Appendix S2: Phylogenetic Analyses Phylogeny reconstruction As our target species represent a wide phylogenetic range across Eudicots, we estimated phylogenetic relationships among the species to enable testing for phylogenetic bias in the statistical analyses of the traits data (see below). Partial plastid DNA encoded matK nucleotide sequences (Kress et al. 2005; Shaw et al. 2005) were derived from individuals of most of our species (data to be submitted to GenBank). Fresh young leaves were collected and DNA was isolated with the KingFisher Flex (Thermo Scientific), using the Agowa Sbeadex Maxi Plant kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Agowa genomics, Berlin, Germany). The DNA concentration was estimated by gel electrophoresis. For the amplification of the matK fragment, the primers 3F_KIM (5’-CGTACAGTACTTTTGTGTTTACGAG-3’) and 1R_KIM (5’ACCCAGTCCATCTGGAAATCTTGGTTC-3’) were used (Ki-Joong Kim, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, unpublished). PCR reaction mix: 1 ng/µl DNA, 100 µM dNTPs, 2 mM MgCl2, 0,2 µM primers, 0.5 U Taq polymerase (Supertaq, Sphaero Q) in a final volume of 20 µl. PCR cycling conditions: 94°C 1 min; (35 cycles : 94°C 30 s; 52°C 20 s; 72°C 50 s); 72°C 5 min. The PCR reaction was performed on a Bio-Rad Dyad thermocycler (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, California, USA). After PCR, 100 ng of the fragment was used for sequencing. The PCR fragment was sequenced from boths ends in separate reactions by Sanger sequencing. The sequencing was performed by Greenomics (Wageningen, The Netherlands). The sequence mix contained 100 ng PCR product, 2 µl of DETT (Amersham, GE Healthcare, UK) mix, 2 µl of DETT buffer (5x), 10 ng of primer (3F_KIM or 1R_KIM) and was filled up to 10 µl with sterile water. The sequencing reaction was performed on the Biorad Dyad thermocycler under the following conditions: 94°C 20 s; 50°C 15 s; 60°C 60 s for 25 cycles. In order to avoid possible long-branch attraction artefacts in inferences among our study species, we constructed a much larger matK tree using sequences from GenBank that represented most core Eudicot APGIII orders (Stevens 2001). Tracers were edited and assembled using STADEN (Staden 1996) and aligned using Mesquite v. 2.74 (Maddison & Maddison 2010). Nucleotides were aligned at the codon-level, avoiding the occurrence of stop-codons as much as possible. The final alignment included 849 aligned nucleotide positions over 301 terminals (taxa). We ran the phylogenetic analysis using RAxML (Stamatakis et al. 2008) implemented on Abe (National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Illinois, USA) via the CIPRES (Cyberinfrastructure for Phylogenetic Research) Portal (Miller et al. 2010). The analysis included 100 rapid bootstrap inferences followed by a thorough maximum likelihood search using the GTRCAT model approximation (Stamatakis 2006) and using Ranunculaceae as the outgroup. Subsequently, we pruned the derived 301-terminal tree down to a 51-terminal tree of our target species only (Fig. S2, Fig. S3) that was used in the statistical analyses. We checked whether this tree topology differed from that of a tree derived from only the 51 terminals of our species using RAxML. The latter incorrectly positioned two subclades of Rosid I and Rosid II that were weakly represented in our species sample (Atalaya/Eriotheca and Gymnosporia/Kielmeyera/Petalostigma). 1 Species for which matK sequences were used for phylogenetic reconstruction from GenBank, along with accession numbers Acacia aulacocarpa AF274214; Acacia bidwilli AF274130; Acacia boliviana AF274144; Acacia bonariensis AF274146; Acacia catechu AF274141; Acacia caven AF274131; Acacia cochliacantha AY574094; Acacia colei AF274215; Acacia collinsii AY574092; Acacia constricta AF274135; Acacia cornigera AY574105; Acacia dolichostachya AF523190; Acacia elata AF274149; Acacia fasciculifera AF274154; Acacia galpinii AF523098; Acacia glomerosa AF274147; Acacia karroo GQ872230; Acacia ligulata AF274155; Acacia lineata AF274161; Acacia lysiphloia AF274151; Acacia melanoxylon FJ711538; Acacia microbotrya AF274157; Acacia modesta AF274142; Acacia monticola AF274152; Acacia myrtifolia AF274160; Acacia nilotica GQ872238; Acacia notabilis AF274158; Acacia nuperrima AF274164; Acacia pachycarpa AF274153; Acacia parramattensis