1 Options for the abatement of methane and nitrous oxide from ruminant production – a review R.J. Eckard1,2#, C. Grainger2 & C.A.M. de Klein3 1 University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia Department of Primary Industries, 1301 Hazeldean Road, Ellinbank, 3821, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3 AgResearch Invermay, Private Bag 50034, Mosgiel, New Zealand 2 Abstract Agriculture produces ~10-12 % of total global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, contributing ~50% and ~60% of all anthropogenic methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), respectively. Apart from their significant contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the energy lost as CH4 and total N losses are two of the most significant inefficiencies remaining in ruminant production systems. A number of options are reviewed for reducing enteric CH4 and N2O production from ruminant production systems, mainly focused around breeding, feeding, animal management, soil and fertiliser management and rumen manipulation. In order to fully assess the net abatement potential, each strategy needs to be subjected to whole farm systems modelling and a full life cycle assessment, to ensure that a reduction in emissions at one point does not stimulate higher emissions elsewhere in the production system. Most of the options reviewed require many years of research before practical options and commercially viable products are available for implementation on farm. This paper reviews the options for livestock production to reduce CH4 and N2O emissions, while further improving production, highlighting research issues and the need for a systems approach to the evaluation of the relative merits of abatement options. Keywords: Enteric, nitrogen, fertiliser, dung, urine, greenhouse gas, mitigation # Corresponding author. Email: rjeckard@unimelb.edu.au Introduction Agriculture produces ~10-12 % of total global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, contributing ~50% and ~60% of all anthropogenic methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), respectively (Smith et al. 2007). Both CH4 and N2O are powerful greenhouse gasses, with global warming potentials of 21 (CH4) and 310 (N2O) currently used for reporting emissions under the Kyoto Protocol; although there is debate over the specific global warming potentials that should be used (Forster et al. 2007). Apart from their contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, energy and N losses are two of the most significant inefficiencies in ruminant production systems. Thus the challenge for research is to develop technologies and strategies to improve the efficiency of the energy and N cycles in ruminant production, leading to more efficient and sustainable production systems for the future. Several reviews of enteric CH4 and N2O production and mitigation have recently been published (Beauchemin et al. 2008; Dalal et al. 2003; de Klein & Eckard 2008; McAllister & Newbold 2008). This paper therefore aims only to summarise the current state of knowledge as relevant to ruminant production systems, highlighting future research needs and directions. Enteric Methane Globally, ruminant livestock produce ∼80 million tonnes of CH4 annually accounting for ∼33% of anthropogenic emissions of CH4 (Beauchemin et al. 2008). Enteric CH4 is produced under anaerobic conditions in the rumen, by methanogenic Archaea, utilising CO2 and H2 to form CH4, thus reducing metabolic H2 produced during microbial metabolism (McAllister & Newbold 2008). If H2 accumulates, reoxidation of NADH is inhibited, inhibiting microbial growth, forage digestion and the associated production of acetate, propionate and butyrate (Joblin 1999). Thus any mitigation strategy aimed at reducing methanogen populations must include an alternative pathway for H2 removal from the rumen as well. With an energy content of 55.22 MJ/kg (Brouwer 1965) CH4 represents a significant loss of dietary energy from the production system (Table 1). Typically, about 6 to 10% of the total gross energy consumed by the dairy cow is converted to CH4 and released via the breath. Thus reducing enteric CH4 production may 2 also lead to production benefits. Figure 1 presents a summary of the main options for reducing enteric N2O production; these are reviewed below. Table 1. Typical ranges in CH4 emissions from three classes of ruminant, energy lost as CH4, with an estimate of effective annual grazing days lost a b c d Animal Class Average CH4 MJ CH4 lost Average Daily Effective Liveweight (kg/hd/year) /hd/day Energy annual