IHP Diabetes Medical Management Plan: School Year ___ - ___ Date: ___ DOB: ___ Contact Information: Diabetes: _____Type 1 ____Type 2 Date of Diagnosis: ___ Last A1C Result: ___ Student Name: ___ Grade:___ Homeroom teacher:___ School Attending: ___ Contact Person: _____ Phone: ___ Fax: ___ Parent Contact Information: Relationship:___ Parent/Guardian # 1:___ Phone: Home:___ Parent Contact Information: Relationship:___ Parent/Guardian # 1:___ Phone: Home:___ Work/Cell:___ Work/Cell:___ Emergency Contact:___ School District:___ Phone:_____ ___ MPS Relationship:___ Provider Treating Student for Diabetes:____ Emergencies: 414-266-2860 ___ Milwaukee: 9000 West Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53201 Phone: 414-266-3380 Fax: 414-266-3964 email: diabetesclinic@chw.org ___ Fox Valley: 130 2nd Street, West Pavilion, Neenah, WI 54956* Phone: 920-969-7970 Fax: 920-969- 7979 email: fvdiabetesclinic@chw.org Emergency Notification: Notify parents of the following conditions. a. Loss of Consciousness or seizure (convulsion) immediately after Glucagon given and 911 called. b. Blood sugars over ______________mg/dl c. Moderate to large Urine Ketones d. Abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, fever, altered breathing or altered level of consciousness *If unable to reach parents call emergency number 414-266-2860. Supplies: To be furnished and re-stocked by Parents/Guardian The Student requires the following supplies Blood glucose monitor & test strips Lancets & lancet device Urine ketone test strips Yes No Yes Insulin pen ____ ____ ____ ____ Insulin pen needles or syringes ____ ____ Insulin – cartridge, pen device, vial ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Extra insulin cartridge, pen device, vial ____ ____ Sharps container ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (Must be replaced every 28 days) Glucagon Emergency Kit Fast acting sugar source Complex carbohydrate snack Monitoring: _____Yes _____ No No Current Meter: _____ If yes, can student perform own blood glucose checks? ___Yes ___ No Needs Supervision:___Yes___No Interprets results:___Yes___No Document result and send copy home with student weekly ___Yes___No ___Before Breakfast Times to be performed: ___Before PE/Activity ____ ___Midmorning: before snack ___After PE/Activity ___ ___Before Lunch ___Mid-afternoon ___Dismissal ___As needed for signs/symptoms of low/high Blood Glucose ___First 2 weeks of Pump Therapy – Check every 2 hours Place to be performed: ____Classroom____Clinic/Health Room ____Other ___ Optional: Target Range for blood glucose:__ _mg/dl to__mg/dl. (Completed by Healthcare Provider) IHP Diabetes Medical Management Plan: Page 2 Insulin Administration during school:____Yes____No If yes: Can student – Determine correct dose?____Yes____No - Give own injections?_____Yes_____No Prepare own dose? ____Yes ____No Need supervision?_____Yes_____No Insulin Delivery:____Pen____Pre-drawn syringe____Syringe/vial_____ Pump * Deliver dose via pump___Yes____No * For dose see insulin dosing guidelines Other routine Diabetes medications at school: ____Yes ____No Name of Medication ___ ___ : Dose: ___ ___ Time ___ ___ Route: ___ ___ Exercise, sports and field trips: ___ Quick Access to all supplies needed for cares including: Blood Glucose monitoring, snacks, per IHP plan, sugar-free liquids, fast-acting carbohydrate snacks. ____Child should not participate in exercise if Blood Glucose is below ____mg/dl or if ___ Food at School Meal & Snack Plan Meals/Snacks: 1 Carb serving = 15grams of carbohydrates. ___ Student can independently count carbohydrates. ___ Needs assistance with carbohydrate counting for snacks and meals Meal/Snack ___Grams of Carbohydrate ___Carb Servings Amount eaten at each meal Time ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ In addition to the above meal plan, the student may require an extra snack: ____Before Gym ____after gym____only when needed Breakfast Mid-morning snack Lunch Mid-afternoon snack This document follows the guiding principles outlined by the American Diabetes Association. Signatures: I/we understand that all treatments and procedures may be