Supplemental Table 1. Cohort characteristics by anatomical site(s) radiated in breast-conserving surgery (n=319,003) and mastectomy (n=75,331) cohort Radiation after Breast-Conserving Surgery Anatomical site(s) Variable Total Breast/chest N=319003 (100%) N=277063 (86.9%) N (col %) Race/ethnicity Non-Hispanic white Non-Hispanic black Hispanic Other Age at diagnosis (years) 18-49 50-64 65-79 80+ Comorbidity score 0 1 ≥2 Insurance Uninsured Medicaid Medicare Private Median income, $‡ <30,000 30,000-34,999 35,000-45,999 46,000+ Missing Diagnosis year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Pathologic stage† I II Postmastectomy Radiation radiated¥ Breast/chest with nodes N=41940 (13.1%) Total p-value* N (row %) N=75331 (100%) Anatomical site(s) radiated¥ Breast/chest with Breast/chest nodes N=27225 N=48106 (36.1%) (63.9%) N (col %) 260957 (81.8) 228438 (87.5) 32519 (12.5) 33202 (10.4) 13536 (4.2) 11308 (3.5) 27454 (82.7) 11291 (83.4) 9880 (87.4) 5748 (17.3) 2245 (16.6) 1428 (12.6) 70030 (22) 139177 (43.6) 94691 (29.7) 15105 (4.7) 58402 (83.4) 120765 (86.8) 84538 (89.3) 13358 (88.4) 11628 (16.6) 18412 (13.2) 10153 (10.7) 1747 (11.6) 277448 (87) 34435 (10.8) 7120 (2.2) 241092 (86.9) 29813 (86.6) 6158 (86.5) 5682 (1.8) 16936 (5.3) 100845 (31.6) 195540 (61.3) p<0.0001 p-value* N (row %) 57391 (76.2) 20710 (36.1) 36681 (63.9) p<0.0001 10187 (13.5) 4518 (6) 3235 (4.3) 3855 (37.8) 1515 (33.5) 1145 (35.4) 6332 (62.2) 3003 (66.5) 2090 (64.6) p<0.0001 28711 (38.1) 29388 (39) 14206 (18.9) 3026 (4) 10165 (35.4) 10542 (35.9) 5346 (37.6) 1172 (38.7) 18546 (64.6) 18846 (64.1) 8860 (62.4) 1854 (61.3) p<0.0001 36356 (13.1) 4622 (13.4) 962 (13.5) p=0.17 64725 (85.9) 8567 (11.4) 2039 (2.7) 23437 (36.2) 3068 (35.8) 720 (35.3) 41288 (63.8) 5499 (64.2) 1319 (64.7) p=0.56 4616 (81.2) 13612 (80.4) 89537 (88.8) 169298 (86.6) 1066 (18.8) 3324 (19.6) 11308 (11.2) 26242 (13.4) p<0.0001 2596 (3.4) 7567 (10) 17208 (22.8) 47960 (63.7) 946 (36.4) 2669 (35.3) 6440 (37.4) 17170 (35.8) 1650 (63.6) 4898 (64.7) 10768 (62.6) 30790 (64.2) p=0.0006 29212 (9.2) 46572 (14.6) 84702 (26.6) 146722 (46) 11795 (3.7) 24713 (84.6) 39958 (85.8) 72988 (86.2) 129182 (88) 10222 (86.7) 4499 (15.4) 6614 (14.2) 11714 (13.8) 17540 (12) 1573 (13.3) p<0.0001 8805 (11.7) 12191 (16.2) 19798 (26.3) 31537 (41.9) 3000 (4) 3427 (38.9) 4404 (36.1) 6790 (34.3) 11550 (36.6) 1054 (35.1) 5378 (61.1) 7787 (63.9) 13008 (65.7) 19987 (63.4) 1946 (64.9) p<0.0001 30000 (9.4) 31602 (9.9) 34014 (10.7) 33810 (10.6) 