AF274150; Acacia platycarpa AF274223; Acacia rossei AF274162; Acacia schaffneri AF274132; Acacia schottii AF274136; Acacia schweinfurthii EU812002; Acacia senegal AF274143; Acacia seyal AF274138; Acacia tortilis AF274140; Acacia translucens AF523087; Acacia tumida AF523111; Acacia wrightii AF274148; Acer saccharum AY724265; Adansonia digitata AY321168; Albizia bermudiana EU812001; Albizia harveyi EU812003; Albizia julibrissin HQ619810; Albizia plurijuga AF523080; Albizia sinaloensis AF274121; Albizia tomentosa AF523093; Albizia versicolor AF523112; Anacardium excelsum GQ981932; Antidesma alexiteria AY552416; Antidesma pentandrum AB233810; Arabidopsis lyrata XM 002886827; Aspidosperma australe DQ660502; Aspidosperma cruentum FJ514713; Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon DQ660503; Aspidosperma marcgravianum FJ514763; Aspidosperma spruceanum GQ981941; Aspidosperma triternatum AM295077; Atalaya alata EU720593; Atalaya angustifolia EU720569; Atalaya salicifoliaAY724272; Aucuba japonica Q997060; Barringtonia asiatica DQ924095; Bauhinia galpinii EU361875; Bauhinia tomentosa AY386893; Bixa orellana FM179929; Bombax buonopozense AY321171; Brachylaena discolor AY785090; Brachylaena elliptica EU385330; Brachylaena huillensis EU214220; Brachystegia boehmii EU361886; Brachystegia bussei EU361887; Brachystegia spiciformis EU361888; Brassica oleracea AY541618; Bridelia angolensis FJ439964; Bridelia cathartica FJ439970; Bridelia exaltata FJ439978; Bridelia glauca FJ439977; Bridelia micrantha FJ439960; Bridelia mollis FJ439965; Caesalpinia cacalaco EU361898; Caesalpinia calycina EU361899; Caesalpinia ferrea EU361901; Caesalpinia gracilis EU361902; Caesalpinia paraguariensis EU361905; Caesalpinia pulcherrima EU361906; Callophyllum antillanum GU135089; Campanula scouleri EU713345; Capparis frondosa GQ981949; Carica papaya AY483221; Casuarina cunninghamiana AY033836; Casuarina equisetifolia AB015462; Casuarina glauca AY191705; Casuarina obesa AY191708; Casuarina parapotamia AY191712; Casuarina pauper AY191711; Casuarina riparia AY191713; Ceiba pentandra HQ696701; Chrysobalanus icaco EF135519; Chrysophyllum sanguinolentum FJ037935; Citrus trifoliata FJ716730; Cleome rutidosperma EU371804; Clusia gundlachii EF135520; Cneorum tricoccon EU042839; Colophospermum mopane EU361915; Convolvulus arvensis FJ395388; Croton gratissimus EU214230; Croton kongensis GQ434077; Croton megalobotrys EU214233; Croton pseudopulchellus EU214236; Dalbergia congestiflora AF142696; Dalbergia sissoo AF203582; Dalbergia sp. AF203580; Daphne bholua FM179927; Delphinium grandiflorum AY515249; Dichapetalum macrocarpum EF135527; Dimorphandra conjugata EU361934; Diospyros maingayi DQ924033; Dipsacus mitis AF446917; Dipterocarpus palembanicus AB295903; Dodonaea viscosa EU720684; 2 Dombeya spectabilis AY321173; Drypetes littoralis AB233822; Drypetes madagascariensis AY552458; Drypetesroxburghii EF135530; Enterolobium cyclocarpum AY650277; Erythrina sousae EU717411; Euclea crispa FJ238116; Euclea divinorum FJ238117; Euclea natalensis FJ238118; Euclea pseudebenus FJ238119; Euclea racemosa FJ238120; Euclea schimperi FJ238121; Euclea undulata FJ238122; Eugenia coloradoensis GQ981988; Eugenia sulcata AM489987; Eugenia uniflora GU135006; Fagus lucida EF057139; Faidherbia albida EU812008; Garcinia latissima FJ670008; Garcinia subelliptica AB233746; Garrya elliptica AJ429319; Geranium palmatum EU922315; Grevillea banksii AF542583; Grevillea caleyi EU642709; Grevillea curviloba EU169629; Grevillea juniperina EU169630; Grevillea robusta EU169631; Grewia bicolor EU214255; Grewia biloba AY321193; Grewia flavescens EU214260; Grewia villosa EU214261; Guarea grandifolia GQ982002; Gunnera manicata EU002179; Gymnosporia haberiana EU328982; Gymnosporia harveyana EU328967; Gymnosporia linearis EU328973; Gymnosporia mossambicensis DQ217550; Gymnosporia pyria EU328980; Gymnosporia royleana EU328978; Gymnosporia senegalensis EU328979; Gymnosporia urbaniana EU328984; Heteropyxis natalensis AF368208; Hymenocardia acida AY830269; Impatiens noli AF542608; Julbernardia brieyi EU361985; Julbernardia pellegriniana EU361986; Kiggelaria africana EF135555; Lonicera maackii GU168651; Lysiphyllum gilvum EU361876; Mammea siamensis FJ670006; Manilkara zapota DQ924092; Melaleuca aff nesophila AY525135; Melaleuca quinquenervia GU135000; Melaleuca