ACACIA LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP INDIANA UNIVERSITY MAXIMUM VALUE UP TO $1,000 Please email this completed form and all required information in one email to Drew Sherman, All questions about the Acacia Leadership Scholarship can also be sent to Drew with the subject heading: “Acacia Scholarship” ACACIA LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: School address: Date of birth: Hometown: State: ZIP Code: Cell Phone: Personal Email: EDUCATION INFORMATION Institution: Indiana University Majors: GPA: Year: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th School Email Address: HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION Name of High School: GPA: ACT/SAT Composite Score: Class Rank: I agree that this bid is contingent on the verification of my high school or college GPA to meet or exceed 3.0/4.0. Signature: Date: PARENTS INFORMATION Mother’s Name: Phone: Email: Father’s Name Phone: Email: PURPOSE OF AWARD The Acacia Leadership Scholarship is designed to identify and reward outstanding undergraduate students who have demonstrated their ability to excel in the fields of academics, campus involvement/extra-curricular school activities, and community involvement. The scholarship is available to any male undergraduate student attending Indiana University of Bloomington. The scholarship is awarded by the local Association of Alumni of Acacia Fraternity. Demonstrated financial need is not a criterion. This scholarship is not transferable to another person or attendance at another university. Recipients of this award will be judged on their academic accomplishments, leadership involvements, service activities, and contribution to the community. Awards will be given out in both the Fall and Spring to eligible candidates. Membership in Acacia Fraternity is not a precondition. Award Amount: $1000, $500, or $250 One time award ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS In order to verify GPA, we require a photocopy or PDF of high school and university transcripts, if applicable. Applicant must include essay explaining his collegiate goals he hopes to achieve by attending Indiana Univ. (500 words or less) Attach one letter of recommendation from an individual who is aware of your academic and leadership skills and abilities. The letter may come from a high school or college faculty member, coach, club advisor or instructor, or knowledgeable community member. The individual must provide an address and phone number in case the selection committee needs to contact him/her. NOTICE It is absolutely essential that all requested information be provided in ONE package with this application. If any required information is missing, the application will be rejected. It is your responsibility to ensure that: All required information is provided All information provided is legible STATEMENT OF HONESTY I agree that all information provided in this form is true and accurate. Signature: Date: Please email this completed form and all required information in one email to Drew Sherman, All questions about the Acacia Leadership Scholarship can also be sent to Drew with the subject heading: “Acacia Scholarship”