Child Development and Family Studies Club Constitution

Child Development and Family Studies Club Constitution
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be: Child Development & Family Studies (CDFS) Club.
Section 1.
The core purpose of this organization shall be promoting the Child Development and Family
Studies major and minor through community volunteering, bringing students of similar
interests together for the sole purposes of education, enhancement and interactions within the
Section 2.
This unit shall:
Provide the opportunity for career experience and job enhancement through shadowing
opportunities and guest speakers.
Provide the opportunity to meet and know people in the Child Development and Family
Life profession and similar areas.
Provide experiences to work with diverse Minnesota State University-Mankato and
Mankato individuals through volunteer work.
Promote the Child Development and Family Studies major and minor through planned
activities and fundraisers.
Section 1.
Membership in this organization is open to all students of similar interests of working with
families and children.
Section 2.
Student members shall pay dues at the rate of $10.00 per semester, totaling $20.00 annually.
This fee goes directly to the CDFS Club account to be used for costs of club activities and
volunteer work.
Section 3.
All members are required to participate in a total of 5 hours of volunteer work per semester.
Section 4.
Members are required to either work in a small group or alone to find and schedule one
volunteer event per year. It is the responsibility of the group or individual to locate a volunteer
activity in the community, contact the appropriate people, schedule the volunteer work, and
inform the club of the event.
Section 1.
Regular meeting of this organization shall be held bi-weekly.
Section 2.
Each committee may call special meeting times outside of the regular scheduled meeting times
as needed.
Section 3.
Majority vote of voting membership is needed to constitute a quorum.
Section 1.
This group functions through designated committees that head individual responsibilities for
function of the club.
Section 2.
Committees may be formed as needed at the discretion of the entirety of the club.
Section 3.
The committees of Child Development and Family Studies Club include: Presidential
Committee, Vice Presidential Committee, Secretary Committee, Treasury Committee, and Event
Coordinating Committee.
Section 4.
The functions of the officers shall be as follows:
Treasury Committee:
o In charge of CDFS Club Credit Card
o Deposit and withdraw money from club account
o Collect dues from club members
o Be in contact with club advisors regularly for all financial transactions and
o Attend all officer meetings held
Constitution Committee:
o Make necessary constitutional changes as needed
o Post proposed constitutional changes
o Conduct secret ballot voting of constitutional changes
o Attend all officer meetings held
Secretary Committee:
o Attend every club meetings held
o Attend all officer meetings held
o Take thorough notes of each topic discussed at both officer and club meetings
o Create meeting summary write up for each meeting held
o Send final summary to president(s)
o Attend all officer meetings held
Vice Presidential Committee:
Attend every club meeting
Keep CDFS Club information updated and accurate in all public places
Be available to help presidents with any task where assistance is needed
Create notices of meeting times
Update the bulletin board bi-weekly
Respond to perspective members’ questions
Advertise our group at the beginning and end of each semester
Attend all officer meetings held
Presidential Committee:
o Attend every club meeting
o Prepare, Plan and Hold all CDFS Club meetings
o Answer club emails received
o Answer member’s questions
o Be available at any time for all CDFS members
o Oversee all officer positions
o Oversee financial transactions
o Proofread each meeting summary received from Secretary
o Find job shadowing opportunities that fit groups’ interest
o Contact possible guest speakers to visit the group
o Edit and update RSO information on MSU Website
o Send meeting summaries to all club members
o Prepare, Plan, and Hold all CDFS Club Officer meetings
o Attend all officer meetings held
Section 1.
Sources of funds will be generated through membership dues and fundraising events.
Section 2.
All funds are to be deposited with and expended through the MSU business office or by an
authorized checking account at a local bank. Funds shall be expended upon the authorization of
the organization by a majority vote of those present or in case of an emergency, expenditure
upon the authorization of the Treasury Committee and advisors.
Section 3.
An audit may be conducted at any time in compliance with current MSU policy. A special audit
can be undertaken upon a vote of the majority of the members present at any regular meeting
or at the discretion of the committees and/or advisor
Section 1.
There shall be two faculty advisors.
Section 2.
The Advisors shall:
Attend all organization meetings
Respect and encourage all organizational functions
Assist in Career Enhancement opportunities
Keep members informed on institutional matters
Assist in developing group cohesiveness
Assist with risk management and decisions
Oversee all financial activity within the group, specifically monitoring the Treasury
Section 3.
The advisors shall be faculty members of the Department of Family Consumer Science at
Minnesota State University, Mankato. The department will appoint these faculty members.
Section 4.
If removal of an advisor is deemed appropriate by the student organization, the following
procedure will be followed:
Removal must be passed by a majority vote
A written “letter of removal” must be prepared by the board outlining request and
reasons for request. The letter will be validated with signatures of all board members.
Letter of removal is presented to the Department of Family Consumer Science
Department Chair.
A special “Advisor Selection Committee” will be formed to make recommendation for
the new faculty advisor to the Department Chair.
The Department Chair and faculty will name new advisor greatly considering the
recommendation of the “Advisor Selection Committee.”
Section 1.
The constitution shall be read and distributed to all members at the first meeting of each year
upon request.
Section 1.
This constitution must be amended by a majority vote of the voting membership at the
Section 2.
Amendment changes should be submitted in written format to the Constitution Committee one
week prior to the membership meeting. The Constitution Committee will immediately post
proposed change and voting will take place during membership meeting by secret ballot.