grazing (kg) requirement days lost (MJ/hd/day) Mature ewe 48 10 to 13 1.5 to 2.0 13.0 43 to 55 Beef steer 470 50 to 90 7.6 to 13.6 83 33 to 60 Lactating dairy cow 550 91 to 146 13.6 to 22.1 203 25 to 40 a Data drawn from studies reviewed below. b Assuming an energy density of 55.22 MJ/kg CH4 (Brouwer 1965) d Effective annual grazing days lost = c Daily Requirement/ b Energy lost x 365.25 c (Standing Committee on Agriculture 1990) Animal manipulation A number of experiments have reported variation between animals in CH4 emissions per unit of feed intake. In a trial involving 302 grazing dairy cows mean CH4 emissions of 19.3 ±2.9 g/kg DMI were reported (Clark et al. 2005); the 15% variance suggesting heritable differences in methanogenesis. Similar responses were reported in sheep on an unlimited pasture diet (Pinares-Patiño et al. 2003). However, while (Hegarty et al. 2007) also reported a significant (P = 0.01) positive relationship between CH4 production and net feed intake (NFI) in Angus steers (slope of 13.38), this explained only a small proportion of the observed variation in CH4, perhaps indicating a genotype x nutrition interaction. These data suggest that animal breeding could achieve a 10 to 20% reduction in CH4 losses from DM during digestion (Waghorn et al. 2006). However, breeding for reduced methanogenesis is unlikely to be compatible with other competing breeding objectives. In contrast, breeding for improved feed conversion efficiency (lower NFI) should be compatible with existing breeding objectives and likely to both reduce CH4 and the ratio of CH4 per unit of product produced. Reducing the number of unproductive animals on farm has potential to both improve profitability and reduce CH4. Strategies like extended lactation in dairying, where cows calve every 18 months rather than annually, reduces herd energy demand by 10.4% (Trapnell & Malcolm 2006) and thus potentially reduces on-farm CH4 emissions by a similar amount (Smith et al. 2007). Through earlier finishing of beef cattle in feedlots, slaughter weights are achieved at a younger age, with reduced lifetime emissions per animal and thus proportionately less animals producing CH4 (Smith et al. 2007). Kangaroos produce negligible amounts of CH4 in their foregut (Hackstein & Van Alen 1996; Kempton et al. 1976), with PCR assays unable to detect Archaea in the foregut contents of two species in Australia (Ouwerkerk et al. 2005). However, kangaroos are also known for high quality, low fat, meat potentially providing countries like Australia with up to 27% CH4 abatement potential for the same total meat production (Wilson & Edwards 2008), notwithstanding likely consumer resistance. A number of options therefore exist to either breed ruminants with lower CH4 production, to minimise unproductive animal numbers on-farm and possibly shift to more novel production systems, all of which have potential to both reduce total CH4 emissions and improve on-farm profitability. Dietary Manipulation Forage quality Improving forage quality, either through feeding forages with lower fibre and higher soluble carbohydrates, changing from C4 to C3 grasses, or even grazing less mature pastures can reduce CH4 production (Beauchemin et al. 2008; Ulyatt et al. 2002). Methane production per unit of cellulose digested has been shown to be three times that of hemicellulose (Moe & Tyrrell 1979), while cellulose and hemicellulose ferment at a slower rate than non-structural carbohydrate, thus yielding more CH4 per unit of substrate digested (McAllister et al. 1996). Consequently, adding grain to a forage diet increases starch and reduces fibre intake reducing rumen pH and favouring the production of propionate rather than acetate in the 3 rumen (McAllister & Newbold 2008). Improving forage quality also tends to increase voluntary intake and reduces retention time in the rumen, promoting energetically more efficient post-ruminal digestion and reducing the proportion of dietary energy converted to CH4 (Blaxter & Clapperton 1965). Methane emissions are also commonly lower with higher proportions of forage legumes in the diet, partly due to lower fibre contact, faster rate of passage and in some case the presence of condensed tannins (Beauchemin et al. 2008). Improving diet quality can both improve animal performance and reduce CH4 production, but also improve efficiency by reducing CH4 emissions per unit of animal product. Plant breeding therefore offers potential to improve digestibility as well as reduce CH4. However, many of these strategies may also lead to increased DM intake per animal, or may also provide