November 2013 Board Report SON

Graceland University Board of Trustees
From: Claudia Horton, Dean
Date: November 9, 2013
Report on the School of Nursing
“Embracing Change” is the theme for the School of Nursing (SON) this fall. Since the inception of the
MSN program, faculty have been traveling to evaluate students at their clinical sites. Starting January we
will no longer be making these individual site visits. Our students have proven over the past several years
that they are functioning effectively in their clinics. Faculty are creating innovative strategies to evaluate
students through electronic means. Travel has become much more complicated, expensive, time intensive
and unnecessary. State regulations have become more restrictive and costly and are also contributing to
the implementation of these changes. It is hard for faculty to let go of such an important piece of the
program, but they understand that it’s time to move forward and “letting go” is a part of the process.
We are converting the two-day orientation focus sessions to the online delivery format as well. Again,
they are costly for students, faculty and staff. We have learned that we can provide the content that
students need online. We plan to create videos and offer live chat sessions with our students from afar.
The technology has pushed us to meet the needs of our students in new ways. Although students, faculty
and staff will miss “being together” on campus, it will be much more convenient for everyone to use the
online environment more efficiently.
The onground undergraduate students have done well this summer having started the new 18-month
curriculum. They’re keeping up with their studies as well as providing tremendous support for Dr. Sharon
Little-Stoetzel who was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer. The students participated in the 5K
Pink Laundry Run in Lee's Summit, MO. The purpose of the run is to support families coping with breast
cancer of a loved one. The students won an award for the largest team and an award for the most spirited
team. They created a tee shirt displaying their team name “Supporting Dr. Sharon” and the pink ribbon
symbol. It was a fun day and inspiring as the students demonstrated their support for Dr. Sharon by
helping her and contributing to the community.
The Graceland University Golf Classic was held at the golf course at Drumm Farm in August. We were
very fortunate that the proceeds came to the School of Nursing. The funds helped to purchase new exam
tables for the skills lab and will support faculty and staff to attend professional conferences. Our
development office did a tremendous job of organizing and coordinating the event. It was wonderful to
meet so many strong supporters of Graceland. It was a beautiful day to share in the fun and fellowship.
Congratulations are in order! The Pi Eta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Nursing (STTI) earned the Chapter Key Award this year. Dr. Thelma Sword will attend the international
convention in Indianapolis this fall to accept the award on behalf of the chapter. The chapter leaders, Lin
Howell (President) and Dr. Sword (Treasurer) worked diligently to demonstrate the successful
performance of the Pi Eta membership. Criteria included achievements in leadership, knowledge, service,
community and sustainability. A few examples of accomplishments: the chapter granted new inductee
scholarships, awarded research grants to members, and provided professional development programs as
an individual chapter as well as in collaboration with several local chapters. Several of our faculty
members will be presenting research posters at the convention in November. The Pi Eta Chapter was
chartered at Graceland in 2000 and boasts over 200 members across the country.
Several faculty will attend and present at the 40th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing
Education and Development in KCMO in October. More news will be available about the conference in
the February report.
Some faculty accomplishments this summer and fall:
Dr. Peggy Van Dyke attended:
Women's Health Care Symposium (9 hrs) at Branson, MO June, 2013
Women's Health Care Symposium (11 hrs) in Jackson Hole, WY in July, 2013.
Dr. Susan Vogelsmeier attended:
National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, Postgraduate Institute for Medicine, July 25-28 in
Copper Mountain, CO.
Dr. Thelma Sword, Presentations:
Transitioning to Cyberspace: Getting Ready for the Journey. Baker University School of Nursing
Workshop for Nurse Educators, Topeka, KS, August 9, 2013 [all day
Online guest lecture for week-long Evidence-based Research class for Graceland University2012 2013
Conferences attended:
Restoring Health, Hope & Joy. Health Ministries Association, August 24 & 25, 2012,
Independence, MO.
Dr. Wilai Rojjanasrirat, Presentations:
a. Testing Mediator Effect of Intention Among Theory of Planned Behavior Concepts and
Employers’ Breastfeeding Support. Podium and Poster presentation at the International
Lactation Consultant Association Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 25-30, 2013.
b. Best Practice for Online Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Sukhothai
Thamathirat Open University, Bangkok, Thailand, June 21, 2013.
c. Using Evidence-Based Practice and Outcome Management to Improve Patient Care,
Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, June 26, 2013.
d. Translation of Evidence for Health Policy, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand,
July 3, 2013.
e. Getting Start on Research Collaboration, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand,
July 10, 2013.
f. Nursing Management of the Newborn with Asphyxia & Birth Injury, Naresuan
University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, July 11, 2013.
g. Nursing Management for Women with Obstetric Procedures, Naresuan University,
Phitsanulok, Thailand, July 16, 2013.
a) Rojjanasrirat, W. & Ferrarello, D. (2013). Evaluating attitudes toward workplace support for
breastfeeding among hospital managers. Journal of Clinical Lactation. In press.
b) Rice, J., Rojjanasrirat, W., & Trachsel, P. (2013). Attrition of On-line Graduate Nursing
Students Before and After Program Structural Changes. Journal of Professional Nursing.
29:181-6. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.05.007.
Conferences attended:
1. International Lactation Consultant Association Conference, Born to Breastfeed: A Global Public
Health Imperative. Melbourne, Australia. July 25-28, 2013 (16.75 CE).
2. 2013 Exploring Medical Mission Conference. Institute for International Medicine, Kansas City,
MO May 31-June 1, 2013.
3. Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS). 2013 37th Annual Research Conference. Chicago,
IL, March 7-10, 2013. (15 CE)
Beverly South attended:
21st Annual Colloquium, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Las Vegas,
Nevada, June 25-28th, 2013, 16 CEUs
Resilient Children, JCCC, July 16th, 3 CEUs Beyond Stinkin’Thinkin’, JCCC, July 18th, 2013, 6
INMED Global Health (international medicine) Conference, Kansas City, MO, 5/30- 6/1, 2013
Dr. Carol Green publications:
Contributor: Assessment Technologies, Inc. Medical-Surgical nursing review series:
Nasogastric Intubation (Peer-Reviewed)
Maternal-Newborn Nursing Care Plans, (under revision. Projected publication date March,
2014), author/editor.
Conferences attended:
March 2013 Strategies to Support Teaching & Learning of Clinical Reasoning, 1.0 CE
Michelle Hornack
Answering the Call for Sustainability Rejuvenating Respect and Regard in Nursing Education,
Overland Park, KS
Lin Howell, Dr. Rojjanasrirat, Dr. Sword, Cindy Waits, and Dr. Horton attended:
Embracing Excellence Conference
Supported by several local chapters of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
including Graceland’s chapter, Pi Eta. September, 2013. KCMO