DEPART MENT OF Mines and Energy GUIDELINE Process for Onshore Petroleum Geophysical and Geotechnical Survey Approvals Applicable Legislation: NT Petroleum Act 2011 & NT Schedule of Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Requirements 2012. No. STEP 1. Operator sends in application*. *NOTE: 1. All application letters* must make direct reference to the applicable legislation, quoting appropriate clauses and signed by the custodian of the project. 2. Allow maximum of 30 days for processing of the environment plan. 3. Any changes in program must be addressed to Director of Energy and Energy Operations Team for approval before commencement. 4. No activity can commence until approval has been granted by the Director of Energy REQUIREMENTS A. The application must be signed by custodian of the project. ACTION BY Operator. B. The application needs to include: i. Survey Program ii. Environment Plan iii. Safety Management Plan iv. Insurance Certificate(s) v. Access Authority Request vi. Emergency Response Plan vii. Environment Security Calculation Form viii. Letters from stakeholders C. After Approval: Payment of Environment Security Environment Plan Summary to be submitted within 7 days of approval being granted. NOTE: Please send all documents to: (a) (b) 2. Review of the application by Department. NT Energy Operations Team. 3. Request Access Authority application (if required). Access Authority is required if the survey goes over a permit which the operator does not hold title. NT Petroleum Titles Team 4. Input from other NT Government Agencies. Lands Planning and Environment, Natural Resources, Business etc. as appropriate NT Energy Operations Team. 4. Prepare an Application Assessment Report and Recommendation. Focussing on assessment and review of the application submission package, i.e. Program/Plans/Certificates. NT Energy Operations Team. 6. Environment Security estimated and agreed. Suitable security confirmed. 7. Approval recommendation for Director of Energy to consider. Operator / NT Energy Operations Team. NT Energy Operations Team. 8. Operator notified of outcome (resubmission of application required if outcome not favourable –i.e. back to Step 1) Letter sent. NT Energy Operations Team. Energy Division October 2012 Page 1 of 2 9. Survey commences. Dissemination of daily/weekly seismic survey reports. Operator. 10. Survey completed. Update Petroleum data spreadsheets with survey information and data. NT Energy Operations Team. 11. Site clean-up and demobilisation. Complete clean up and demobilisation from survey site. Operator. 12. Monitor Environmental Rehabilitation progress. Ensure the environment is rehabilitated as per approved environment plan. NT Energy Operations Team / Operator. 13. Periodic Reporting of Environmental Rehabilitation. Reports required for monitoring environment rehabilitation progress. Operator. 14. Submission of Close-out Environmental Rehabilitation Report Final confirmation that rehabilitation has been completed in accordance with the approved environment plan – may possibly involve third party validation) Operator. 15. Assessment of Close-out Environmental Rehabilitation Reports. Assessment of final environment rehabilitation report before release of Environment Security Deposit. NT Energy Operations Team / Independent Validator / Director of Energy. 16. Release of Environment Security Deposit. Security deposit released on acceptance that environment rehabilitation was undertaken as per approved environment plan. NT Energy Operations Team. 17. Survey Completion Report and Data sets submission. Survey Completion Report and Data sets to be submitted to NTDME. Custodian of the Project / Operator. -------------END------------- Energy Division October 2012 Page 2 of 2