35104 (11) 37317 (11.7) 38291 (12) 40957 (12.8) 37908 (11.9) 25795 (86) 27225 (86.1) 29364 (86.3) 29340 (86.8) 30670 (87.4) 32556 (87.2) 33581 (87.7) 35412 (86.5) 33120 (87.4) 4205 (14) 4377 (13.9) 4650 (13.7) 4470 (13.2) 4434 (12.6) 4761 (12.8) 4710 (12.3) 5545 (13.5) 4788 (12.6) p<0.0001 5962 (7.9) 6267 (8.3) 6937 (9.2) 7689 (10.2) 8573 (11.4) 9295 (12.3) 10212 (13.6) 10797 (14.3) 9599 (12.7) 2394 (40.2) 2444 (39) 2734 (39.4) 2953 (38.4) 3094 (36.1) 3307 (35.6) 3649 (35.7) 3481 (32.2) 3169 (33) 3568 (59.8) 3823 (61) 4203 (60.6) 4736 (61.6) 5479 (63.9) 5988 (64.4) 6563 (64.3) 7316 (67.8) 6430 (67) p<0.0001 202378 (63.4) 101251 (31.7) 193003 (95.4) 78083 (77.1) 9375 (4.6) 23168 (22.9) p<0.0001 5629 (7.5) 29930 (39.7) 3562 (63.3) 12228 (40.9) 2067 (36.7) 17702 (59.1) p<0.0001 III 15374 (4.8) Grade 1 84116 (26.4) 2 138149 (43.3) 3 96738 (30.3) Hormone receptor status Positive 265013 (83.1) Negative 53990 (16.9) Tumor size <2 cm 224224 (70.3) 2 cm to <5 cm 88959 (27.9) ≥5 cm 5820 (1.8) Node status Positive 74856 (23.5) Negative 244147 (76.5) Division New England 25066 (7.9) Middle Atlantic 47625 (14.9) South Atlantic 68939 (21.6) East North Central 61413 (19.3) East South Central 15633 (4.9) West North Central 23119 (7.2) West South Central 16815 (5.3) Mountain 15496 (4.9) Pacific 44897 (14.1) Facility category Community cancer program 36434 (11.4) Comprehensive community cancer program 169189 (53) NCI/teaching/resea rch center 87167 (27.3) Other programs 26213 (8.2) Facility case volume Low 24581 (7.7) Medium 79968 (25.1) High 214454 (67.2) Reconstruction Yes -No -Completeness of radiotherapy Complete 313745 (98.4) Incomplete 5258 (1.6) No. of Radiation sessions 1-8 sessions 3823 (1.2) 9-16 sessions 14855 (4.7) 17-24 sessions 13343 (4.2) 25-40 sessions 286982 (90) 5977 (38.9) 9397 (61.1) 39772 (52.8) 11435 (28.8) 28337 (71.2) 77175 (91.7) 120283 (87.1) 79605 (82.3) 6941 (8.3) 17866 (12.9) 17133 (17.7) p<0.0001 7252 (9.6) 31299 (41.5) 36780 (48.8) 3065 (42.3) 11540 (36.9) 12620 (34.3) 4187 (57.7) 19759 (63.1) 24160 (65.7) p<0.0001 231885 (87.5) 45178 (83.7) 33128 (12.5) 8812 (16.3) p<0.0001 57078 (75.8) 18253 (24.2) 20673 (36.2) 6552 (35.9) 36405 (63.8) 11701 (64.1) p=0.43 203330 (90.7) 70055 (78.7) 3678 (63.2) 20894 (9.3) 18904 (21.3) 2142 (36.8) p<0.0001 14216 (18.9) 36805 (48.9) 24310 (32.3) 6170 (43.4) 12800 (34.8) 8255 (34) 8046 (56.6) 24005 (65.2) 16055 (66) p<0.0001 44177 (59) 232886 (95.4) 30679 (41) 11261 (4.6) p<0.0001 61091 (81.1) 