Knowledge Exchange Programme.information

Knowledge Exchange programme
About the Programme
The Knowledge Exchange placements are
part of the wider Partnership UK Knowledge
Share Programme, which aims to build on
the British Museum’s strong national
partnerships to benefit staff and develop
knowledge and skills across the sector.
The Knowledge Exchange programme
supports fully funded inward placements to
the BM and outward placements hosted by
partner museums across the UK.
The programme is an opportunity for
members of partner museum staff to spend
a five day placement at the British Museum.
In return, each partner is expected to host a
British Museum colleague on a reciprocal
five day exchange.
A British Museum Visitor Services Team Leader with a Visitor
Assistant at Manchester Museum, exploring how Manchester’s front
of house staff use digital technology to engage audiences
The aims of the Knowledge Exchange placements are:
o To develop individual and organisational knowledge and/or skills
o To help build relationships between organisations
o To provide an insight in and gain exposure to specific areas of museum work
o To shape sustainable methods for sharing knowledge and skills across the sector
The placements give an opportunity to share knowledge and expertise with partner organisations and
in turn gain new skills and experience. There is also scope for placements to contribute to a specific
project or programme.
Each year new partner museums and organisations are involved in the programme and all of the
successful candidates undergo a competitive application process to achieve their place based on the
strength of their application and the capacity of the department they are applying to.
Applications are encouraged across all departments and at all levels of an organisation as long as
there is an express desire to share knowledge/skills and a clear demonstration of why the exchange
would be beneficial, what could be gained from the exchange, and what could be offered. All
applications require the support of line management.
To find out more about the Knowledge Exchange programme contact
Katy Swift, Partnership UK Co-ordinator,
How it works:
Each partner museum and the British Museum advertise the opportunity throughout their
organisations in an ‘open call’ for applications.
Applications are brought together after the deadline and then submitted to the host museum. The
partner museum makes their selection from the applications submitted to them from the British
Museum and the British Museum selects one application per partner organisation.
Once successful applicants are informed, the UK Partnership Team and the host organisation secure
a ‘lead contact’ in their respective organisations and work together to agree dates for the incoming
and outgoing exchanges and develop a 5 day timetable based on the opportunities and requests
expressed in the successful application. (Exchanges take place between (August – March)
Participants and partner organisations agree to submitting evaluation and feedback on the exchange.
Participants are also expected to document their exchange, with a learning log, photos and a
reflective piece of writing after their exchange.
What type of exchange can I do?
We are very open to all applications as long as they fit the knowledge share remit. It can be from any
role within your organisation and it doesn’t have to be a ‘like’ for ‘like’ exchange.
o A curator from Aberdeen Art Gallery was
placed within the British Museum’s Prints and
Drawings Department to provide useful
research links and curatorial contacts, as well
as best-practice techniques around storage
and the collections management of large
collections of works on paper. This will inform
planning of a new offsite storage facility at
o A Project Manager from the British Museum’s
International Engagement Department was
hosted by the Hepworth Wakefield Gallery to
learn more about the development of their
arts programme, working with local
communities and to gain insight into the
realities faced by smaller organisations with an
innovative investment partnership. Knowledge
will be applied when working with new and
diverse range of partners at the BM
A Fine Art Curator, from Aberdeen, looks through the print collection
with one of the British Museum’s Future Curators, in the Prints &
Drawings Study Room.
o A curator from the Royal Cornwall Museum’s undertook an exchange in Department of Africa Oceania
and America at the British Museum, where knowledge and curatorial expertise was shared to develop
an exciting exhibition to highlight Cornwall’s connections to Africa. The possibility of collaborating and
loaning objects as a result of the placement will be explored.
o A team leader from the British Museum Visitor Services department went on an exchange to learn
more about the role of the front of house team at Manchester Museum and to find out about
Manchester’s approach to integrating visitor services, with access and digital engagement.
Ideas which will be shared with the British Museum’s Visitor Service team.
To find out more about the Knowledge Exchange programme contact
Katy Swift, Partnership UK Co-ordinator,
How to get involved:
If you would like your organisation to be a part of the 2014 Knowledge Exchange programme please
contact the Katy Swift at the British Museum Partnership UK Team.
In your expression of interest please provide a short paragraph answering the following questions:
Why would you like your organisation to be part of the 2014 programme
How could the staff at your organisation benefit from the skills/ knowledge exchange
How could staff at the British Museum benefit from a skills/ knowledge exchange with your
Expressions of interest to be received by
no later than Friday 25th April 2014.
To find out more about the Knowledge Exchange programme contact
Katy Swift, Partnership UK Co-ordinator,