the farmer with an opportunity to increase stocking rate, resulting in either no net change or even a net increase in CH4 production. Likewise, adding more grain to the diet will incur additional N2O and transport emissions from the grain production. Further research and modelling is therefore required to understand likely the relationships between improving diet quality and voluntary intake, stocking rate and net CH4 production, for a range of production systems. Plant secondary compounds Condensed tannins (CT) have been shown to reduce CH4 production by 13 to 16% (DMI basis) (Carulla et al. 2005; Grainger et al. 2009; Waghorn et al. 2002; Woodward et al. 2004), mainly through a direct toxic effect on methanogens. However, high CT concentrations (>55 g CT/kg DM) may reduce voluntary feed intake and digestibility (Beauchemin et al. 2008; Grainger et al. 2009; Min et al. 2003). Plant saponins also hold potential to reduce CH4, some saponin sources clearly more effective than others, with CH4 suppression attributed to their anti-protozoal properties (Beauchemin et al. 2008). In reviewing 17 studies with beef, sheep and dairy cattle (Beauchemin et al. 2008) concluded that for every 1% (DMI basis) increase in fat in the diet, CH4 (g/kg DMI) was reduced by 5.6%. Assuming that most forages have some fat content, and that DMI may be suppressed at fat intakes above 6 to 7%, CH4 abatements of 10–25% are possible from the addition of dietary oils to the diet of ruminants (Beauchemin et al. 2008). There are five possible mechanisms by which lipid supplementation reduces CH4: reducing fibre digestion (mainly in long chain fatty acids); lowering DMI (if total dietary fat exceeds 6-7%); suppression of methanogens (mainly in medium chain fatty acids); suppression of rumen protozoa, and to a limited extent through biohydrogenation (Beauchemin et al. 2008; Johnson & Johnson 1995; McGinn et al. 2004). While extracts of CT and saponins may be commercially available, their cost is currently prohibitive for routine use in ruminant production systems. On the other hand a number of high-oil by-products are already used as stock feeds at cost-effective prices. Plant breeding or genetic manipulation offers potential to increase concentrations of oils and CT in forages where direct supplementation may be limited. In particular, having elucidated the biosynthetic pathway of the Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, eicosapentanoic acid, (Sayanova & Napier 2004) raise the prospect of producing this in transgenic plants. Further research is, however, still required on the optimum sources, types of oil, level of CT astringency (chemical composition), plus the feeding methods and dose rates required to reduce CH4 and stimulate production. Dietary supplements Dietary supplements offer potential to profitably reduce CH4 emissions from intensive ruminant production systems, with many strategies already available for implementation on-farm. Yeast cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae potentially stimulate acetogenic microbes in the rumen, consuming H2 to form acetate (Chaucheyras et al. 1995), thus potentially reducing CH4 production. However, results appear to be strain dependent (Newbold et al. 1996) and variable in their impact on CH4 production in the rumen (McGinn et al. 2004). Enzymes in the form of cellulases and hemicellulases, added to the diet of ruminants, have been shown to improve ruminal fibre digestion and productivity (Beauchemin et al. 2003) and, perhaps through reducing the acetate-to-propionate ratio, reduced CH4 by 28% in vivo and 9% in vivo (Beauchemin et al. 2008). These enzymes are widely used in the food processing, textile and paper industries, with potential for large quantities to be available at reasonable cost. Further research is still required to screen a large number of yeast strains and enzymes to isolate those with both a production benefit and significant CH4 abatement potential. Dicarboxylic acids, like fumarate, malate and acrylate, are precursors to propionate production in the rumen and can act as an alternative H2 sink restricting methanogenesis. (McAllister & Newbold 2008) reviewed studies showing between 0 and 75% reductions in CH4 from feeding fumaric acid. However, at the 4 relatively high dose rates required, dicarboxylic acids would be prohibitively expensive as an abatement strategy. Rumen Manipulation Manipulating microbial populations in the rumen, through chemical means, by introducing competitive or predatory microbes, or through vaccination approaches, can reduce CH4 production. A preliminary study