REVIEW SHEET for Marine Science Final Exam

REVIEW SHEET for Marine Science Final Exam
70 multiple choice questions answered on a zip grade form
1. Early Ocean Explorers- review list in notebook , pp 16-17
Jacques Cousteau
Edmund Halley
Robert Ballard
Sir Charles Thompson
Captain James Cook
Sylvia Earle
Ben Franklin
2. Early Ocean Exploration Equipment- review printed Lesson 4 How do Scientists Explore the Ocean
Diving Chamber
Aqualung or S.C.U.B.A.
S.O.N.A.R. 1454 m/s
Notebook p 18-19; Ch19 ES book pp 472-474
3. 5 Oceans- review Pie chart and Vine Video of % of Earth’s Water that is Fresh ( #scitwi)
Notebook p 10-11, Why is water considered a precious but renewable resource? Ch19ESp471
4. Tides- N.J. semi-diurnal ( 2 High and 2 Low tides every day) tides are caused by the moon and
the pull of its GRAVITY on the Earth’s water, it takes 50 extra minutes every day for the moon to
line up the same way with the Earth so tides occur 50 minutes later each day
SPRING Tide- New and Full Moon (syzygy)
NEAP Tide – 1st and 3rd Quarter moon
Notebook pp 40-45, review moon phases and tidal range, Ch 21 ES book pp531-534
5. Waves- Ch 21 ES book pp 525-530 wave speed = distance divided by time; Tsunamis are long
period ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides; see ntbk
p 38, text 264-265 blue book waves BREAK when they feel the bottom- at a depth of ½ the
wavelength; steep drop off- waves break on shore, gently sloping drop off, wash break offshore
and wash up beach – NOAA Lesson
6. Currents-Ch 21 ES book pp519-524
Surface currents are caused by uneven heating of the Earth’s water and the Earth’s rotation- the
Coriolis Effect turns surface currents to their RIGHT (clockwise) in the N. Hemisphere and to
their LEFT or counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere; the continents deflect or alter the
path of currents as well-creating GYRES, review your map of surface currents, text p 521
Deep Ocean Currents-are caused by density differences, cold water is more dense and sinks ( in
Polar areas) and slowly flows along bottom, at equator, warm water rises and moves towards
RIP Currents- caused by disturbances in the bottom sand, water rushes back
Notebook pp 46- 49
7. Coral Reefs- review 70 question packet from NOAA website, notebook p 52-53
High biodiversity, highly endangered due to sea level rise, ocean acidification, overfishing,
tourism, pollution, bleaching from El Nino
Warm tropical water environment, photosynthetic algae live symbiotically with coral polyps,
zooxanthellae, coral are sessile
8. Food Chains and Food Webs- review diagram in notebook, identify roles, producers are the basis
of all marine ecosystems ( phytoplankton, algae, diatoms), review pyramid concept, organisms on
the bottom of the pyramid have the greatest numbers and have the greatest amount of energy
available to them, at the top – they have the least energy and are the fewest in number; 90% of all
energy is lost, not passed on to next level of food chain
Notebook pp 34-37 for Food Chain, Web and Pyramid concept; read p 501 ES book Ch 20
9. Ocean Life Zones- review Earth Science book- photic and aphotic zone, neritic, pelagic , benthic
Notebook pp 28-31for ocean life zones; Ch 20 ES book pp 503-504
10. Underwater Topography- review shoebox lab and diagram in notebook- continental shelf,
continental slope, abyssal plain, sea mounts, mid-ocean ridge, deep sea trenches; most
commercial fishing occurs over the continental shelf in the neritic zone, define bathymetry
Notebook pp 22-26; Ch 19 ES book pp 475-478
11. Temperature Salinity and Density Graph- review the graph from Lesson 6B as temperature
decreases, salinity and density increase; notebook p 49; Ch 20 ES book pp 496-499
Answer these questions using the graph below:
A- What is the DENSITY of seawater that has a temperature of 5°C and a salinity of
B- What happens to the DENSITY if the temperature of this same water mass increases to 20
°C, the salinity remains 35%________________
C- Give a possible TEMPERATURE______________and SALINITY________________ for
sea water that has a Density of 1.025 g/cm3
12. Marine mammals- Notebook pp 54-59; three classes of Marine Mammals include CETACEA,
CARNIVORA and SIRENIA; review characteristics, examples and threats as well as the
mammalian diving reflex
13. Marine Reptiles- SEA TURTLES- pp 60-63 in notebook; review life cycle, threats at each stage
of the life cycle, Why are adult sea turtles considered Miracles?
14. Marine Fishes- three classes AGNATHA, CHONDRICHTYES and OSTEICHTYES pp 64-67
notebook; why are true/Bony fishes the most successful vertebrate? Why should there be more
attention on shark conservation? Focus on similarities and differences
15. El Nino/La Nina- ENSO notebook pp 68-69 ; also review El Nino Analysis table
El Nino is a phenomena in the Pacific Ocean caused by changes in the strength of the trade winds
that has global impacts on weather ; Upwell- read p 502 ES boo Ch 20