April 14, 2014 Minutes

Campus Advising Network (CAN) Committee Minutes
April 14, 2014
Buzzard Hall 2521
Members Present: Dr. Bill Addison, Lisa Canivez, Don Dawson, Dr. Julie Dietz, Teri Farr, Amber
Osborne, Dr. Jean Wolski (for Dr. Chris Mitchell)
Members Absent: Dr. Mary Herrington-Perry, Amy Lynch
Guests: Sherrie Arnholt, Jackie Collins, Nancy Crone, Donna Dawson, Cindy Miller, Jennifer
Reed, Shawn Schultz
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. Minutes from the March 3, 2014
meeting were accepted and approved without objection.
a. Teri wanted assurance that the proposed sub-committee structure is agreeable
with everyone, and asked whether anyone had questions regarding the subcommittees. The sub-committees will have a Chairperson, and include
individuals who are interested in serving on a particular committee. Some
adjustments to the by-laws will be needed to incorporate the new subcommittee structure.
Cindy Miller from Athletics will be attending the meetings. Teri would like
someone from the Registrar’s office, hopefully Amy Lynch, to serve. Julie
recommended that Admissions have a representative on CAN and Jackie agreed.
Teri suggested that Kimberlie Moock be on a sub-committee. Nancy mentioned
that she knew someone who was aware of someone in the College Student
Affairs graduate program who was interested in advising as a career. This person
might be willing to serve on a sub-committee. Bill agreed that an undergraduate
and graduate student, specifically those that went to EIU, be a part of a subcommittee. The sub-committees should each try to prepare a mission/goal
statement. These statements will be made public. Then a suggestion can be
made to actively seek sub-committee members, specifically faculty. Kathy
Schoonover is an individual being promoted as a potential sub-committee
The Technology sub-committee could possibly work on the accessibility of
reports for everyone on campus. Donna suggested a common advising
appointment scheduler for everyone on campus. There is a program created by
CATS that has both good and bad points. Perhaps CATS could refine the program
and make it workable for general advising.
b. Many in attendance were surprised by the replacement of u.select by the new
Transferology Lab software. Short notice was given for the exchange which
coincided during advising time and the week of junior registration. Two
afternoon training sessions are being made available on April 23. Registration
information for the Transferology Lab trainings is forthcoming. Sherrie
suggested that u.select be removed from the CAN website and Transferology Lab
be added.
a. Shawn would be agreeable to working on updating the CAN website. Julie
suggested putting the information into a usable format, update links, remove
dead links, etc.
b. The Advisor Coffee was deemed a success. Teri felt that it went very well,
despite the rescheduling and some agenda changes during the meeting. Dr.
Perry and Provost Lord both attended and spoke at the Coffee.
c. Julie reported that she, Jerry Donna, and Teri will be revising the SAP form,
especially the advisor section. The goal is to make it more consistent and userfriendly for everyone. Financial Aid will have the final word on the document.
Advisors should know what students have to submit and be able to help them.
Shawn would like to know if advisors can be alerted when a student receives a
SAP form. During this discussion, it was mentioned that an individual from
Financial Aid might be helpful to have on CAN.
d. Webinars will be offered consistently during the fall and spring semesters. The
topics will vary, depending what is made available for viewing. Teri asked
whether there is a separate listing of faculty advisors. It was confirmed that
Debbie Kidwell maintains a list at the Academic Advising Center. A list of all
advisors could be added to the CAN website. It is difficult to keep a faculty
advisor list updated as things change. It was suggested that a request for a
faculty advisor list be taken to the Deans. They can then take it to the Council of
Chairs who meets every other week. The Council of Chairs listserv would be the
most efficient way to obtain this information at this time.
e. Friday, September 5 is Fall Advisor day for a Safe Zone Training. Safe Zone 1
training will be conducted in the morning, followed by a break for lunch. Safe
Zone 2 training will be conducted in the afternoon. Shawn suggested using the
Academic Success Center as a meeting place. Some individuals would not need
to attend both sessions. A question was raised as to whether Safe Zone trainings
have a maximum number of participants. Nancy will call Yolanda about the
structure of the training group.
f. An all-day conference is scheduled for September 12 at EIU. This is an ILACADA
sponsored free event entitled ‘Linking Academic and Career Advising.’ Mark
Vetger and Angell Davis will co-chair as speakers for the conference. Jennifer
and Don will work on the logistics of the event.
g. Congratulations to Amy Lynch who was recently announced as the new Registrar
for EIU. Teri mentioned that it would be great if she would continue to attend
CAN meetings.
h. It was noted that Betsy Miller will be taking Amy’s place on CAN as the
representative for the Certification Officers.
i. Teri nominated Lisa to continue as Vice-Chairperson of CAN.
j. It was determined that a social time would be a fun way to bring advisors
together. An Advisor’s After-Hours was tentatively scheduled for May 1 at 4:30
p.m. at the Brickhouse bar in the Unique Suites Hotel. Don will check with Paul
Medrich about this event.
Dates to Remember
a. ILACADA Annual Conference – May 22, 2014 in Carbondale, IL
b. NACADA National Conference – October 8-11, 2014 in Minneapolis, MN
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.