in Australia suggested that vaccination against methanogens may reduce methanogenesis, reporting a 7.7% (DMI basis) reduction in CH4, although results were not repeatable with subsequent vaccine preparations (Wright et al. 2004). Methanogen populations in the rumen may be influenced by diet and geographic location (Wright et al. 2007), increasing the challenge for developing a broad-spectrum methanogen vaccine. Development of a vaccine against cell-surface proteins, common to a broad range of methanogen species may improve the efficacy of vaccination as a CH4 mitigation strategy (McAllister & Newbold 2008). Biological control strategies such as bacteriophages or bacteriocins could prove effective for directly inhibiting methanogens and redirecting H2 to other reductive rumen bacteria such as propionateproducers or acetogens (McAllister & Newbold 2008). However, most of these options are in the early stages of investigation and still require significant research over an extended period to deliver commercially viable vaccines and biological control options that will be effective over a range of production systems and regions. Reductive acetogenesis has been suggested as an alternative to methanogenesis utilising H2 and CO2 to form acetate as a source of energy rather than CH4 (Joblin 1999). However, methanogens effectively outcompete acetogens for H2 in the rumen, with the reduction of CO2 to acetate thermodynamically less favourable than reduction of CO2 to CH4 (McAllister & Newbold 2008). If CH4 was wholly replaced by acetate in ruminants this could represent an energetic gain of 4 - 15% to the animal (Joblin 1999) and, where methanogenesis is inhibited, reductive acetogenesis can be increased in ruminal fluid with a possible energy gain of about 13 – 15% (Nollet et al. 1997). Research on acetogenesis as a CH4 abatement option is still largely conceptual to date with extensive research still required to understand the physiology and ecology of acetogens, and their relative dominance is some environments (eg. Kangaroo fore stomach) but not in the rumen. Halogenated analogues like bromochloromethane (BCM) and chloroform are potent inhibitors of CH4 formation in ruminants, with BCM reducing CH4 emissions by 57, 84 and 91% (DMI basis) in feedlot steers, with increasing dose rate (Tomkins & Hunter 2003). Reducing protozoal numbers chemically has been shown to reduce CH4 by up to 26% (DMI basis), as methanogens are often attached to the surface of, or are endosymbionts within, rumen ciliate protozoa (McAllister & Newbold 2008). However, the effectiveness of these chemicals is transitory and their to animal diets is unlikely to gain public acceptability. Monensin is a polyether ionophore antibiotic that decreases the acetate-to-propionate ratio in the rumen, effectively decreasing CH4 production. The effect of monensin on lowering CH4 production appears to be dose-dependent, with lower doses (10-15 ppm) producing a profitable milk response but showing no effect on CH4 (Grainger et al. 2008; Waghorn et al. 2008), but with higher doses (24 to 35 ppm) (McGinn et al. 2004; Sauer et al. 1998; Van Vugt et al. 2005) reducing CH4 production by up to 10% (g/kg DMI). However, there have been questions over the persistence of CH4 suppression (Johnson & Johnson 1995), plus questions over the future use of antibiotics in animal production systems (Eckard et al. 2000). Nitrous Oxide Nitrous oxide emissions account for ∼10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, with ∼90% of these emissions derived from agricultural practices (Smith et al. 2007). Nitrous oxide in soils is produced largely by the microbial process of denitrification and to a lesser extent through nitrification. Nitrification is an aerobic process that oxidises ammonium (NH4+) to nitrate (NO3−) with N2O a by-product, while dissimilatory nitrate reduction (denitrification) is an anaerobic process that reduces NO3− into N2, with N2O an obligatory intermediate (de Klein & Eckard 2008). While field measurements indicated that high N2O emission rates generally coincide with soil conditions that are conducive to denitrification (anaerobic, good NO3− supply), nitrification is often an essential prerequisite for converting urine and N fertilisers inputs into soil NO3− (de Klein & Eckard 2008). Nitrous oxide emissions are moderated by temperature, water-filled pore space (as a surrogate of anaerobicity), available soil carbon, soil pH and soil nitrate (Whitehead 1995). However, soil NO3− levels and soil aeration are likely to be the key factors affecting N2O emissions from grazing systems (Eckard