performed by the student and/or trained unlicensed personnel within the school or by EMS in the event of loss of consciousness or seizure. I also understand that the school is not responsible for damage, loss or equipment, or expenses utilized in these treatments and procedures. I have reviewed this information sheet and agree with the indicated instructions. This form will assist the school health personnel in developing a nursing care plan. Parent’s Signature:___ Date:_ __ Student Signature: ___ Date: ___ School Nurse or Designee: Signature:___ Date: ___ Plan Completed by:_ _ _ Date:___ Provider Signature:_ _ _ Date: ___ IHP Diabetes Medical Management Plan: Page 3 Emergency Treatment Low Blood Sugar Treatment: Symptoms for this student may include ____Hunger ____Confusion ____Sleepiness ____Poor Coordination ____Other_ _____________ ____Sweating ____Crying ____Headache ____Personality change ____Trembling or Shaking ____Inability to concentrate ____Dizziness ____Complaints of feeling “low” ____Appears Pale ____Fast Heart Beat ____Slurred Speech ____Blurred Vision Treat Blood Glucose less than _______mg/dl. If student is awake and able to swallow give _________grams fast acting carbohydrates such as: ____4 oz. Juice or____4 to 6 oz of regular soda or ____3 – 4 glucose tablets____Concentrated gel or frosting tube OR ____Other-(provided by parent)_______________________ _____ Notify Parents of low blood glucose reaction. _____Re-test Blood Glucose in 15 – 20 minutes. Repeat treatment until Blood Glucose level is over _________mg/dl. _____If more than one hour until next meal/snack follow with a 15 gram of carbohydrate snack such as_______________________ _____If Student wears a pump: _____If Blood Glucose is below 80 mg/dl for two checks in a row, suspend pump for 15 minutes.or until BG is over 80 _____If Blood Glucose is below one time _____mg/dl suspend pump for _____mins or until BG is over ______ For any student experiencing a low Blood Glucose Level If student is not responding to treatment, call parent right away. Do not leave student alone or allow him/or her to leave the classroom without an adult to accompany Give Glucagon Injection ( Follow package instructions for mixing) If student is not able to eat or drink, experiencing a seizure, and/or is unconscious . CALL 911 – Do not leave student Unattended! Dose: _____Give half the dosage (0.5mg) _____Give whole dosage (1.0 mg) Turn student on their side and keep airway clear. Do not insert objects into mouth or between teeth. The student may vomit, never leave them unattended. The student will need to go to the nearest emergency room to be evaluated after receiving glucagon. The student’s parents/guardians must be notified. ____If student wears a pump – disconnect or cut tubing High Blood Sugar Treatment: Symptoms for this student may include: ____Dehydration ____Increased thirst ____Inability to concentrate ____Sleepiness ____Hunger ____Confusion ____Irritability ____Blurred Vision ____Frequent urination ____Headache ____Dry skin ____Other _______________ If student is experiencing symptoms of high blood glucose Check Blood Glucose OR if Blood Glucose is over ___________mg/dl ____Administer correction dose of insulin ____Allow student to drink water or sugar free fluids ____Allow access to the bathroom ____Check Urine Ketones (If student wears a pump, ketones must be checked) (Refer to specific dosing guidelines for correction dose on individual dosing sheet) ____Student will need assistance with correction dose administration. ____Pump Use: check set, site, connection and reservoir for problems. ____Pump Use:If blood glucose remains out of range at next check correction must be given with syringe or pen. Notify Parents of high blood glucose treatment. Notify Parents Immediately if: Moderate to large ketones are present If high blood glucose symptoms persist or worsen If the student is vomiting Correction dose of insulin is given other than at meal time. If the student has difficulty breathing and lethargy, or if parents do not respond immediately; Call the Diabetes Emergency Line at 414-266-2860 or call 911 for Emergency assistance.