Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry Executive

Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry
Executive Committee
September 27, 2012
12:00 pm
Members Present: Lyndol Loyd (chair), Michael Crawford, Vance Rains, Mike Fordham, Dick
Scheaffer, David Fuquay (Exec. Dir.)
Guest: Erik Seise
Call to Order – 12:13 pm
Opening Prayer – Erik Seise
Executive Director Report – David Fuquay
Annual reports from campus units received. FIU continues to grow. Miami celebrating
60th anniversary. FGCU off to a good start with Bible Study and growing students. Lack of
checklist for new campus ministry starts. CFL Wesley – Erwin is being well-received and
navigating transition well. Conversations ongoing at Nova Southeastern for possible new
ministry start with support of University President. Concerns about three independent campus
ministries in Southeast District. January BHECM meeting is in conjunction with Youth Ministry
Institute event and event for High School seniors. Strategic Leadership Team has been meeting –
challenge to BHECM to communicate and integrate with work/goals of SLT (i.e. discipling in
Wesleyan tradition, communities blessed with Kingdom impact, conference structures focused
on fulfilling mission – evaluation of return on investment). Adapting Missional Vital Signs as a
measuring tool in conversation with campus ministers and Assessment Team. Expectation for
more uniformity among local units’ structures. Need resources for campus ministers dealing with
students in crisis.
FSU Master Plan for Facilities – Vance Rains and Erik Seise
Hired EMI Architects. Currently 3 buildings – Chapel of the Upper Room, Student
Center, and Staff Apartments. First phase was to assess current buildings. Conclusion that
Chapel is beyond repair, and other two buildings are “liabilities.” No students will live in Student
Center next year. Looking at a two phase process of redevelopment. North side of property –
multi-purpose space for worship, small dedicated prayer chapel, offices. Need worship space for
800-1000 for large Sundays like Easter and Parents’ Weekend. South side of property – new
residential area, living/learning faith-based community with minimal facilities maintenance –
space for 54 students. Total building cost - $10 million. Multi-purpose building – $5.4 million.
Site development – $2.85 million. Next step would be a feasibility study with a fundraising
company. Need support of Conference Trustees to move forward with redevelopment plans.
Financially we have aprox. $40K budgeted for salaries in 2012 that we won’t use. Aprox $30K
in 2013.
Motion: Josh Bell - hold off on funding new local unit director position in 2013 favor of funding
a part-time development director who’s first responsibility would be FSU Wesley’s development
Second: Mike Crawford
Discussion: this person should be a Conference employee reporting to David Fuquay.
Executive Committee Recommendation to Trustees from:
1) Receive EMI Architects master plan
2) Approve and fund a feasibility study
3) Determine next steps in light of determination of buildings as “liabilities”
4) Determine what Conference financial resources will be dedicated to this ongoing project
Finance – covered by Dick Scheaffer during FSU conversation, see reports.
Scholarships – funds have been distributed
Assessments – David Fuquay
Need to restructure Assessments in light of having a full-time Executive Director. Need
new Assessment team leader.
Executive Committee Recommendation that Executive Director bring recommendation for
new Assessment structure to January meeting.
Strategic Planning – Mike Fordham
Need to align BHECM Strategic Plan with work of Conference Strategic Leadership
Team and rebuild team.
BHECM Organization and Involvement – Lyndol Loyd
Need to engage the board fully. Have committee meetings in conjunction with board
meetings. More face-time with actual students at meetings – either bring students to board or
bring board to students.
Communications Plan
Need to tell our story better at Annual Conference. Need a team including Andy
McEntire to look at video/print and local unit communications needs. Look to fill BHECM with
people with specific skill sets like communications.
Other Business
Give local directors more direction in their in-person reports to BHECM.
Approval of Minutes from April 13, 2012
Update – FAMU parsonage has been sold and vacant lot is under contract for sale.
Ongoing conversation regarding assessment/reporting from BCU and FSC.
Motion to approve: Mike Crawford
Second: Mike Fordham
Concern: Expectation that our local units are distinctly Wesleyan.
Adjournment at 5:18 pm