et al. 5 2003). Thus strategies for improving the efficiency of N cycling in animal production systems, and improving soil aeration, should also lead to lower N2O emissions. Figure 2 presents a summary of the main options for reducing enteric N2O production; these are reviewed below. Animals Ruminants excrete between 75 and 95% of the N they ingest, with excess dietary N increasingly excreted in the urine, while dung N excretion remains relatively constant (Castillo et al. 2000; Eckard et al. 2007). Of the dietary N consumed by ruminants, <30% is utilised for production, with >60% being lost from the grazing system (Whitehead 1995). The effective N application rate within a urine patch from a dairy cow is commonly between 800 and 1300 kg N/ha (Eckard et al. 2006b), depositing N at concentrations orders of magnitude greater than soil-plant systems can efficiently utilise. Strategies for reducing N2O emissions should therefore also focus on improving the efficiency of N cycling through the soil-plant-animal system. Conceptually, if animal urine in grazing systems was spread more evenly across the paddock the effective N application rate will be reduced, potentially reducing N2O emissions. While no specific animal technologies are currently developed, this may require some physical intervention on the animal, yet to be practically and ethically conceived, that will distribute the urine more evenly (de Klein & Eckard 2008). Breeding and diet Genetic manipulation or breeding of animals may provide improvements in the N conversion efficiency within the rumen, animals that urinate more frequently or animals that walk while urinating, all leading to lower N concentrations or greater spread of urine (de Klein & Eckard 2008). (Coffey 1996) reported that an improvement in feed conversion efficiency of 0.01 could result in a 3.3% reduction in nutrient excretion, assuming similar growth rate and nutrient retention. Breeding animals for increased feed conversion efficiency should therefore lead to animals that partition more of their intake to production and less to N excretion, thereby reducing potential N2O losses. Ruminants on lush spring pasture commonly ingest protein in excess of requirement, but are usually energy limited, resulting in higher ruminal ammonia concentrations being excreted in the urine as urea (Whitehead 1995). Balancing protein-to-energy ratios in the diet of ruminants is therefore important to minimise N2O emissions resulting from excess urinary N excretion. (Misselbrook et al. 2005) showed that dairy cows fed on a 14% CP diet excreted 45% less urinary N than dairy cows on a 19% CP diet. Similarly, (van Vuuren et al. 1993) showed that supplementing cows on a perennial ryegrass diet with low protein/high sugar supplements reduced the amount of total N and urine N excreted by 6–9% and 10–20%, respectively, compared with an all-grass diet. More recently, Miller et al. (2001) found that dairy cows on a novel ‘high sugar’ variety of perennial ryegrass excreted 18% less N in total and 29% less urine N. Improving N efficiency and reducing excess urinary N can be achieved through either breeding animals with improved N efficiency, breeding forages that utilise more N more efficiently, plus have a higher energy to protein ratio, or balancing high protein forages with high energy supplements. Tannins Condensed tannins (CT) complex with proteins in the rumen protecting them from microbial digestion, resulting in either more efficient digestion of amino acids in the abomasum and lower intestine, or the CT-protein complex being excreted in the dung (de Klein & Eckard 2008; Min et al. 2003). Carulla et al. (2005) showed that sheep fed a CT extract from Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) increased their partitioning of N from urine to faeces, reducing urinary N by 9.3% as a proportion of total N excreted. (Grainger et al. 2009) added a CT extract from black wattle to the diet of lactating dairy cattle and showed a 45 to 59% reduction in urinary N excretion, with 18 to 21% more N in faeces. Likewise, (Misselbrook et al. 2005) showed that dairy cows on a 3.5% CT diet excreted 25% less urine N, 60% more dung N, and 8% more N overall, compared with cows on a 1% CT diet. Faecal N is mainly in organic form and thus less volatile, whereas urinary N is largely urea and thus more rapidly nitrified to NO3- and, apart from being vulnerable to leaching, can account for about 60% of N2O emissions from pasture (de Klein & Ledgard 2005). In addition, the CT-protein complex in dung is more recalcitrant in the soil, as mineralization of the complex is