Interaction Chamber for ELI-NP E1 Experimental Area (ICE1)

Technical Specification
Interaction Chamber
for ELI-NP E1 Experimental Area
ELI-NP Project
Reactorului 30, Magurele 077125, Ilfov, Romania
Technical Specification
Interaction Chamber E1 – ICE1
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1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 2
1.1. Purchaser of ICE1………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 2
1.2. ELI-NP Project Overview …………………………………………………………………………….………..2
1.3. The Role of ICE1 in the ELI-NP Research Facility …………………………………….…………… 2
1.4 Structure of the Technical Specification…………………………………….……….……….……..… 5
2. Requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1. Description and functional general requirements ……………………………………………….. 5
2.2. Parameters list requirement ………………………………………………………..…………………….. 7
2.3. Technological requirements ……………………………………………………………………………….. 8
2.4. Interfaces and Connectivity Requirements …………………………………………………………. 9
3. Standards and norms …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
3.1. Applicable legislation and standards …………………………………………………………………… 10
3.2. Safety Considerations ………………………………………………………………………………….……… 10
4. Technical proposal ……………………………..…………………………………………………………………….... 11
5. Deliverables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
6. Delivery and installation ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
6.1. General terms ………………………………………………………………………..………………………….. 14
6.2. Acceptance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
6.3 Conditions for final acceptance ……………………………………..…………………………………… 15
7. Warranty ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
8. Payment schedule ……………………………………..……………………………………………………………….. 15
9. Purchaser’s representatives ………………………………………………………………………..……………... 16
10. Insurance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 16
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1. Introduction
1.1. Purchaser of ICE1
The Purchaser of ICE1 is “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFINHH), 30 Reactorului Street, Magurele, Ilfov County, P.O.Box MG-6, Postcode 077125, Romania. With
a contribution of almost 10% of the national scientific output, IFIN-HH is one of the most important
scientific research institutes in Romania. The Institute is dedicated to research and development in
physical and natural sciences, mainly Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering, and related areas.
1.2. ELI-NP Project Overview
The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) will be an European Centre of Excellence
for high-level research in ultra-high intensity laser physics, laser-matter interaction and secondary
radiation sources with unparalleled possibilities worldwide. The laser intensities of the ELI-NP facility
will go beyond the current state-of-the-art lasers by orders of magnitude. Because of its unique
properties, this multidisciplinary facility will provide completely new opportunities to study the
fundamental processes unfolded during light-matter interaction. ELI-NP will create a platform, where
applied research will play a major role and applications for the benefit of society will be dynamically
The ELI-NP facility will be located in Magurele town (close to Bucharest), Ilfov county, Romania. ELINP will host two 10 PW lasers and a Gamma Beam System producing a gamma beam with
parameters far beyond those produced by the present state of the art machines.
1.3. The Role of ICE1 in the ELI-NP Research Facility
The Interaction Chamber for ELI-NP E1 experimental area – ICE1 system – is an important part of the
ELI-NP project that has to:
enclose the laser beam steering and focusing optics at the interaction point for compressed
or uncompressed pulses delivered by the two 10 PW High Power Laser System (HPLS)
outputs and propagating through Laser Beam Transport System (LBTS) to the experimental
area denoted E1
provide the proper environment for the implementation of the laser experiments at the E1
experimental area of the ELI-NP.
ICE1 shall comprise:
- vacuum chamber assembly,
- associated vacuum pumping system,
- clean room environment in an special enclosure attached to vacuum chamber access door,
- low vibration Optical Table to assure stability at optimal level for the optical components
inside vacuum chamber.
An indicative conceptual design of the E1 vacuum chamber is illustrated in figure 1.1 and annexed to
present Technical Specification as a 3D model in stp format. This model has been used to generate
the drawings in Annex I where a number of mandatory dimensions and requirements are specified.
The two large flange DN800 shown in figure 1.1 are the interface with LBTS, this side of the
interaction chamber is identified as ”west” side.
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Figure 1.1: Illustration of the E1 vacuum chamber, developed by ELI-NP team, as an indicative conceptual solution.
ICE1 will be installed in E1 experimental area in the Gamma Building. Experimental area E1 is located
in “the eastern side” of E6 experimental area, forming together a single large surface room (about
1000 m2). The access of very big equipment will be possible only by dismounting the ceiling and using
the 40 tf gantry crane which is placed above the ceiling. Inside experimental areas E1 and E6 there
are installed 4 local cranes which can be used both during equipment installation and during
maintenance activities.
The experimental area where ICE1 will be installed is presented in figure 1.2.
The laser-target interaction occurring inside the E1 chamber is a source of strong electromagnetic
pulses (EMP) and ionizing radiations. Adequate protections has been adopted through the facility
and has to be implemented also for ICE1 as specified in the present Technical Specification.
Due to radioprotection, the E1 experimental aria is operated in lower pressure relative to adjacent
corridors and experimental rooms. In order to protect the focusing optics against dust, a nonrecirculating clean room class ISO 7 attached to the door of the vacuum chamber is required for
personnel dressing with specific clothing and experimental equipment unpacking in a clean
environment before entering inside vacuum chamber.