14240 (18.9) 18278 (29.9) 8947 (62.8) 42813 (70.1) 5293 (37.2) p<0.0001 21876 (87.3) 42643 (89.5) 58868 (85.4) 53679 (87.4) 13035 (83.4) 20207 (87.4) 14486 (86.1) 13024 (84) 39245 (87.4) 3190 (12.7) 4982 (10.5) 10071 (14.6) 7734 (12.6) 2598 (16.6) 2912 (12.6) 2329 (13.9) 2472 (16) 5652 (12.6) p<0.0001 4322 (5.7) 9529 (12.6) 17422 (23.1) 13889 (18.4) 4713 (6.3) 6392 (8.5) 5108 (6.8) 4108 (5.5) 9848 (13.1) 1531 (35.4) 3528 (37) 6468 (37.1) 5108 (36.8) 1707 (36.2) 2143 (33.5) 2170 (42.5) 1166 (28.4) 3404 (34.6) 2791 (64.6) 6001 (63) 10954 (62.9) 8781 (63.2) 3006 (63.8) 4249 (66.5) 2938 (57.5) 2942 (71.6) 6444 (65.4) p<0.0001 31247 (85.8) 5187 (14.2) p<0.0001 8071 (10.7) 2977 (36.9) 5094 (63.1) p<0.0001 147691 (87.3) 21498 (12.7) 38821 (51.5) 14073 (36.3) 24748 (63.7) 75477 (86.6) 22648 (86.4) 11690 (13.4) 3565 (13.6) 21485 (28.5) 6954 (9.2) 7921 (36.9) 2254 (32.4) 13564 (63.1) 4700 (67.6) 21116 (85.9) 69015 (86.3) 186932 (87.2) 3465 (14.1) 10953 (13.7) 27522 (12.8) p<0.0001 5798 (7.7) 18926 (25.1) 50607 (67.2) 2225 (38.4) 7010 (37) 17990 (35.5) 3573 (61.6) 11916 (63) 32617 (64.5) p<0.0001 -- 58138 (77.2) 17193 (22.8) 21171 (36.4) 6054 (35.2) 36967 (63.6) 11139 (64.8) p< 0.0001 --- --272058 (86.7) 5005 (95.2) 41687 (13.3) 253 (4.8) p<0.0001 73666 (97.8) 1665 (2.2) 26390 (35.8) 835 (50.2) 47276 (64.2) 830 (49.8) p<0.0001 3369 (88.1) 14432 (97.2) 12568 (94.2) 246694 (86) 454 (11.9) 423 (2.8) 775 (5.8) 40288 (14) p<0.0001 860 (1.1) 590 (0.8) 1215 (1.6) 72666 (96.5) 378 (44) 337 (57.1) 560 (46.1) 25950 (35.7) 482 (56) 253 (42.9) 655 (53.9) 46716 (64.3) p<0.0001 Boost given No 45202 (14.2) 40484 (89.6) 4718 (10.4) p<0.0001 27025 (35.9) 10487 (38.8) 16538 (61.2) p<0.0001 Yes 272717 (85.5) 235637 (86.4) 37080 (13.6) 47934 (63.6) 16577 (34.6) 31357 (65.4) Unknown 1084 (0.3) 942 (86.9) 142 (13.1) 372 (0.5) 161 (43.3) 211 (56.7) Abbreviations: NH, non-Hispanic, NCI=National Cancer Institute, No.=number †Clinical stage used if pathologic stage was missing ‡Area-level median household income quartiles from the 2000 US Census data * p-values calculated using chi-square tests ¥ Among breast-conserving surgery patients, <1% of patients were reported as having radiation to the chest wall so breast and chest wall groups combined. Among mastectomy-treated patients, 31% of patients were reported as having radiation to the breast; breast and chest wall combined. Approximately 25% of patients with mastectomy who had breast radiation were reported to have reconstruction