inhibited and decomposes more slowly than faeces that do not contain CT (Fox et al. 1990; Niezen et al. 2002; Palm & Sanchez 1991; Somda & Powell 6 1998). By reducing N excretion in the urine, the risk of subsequent N2O emission from this highly concentrated N source is reduced (de Klein & Eckard 2008). Currently CT extracts are prohibitively expensive as there is no large commercial demand for their production in agriculture. As many forage plants contain CT plant breeding could present an option to introduce CT into the diet of animals where daily supplementation is not practical of economic. Further research is, however, required to identify suitable and cost-effective high-tannin forages and tannin extracts for supplementing the diet of ruminants. Salt supplementation increases water intake in ruminants, reducing both urinary N concentration and inducing more frequent urination events, thus spreading urinary N more evenly across grazed pasture (Ledgard et al. 2007b). In a laboratory study, (van Groenigen et al. 2005) found that decreasing the N concentration of urine tended to decrease N2O emissions from incubated soil cores by 5-10%. However, no field measurements of actual N2O emissions have been reported in association with breeding or salt supplementation, and this field requires further research. Soils Fertiliser and effluent inputs The rate, source and timing of N fertiliser applications are important management factors affecting the efficiency of pasture growth responses, and thus potential N2O losses. When conditions are suitable for denitrification, N2O emissions increase exponentially with the rate of N applied in any single application (Eckard et al. 2006a; Mosier et al. 1983; Whitehead 1995). In a modelling study (Eckard et al. 2006b) predicted annual N2O emissions to increase exponentially as the annual rate of N fertiliser was increased, with increasing separation between the two N fertiliser sources modelled. (Galbally et al. 2005) reported N2O emissions of 1.0–1.2 kg N2O -N/ha per year from unfertilised irrigated dairy pastures in temperate Australia, increasing to 2.4 kg N2O -N/ha per year from three applications of 50 kg N/ha per year. Nitrate-based N fertiliser has been shown to result in high N2O emissions, relative to ammoniated-N sources, when applied to actively growing pasture. In a recent review, (de Klein et al. 2001) quoted N2O emission factors of <0.1–1.9% (median 0.5%), from N applied as urea fertiliser, and<0.1–12% (median 3.2%) from N applied as calcium nitrate. Similarly, (Eckard et al. 2003) reported 12.9% average higher N2O losses from the use of ammonium nitrate relative to urea. In South Africa, Australia and New Zealand urea or di-ammonium phosphate is the main source of N applied to intensive pastures, with recommended rates not exceeding 50–60 kg fertiliser N per hectare in any single application per grazing rotation (Eckard 1989; 1990; Eckard et al. 1995; Eckard & Franks 1998; Ledgard 1986). Apart from reducing the total amount of N fertiliser used and perhaps optimising the timing of application in relation to soil moisture conditions, further N2O abatement potential in the rate and source of N fertiliser application may be limited in pasture-based grazing systems. The rate, timing and placement of animal effluent applied to soils all affect potential N2O emissions. The N2O emissions from effluent applied to soils are generally lower than from urine patches, provided the effluent is applied at recommended rates and at appropriate times of the year (Chadwick 1997; de Klein et al. 2001; Saggar et al. 2004). (Saggar et al. 2004) indicated that N2O emissions from effluent were higher when applied to wet soil compared with drier soil, and that emission peaks generally occurred within 24 h of application. The timing of effluent application in relation to N fertiliser application can also affect N2O emissions, with N2O emissions being lower when N fertiliser was applied at least 3 days after the effluent, rather than together with the effluent (Stevens & Laughlin 2002). Effluent application techniques can also affect N2O emissions. For example, injection or incorporation of effluent into the soil could increase the direct N2O emission but reduce ammonia (NH3) volatilisation (Chadwick 1997; Saggar et al. 2004), resulting in lower indirect N2O emissions. In addition, effluent injection is likely to increase the overall N use efficiency of effluent and could thus reduce N fertiliser requirement and the associated N2O emissions (Chadwick 1997). Nitrification Inhibitors Nitrification inhibitors are chemical compounds