CAOT 34, BUSINESS TERMINOLOGY SYLLABUS Fall 2012, T TH 12:45 p.m.-1:40 p.m. (Section 0239) Business 3207 Instructor: Amy Sirott, Business 3210B Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 11:00 to 1:00 pm Phone: 818-710-4247 E-mail: Visit my web page at: Textbooks and Supplies: HOW 12: A Handbook for Office Workers, 12th edition, James L. Clark and Lyn R. Clark, South-Western College Publishing, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0-324-66239-9 Workbook for HOW 12: A Handbook for Office Workers, 12th edition, James L. Clark and Lyn R. Clark, South-Western College Publishing, 2007. Each student must have his/her own text and workbook. Work will be turned in online using Pierce Online Course Overview: This course emphasizes the spelling and definition of words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Basic business vocabulary will also be introduced. Methods for improving vocabulary will also be covered, including on-line resources. Course Objectives: Students will learn the following skills in this course. Differentiate between similar words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings Understand common business and technology terminology Use the Internet to expand one’s personal vocabulary Course Procedures: Each week, we will cover a section from the HOW manual’s “Words Often Confused and Misused.” Students are expected to attend Page 2 class sessions during which time I will present the word pairs assigned for that particular week. We will also review the basic business terms assigned for the week. Homework is from the HOW Workbook; the assignments directly relate to the words discussed during class. It is important to conscientiously complete your assignments, as practice is the best way to learn new vocabulary. We will correct homework assignments in class, and they will be turned in on each week. To reinforce your understanding of the basic business terms, you will need to type a sentence using each word on a separate sheet paper. We will review suffixes and prefixes. Important basic business and technology terms will be introduced regularly. A hand-out will be provided in this regard. Each test will also include a specified group of these words. As a CAOT student, you may use the computer labs during the “open lab” time indicated on the lab schedule for this semester. The “Word of the Day” exercises and sentences you have created for the Words of the Day and basic business terms will be collected at each test date. The test, in fact, will incorporate some of the Words of the Day! I will let you know which words will be included in the test. Evaluation: There will be five periodic exams and a final examination, which will be objective in nature (i.e., multiple choice and matching). Students must also complete the following: homework assignments in the workbook, the Word of the Day printouts with related sentences for the days we meet, and printouts with the sentences you composed and typed for the basic business terms. The course grade will be determined as indicated on the next page. Overall Evaluation: 5 unit tests x 50 points/each = 250 points Final exam = 100 points “Prefix and Suffix Assignments = 5 points each Homework for basic business terms, 10 each laptop activities, attendance, and class participation = 40 points % of Total Points Possible for Class (100%) A = 90+% B = 80=89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = Below 60% Page 3 Note: Students who do not turn in their assignments will earn no higher than a D in the course. Remember, practice is the only way you will be able to learn these new words. Attendance Policy: A student who does not attend the first class meeting may be excluded from the class by the instructor. A student who does attend the first class meeting but is absent from the second meeting will be excluded from the class unless he or she informs me that he or she wishes to remain in the class. A message must be received by telephone (818) 710-4247, e-mail:, note in my mail folder in 3210, or in person before the second class meeting. Important Note: LAST DAY TO DROP OR CHANGE CLASSES WITHOUT INCURRING FEES* September 10 LAST DAY TO DROP CLASSES WITHOUT A GRADE OF “W”* September 9 LAST DAY TO DROP CLASSES ON-LINE ONLY* November 18 (Students who drop classes from September 10 to November 18 (on-line) will have a “W” recorded on their permanent record) Academic Honesty: In education, business, and personal life, ethics are of utmost importance. Therefore, academic honesty is expected. Any instance of academic dishonesty (cheating) will significantly affect the grade of all individuals involved, and disciplinary action may be taken. The college’s Academic Dishonesty Report Form, which is sent to the Vice President of Student Services, is attached for your reference. For additional information, see the policies listed at the end of this syllabus. Page 