Homeless Children and Youth Data Collection User Guide

Homeless Children and
Youth Data Collection
User Guide
Prepared by
OSPI Customer Support
Greg Beck, Application Development Director
Information Technology Services
Using the Homeless Children and Youth Data Collection Form
The Homeless Children and Youth Data Collection Form is an annual data collection specific to homeless students enrolled
and served within a district. This online application was created to assist school districts in reviewing and verifying their data
before it is submitted for state and federal reporting.
This application is a single page consisting of seven (7) sections requiring review and input for districts that receive
McKinney-Vento Grants, or six (6) sections requiring review and input for districts that ARE NOT receiving McKinney-Vento
Grants. Where appropriate, district CEDARS data is used to pre-populate this application.
Table of Contents
Using the Homeless Children and Youth Data Collection Form ........................................................ 2
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
General Information about this Application ................................................................................................... 3
Viewing Student Details ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Validations ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Beginning the Data Review and Collection ........................................................................................................ 3
Entering Contact Information ............................................................................................................................ 4
Certification and Submission or Save ................................................................................................................ 5
Questions for District RECEIVING McKinney-Vento Grants ............................................................................. 6
Question 1.1: Homeless Children and Youths in the District ............................................................................. 6
Question 1.2: Primary Nighttime Residence ...................................................................................................... 7
Question 2.1: Homeless Children and Youths SERVED ...................................................................................... 8
Question 2.2: Subpopulations of the Homeless Students Served ..................................................................... 9
Question 3: Academic Progress of Homeless Students ................................................................................... 10
Questions for District NOT receiving McKinney-Vento Grants ...................................................................... 11
Question 1.1: Homeless Children and Youths in the District ........................................................................... 11
Question 1.2: Primary Nighttime Residence .................................................................................................... 12
Question 1.3: Subpopulations of the Homeless Students Enrolled ................................................................. 12
Question 2: Academic Progress of Homeless Students ................................................................................... 13
Help Tab ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
General Information about this Application
Viewing Student Details
At any time while in this application, you can click on the ‘> View Student Details’ in the upper left hand
navigation bar to view a complete list of all students that the pre-populated data in this collection is
based on. The data for these students comes directly from the CEDARS Student data collection and any
corrections or changes to these students must take place within the CEDARS system. When analyzing
the data for these students and planning corrections, please work closely with your CEDARS District
If any of the text fields are blank when you hit the submit button this application will return a validation
error message. When this happens, the application will not allow for the submission to be completed.
The fields must be completed prior to submission.
Beginning the Data Review and Collection
When you enter the application your will automatically be directed to the Welcome screen on the Home
tab. Please read the information presented about this application and data collection. After reading the
Welcome information you can either click on the button labeled ‘Begin Data Collection’ or the Survey
tab at the top of the page to continue.
Entering Contact Information
In the first section of this collection, please enter responses about the contact person within your
district that can provide information about what data is entered or reviewed in this application.
Certification and Submission or Save
The last section of this collection asks you to enter the name of the person within your district who is
certifying this information as final and complete as well as the title of that individual.
To certify and submit, you must check the box that declares this information as accurate. If you are not
yet ready to submit your survey you can click the save button. The save button will only work if the
District Lead/Contact Person Name, District Contact E-mail address, District Contact Phone Number
Name of Authorized representative, and Title of Authorized representative are filled in.
TIP: To check for validations, or to get more information about a red asterisk(*)indicating an error in a
field, click SUBMIT without checking the certification box. This will process the data and return
validation messages, one of which will be a message that you must check the certification box to
submit. You will also see related messages about any other validations that would prevent the data
from being submitted.
Questions for District RECEIVING McKinney-Vento Grants
For Districts Receiving McKinney-Vento Grants there are five (5) specific questions (Q1.1, Q1.2, Q2.1,
Q2.2, and Q3) related to homeless students.
Question 1.1: Homeless Children and Youths in the District
This section contains the total number of students for grade levels PK – 12. It is pre-populated from
data submitted by your district into the CEDARS Student data collection process. If you have any
questions about the numbers of students represented in these pre-populated grade level totals, please
review the student details as described in Viewing Student Details in the General Application
Information section of this document and contact your CEDARS District Administrator to identify which
student records may need correction.