that inhibit the oxidation of NH4+ to NO3− in soils and thus reduce N2O emissions from NH4+-based fertilisers or from urine (Di & Cameron 2002). The most widely used are nitrapyrin and dicyandiamide (DCD) (de Klein & Eckard 2008). Nitrification inhibitorcoated fertilisers have been shown to be effective in reducing nitrification, and N2O emissions by up to 7 ∼80%, as reviewed by (de Klein et al. 2001). Applied as a spray, nitrification inhibitors can also be effective in reducing N2O emissions from animal urine by 61–91%, with pasture yield increases of 0–36% (Di et al. 2007; Kelly et al. 2008; Smith et al. 2008). However, many of these studies have been conducted under optimal conditions for N2O production and measured over short periods, with on-farm abatement potentials likely to be more conservative than published data (de Klein & Eckard 2008). Novel approaches to placing nitrification inhibitors where they are most needed, could include either feeding inhibitors to animals, with the inhibitor excreted in the urinary stream, or breeding plants that exude natural inhibitors from their roots. (Ledgard et al. 2007a) demonstrated that ruminants supplemented with a nitrification inhibitor (DCD) excreted the inhibitor unaltered in the urine. Further research is still required to quantify the N2O abatement potential of this approach, including a slow-release delivery mechanism, as this has large potential for N2O abatement from urine in grazing systems. Recently, (Subbarao et al. 2006) reported on the release of a natural nitrification inhibitor from the roots of Brachiaria humidicola, raising the prospect of breeding plants that synthesise their own inhibitors. Apart from directly reducing N inputs into grazing systems, nitrification inhibitors are currently the only well published technology available for reducing the loss of N from soils. While their use has historically been restricted mainly due to cost, with future emissions constraints envisaged in many countries, they are likely to form a significant part of any comprehensive abatement strategy for reducing N2O emissions from both urinary and N fertiliser inputs into pasture systems. Grazing Management Restricting grazing on seasonally wet soils not only reduces N inputs from urine, but also reduces hoof compaction of the soil which contributes to increased soil anaerobicity. (Luo et al. 2008) and (de Klein et al. 2006) reported a total reduction in direct and indirect N2O emissions from the farm system of 7–11%, under restricted grazing regimes in the wetter months, following subsequent land application of effluent from feed or stand-off pads, as opposed to conventional grazing. (Schils et al. 2006) reported that due to the combined effect of reduced N fertiliser use and reduced grazing time on case study farms in The Netherlands, N2O emissions were reduced by ∼10% from the total farm system. These studies show that increasing N utilisation increases N efficiency and reduces N losses while increasing production. Irrigation and drainage (Phillips et al. 2007) measured N2O fluxes from adjacent flood irrigated dairy pasture bays, using a micrometeorological method, showing N2O emissions rising rapidly 2-3 days after flood irrigation, when soil water filled pore space (WFPS) was >~95%, and remaining high for 1-2 days before gradually decreasing to background levels thereafter as soil moisture decreased. The low N2O emissions immediately following irrigation were most likely due to complete denitrification producing mainly N2 emissions (Phillips et al. 2007). Irrigation through extended dry seasons may in fact reduce N2O emissions in a later wetter season by reducing the build up of unutilised soil NO3- through increased plant uptake (Jordan & Smith 1985). As denitrification is enhanced under conditions of low soil aeration reducing water-logging of pastures will reduce N2O emission potential. A common practice in the management of seasonally wet soils has been to introduce surface or subsurface drains, but the impact of this management practice on N2O emissions is not straightforward. Waterlogged soils will denitrify more than well drained soils but improved drainage will increase N loss through drains only to denitrify in a wetland or sump elsewhere in the landscape (de Klein & Eckard 2008). However, if the improved drainage merely moves the WFPS of the soil below saturation (±80%), but remains above wilting point (40%), this may actually increase N2O emissions (Granli & Bøckman 1994) and could lead to increased nitrate leaching. In some cases stimulating denitrification has been recommended