Evaluation TIL IP Group RST Project members: Martijn van den Driest Rob van der Feltz Bas van Noortwijk Jayant Ramautarsing 1148079 1131087 1180673 1115030 Supervision: M.W. Ludema J.H. Weelink Project This part examines the way we perceived the project itself. Different subject related to the project will be handled in a chronological order: starting with the first phase of the project. This first phase focused on exploring the subject and setting the scope of the project. Exploring is conducted by literature studies and interviews with a vehicle transporting company and researchers in the field. Thereby lots of information sources have been found; ranging from specific detailed data to conceptual frameworks. No major contradictions have been found in these information sources, except for the costs involved current transport practices. Costs found in the literature did not match the costs from the real practices. This difference in costs was caused by a misunderstanding in terminology. Though this gave us new insights in the decomposition of the market price for transport of new passenger vehicles. Based on the information found the scope of the project had to be determined, resulting in the main design objective of this project. Scoping the project involved choosing a perspective from which the project is being conducted. We have chosen the perspective of a shipping company that search for investors for the transport concept. Based on this choice other actors in the surrounding are identified, which gives a better view on the arenas the project is involved in. Taking these actors and their perceptions into account a better result can be achieved. After setting the scope of the project, decomposition into functional parts has been made. Each of these parts handles their own specific subject, but a methodology provides good insight in the relations between the parts. By making this decomposition it was possible for each project member to work parallel on a subject that fitted his knowledge and interest. Each of the project members possessed own specific methods and tools for research and design. During the first phase these different method and tools resulted in a broad range of perspectives and information involving the river sea concept and one strategy how to deal with this project. Based on the functional decomposition, each of the project members was able to apply their own research and design methods. Though everybody was continuously updated by each other about the subjects they worked on that moment. This provided every project member a complete view on the processes and results. During the design of the concept, the perspective of the shipping company was kept in mind. This reminded us that the concept to be designed should be financial feasible and an attractive alternative for new vehicle transport. This gave us also insight in the fact that it should be a tough assignment to design an optimal solution. It is hard to optimise each aspect of the solution, with taking into account the different perceptions of each stakeholder involved. Therefore a satisfying solution is the result of this project; this result has been optimised for several factors but not all. With designing an attractive alternative for new vehicle transport, we committed ourselves to look at the market as well. A feasible and attractive solution can only be achieved when there is a market it can serve. Therefore an in depth market analysis has been conducted, which resulted in a corridor choice and a choice for a type of product to be shipped with our concept. Research and design methods and tools Decomposition in good parts Deliverables in perspective of client and other actors Optimum and satisfying solution Design solution as part of design space in problem situation Assumptions Group The project group as a whole experienced very little difficulty with its internal project processes in retrospect. At the start of the project the project members had not previously cooperated as they would during the interdisciplinary project. As with any project group the first week of project work also had the function of starting to know each other. In general all team members, probably unconsciously, seemed to be striving for a common goal. The fact that it can be called a common goal follows from conversations about our personal project views towards the end of the project. Since much feedback was received from external parties which were interested in our research and findings, the group had an extra impulse to cooperate effectively. Combined with the fact that on a personal level we did not experience any animosity on a personal level, the goal of successfully finishing the TIL5050 course was a given. From the start of the project it was indicated that all members had to fulfil the role of chairman at least once. During the project this role was roughly fulfilled for two weeks by each member. Documentation on task fulfilment by the chairman was not kept as such. The relative small group size guaranteed that task execution was checked by other team members. This was supported by the fact that after task allocation these were executed in project rooms. For some parts of the research teams of two were formed to focus on certain parts of the analysis. The group tried to work together as much as possible to ensure the possibility of quick feedback. This ensured efficient research and reviewing conditions. Although working together as much as possible has many advantages, it also demands more focus from the group members. At the end of the project maintaining steady concentration levels became more difficult than at the start. Latter however did not noticeably affect the end product. The first part of this evaluation mentioned tools and methods which were used to perform analyses by the project members. Next to these research related tools and methods we also used aids to help with the project processes. The TIL5050 course provides some online disk space through the Blackboard environment to maintain project documentation. During the course of a intensive project like TIL5050 this environment lacks flexibility in some areas. A main deficiency would be the lack of the possibility to cooperate and edit in a central environment. We set up a Wiki to support our group processes and more efficient report content editing. The Wiki in the end was the main reason that there were no difficulties in report editing. A second important factor was the minimization of time loss due to email contact between project members. All documents were kept online at all times, and by strategic use status indicators all members could see who was working in and on what part of the report. The group strongly advises to provide TIL5050 groups with online wiki space, or let them get acquainted with free of charge online wiki space providers. These free wikis can often be set up in a matter of hours, but the time invested repays itself during the course of the project. These benefits grow with larger groups, since the amount of communication between members will intensify with the use of traditional email or Blackboard space. Collaboration o Allemaal op een lijn Role playing Managing a project Working together as much as possible Wiki Supervision Report and communicate the results of intermediate meetings Planning of meeting Facilities/harddrive to store data De boot missen Tussen wal en schip belanden Buiten de boot vallen Iets overboord werpen Beste stuurlui staan aan wal CARrier