Question 1.2: Primary Nighttime Residence
This section contains the number of homeless children/youth that fall into one (1) of four (4)
categorizations of ‘Primary Night Time Residence’. All four (4) of these counts are pre-populated from
data submitted by your district into the CEDARS Student data collection process.
Question 2.1: Homeless Children and Youths SERVED
This section contains the number of homeless children/youth that were SERVED by McKinney-Vento
subgrants during the regular school year. It also asks you to enter the homeless children/youth SERVED
by your district but not reported in CEDARS. As you enter values in each of the grade levels, the total
column is updated to reflect the total number of students accounted for.
If you have any questions about the numbers of students represented in these pre-populated totals,
please review the student details as described in Viewing Student Details in the General Application
Information section of this document and contact your CEDARS District Administrator to identify which
student records may need correction.
Question 2.2: Subpopulations of the Homeless Students Served
The next section of this collection asks you to review and input information about subpopulations of
homeless students that have been served.
This section contains four (4) subpopulations; Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, Migrant Children/Youth,
Children with Disabilities (IDEA) and Limited English Proficient Students. The Enrolled from CEDARS
column is populated with data from the CEDARS data collection process. It also asks you to enter the
homeless children/youth served by your district but not reported in CEDARS by subpopulation. As you
enter values in each of the grade levels, the total column is updated to reflect the total number of
students accounted for. Only include students that fall into these subpopulations and are homeless
If you have any questions about the numbers of students represented in these pre-populated
subpopulation totals, please review the student details as described in Viewing Student Details in the
General Application Information section of this document and contact your CEDARS District
Administrator to identify which student records may need correction.
Question 3: Academic Progress of Homeless Students
This section presents the MSP/HSPE and End of Course assessment information for the homeless
children/youth enrolled within your district as defined in Q1 above. All of this data is pre-populated
from assessment score files (presented to districts through the Washington Query application). This
data will only change if the students reported in Q1 changes. The actual assessment results for each
student are final and will not change.
Questions for District NOT receiving McKinney-Vento Grants
For Districts not Receiving McKinney-Vento Grants there are four (4) specific questions (Q1.1, Q1.2,
Q.1.3, and Q2) related to homeless students.
Question 1.1: Homeless Children and Youths in the District
This section contains the total number of students for grade levels PK – 12. It is pre-populated from
data submitted by your district into the CEDARS Student data collection process. If you have any
questions about the numbers of students represented in these pre-populated grade level totals, please
review the student details as described in Viewing Student Details in the General Application
Information section of this document and contact your CEDARS District Administrator to identify which
student records may need correction.
Question 1.2: Primary Nighttime Residence
This section contains the number of homeless children/youth that fall into one (1) of four (4)
categorizations of ‘Primary Night Time Residence’. All four (4) of these counts are pre-populated from
data submitted by your district into the CEDARS Student data collection process.
Question 1.3: Subpopulations of the Homeless Students Enrolled
The next section of this collection contains information about subpopulations of homeless students
enrolled in your district.
The four (4) subpopulations are Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, Migrant Children/Youth, Children with
Disabilities (IDEA) and Limited English Proficient Students. The data in this section is populated with
data from the CEDARS data collection process.
If you have any questions about the numbers of students represented in these pre-populated
subpopulation totals, please review the student details as described in Viewing Student Details in the
General Application Information section of this document and contact your CEDARS District
Administrator to identify which student records may need correction.
Question 2: Academic Progress of Homeless Students
This section presents the MSP/HSPE and End of Course assessment information for the homeless
children/youth enrolled within your district as defined in Q1 above. All of this data is pre-populated
from assessment score files (presented to districts through the Washington Query application). This
data will only change if the students reported in Q1 changes. The actual assessment results for each
student are final and will not change.
Help Tab
At the top of the screen, next to the Survey tab, there is a Help tab. There are two documents available
under the Help tab; this User guide and a CEDARS Tip Sheet. The CEDARS Tip Sheet is a walk-though of
how to update a student’s Homeless flag in the CEDARS Non-Standard Submission Application. You will
only need to use the CEDARS Non-Standard Submission Application if there are students missing from
your count or their primary nighttime residence or subpopulation data is incorrect and your district is no
longer sending 2012-2013 CEDARS submissions.
Further Information
Homeless Education
Melinda Dyer
Tami Johnson
EDS and CEDARS data
OSPI Customer Support
(360) 664-3631