Faculty of Health & Social Sciences Bachelor of Nursing HEAL 5026 INTRODUCTION TO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE MIDWAY AND FINAL CLINICAL ASSESSMENT 2015 Competencies Based on the Nursing Council of New Zealand Competencies for the Registered Nurse Scope of Practice (2005) 1 Faculty of Health Science Bachelor of Nursing CLINICAL SUMMARY for all 4 domains - Professional Responsibility; Management of Nursing Care; Interpersonal Relationships; Inter-professional Healthcare & Quality Improvement Student Name: Student Number: Clinical Teacher Clinical Placement Dates: From: To: Clinical Location: Days Present: Course: Days Absent: Final Summative Feedback: Student Comments : Pass / Fail Signature: Clinical Lecturer/Teacher Date: Signature : Student Date: INCIDENT FORM (Unitec Admin & Clinical area specific) Course Code Date of Incident Location Ward Policy Followed Unitec Policy Followed Clinical Teacher Signature Student Signature SUSPENSION FROM CLINICAL PRACTICE (Unitec Admin & Clinical area specific) Course Code Location Date of Suspension Reasons for Suspension Notify PL/HOD Date of Corresp. Date of NPC mtg Outcome of Suspension FACULTY OF SOCIAL & HEALTH SCIENCES - DEPARTMENT OF NURSING BACHELOR OF NURSING CLINICAL SUMMARY for all 4 domains- Professional Responsibility; Management of Nursing Care; Interpersonal Relationships; Inter-professional Healthcare Quality Improvement *Midway Feedback: *Strategies for achievement: Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 Student Comments : Achieved / Not achieved Signature: Clinical Lecturer/Teacher *Copy signed by student Date: Signature : Student Date: Domain One: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Midway Final Final COMMENTS On target PASS FAIL Competency: Accepts responsibility for ensuring that his/her nursing practice and conduct meet the standards of professional. Ethical and relevant legislated requirements. Practices in accordance with relevant legislation/codes/policies under guidance, and uses professional standards of practice Adheres to dress code , is punctual – informs relevant people of sickness Can demonstrate knowledge and principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in relation to patient care, the patient and whanau Competency: Promotes an environment that enables client safety, independence, quality of life and health Recognises the potential for physical, psychological and cultural risk to all people who enter the health care environment .Takes steps to problem solve, report compromised pt safety and promote pt safety Demonstrates knowledge of institutional emergency procedures and how to access emergency equipment Maintains infection control principles by recognising and managing risks to meet the best needs of the clients Competency: Practices nursing in a manner that the client determines as being culturally safe Identifies cultural and social factors that influence client well being, e.g. religion, nutrition, personal beliefs Demonstrates an awareness of how their own culture and values can impact upon nursing practice Domain Two: MANAGEMENT OF NURSING CARE Competency: Provides planned nursing care to achieve identified outcomes Undertakes practice procedures and skills in a competent and safe way at 500 level Demonstrates effective use of the Nursing Process when identifying a problem, setting a SMART GOAL, planning, implementing, rationalising and evaluating nursing care. Prioritises nursing actions to ensure effective and safe nursing care Recognises and reports alterations in health status based on appropriate knowledge Midway Final Final On target PASS FAIL COMMENTS Ensures that all documentation, and verbal handovers are articulated clearly and accurately Competency: Undertakes a comprehensive and accurate nursing assessment of clients in a variety of settings. Ensures documentation is accurate and maintains confidentiality o Undertakes assessment in an organised and systematic way Demonstrates beginning competence with the assessment phase of the nursing process Assesses normal baseline data and documents accurately and in a timely manner Competency: Ensures the client has adequate explanation of the effects, consequences and alternatives of proposed treatment options Discuss ethical issues related to health care/nursing practice Recognises and discusses the need for each client to be fully informed to maximise the potential for self determination. Clients will be aware of their options and the consequences should they refuse treatment Midway Final Final COMMENTS On target PASS FAIL Competency: Evaluates client’s progress toward expected outcomes in partnership with clients and provides health education appropriate to the needs of the client within a nur Recognises and discusses the potential for health teaching when planning nursing interventions employing a patient focus. e.g. Diabetes, medication. Demonstrates an awareness of health promotion appropriate to the placement. e.g. safety Identifies criteria for evaluation of expected outcomes of care Competency: Reflects upon, and evaluates with peers and experienced nurses, the effectiveness of nursing care at a beginning level With guidance: Becomes aware of values, beliefs and assumptions, recognising what effects these have on own nursing practice. Recognises own level of practice and identifies direction for ongoing development by actively seeking opportunities to develop relevant clinical knowledge and skills Domain Three: INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Midway On target Competency: Establishes, maintains and concludes therapeutic interpersonal relationships with client. Demonstrates respect, empathy, confidentiality, interest in client and patient privacy Establishes rapport and trust with the client Is able to critique own language ability both verbal and non-verbal, using available resources to enhance communication Final Final PASS FAIL COMMENTS Midway On target Final PASS Final FAIL COMMENTS Competency: Communicates effectively with clients and members of the health care team. Language is adapted appropriately, to the context of client and/or health professionals Endeavours to establish alternative communication methods when clients are unable to verbalise or when English is their second language Domain Four: INTERPROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE & QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Competency: Collaborates and participates with clients, colleagues and members of the health care team to facilitate and coordinate care. Communicates appropriately with clinical teachers, faculty and other health team members and knows what is expected of him/her as a student Identifies appropriate nursing information and communicates this to other team members Understands the role of other health professionals and collaborates when planning client care Competency: Participates in quality improvement activities to monitor and improve standards of nursing. Bases nursing judgements on current nursing knowledge and research by delivering evidenced based - care with a rationale Examines nursing situations and identifies appropriate nursing care with assistance