viridiflora AF184708; Melia azedarach EU042834; Mimosa albida AY944555; Mimosa foetida EU812006; Mimosa pudica AY177668; Nothofagus solandri AB015464; Olax emirnensis DQ790173; Olea parvilimba EU409441; Olinia ventosa AY151573; Paullinia pinnata AY724320; Pelargonium cotyledonis EU922531; Peltophorum dubium AY386846; Peltophorum pterocarpum EU362023; Penaea dahlgrenii AY151588; Petalostigma pubescens EF135579; Phyllanthus sauropodoides EU643745; Planchonella ripicola GQ248187; Plathymenia reticulata AF521858; Polygonum sibiricum EU024771; Psiloxylon mauritianum AF368215; Qualea grandiflora AF368216; Qualea rosea FJ514694; Quercus tomentella FJ185058; Quercus trojana FN675331; Ranunculus andersonii AY954238; Rhus gueinzii EU214277; Rhus transvaalensis EU214283; Saxifraga lyallii GU226267; Shorea smithiana AB295901; Sideroxylon capiri GQ429074; Solanum lepidotum GQ982099; Spirostachys africana AB268064; Stachystemon axillaris EF135595; Sterculia tragacantha AY321178; Strychnos decussata EU214294; Strychnos lucida DQ660545; Strychnos madagascariensis EU214295; Strychnos minor DQ660546; Strychnos nux Z70193; Strychnos spinosa EU214300; Stryphnodendron coriaceum AF521863; Stryphnodendron moricolor FJ037919; Stylapterus micranthus AY151596; Syzygium australe AF368221; Syzygium cordatum DQ088571; Syzygium cumini DQ088575; Syzygium guineense DQ088581; Syzygium ngoyense DQ088596; Syzygium pondoense DQ088599; Syzygium samarangense DQ088605; Syzygium tierneyanum DQ088616; Terminalia catappa GU135057; Terminalia complanata GQ248208; Terminalia muelleri GU135121; Thalictrum robustum EF437138; Trichilia emetica AY128202; Viola grypoceras DQ842579; Vochysia ferruginea GQ982128; Vochysia hondurensis AY572446; Ximenia americana GQ997871; Zanthoxylum sp. EU042838. 3 Phylogenetic analysis A first set of ANCOVA models was run on each variable using ordinary least squares regression without phylogenetic correction. Hereafter these models are termed the Non-Phylogenetic models. A second and third set of models used a generalised least squares regression to impose a phylogenetic correction on the data, where the error structure imposed on the model was the covariance matrix of common distances between species derived directly from a phylogenetic tree (Grafen 1989; Martins & Hansen 1997; Garland & Ives 2000). The second set of models used the additive tree derived from the matK sequences (Fig. S2). Hereafter, these models are termed the Additive Tree models. The third set of models used an ultrametric tree (Fig. S3) derived from the additive tree using the phylogr() function in APE package of R (Paradis et al. 2004; Pinheiro et al. 2011), which estimates the ultrametric structure using a semi-parametric method based on penalised likelihood (Sanderson 2002). We assumed maximum possible difference in evolution rate within separate branches (λ=0). This third set of models was considered necessary to test because of the very short terminal branches within certain parts of our additive matK tree, which were potentially points of high influence in the model. Hereafter these models are termed the Ultrametric Tree models. All models were analysed using the Regressionv2.m program (Lavin et al. 2008). In addition, the strength of the phylogenetic signals for the Additive Tree models and Ultrametric Tree models were estimated simultaneously with the regression coefficients, using an OrnsteinUhlenbeck (OU) evolutionary process along the phylogenetic trees, as applied in Regressionv2.m (Lavin et al. 2008). Regressionv2.m estimates the OU transform parameter, d, using REML. When d is close to 0, this indicates that the Non-phylogenetic model best fits the data, while when d is close to 1, the phylogenetic model best fits the data. Phylogenetic models for each trait were also compared against non-phylogenetic models using maximum likelihood (ML) and Akaike information criteria (AIC) estimates for each model. Statistical results of the non-phylogenetic and phylogenetic analyses are presented in Table S2. 