JVE Position Descriptions

Executive Board
** 50% of this can be done from home! **
Coordinate the work of the officers & committees; Preside at all meetings; Appoint the Parliamentarian with consent of the Executive Board; Serve as
Principal Officer and sign on bank accounts, contracts & tax documents, with approval of Executive Board; Serve as a representative to the Round Rock
ISD Council of PTAs; Serve as ex-officio member of Standing Committees; Ensure all officer training and Local, State & National PTA deadlines are met;
Must attend one Presidents Basics course. Serves as Legislative Chair by communicating to the Publicity chair any updates from the RRISD Legislative
Chair. Serves as Partners in Education (PIE) chair by developing relationships between school and local business community for possible community
volunteers, donors or sponsors; creates basket for PIE Gala event auction in April. Oversees and reports activities of chairs that report to the President:
- Membership
- Volunteer Coordinator - Staff Appreciation
- Homeroom Parent Coordinator
- Top Watch DOG
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Record the minutes of all meetings; Keep an accurate record of attendance at Executive Board meetings;
Maintain the records retention policy, ethics policy & the membership list; Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Must attend one Secretary Basics
course. Must attend/have attended Leadership course. Responsible for oversight and/or execution of all forms of correspondence, including:
- Website - Social Media
- Electronic Messages (Email, SMS)
- Forms/Surveys
- Flyers
- Bulletin boards
- Marquee
1st VP – Family and Community Support
** 50% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Serves as an aide to the President; Presides in the absence of the President; Attend monthly Executive Board
meetings; Must attend/have attended Leadership course. As head of Family and Community Support events and programs, oversees and reports
activities of coordinators/chairs that report to the 1st VP:
- Movie Nights
- Cultural Arts
- Reflections
- Clothes Closet
- Healthy Lifestyles
2nd VP – Fundraising
** 50% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Presides in the absence of the President (if First Vice President is unavailable). Must attend/have attended
Leadership course. As head of Fundraising events and programs, oversees and reports the activities of coordinators/chairs that report to the 2nd VP:
- Carnival
- Corporate and Parent Donations
- Yearbook
- School Spirit
** 33% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings;Retain custody of all the funds; Keep books of account & records, including bank statements, receipts,
budgets, invoices, paid receipts & canceled checks in accordance with the records retention policy; Make disbursements in accordance with the budget;
Sign on bank accounts; Present a financial report (written & verbal) at every meeting and as requested by the Board; Responsible for the maintenance of
account books & records, conforming to the bylaws; Complete & file all necessary tax documents; Present books to the Financial Reconciliation
Committee, as requested; Must attend one Treasurer Basics course.
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Appointed by the PTA President with consent of the Executive Board; Non-voting member of the Exec Board
(vote only when vote is by ballot); Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Advise PTA on matters of parliamentary procedure. Must attend/have
attended Leadership course.
Teacher Representatives (2 persons)
Attends Executive Board or Association meetings, alternating each month. Reports at Association meetings on the activities in the classrooms. Provides
teacher feedback
Reports To
JVE Counterpart
Active months:
All Year
School Secretary
Active months:
All Year
Vice Principal
Active months:
All Year
Vice Principal
Active months:
All Year
Active months:
All Year
Active months:
All Year
Active months:
All Year
All of PTA
Chairs (Standing Committees)
Yearbook Chair
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Determine number of copies to print, determine number of pages. Gather volunteers for page assignments
and photos. Negotiate and sign contract; Get student “No Photo” List from Office. Assemble yearbook & work with deadlines; Sell books.
Volunteer Coordination Chair
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Run Volunteer Orientation at Volunteer Fair; Work with Secretary to add volunteer needs on website
(computer literacy required). Does some kind of Volunteer appreciation at the end of the year. Works with Teacher Representatives to find out if staff
needs parent volunteers for:
- Chaperoning field trips
- Library/office help
- STARR testing
- Grandparents Day, Thanksgiving, and Cookout lunches
- Book Fairs
- Talent Show
- Science Fair
- Patriotic Night
- Winter Program
- Spelling Bee
- Field Day
Membership Chair
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Display & maintain PTA membership; Conduct membership drive; Distribute membership forms to parents;
Receive membership cards from PTA President; Reward Teachers for 100% faculty membership; Collect membership dues for delivery to Treasurer &
Texas PTA; Prepare & update PTA membership list throughout year; Turn in membership roster according to deadlines by Texas PTA; use Roster to
generate PTA Member Directory; run Back To School Dance and Family Game Nights to recruit Fall and Spring members.
Staff Appreciation Coordinator
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Arrange luncheons to thank and reward staff members for first day back to work, winter holidays, teacher
appreciation week, etc. Volunteers needed to prepare or purchase food or other treats for staff at the various appreciation events throughout the year.
