Waste FAQ - Burdekin Shire Council

Waste FAQ
How much does a commercial bin service cost?
240L Commercial 2 bin service - $424 per year
Additional 240L Commercial refuse bin - $332 per year
Additional Commercial recycle bin - $92 per year
What waste services are businesses required to have?
According to Council’s Waste Management Policy, every business must have:
a 240L refuse bin through council or
equivalent serviced provided by an approved private contractor, and
a recycling service provided through council.
Where can we dispose of waste oil or oil containers?
Small amounts of oil can be disposed of at the transfer stations for 17c/litre. The first six litres of oil can be disposed
of for free. Waste oil containers containing oil residues are charged according to size. Oil filters can be disposed of at
the transfer station for $3 each. Kirknie Road landfill does not have the facilities to take waste oil or containers.
Where can we dispose of scrap metal?
Scrap metal can be taken to the Ayr, Home Hill and Giru transfer stations, as well as the Kirknie Landfill and disposed
of free of charge.
Where can we dispose of construction and demolition waste?
Construction and demolition (C & D) waste can be disposed of at the Kirknie Road Landfill only. The fee for mixed
general and C & D waste is $124/tonne. If you have a mixed load with the following materials, you will be able to
save money by separating them at the landfill.
Concrete/pavers/tile/brick more than 100mm or asphalt - $55 per tonne
Concrete/pavers/tile/brick less than 100mm - $20 per tonne
Where can we dispose of asbestos?
Asbestos can be disposed of at Kirknie Road Landfill for $228 per tonne, plus handling fee of $210. Asbestos must be
double wrapped or packaged in thick plastic or in approved asbestos bags, sealed with tape and labelled. These must
be accompanied by waste tracking certificates.
What about mixed loads of commercial waste
Mixed general waste, commercial cardboard and scrap metal can all be disposed of at
transfer stations and the landfill. If you have a mixed load with the following materials you
will be able to save money by separating them.
Commercial cardboard - $5.00 cubic m (Ayr & Home Hill transfer stations only
Scrap metal – free
Logs, stumps over 300mm - $70 per cubic m (Landfill only)
Treated timber - $50 per tonne (Landfill only)
Prices are charged at the size of the load for small amounts and per tonne for larger vehicles. The following prices
Bag/bin up to 140L - $3.00
Car or 240L bin - $6.00
Small trailer - $13.50
Large trailer/ute/van - $20.00
Van/ute with small trailer - $33.00
Van/ute with large trailer - $39.50
Why are we charged for waste disposal when we already pay rates?
The disposal of waste is very expensive. Not only is there the cost associated with operations of the landfill and
transfer stations while they are open, but there are costs that need to be taken into account for the management
and rehabilitation of landfills for at least 25 years after closure.
Council currently has a free sorted waste system for domestic waste. This is subsidised by the rates charges on each
property. Fees charged at the transfer stations and landfills do not entirely cover the cost of disposal for that waste.
The remainder is subsided by the general rates charges.
How can you save money on waste disposal?
Find out what waste you have and how much of it you throw away at the moment. Where does it go i.e.
recycle bin, general waste bin?
In what ways can you reduce waste products? Are there products available that have less packaging or
products you could buy in bulk to reduce waste?
Can you provide receptacles for separating waste easily as you go? This may make recycling a lot more
convenient in the workplace.
What products can be recycled? Recycling is generally cheaper than disposing of general waste.
Are your services adequate? Sometimes, once you figure out how much can be recycled, your need for space
in your general waste bin could be significantly reduced. For example, if you have a general waste bin that is
serviced weekly at the moment, but do little in the way of recycling, you
could potentially reduce the frequency of service and save your business
When you take waste to the landfill, sort out the material. Some recyclables
are free or lower cost than general waste that goes straight to landfill, even
for commercial businesses.