European Policy and Practices towards Ethnic Minorities Student: Edona Begu AQCI 3: Tankersley, Dawn (2001). Bombs or Bilingual Programmes?: Dual language Immersion, Transformative Education and Community Building in Macedonia, International. Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. p 107-124 [online]. [Accessed 26 October 2015]. Available from: Birch, Anthony (1989) Nationalism and National Integration, London: Unwin Hyman Ltd, chapter 4: National integration, pp. 36-51 1. Central Quotation “…the use of both languages in the classrooms increased in the participants' ability to develop crossethnic friendships, to develop understanding and respect for the two languages and cultures represented in the programme and to resolve conflicts among themselves.” (Tankersley 2001:107) 2. Argument The main argument presented by the author, in the article “Bombs or Bilingual Programmes?,” is that duallanguage classrooms can provide a very important insight on how to educate children belonging to different ethnic and language groups, which have a history of conflict. She backs her arguments by giving examples from the Macedonian/Albanian dual-language immersion programme where due to bilingual structure of the classrooms were created cross-language friendships, which means students did not base their friendship based on the language that the other child spoke. 3. Question The author takes Macedonian/Albanian dual-language immersion programme, implemented in 4 classes, as a good example on resolving conflict between two different ethnicities and languages. However, she does not provide an answer to questions such as: “Did the programme succeed in Macedonia? Was it implemented all over the country? or “What is the burden that state’s face to implement such programme? 4. Experiential Connection Although I did not have the chance to be part of dual language programme, I have had the chance to be raised playing with children belonging to different ethnicities: Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish. As such, I can say that language played a very important part on how we saw each-other and created our relations. Also, I endorse author’s argument that learning the language of “other” is very important in overcoming conflict, because from my experience the children of Macedonian ethnicity who learned ‘our’, Albanian minority language were more peaceful, tolerant and cooperative with ‘us’; and today I have my best friend who is Macedonian but speaks fluently Albanian. So, above all the language creates friendships that remove prejudice and bring more understanding between conflicting ethnicities. . 5. Textual Connection Similarly to this article, Birch in his article recognizes the connection between language and power. However, in contrast with Tankersley’s article he stipulates three approaches that states can have in respect to minority language: 1) designating the majority language as the official language 2) dividing country in linguistic areas and in each area designating an official language 3) designating both majority and minority languages official status. 6. Implications As aforementioned, the author clearly states that a dual language is very important in overcoming conflicts between ethnicities. Hence, this has a clear implication in the education policy, especially to countries that are facing inter-ethnic conflicts. However, I believe that dual language programmes should not be seen only as reactive policy, intervention to a problem that has already occurred, but rather an active policy, preventive measures before the problem occurs. 1 European Policy and Practices towards Ethnic Minorities Sample Self-Assessment form Department of Public and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University AQCI ASSESSMENT FORM Student’s name: Edona Begu Name of assessor: Izabela Kulesza Lara Belliot Date: 3/11/15 Essay title: Excel lent 1) Is the chosen quotation central to the author’s argument? Go od Aver age Po or Not accept able Comments xxx x x Strong argument, well-explained. xx x I think you are smart to suggest the interest to have a wider field of research, not only in 4 classes. x I haven’t enrolled any dual language class but I hope that the experience outside the class is sufficient. Very compelling personal connection! Yes, very relevant! 2) Has the main argument been fully understood (including its ‘for’ and ‘against’ sides, if applicable)? 3a) Is the question raised important/relevant/interesting? 3b) Has this question not been fully answered in the text? xx x 4) Is the experiential connection relevant/interesting? xxx 5a) Is the textual connection relevant/interesting? 5b) Has it been cited properly? 5c) Has it been adequately explained how the present text's argument contrasts with, contradicts, confirms, clarifies, or elaborates the other text's argument or point? xxx xxx The explanation is a little bit short but it also due to the requirements for the AQCI. xxx 6) Have the implications been well understood, can they have a practical impact for policy making? xx 7) Expression/Presentation a) Are the style, grammar and general use of English adequate? b) Is the AQCI professionally presented? x xxx xxx Essay grade: Further comments: 2 European Policy and Practices towards Ethnic Minorities 3