4 Table S2. Statistical tests of ANCOVA models for significant effects of climate type of origin (Clim.), continent of origin (Cont.), their interaction (C × C) and the covariate seedling mass (Mass) on organ mass fractions (LMF, SMF, RMF), root morphology traits (RER, STRL) and growth rate (RGR) of 51 savanna tree species grown under common conditions. Model results are presented for a general linear model without phylogenetic adjustment (“Non-phylogenetic model”) and two linear models with phylogenetic adjustment (“Additive tree model”) and (“Ultrametric tree model”) (see text for complete explanation). Model results are provided for the full model including the interaction term only when the interaction was significant or the AIC value improved significantly with the inclusion of the interaction term. Significant effects are emboldened. Non-phylogenetic model Model tests§ Trait ln ML AIC Additive tree model Tests of effects (F.prob.††) Mass† Cont. Clim. Ultrametric tree model Model tests C×C ln ML AIC Tests of effects (F.prob.) §§ d Mass Cont. Clim. Model tests C×C ln ML AIC Tests of effects (F.prob.) d Mass Cont. Clim. C×C Allocation RMF 37.5 -62.6 0.315 SMF 62.4 112.8 0.004 0.052 - 36.1 -58.3 LMF 42.8 -73.5 -147.3 -41.5 160.9 <0.001 0.001 0.011 0.094 - 39.4 -64.9 0.141 0.218 0.151 0.310 - <0.001 0.943 <0.001 - 67.0 0.187 <0.001 0.643 - 36.9 -116.1 0.036 0.012 0.326 <0.001 0.028 64.1 -114.3 0.177 0.058 0.313 <0.001 0.003 -59.8 <0.001 0.077 0.007 0.527 - 44.0 -74.0 0.058 0.475 0.022 0.140 - 306.6 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 - 95.1 <0.001 0.042 0.009 - -160.6 335.2 <0.001 <0.001 0.058 0.013 - -147.0 308.0 <0.001 <0.001 0.006 0.001 - -72.5 159.0 <0.001 0.002 0.462 0.162 - -41.7 97.4 <0.001 <0.001 0.048 0.010 - 309.8 0.202 0.166 0.833 - 130.6 -247.3 <0.001 0.317 0.589 0.983 - 161.2 -308.5 <0.001 0.190 0.137 0.909 - Morphology RER STRL‡ Growth rate RGR † The covariate Mass was natural log transformed for the ANCOVA to normalise the distribution. Mean species mass at 20 weeks was used for models of RMF, SMF and LMF, and mean species mass at 5 weeks was used for RER, SRL and RGR. †† All F ratio tests had 44 error df for models including the interaction term and 46 error df for models excluding the interaction term. ‡ STRL was natural log transformed for the ANCOVA to stabilise variance. § Models are compared using maximum likelihood (ML) and Akaike’s Information criterion (AIC) (less is better). Significant LRTs (> 3.8414, χ2 for 0 or 1 df) calculated between the phylogenetic models and the Non-phylogenetic model are indicated at the 5% level (*) §§ Best-fit models with phylogenetic adjustment were obtained with the residuals modelled as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (following Lavin et al. 2008). d is the REML estimate of the OrnsteinUhlenbeck transformation parameter. It is also a measure of the strength of the phylogenetic signal. 5 Fig. S1 Target species used (black) and their phylogenetic relationships dispersed across main Angiosperm ‘core Eudicot’ phylogeny (grey), based on plastid encoded matK DNA sequence comparison (RAxML bootstrap). Sequence data were collected directly from seedlings of most species, and phylogenetic positions of those species for which no DNA could be extracted were estimated using sequences taken from GenBank for either the same species or closely related species. Those species for which other species had to be used instead were: Acacia shirleyi (substitute: Acacia aulacocarpa), Lysiphyllum hookeri (substitute: Lysiphyllum gilvum) and Kielmeyera coriaceae (substitute: Garcinia subelliptica). Scale bar indicates number of nucleotide substitutions per site. Files for the phylogeny (Nexus format) can be obtained from the corresponding author. 6 Fig. S2 Additive tree of phylogenetic relationships of considered species resulting from pruning from the wider 301 terminal Angiosperm eudicot phylogeny (Fig. S1). Sequence data were collected directly from seedlings of most species, and the placeholder species were used in cases where no DNA could be extracted (GenBank accession numbers are presented elsewhere in Appendix S2): Acacia shirleyi (substitute: Acacia aulacocarpa), Lysiphyllum hookeri (substitute: Lysiphyllum gilvum) and Kielmeyera coriaceae (substitute: Garcinia subelliptica). Scale bar indicates number of nucleotide substitutions per site. 7 Fig. S3 Ultrametric tree structure derived from the additive consensus tree (Fig. S2) using the semi-parametric method described by Sanderson (2002) as implemented via the phylogr() function in APE (Paradis et al. 2004). 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