4 CAOT 34, BUSINESS TERMINOLOGY SCHEDULE FALL 2012 Week #/Date Week 1 Aug 30 -Sept 1 Material to Read and Study Introduction to class. Dictionary terminology HOW 12 Handbook, pages 216219: A/An through Aisle/Isle Assignment HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 1, pages 145-149 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Week 2 Continuation of above assignment. General business terms: applications, appreciation, and assets. Prefixs HOW 12 Handbook, pages 219223 All ready/Already through Appraise/Apprise.. General business terms: backup, brainstorming, and close/closing. Prefix HOW 12 Handbook, pages 223227 As/Like through Bolder/Boulder. General business terms: collaborate, collateral, and consensus. Prefix TEST 1 practice guide 1,2 Reinforcement Guide 1, pages 151-152 Continuation of above assignment Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Sept 6 and Sept 8 Week 3 Sept 13 and 15 Week 4 Sept 20 and 22 Sept 22- Week 5 Sept 27 -Sept 29 Week 6 Oct 4 and 6 HOW 12 Handbook, pages 227230: Born/Borne through Cite/Sight/Site. General business terms: database program, demographics, and depreciation. Prefix HOW 12 Handbook, pages 230234 Close/Clothes/Cloths through Decent/Descent/Dissent. General business terms: diversification, ethics, and hardware. Suffix HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 2, pages 153-157 Reinforcement Guide 2, pages 159-160 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 3, pages 161-165 Reinforcement Guide 3, pages 167-168 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Test will include words in HOW Handbook as well as “Words of the Day” and common business/technology terms (see handout). HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 4, pages 169-173 Reinforcement Guide 4, pages 175-176 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 5 pages 177-182 Reinforcement Guide 5, pages 183-184 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Page 5 Week #/Date Oct 13 Material to Read and Study TEST 2 practice guide 3,4,5 Week 8 Oct 18 and 20 HOW 12 Handbook, pages 238242: Every One/Everyone through Flaunt/Flout. General business terms: invoice, keywords, and liabilities. Suffix HOW 12 Handbook, pages 242246: Flew/Flu/Flue through Human/Humane. General business terms: link, market research, and mentor. HOW 12 Handbook, pages 246250: Hypercritical/Hypocritical through Lessee/Lesser/Lessor. General business terms: message, negotiate, and network. TEST 3 Week 9 Oct 25 and Oct 27 Week 10 Nov 1 Nov 3 Week 11 Nov 8 Week 13 Nov 22 HOW 12 Handbook, pages 251254: Lessen/Lesson through Ordinance/Ordnance. General business terms: networking, operating system, payable, and peripherals. HOW 12 Handbook, pages 254258: Overdo/Overdue through Pray/Prey. General business terms: position/positioning, principal, and prospect. HOW 12 Handbook, pages 258249: Precede/Proceed through Scene/Seen. General business terms: receivable, reconcile, and reimburse. Thanksgiving TEST 4 Nov 24 HOW 12 Handbook, pages 249- Nov 10 Week 12 Nov 15 and 17 Assignment Test will include words in HOW Handbook as well as “common business/technology terms. HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 7, pages 193-197 Reinforcement Guide 7, pages 199-200 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 8 pages 201-205 Reinforcement Guide 8, pages 207-208 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 9, pages 207-212 Reinforcement Guide 9, pages 213-214 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Test will include words in HOW Handbook as well as common business/technology terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 10, pages 217-221 Reinforcement Guide 10, pages 223-224 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 11, pages 225-229 Reinforcement Guide 11, pages 231-232 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 12, pages 233-237 Reinforcement Guide 12, pages 239-240 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Test will include words in HOW Handbook as well as common business/technology terms HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 13, Page 6 253: Set/Sit through Than/Then. General business terms: return on investment, search engine, server, and software. HOW 12 Handbook, pages 253256: That/Which through Your/You’re. General business terms, spreadsheet, URL, versatile, and Web page. pages 241-245 Reinforcement Guide 13, pages 247-248 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms Week 15 Dec 6 review Test will include words in HOW Handbook as well as common business/technology terms. Dec 8 Test 5 You may also check your grade online as soon as I have entered them, or you may send me an e-mail message. Week 14 Nov 29 and Dec 1 Thursday Dec 15 9:00 – 11:00 Thursday HOW 12 Workbook, Practice Guide 14, pages 249-253 Reinforcement Guide 14, pages 255-256 Prefix and Suffix Exercise General Business Terms