Pre Charrette Preparation Points 05222012

A Research Coordination Network for Science, Engineering and
Education for Sustainability on Climate, Energy, Environment and
Engagement in Semiarid Regions
Interdisciplinary Multi-stakeholder Kick-off Charrette
May 23, 24, and 25, 2012
Southwest Research Institute
San Antonio, TX
Pre-Charrette Preparation Points
(These are the principal questions that will be addressed in the charrette.)
Documenting Hats, Drivers, and Expectations
What “Hats” are you wearing for the charrette?
i.e., what roles will you play, what perspectives will you have, and/or what points of view will you represent,
toward the topics that will be addressed at this meeting?
What “Drivers” are bringing you to the charrette?
i.e., what prompted you to attend this charrette?
What expectations do you have for the charrette?
i.e., what specific outcomes or results do you want to accomplish that will make you satisfied or happy that you
Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Risks, and Threats (SWORT)
What are the strengths created for the organization you represent that may result from achieving the full
implementation of the RCN SEES CE3SAR?
What are the weaknesses created for the organization you represent that may result from not achieving the full
implementation of the RCN SEES CE3SAR?
What are the opportunities created for the organization you represent that may result from achieving the full
implementation of the RCN SEES CE3SAR?
What are the risks created for the organization you represent that may result from not achieving the full
implementation of the RCN SEES CE3SAR?
What are the threats created for the organization you represent that may result from not achieving the full
implementation of the RCN SEES CE3SAR?
Identifying Burning Issues and Hot Buttons
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can for the types of questions that you
would like to see the network pursue within its research agenda.
PROBLEMS that RCN SEES CE3SAR will attempt to SOLVE
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can for the types of problems that you
would like to see the network pursue within its research agenda.
NEEDS that RCN SEES CE3SAR will attempt to SATISFY
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can for the types of needs that you would
like to see the network pursue within its research agenda.
What are the OPPORTUNITIES that RCN SEES CE3SAR will attempt to REALIZE?
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can for the types of opportunities that you
would like to see the network pursue within its research agenda.
What are the ASPIRATIONS that RCN SEES CE3SAR will attempt to FULFILL?
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can for the types of aspirations that you
would like to see the network pursue within its research agenda.
Hot Buttons
Based on the questions, problems, needs, opportunities, and aspirations identified previously, please list the
principal hot buttons that you would like to see the network address as a priority.
Developing a Plan of Action
A. Elevator Pitch
Please describe succinctly what RCN SEES CE3SAR is all about, and its strategic importance and value for the
organization you represent.
B. Strategic Goals
Please establish a set of general strategic goals, which will enable achieving the elevator pitch for RCN SEES
CE3SAR defined in A, above. Each goal established should define the following elements: [Note: You can use the
following format for additional strategic goals.]
 Brief description of the strategic goal. (i.e., What to do…)
 Brief description of a general plan of action for achieving this strategic goal. (i.e., How to do it…)
 Brief description of the general resources required to achieve this strategic goal. (i.e., With what…)
 Brief description of any general commitments, both from an institutional (i.e., organization level) or an
individual (i.e., personal level) point of view that are required for achieving this strategic goal.
 A desired target date for achieving this strategic goal.
C. Tactical Objectives and Associated Preliminary Operational Plans of Action
For each general strategic goal defined in B, above, please list the principal specific tactical objectives required
to achieve it. Each tactical objective established should define the following elements: [Note: You can use the
following format for additional tactical objectives.]
 Brief description of the tactical objective
 What needs to be done to achieve the objective (i.e., specific tasks)?
 Why (i.e., justification of these tasks)?
 How (i.e., procedures/methods to be followed)?
 Who (i.e., responsibility for execution of the tasks)?
 With What (i.e., resources required to complete the tasks)?
 When (i.e., target date for completion of the tasks)?
 Where (i.e., location for the execution of the tasks)?
 Metrics (i.e., how will progress be measured)?
 Assumptions and Expectations
 Please list any assumptions, and any expectations associated with the strategic goal and this tactical
 Wants, Needs, Do’s, and Don’ts
 Please list any wants and needs, and any do’s and don’ts associated with the strategic goal and this tactical
D. Commitments
To ensure achieving the plan of action for RCN SEES CE3SAR, define the commitments that need to be made.
 Personal Commitments
 Please list at least one specific individual commitment to RCN SEES CE3SAR, which you are willing to make
from a personal point of view.
 Institutional Commitment
Please list at least one specific institutional commitment to RCN SEES CE3SAR, which you are willing to
make from an institutional point of view (i.e., the organization you represent).
