Islamic university Subject: A student seminar on the Indian religions

Islamic university
A student seminar on the Indian religions (Hinduism)
Muhammed Diaa Al Rahman Al Azamy
Page number:
Year of publishing: Shawaal 1389 H- December 1969
A student seminar on the Indian religions (Hinduism)
by: Muhammed Diaa Al Rahman Al Azamy
No doubt that each nation whether past or present has a main belief to which it follows on
addressing problems and improving the conditions of individuals and groups, following the habits
thereof and judges he issues depending on it, also any researcher can recognize the reality of the
reigns by studying its believes. Where reigns and religions abandoned the central belief it becomes
a soulless moving body. The most obvious fault within the Hinduism that it is empty from the main
belief upon which all issues depend on and to which the nations refers in case of disputes. The
scholars of Hinduism recognize that the religion is empty of such belief, moreover they are proud of
The Indian leader Ghandy said:"It is good that the Hinduism has no main belief, and in case of
being questioned about that I say: the belief of Hinduism is abandoning fanaticism and seeking the
kind method, and concerning the belief or disbelief in the existence of Allah it is the same, as any
person is deemed Hindu whether he believes in the existence of Allah or not.
And in another part of the book:"It is good for the Hinduism to abandon any belief, but it is aware
of all main believes and the main ideas of other religions."