Life Saving Bags My name is Alannah Jennison and I am involved in the program Max Potential. My mission is to collect donations from several people to then hand them over to the homeless for my Community Service Project. My aim for this project is to help people who are in need of help. I want to help the homeless because they are disadvantaged and could need a help in hand! The process will involve collecting donations from the general public to put in my ‘Lifesaving Bags’ which I will then hand over to the homeless. Donations will consist of food, drinks, blankets, clothing, toiletries etc. This will take place at the Wollongong Homeless Hub on the 21st of August. I will also be accepting donations up until the 19th of August. If anyone has an interest of helping the homeless or just has anything they do not use will be very welcome to donate things to me. It would be a massive help to the homeless and also me! Contact me by mobile 0414754872 or by email Thankyou Alannah Jennison