From Director General Horticulture, Haryana, Panchkula. To The Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Agriculture Department, Chandigarh. Memo No. Hort. B-II/PAIT(P)/2/16/I/ Dated, Panchkula, the: - Subject: 2401-Crop-Husbandry-119-Horticulture and Vegetable Crops: New Plan Scheme for Promotion of Advanced National and International Technologies in Horticulture Sector in Haryana (SB No. 58). This is a new State Plan Scheme. The whole expenditure shall be borne by the State Govt. A token provision of Rs.10.00 lakhs has been made for the year 2012-13. In the year 2005-06, the department had plan outlay of Rs.90.00 lacs only and that increased to Rs.5400.00 lacs in the year 2012-13 which is approx. 600 times increase in plan outlay. Whereas total budget including GOI share is around of Rs.14406.00 lacs, which is substantial jump in expenditure in Horticulture. This shows that the departmental activities has increased manifold in all horticultural crops. The increase in activities is due to launching of new schemes viz. the flagship programmes of National Horticulture Mission, National Mission on Micro Irrigation and other schemes like Integrated Horticulture Development, Horticulture Bio-technology Centre, SCSP for SC families. Other major activities taken during 11th plan are implementation of Indo Israel Projects- Centre for Excellence for Vegetables and Fruits, establishment of food processing centres. Department is now collaborating with international agency in the field of horticulture for transfer of international technologies in the State of Haryana with an objective to increase production and productivity of the crops. This plan scheme has been devised with the following aims and objectives: AIMS & OBJECTIVE: The following are the aims and objectives: 1. To study and demonstrate advanced national technologies in horticulture sector. 2. To study and import advance international technologies in horticulture sector. 3. To demonstrate technologies at Govt. and farmers field. 4. To train the crop specific specialist in the concerned field. 5. To bridge productivity and quality gap of horticulture produce. 6. To study modern marketing and auctioning system. BENEFIT: By achieving the above objectives the following benefits will be accrued:1. The national and international technologies can be compared and new varieties can be tested and demonstrated for adaptability under Haryana conditions. 2. Farmers can see real time production technologies being demonstrated at farm level. 3. Advance technologies will result in increase in production and productivity. 4. Trained crop specialist will be able to transfer national and international advance technologies in the field of farmers. 5. Per unit income of farmers will increase with increase in production. 6. To enhance the water and soil conservation through latest techniques of water conservation and irrigation. 7. Modern marketing and auctioning systems will save the time and money, which result in increase in net income of farmers. PROGRAMME FOR 2012-13: The Centre of Excellence for Vegetables at Gharaunda, Karnal and Centre of Excellence for Fruits at Mangiana, Sirsa were established under National Horticulture Mission. These are project based activities and to continue the activities of these centres after termination of project period their programme shall be carried out under this scheme and funds shall be arranged for on-going and new activities. In addition to these projects two Model Floriculture Centres have already been established one at GGN Fatehpur, Panchkula & second at CEV, Gharaunda, Karnal. The activities of these centres shall also be covered under this scheme. On the pattern of Indo Israel Projects, New Centre of Excellence shall be established for demonstration of advanced international technologies in various field of horticulture and shall be transmitted to the farmers’ field through demonstration centres across the State. The following new centres are being established during current financial year: 1. Centre of Excellence for Mango at Ladwa, Kurukshetra. This project has already been approved for an amount of Rs. 500.00 lacs by GOI under NHM. 2. Centre of Excellence for bee-keeping at Murthal, Sonepat. This project has already been approved for an amount of Rs. 1000.00 lacs by GOI under NHM. 3. Centre of Excellence for flowers at CCSHAU, Hisar. This project has already been approved for an amount of Rs. 1600.00 lacs by GOI under NHM. 4. Establishment of Technology Demonstration Centre for Papaya and Banana at Govt. Garden & Nursery, Sewakheri, Panipat. This project has already been approved for an amount of Rs. 139.00 lacs under RKVY, 2011. Though, the funds have already been arranged however, for any additional National and International Technologies shall be carried out under these schemes which are not part of existing projects. Subject specific experts shall be deployed as per norms. Pattern of Assistance: The provision for budget shall be made as per the project approved. The budget shall be arranged from different centrally sponsored schemes under the existing provisions and also special provision under the State plan schemes as per the requirement and subsequent approval, however, for the year 2012-13 a token provision of Rs.10.00 lakhs has been made which shall be revised in excess and surrender. Initially budget for salary, DA, LTC & Medical was kept. Since, no staff has been proposed under this scheme. Therefore, there will be no expenditure under these heads during current financial year. The total staff has already been demanded under different schemes named Strengthening of Horticulture Department. The headquarter of the scheme will be at Panchkula. The Director General Horticulture, Haryana, Panchkula will be the controlling officer of the scheme and Superintendent (Budget) at Directorate of Horticulture, Haryana, Panchkula, Principal, Horticulture Training Institute, Uchani (Karnal), Incharge Horticulture Bio-Technology Centre, Uchani (Karnal), State Sericulture Officer Panchkula, Food Technologist Kurukshetra, District Horticulture Officer, Panchkula, Ambala, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Panipat, Sonepat, Kaithal, Rothak, Faridabad, Palwal, Mewat, Gurgaon, Rewari, Narnaul, Jhajjar, Bhiwani, Hisar, Jind, Fatehabad, Sirsa, Superintendent Horticulture, GGN, Mangiana (Sirsa) and Gharounda (Karnal) will be Drawing and Disbursing Officer of this scheme. The expenditure involved shall be debited to the following head of accounts: - “2401-Crop-Husbandry-119-Horticulture and Vegetable Crops (SB No. 58): New Plan Scheme for Promotion of Advanced National and International Technologies in Horticulture Sector in Haryana for the year 2012-13”. It is therefore, requested to accord administrative-cum-financial sanction for this Scheme. Addl. Director Horti., for Director General Horticulture, Haryana Endst. No. Hort. B-II/PAIT(P)/2/16/I/ Dated, Panchkula, the: - A copy is forwarded to Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Finance Department for information and necessary action. Addl. Director Horti., for Director General Horticulture, Haryana STATEMENT OF COST IN RESPECT OF 2401-CROP-HUSBANDRY-119HORTICULTURE AND VEGETABLE CROPS: NEW PLAN SCHEME FOR PROMOTION OF ADVANCED NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN HORTICULTURE SECTOR IN HARYANA (SB NO. 58). SUMMARY (Rs. in lakhs) Amount Code No. Component 02 Wages 0.10 05 Office Expenses 0.10 19 Machinery & Equipment 0.10 21 Motor Vehicle 0.10 24 Material & Supplies 0.10 33 9.10 34 Payments for Professional & Special Services Other Charges 69 Contractual Services 0.10 86 Training 0.10 98 Furniture 0.10 Total 0.10 10.00