Top Watch DOG (Must be Male)
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Run Watch DOG orientation at Volunteer Fair; Coordinate with school administration to implement and
maintain the Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) program; Lead & facilitate team of Watch DOGS willing to help coordinate recruiting events.
Organizes a "School Beautification Day"- typically a cleanup, project, or planting day that happens in the fall and spring.
Homeroom Parent Chair
** 90% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Run Homeroom Parent Orientation at Volunteer Fair, Ensure there is a room leader for each classroom
teacher; Coordinate planning meetings between teachers and room leaders; Coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week with Teacher Appreciation Chair;
Relay Teacher Appreciation Week information to each homeroom parent; Overall supervision and coordination of class parties.
Reports To
JVE Counterpart
2nd VP
School Secretary
Active months:
November -May
School Secretary
Active months:
Vice Principal
Active months:
Late August,
Early October,
Early April
Active months:
All Year
Active months:
Active months:
February, May
Reports To
Carnival Coordinator
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; One day FUNdraising event; Order prizes & plan games; Procure vendors for things like lights,
moonbounce, food trucks several months before the carnival; will need to create maps, signs, list of volunteer needs; on day of event, direct
booth workers, ticket sales, set-up and clean-up. Approves and oversees the execution of the Silent Auction Coordinator’s plans.
2nd VP
Active months:
Solidify plans in Sept,
very busy the 2 weeks
before the Carnival
Healthy Lifestyles Chair
** 25% of this can be done from home! **
Attend monthly Executive Board meetings; Promote health & wellness in the school environment and PTA activities. Steadily active
throughout the school year, creating healthy lifestyles articles for PTA email, and heading up My Lunch Rocks and Jog-a-Thon.
1st VP
PE Teacher
Active months:
Cultural Arts Coordinator
** 50% of this can be done from home! **
Find cultural activities for learning and education.
World Tour - Decorate main hallway & set up tables for families to display cultural items; Book entertainers months ahead of the event;
Coordinate with families willing to lend cultural items for event.
Art Gallery Night – Put up artwork and get food trucks for the evening.
1st VP
Art Teacher
Silent Auction Coordinator
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Solicit community donations for Silent Auction; Work with Homeroom Parent Coordinator to request donations from each grade to auction;
direct volunteers how to set up, work silent auction tables, assist with check out, and cleanup after event.
2nd VP
Watch DOGS
Male Volunteers needed to be Watch DOGS and serve as male role models on campus. Must attend Watch DOG orientation at Volunteer Fair.
Some of the activities may include Dads, Grandfathers, Uncles, etc. helping teachers and staff monitor lunch room activities, organize recess
games and activities, assist Safety Patrol with arrival/departure of students, assist teachers in classroom, and spend one-on-one time with
certain students, as requested by teachers. Is part of "School Beautification Day" effort.
Homeroom Parent (1 per classroom)
** 50% of this can be done from home! **
Attend Homeroom Parent Orientation at Volunteer Fair, gather and share contact info for class, coordinate Winter Holiday, Valentine and
End-of-Year parties for classroom. Help teacher with Thursday folders or putting classroom materials together.
Parent Chair
Yr Child's
1st VP
Clothes Closet Coordinator
Arrange for volunteers to work at the RRISD Clothes Closet at the Anderson Mill Elementary location; Gather collection items from school
nurse's office and deliver to Clothes Closet at the Anderson Mill Elementary RRISD Clothes Closet from 9:30am – 11:30am; Work to get
donations at produce the Fall and Spring Movie Nights.
Reflections Coordinator
Plan school-wide, theme-based arts competition in the Fall (theme provided by National PTA program); Advertise participation in the program;
Gather entries & arrange for judging by non-Jollyville parents/staff; Deliver winning entries to RRISD PTA Council for further competition;
Escort winners to Reflections banquet in Spring.
1st VP
Art Teacher
Active months:
World Tour - January,
April, May
Gallery Night - March
Active months:
Get vendors in Sept,
very busy the 2 weeks
leading up to the Carnival
Active months:
No specific month,
just one or two days
a year commitment
Active months:
September, December,
February, May
Active Months:
Once per month,
October, April
Active months:
October, November
Reports To
Movie Night Coordinator
Plans evening event where a pre-licensed, pre-approved movie is played in the Cafeteria.
1st VP
Music Teacher
School Spirit Coordinator
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Find local restaurants and food trucks to donate a percentage of profits from JVE Eats Out nights; Attend event or find a substitute; Create and
sell spirit gear if budget allows for it. Can complete this task in August and be done for the whole year.
2nd VP
Corporate and Parent Donation Coordinator
** 75% of this can be done from home! **
Gather collected Box Tops and submit them to respective program; Keep record of points earned in each program; Promote program at school
through contests. Process corporate matching paperwork when a parent submits it.
Collections after March 1st count towards November 1st deadline.
2nd VP
Active months: October,
Active months:
August, September if we
sell spirit gear
Active months:
All Year, November 1st,
March 1st
collection deadlines.