as a means of reducing nitrate leaching in nitrate sensitive areas (Russelle et al. 2005). These data highlight the need for further research on the compromise between managing irrigation for efficient plant growth versus N2O emissions, as well as the compromise between improving drainage and enhanced NO3- leaching, for a range of soil, system and environmental objectives. Conflicting and complementary strategies An important component of the research into mitigation options is whole farm system modelling and life cycle assessment (LCA; ISO 14040 series). This is critical to firstly assess the likely whole farm impacts, but also to ensure that the strategy does not increase emissions elsewhere in the production chain. For 8 example, improving pasture quality (digestibility) may reduce CH4 emissions, but is also likely to increase DM intake. With improved pasture quality a logical response by the farmer is also to increase stocking rate. These assumptions were modelled using DairyMod (Johnson et al. 2008), a mechanistic whole farm systems model, comparing the impact of low quality (60% digestibility, 9.6 MJ ME/kg, 25% CP) versus high quality (67% digestibility, 10.8 MJ ME/kg, 27% CP) diets. The simulation allowed the model to adjust stocking rate to achieve a constant pasture utilisation. Under the higher quality pasture system, the model predicted a 33% increase in stocking rate, a 38% increase in milk/ha and 19% less total CO2e/L milk, 11% less CH4/cow but 26% more CH4/ha. This modelling clearly shows that improving pasture quality may well improve productivity, as well as lower emissions intensity per unit of product produced, but the farms total greenhouse footprint was also increased. This understanding is important for producers potentially facing emissions constraints (eg. Australia and New Zealand). Using algorithms from the Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, built into a simple spreadsheet, (Eckard et al. 2002) estimated that an average dairy farm in southern Australia emits ~72% of emissions as CH4, with ~14% of N2O from urine deposition, either directly or indirectly. Assuming a nitrification inhibitor was sprayed on the pastures achieving between 61 and 91% less N2O loss from urine, this would translate into a whole farm abatement of between 8.4 and 12.5%. If the inhibitor resulted in 25% more pasture growth, the options would be to either increase stocking rate or reduce N fertiliser inputs. With a 25% increase in stocking rate total farm emissions would be 11.5 and 7.6% higher than prior to application. In contrast, reducing N fertiliser inputs by 25%, assuming improved N conservation in the soil due to the inhibitor, would result in 12.0 and 16.2% less total farm emissions. This calculation demonstrates the need to understand the full context for achieving a net whole farm systems abatement prior to promoting strategies to the farming community. While not all the strategies reviewed are directly additive, where strategies act at different points in the system, their cumulative impact on total emissions from a production system can be significant. For example, dairy cattle bred for improved feed conversion efficiency (10% less CH4), fed on dietary oils (10% less CH4), milked on an extended lactation management system (10% less CH4), with a nitrification inhibitor sprayed on the paddocks twice per year (61% less N2O) could feasibly add to a cumulative emission reduction of 40% less whole farm greenhouse gas emissions, but also significantly improved production from the farm. Conclusions A number of abatement options have been identified, that can be implemented in animal production systems in the immediate or near future, many of which are likely to be cost-effective in their own right. However, most of the options reviewed require many years of research before practical and commercially viable products and options are available for implementation on farm. In addition, it is clear that most of the options currently available are more suited to more intensive animal production (eg. feeding supplements and additives, nitrification inhibitors), with far fewer options available for more extensive grazing systems. In addition, very few of these abatement strategies have been subjected to a comprehensive LCA and modelling of whole farm systems emissions; an important step in evaluating these complex interactions that are likely to occur, before recommending strategies to farmers that will resulting in a meaningful net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. 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