Commitment from Others
Please list at least one specific commitment to RCN SEES CE3SAR, which you would like to see from other
individuals or organizations. Please name the individual or the organization, if any, that you would like to
see make the commitment.
Defining the 12 Elements of the Business Development Process
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can on how to help the network profile (i.e.,
identify and characterize the drivers) its principal knowledge domains and thrust areas.
What can RCN SEES CE3SAR do to PLAN?
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can on how to help the network plan (i.e.,
set the path ahead).
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network position itself (i.e.,
establish a brand and ensure a presence), within a broad range of constituencies, maximizing the potential to
successfully execute its plan of action. List both the positioning mechanism (i.e., what to do) and the target
audience (i.e., for whom).
What can RCN SEES CE3SAR do to PRUNE?
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network prune
opportunities (i.e., select strategically), to separate temptation from opportunity. List the different ways in
which opportunities can be selected.
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network pursue leads (i.e.,
build relationships individually), or to help it partner with other organizations (i.e., build relationships in
partnerships), which will enable it to successfully execute its plan of action. List both the pursuit mechanism and
the target audience. Also, please list all the different potential partner organizations. For each one listed, please
explain your reasoning.
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network persuade potential
sponsors (i.e., make a pitch), which can help it successfully execute its plan of action.
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network perform the full
scope of activities (i.e., do the work) associated with it.
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network produce (i.e.,
deliver outcomes) answers to the questions, solutions to the problems, satisfaction of needs, realization of
opportunities, and fulfillment of aspirations, within the initiatives, programs, projects, events, and activities
What can RCN SEES CE3SAR do to PROFIT?
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network profit (i.e., reap the
benefits) from the initiatives, programs, projects, events, and activities executed, as a way to attract or create
more opportunities in the future.
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network establish
performance assessment mechanisms (i.e., evaluate) for the on-going evaluation of performance within the
successful execution of its plan of action, including: matching the drivers with the outcomes, and taking
corrective actions in case they do not match.
Please list as many ideas, suggestions, and recommendations as you can to help the network establish process
improvement mechanisms (i.e., learn) for the on-going capture of lessons learned as the basis for becoming a
continuously improving learning organization within the successful execution of its plan of action.
Brainstorming Funding Sources
Who would pay for ANSWERS to QUESTIONS?
Please list as many organizations as you can, which may/could/would/should fund, or invest in, finding the
answers to the types of questions identified as part of the research agenda for RCN SEES CE3SAR. For each
organization listed, please identify the type of question you think they might be interested in.
Who would pay for SOLUTIONS to PROBLEMS?
Please list as many organizations as you can, which may/could/would/should fund, or invest in, the
development of solutions for the types of problems identified as part of the research agenda for RCN SEES
CE3SAR. For each organization listed, please identify the type of problem you think they might be interested in.
Who would pay for the SATISFACTION of NEEDS?
Please list as many organizations as you can, which may/could/would/should fund, or invest in, providing
satisfaction of the types of needs identified as part of the research agenda for RCN SEES CE3SAR. For each
organization listed, please identify the type of need you think they might be interested in.
Who would pay for the REALIZATION of OPPORTUNITIES?
Please list as many organizations as you can, which may/could/would/should fund, or invest in, the pursuit of
the realization of the types of opportunities identified as part of the research agenda for RCN SEES CE3SAR. For
each organization listed, please identify the type of opportunity you think they might be interested in.
Who would pay for the FULFILLMENT of ASPIRATIONS?
Please list as many organizations as you can, which may/could/would/should fund, or invest in, the fulfillment of
the types of aspirations identified as part of the research agenda for RCN SEES CE3SAR. For each organization
listed, please identify the type of opportunity you think they might be interested in.
Identifying “Bumps on the Road” (Challenges): Inhibitors, Obstacles, and Barriers
What are some of the key inhibitors that are currently slowing down, or could slow down, the implementation
of RCN SEES CE3SAR, both internally and externally to the organization you represent? For each inhibitor
identified, please suggest an enabler that could overcome the inhibitor.
What are some of the key obstacles that are currently making difficult, or could make difficult, the
implementation of RCN SEES CE3SAR, both internally and externally to the organization you represent? For each
obstacle identified, please suggest a possible obstacle-remover that could eliminate the obstacle.
What are some of the key barriers that are currently preventing, or could prevent, the implementation of RCN
SEES CE3SAR, both internally and externally to the organization you represent? For each barrier identified,
please suggest a possible barrier-breaker that could eliminate the barrier.