consultation
with the EPA.
Meeting the EPA’s requirements is essential during proposed further assessment and any
contamination management works at the Gasworks Arts Park.
How do I find out more:
Further general information on the EPA Environmental Auditing System can be viewed on the EPA
More detailed information on environmental audits is provided in EPA Publication 860.1 which can be
downloaded at:
More information about the Gasworks Arts Park is available at the City of Port Phillip website. You
can also contact ASSIST by calling 03 9209 6777 or by emailing