Curriculum Vitae - The Geological Society

Kathryn Patricia Kavanagh
Curriculum Vitae
BSc Honours (Geology), with distinction
Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa (2001–04: 3 years part-time, 1 year full-time)
Awarded ED Mountain Prize for academic achievement, 2003
Dissertation on the Spitskop Carbonatite, South Africa
MSc (Library and Information Studies)
University of Loughborough, England (1987–88)
Thesis involved compilation of expert system for facilitating access to online databases; project
work involved review of remote sensing in the Sahel
BA Honours, MA (Oxon.)
(Literae Humaniores: Classical Languages and Literature, Philosophy and Ancient History)
Somerville College, University of Oxford, England (1972–76)
Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF), level B2 (highest level of ordinary diploma)
French Ministry of Education (2009)
Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Awarding body: Trinity College, London (1990)
Certificate in Ecology and Conservation, Parts I and II
University of London, Department of Extramural Studies (1985–86)
Chartered Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society (London)
Member, Society of Economic Geologists
Iron ore in Guinea (N. Simandou), Côte d’Ivoire (Mts Zebo, Gao), the northern and northeastern DRC
(Mbomo, Mt Ami), Zambia (Nambala)
Gold in Côte d’Ivoire, Suriname
Copper–cobalt in the DRC
Manganese in Gabon
Bauxite in the DRC
Platinum and base metal sulphides in the Eastern Bushveld and Platreef, South Africa
Diamonds (kimberlitic and alluvial) in South Africa
Uranium in Malawi
IAMGOLD, Toronto, Canada (based at Rosebel Gold Mines N.V. in Suriname)
Project Geologist (Exploration) (August 2011–March 2013)
Project management, with fieldwork
Responsibility for project planning, budgeting, development and execution. Statutory reporting; planning
for relinquishment. Camp management. Supervision of junior geologists, technicians, fieldworkers.
Preparation of PowerPoint project and budget presentations. Health and Safety monitoring, inspections
and chairing of safety meetings. Course planning and organization (4x4 driving, first responder training).
Development and supervision of geological and regolith mapping programmes, stream sediment and
deep auger sampling, diamond drill programmes. Implementation of rigorous QAQC protocols.
Database development; interpretation of multi-element data using ioGas software. Planning and
management of IP survey, interpretation of 2D models in relation to aeromagnetic and ground mapping
data. Computer mapping (MapInfo) and technical reporting; basic modelling (Leapfrog, GEMS).
The MSA Group (consulting and contracting company), Johannesburg, South Africa
Project Geologist (April 2006–July 2011)
Project management
 The senior field geologist on many projects, responsible for client liaison, maintaining good
community relations, health, safety and environmental monitoring, financial management and
accounting, direction of field activities, supervision of drilling programmes, sample collection and
dispatch, QAQC, direction and training of junior geologists, reporting and data analysis during
and on completion of the project
Field experience
 Lithological, structural and mineralisation mapping, often in remote locations, usually alone with
locally-hired labour. Transferring data to ArcMap or MapInfo and Microsoft Access databases
 Borehole siting based on mapping or geophysical data. Supervision of multi-rig diamond core
and RC drilling operations for a range of commodities. Core and chip logging and sampling,
supervision of rehabilitation. Use of Geosoft for the preparation of downhole logs and sections
 Pit-face logging and sampling in a large-scale benched pit; manual pitting and bulk sampling,
trench and vein logging and sampling, supervision of pit rehabilitation
 Stream sediment sampling: planning of collection sites, sampling and screening of samples
 Ground magnetic surveys: conduct, supervision and field interpretation and mapping in Surfer
 QAQC of assay data and reporting of XRF/Niton, fire assay and petrographic studies
Desktop consultancy assignments
 Commodity studies, e.g. nickel potential of the Pietersburg Greenstone Belt, South Africa;
bauxite in Bas-Congo; conglomerate-hosted uranium (South Africa and worldwide).
