3rd Gd copyright Acknowledgments(F)

For permission to reprint copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgment is made to the following sources:
Michael Bania: “Tun’am Manaqengaa” text and illustrations by Michael Bania, translated by Betty Gillman,
copyright English text and illustrations © 2004 by Michael Bania, copyright of Yup’ik translation © 2005
Lower Kuskokwim School District, Curriculum Bilingual Department.
Piciryaramta Elicungcallra Grant, Lower Kuskokwim School District, Curriculum Bilingual Department:
“Ciquyaam Pit’eqarraallra” by Catherine Moses, illustrations by Susie Moses, text and illustrations
copyright © 2013 by Lower Kuskokwim School District, Lower Yukon School District, University of Alaska
Fairbanks; “Kevgauqerraallrak” by Catherine Moses, Illustrated by Susie Moses, text and illustrations copyright
© 2012 by Lower Kuskokwim School District; “Iqalluarpiit” by Rosalie Lincoln, photographs by Qaivaralria
Lincoln, Nug’ur Lincoln, Janet Westlake, text and illustrations copyright © 2012 by Lower Kuskokwim School
Yup’ik Language Workshop, Kuskokwim Community College, Bethel Alaska: Naaqiyugngaunga Cali,
“Pissurualriit” p. 46-55, text and illustrations copyright © 1975 Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau
of Indian Affairs and the Alaska State Operated School System. “Akerta” Text by Jim MacDiarmid,
translated by Sophie Manutoli, illustrated by John Andrew, text and illustrations copyright © 1998 Lower
Kuskokwim School District, adapted from a book copyright © 1975 Bilingual Education Program of the
Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Alaska State Operated School System.
Eskimo Language Workshop, Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, University of Alaska,
Fairbanks, Alaska: “Kaviarem Kavirillra” by Martha Teeluk, illustrations by Edward Hofseth, text and
illustrations copyright © 2004 Lower Kuskokwim School District, originally printed in 1972; “Qangqiiyaaq,
Tulukaruk, Angyayagaq-llu” by Martha Teeluk, illustrations by Diane Dart, text and illustrations copyright ©
2015 adapted from a book copyright © 1971 Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
and the Alaska State Operated School System.
Bilingual Education Center Bureau of Indian Affairs, Oregon College of Education: “Kaviaq” by Imogene Benton,
translated by Joseph Coolidge, illustrations by Teri Sloat, text and illustrations copyright © 2015 adapted
from a book printed 1975 Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Alaska
State Operated School System.
Tungliit Kalikat Naaqerkanka: “Qanganacuar” text and illustrations by Geri Keim, translated by Paschal
Afcan, text and illustrations copyright © 2015, adapted from a book originally printed in 1975 by the
Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Alaska State Operated School
System; “Uqumyak” by Paschal Afcan, illustrations by Andrew Chikoyak, text and illustrations copyright
©2015, originally printed in 1975 by the Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and
the Alaska State Operated School System.
2001 Summer Institute, Ungungssit Nunivaarmi: “Issuriyagaq” text and illustrations by Murial Amos and Prudy
Olrun, text and illustrations copyright © 2001 Bilingual Institute, text and illustrations copyright © 2006
Lower Kuskokwim School District.
2001 Summer Institute, Yaqulegnek Qanemcit: “’Lagim Alingallap’allra” text and illustrations by Rachael
Nicholai, text and illustrations copyright © 2001 Bilingual Institute, text and illustrations copyright © 2006
Lower Kuskokwim School District.
Nutarat Naaqerkat by Oscar Alexie, James Berlin, Sr., Illustrated by Teri Sloat, Penny Panlener, James Berlin,
Sr., adapted from a book original print date unknown but estimated between 1971-1975 by the Bilingual
Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Alaska State Operated School System, text
and illustrations for “Ikayuq’ngeller” p. 57-63 copyright © 2015 by the Lower Kuskokwim School District
Curriculum Bilingual Department.
Cali Allat Naaqerkat, written by Betty Huffmon, James Berlin, Sr., Esther Green, Hubert Angaiak, illustrated
by Moses Chanar, Penny Panlener, text and illustrations copyright © 1988 by the Lower Kuskokwim School
District Curriculum Bilingual Department: “Aataq Ilani-llu” p. 10-18, “Acak Ilani-llu” p. 20-27,
“Ilungaqellriit” p. 28-33, “Neqlilleq” p. 46-51, “Pissurvigkiulria” p. 62-71, “Iqvalleq” p. 73-80, “Uliggaam Cikiutai
Anutiimini” p. 210-219, “Paayaq Akikaminek Pituq” p. 114-125, “Ap’am Qanemcia” p. 156-167.
“Quliraq Angniilngurmek Kaviayaarmek” text and illustrations by S. Manutoli, text and illustrations copyright
© 2015 by the Lower Kuskokwim School District Curriculum Bilingual Department, adapted from a book
originally printed in 1975 by the Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the
Alaska State Operated School System.
“Qercuaneq” by Paul Ilutsid, illustrations by B. George Smart, text and illustrations copyright © 2015 by the
Lower Kuskokwim School District Curriculum Bilingual Department, adapted from a book originally
printed in 1975 by the Bilingual Education Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Alaska State
Operated School System.
“Quaillun Qucillgaam Qiuglignek” text and illustrations by Jean Cook and Elsie Jimmie, text and illustrations
copyright © 1996 by the Lower Kuskokwim School District.
“Kuta” text by Jim MacDiarmid, illustrated by Lydia Kinegak, translated by Joe Coolidge, text and
illustrations copyright © 1998 by the Lower Kuskokwim School District.
“Ulap’aq Uliir” text by Irene Wassilie and Helen Larson, illustrations by Katie Curtis, text and illustrations
copyright © 1997 by the Lower Kuskokwim School District Curriculum Bilingual Department.
“Uksumi Anangnaqsaraq” text by Eliza Joekay and Natalia Stevens, illustrations by Jimmy Larson, text and
illustrations copyright © 1997 by the Lower Kuskokwim School District.