Guide to Heritage Incentives Scheme

Guide to Heritage Incentives Scheme
Working together to conserve our past
Brisbane City Council is committed to preserving our unique cultural heritage – from grand
buildings in the CBD to schools, churches, factories and dwellings in our city’s suburbs.
Council introduced the Heritage Incentives Scheme in 2005 to foster an appreciation of
Brisbane’s heritage. It offers professional advice and financial assistance in the form of grants to
owners of heritage-listed properties in Brisbane City.
The scheme creates an opportunity for owners of heritage places to work together with Council in
a tangible way to conserve our city’s rich cultural and architectural heritage.
The Heritage Incentives Scheme is an important Council initiative and part of Living in Brisbane
2026 – our shared vision for the city’s future.
What does the Heritage Incentives Scheme comprise?
Free expert consultation
Council provides free expert conservation advice to all owners of properties on the City Plan
Heritage Register. This advice is available on request and is independent of an owner submitting
a grant application.
Advice includes assisting with:
• specific heritage work
• briefs for conservation studies
• reuse strategies for maintaining the architectural integrity of heritage properties where required
• development applications such as: - giving advice before development applications are
submitted - facilitating meetings with Council and the Queensland Government Department of
Environment and Heritage Protection to ensure appropriate action is taken before applications
are lodged for properties also on the Queensland Heritage Register.
Heritage grants
Grants may be allocated to assist private owners finance conservation work, depending on
available funds. Council may reimburse owners for Registered Grants when work is completed to
a satisfactory standard.
Council’s website has a wide range of fact sheets to assist owners to care for their heritage listed
properties. Topics include carrying out maintenance and conservation work, determining original
colour schemes and preparing briefs for conservation plans.
Which properties are eligible for heritage grants?
Most properties on the City Plan Heritage Register are eligible. Properties that are not eligible are
all those owned by the Commonwealth, Queensland or Local Governments.
What work is eligible for heritage grants?
Documentation Projects
• Conservation plans, drawings and specifications associated with conservation work.
• Other reports resulting from investigating the built fabric.
Construction Projects
• Restoring, maintaining, repairing or reinstating elements of the heritage fabric, such as installing
new gutters, repairing timber joinery or re-roofing to match the original material/profile.
• Re-painting in the original colours or in a colour scheme that reflects the heritage significance.
• Reversing unsympathetic alterations to reveal the original form and materials but not including
other types of demolition.
• Building work that ensures public safety and prevents structural failure or damage to the
heritage fabric.
What work is not eligible for heritage grants?
• Routine maintenance work that would be required for any property, such as unblocking drains or
pruning trees or treating termites.
• Work not directly contributing to conserving the heritage place, such as new kitchens,
extensions or garages.
• Documentation or Conservation Projects with a project cost of less than $1,000.
When can I apply for a heritage grant?
You can apply for a grant at any time of the year, prior to starting your project. Grant payments
cannot exceed the relevant maximum amount over two consecutive financial years.
What grant funding is available?
Funding is allocated each financial year and is subject to ongoing review. As funding is limited,
not every eligible application will necessarily receive a grant or the maximum grant requested.
Small grants for private owners ($1,000 - $15,000 project cost)
• Up to a maximum of $3,000 (not exceeding 30% of the project cost for small conservation
Large grants for private owners (over $15,000 project cost)
• Up to a maximum of $10,000 (not exceeding 20% of the project cost for larger conservation
Grants for non-profit organisations (over $1,000 project cost)
• Up to a maximum of $15,000 (not exceeding 40% of the conservation project cost).
Who do I contact for more information?
Please contact Heritage Incentives in Council’s City Architecture and Heritage Team if you have
any queries.
Telephone: (07) 3403 8888