 Country and regional assessments (economics, geology, metallogeny, investment climate and
political risk) of African and Asian countries for external clients
 Target prospectivity assessments, e.g. for gold in a tenement in Mali
 Scientific editing of geological mapping reports of Ghana for the Council for Geoscience, South
 Cataloguing for corporate client of past African exploration projects in an ArcMap geodatabase
and review for potential new exploration targets
 Writing, editing and coordination of specialist contributions for feasibility study (nickel)
 Business development, proposal writing and budgeting, company PowerPoint presentations
Herod Consulting, Johannesburg, South Africa
Contract Geologist (March–April 2006)
Logging and sampling drill core (PGEs, Cr) for Anglo Platinum, Eastern Bushveld, South Africa
Tawana Resources Pty Ltd, Northern Cape, South Africa
Junior Geologist (January 2005–February 2006)
Alluvial diamond exploration: supervision of gravel drilling by large-diameter Bauer BG36C drill,
logging gravels, direction of mechanised pitting, mapping pit walls, managing rehabilitation
Kimberlite exploration, including delineation of boundary of known kimberlite by RC drilling,
deflation sampling, ground magnetic surveys, field investigation of Falcon™ anomalies
Data interpretation, preparation of reports, maps and local geological history
Supervision of Flowsort facility; diamond sorting
Applied Geology Services, Johannesburg, South Africa
Temporary Data Assistant (December 2004–January 2005)
Population of Microsoft Access geochemical and drilling databases; editing geological reports
Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA): workshops on various commodities, drilling
Society of Economic Geologists: workshop on banded iron formation-related high-grade iron ore
Gordon Institute of Business Science: project management course (grade obtained: 89%)
Training courses in ArcMap, Geosoft, Microsoft Access, MapInfo, GEMS
Advanced driver training and 4x4 off-road training
First Aid and First Responder training
OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE (full details on request)
Dictionary Unit for South African English, Grahamstown, South Africa
Editor-in-Chief and Executive Director: South African Concise Oxford Dictionary (1st edition, 2002)
Managing the editorial team, editing dictionary text. Author of papers for publication and presentation at
conferences, leading training seminars. Organiser of an international lexicography conference
Oxford University Press, Oxford, England
Assistant Editor of English dictionaries for speakers of other languages, including:
Oxford Guide to British and American Culture for Learners of English (1st edition, 1999)
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (5th edition, 1995)
English editor and project manager: Oxford English–Greek Learner’s Dictionary (2nd edition, 1998)
British Museum (Natural History), London, England
Personal Assistant to the Keeper of Botany
Botanical editing, botanical fieldwork, administration. Joint organiser of 10-day pre-conference field trip
English (mother tongue); French (good, including written); rusty Kiswahili, Spanish and Greek
Microsoft Office suite, including Access; ArcMap; MapInfo; Surfer; Geosoft; GEMS (basic), Leapfrog,
ioGas, TNT Edit; SGML application
As editor:
Jermy, A.C. and Kavanagh, K.P. (Editors) (1983) Notulae et novitiates Muluenses, 2. Botanical Journal
of the Linnean Society, 85, 1–73.
Jermy, A.C. and Kavanagh, K.P. (Editors) (1982) Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak: an account of
its environment and biota being the results of the Royal Geographical Society/Sarawak
Government expedition and Survey 1977–8. Sarawak Museum Journal XXX (51): Special
issues 1 and 2.
As author:
Kavanagh, K.P. (2003) Co-operative lexicography – developing bilingual dictionaries. In: Botha, W. (Ed.)
‘n Man wat Beur: Huldigingsbundel vir Dirk van Schalkwyk. Stellenbosch: Buro van die WAT,
Kavanagh, K.P. (2002) Adapting a monolingual dictionary for local use (also translated into French). In:
Emejulu, J.D. (Ed.) Eléments de Léxicographie Gabonaise, 2. New York: Jimacs Hillman, 263–
275, 276–290.
Kavanagh, K.P. (2000) Words in a cultural context. Lexikos 10, 99–118.
Kavanagh, K.P. and Morris, A. (1989) MOSS: a prototype expert system for modifying online search
strategies. Online Information 89. Proceedings of the 13th International Online Information
Meeting, London 12–14 December 1989. Oxford: Learned Information, 415–434.
Kavanagh, K.P. (1989) Manpower requirements and availability in the expert systems field. British
Library Research Paper, 65. London: British Library Research and Development Department.