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Figure 1.2: The geometrical configuration of the E1 Experimental Room (for exemplification purposes only)
In order to assure low vibration environment the laser system and experimental equipment are
placed on a single large monolithic anti-vibrational floor decoupled from the basement and
supported by a system of dampers. In order to preserve the low vibration environment, the
preliminary vacuum pumps has to be placed in the basement and connected to the interaction
chamber through existent vertical penetration using vacuum pipes equipped with vibration
decoupling means.
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Inside vacuum chamber are foreseen complex installation activities of experimental equipment that
require to add specific functionalities to ICE1 assembly:
- inside lighting,
- a dismountable lifting device,
- adequate protective measures regarding the access inside chamber,
- emergency buttons able to power off the electrical equipment,
- a number of search buttons to force the inspection of full enclosed volume before closing
the door and starting pumping procedure.
The design solution shall result from an analysis made by the Supplier, based on criteria of feasibility
and serviceability, and it shall answer all the requirements in the present Technical Specifications
documentation in a systematic and structured way.
1.4. Structure of the Technical Specification
The Annex I (drawings) is including and completing the dimensional specifications of the vacuum
chamber presented the section 2.
The following annexes are presenting conceptual solutions that can be adopted and design in details
by the Supplier or replaced with other solutions compliant to the specifications:
Annex II – EMP protection solutions
Annex III – A 3D model in electronic format of an orientative conception design of
the vacuum chamber
Additional information on building architecture and utilities are available at:
2. Requirements
2.1. Description and functional general requirements
ICE1 assembly shall meet the following requirements and integrate all the functionalities/
subassemblies listed below:
2.1.1. Inside the vacuum chamber shall be provided a stable/rigid Optical Table with
leveling and locking ability, attached/supported directly to the concrete floor,
independent and vibration decoupled from the chamber. Adjustment features shall be
designed in such way to permit their operation without removing any component (e.g.
2.1.2. The vacuum chamber independent anchoring to the floor from the one dedicated to
the Optical Table.
2.1.3. The chamber and Optical Table shall have in-situ positioning and locking in position
systems in relation with the reference system of the building. In vertical direction the
systems shall be independent. These are meant for alignment of the interfaces to LBTS
independent of the Optical Table alignment.
2.1.4. The ICE1 Assembly shall have vacuum-sealed flexible interfaces between the Optical
Table Support and the vacuum chamber for vibration decoupling.
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2.1.5. The turbo pumps and cryogenic pump(s) shall be located on top of the chamber.
Cryogenic pump(s) can be used to attain the specified pump-down time, however the
working pressure should be maintained only with turbo pumps.
2.1.6. The vacuum system will include redundant rough pumping system(s) independent
from backing pumps for the turbo pumps.
2.1.7. The rough pumping system and the backing pumps for the turbo pumps shall be
particulate and oil-free type and shall be located in the basement. They shall be
connected to vacuum chamber with up to 15 m vacuum pipes passing through the
penetrations of the anti-vibration floor and having EMP protection as well as vibration
decoupling means.
2.1.8. The venting manifold shall be provided with valves with remote flow rate
adjustment, for both N2 and air, in order to limit the rate of pressure increase in the
2.1.9. The vacuum pumping ports shall be suitable for enough number of high vacuum
pumps for the required level of vacuum and pump-down time, as well as ports for
roughing, venting and vacuum measurement. Additional ports, dedicated for future
experimental equipment, will be provided as specified in the Annex I.
2.1.10. The dedicated and provisional openings shall be blanked of with suitable flanges to
each opening and vacuum seal type.
2.1.11. Radiological activation prevention through selection, as much as possible, of low
activation materials (such as aluminum alloys for bulk vacuum chamber structure,
covers, Optical Table and Inconel-718 for the flange indicated in Anexa I).
2.1.12. The Optical Table shall feature a 2D matrix of holes with 100 mm pitch in both
directions. The holes shall be thru the table and threaded M6x1-6H over a length of
minimum 15 mm on the top.
2.1.13. The internal side of the lid and of the vertical structure of the vacuum chamber shall
feature a network of blind holes with length about 20 mm threaded M8x1.25 – 6H,
placed at a distance of about 150 x 150 mm from each other.
2.1.14. ICE1 assembly includes an inside mechanized dismountable lifting device for all the
components exceeding ergonomic safe limits, with reach over the entire Optical Table
and out the door.
2.1.15. Allows access to vacuum chamber through a non-recirculating hard wall (panels)
cleanroom enclosure that will assure local overpressure and particle filtering.
2.1.16. Allows access on top of the vacuum chamber to the area affected for targets
handling, gate valves and high vacuum pumps with provisions for personnel safety.
2.1.17. Assure empty volume inside vacuum chamber on top of the Optical Table up to the
frame of the lifting arm.
2.1.18. The Design shall be consistent to the specified vacuum level and an average of two
venting-pumping cycles per day.
2.1.19. The Design provisions shall be consistent with the needed access for installation,
adjustment and maintenance.
2.1.20. The Design shall be consistent with all the applicable ergonomic and safety
regulations and norms for the service and operational personnel
2.1.21. All components shall have proper packaging for conservation (e.g. during shipping,
stocking and long periods of inactivity).
2.1.22. The Interaction chambers shall have a dedicated safety system, TANGO compatible,
developed using open source software.
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2.1.23. The vacuum chamber shall have access based on physical keys and the ability to
block the chamber door closing for a number of up to 5 people presumable working
inside the vacuum chamber.
2.1.24. Inside vacuum chamber an emergency button and several search buttons shall exist
and they shall be interfaced with the safety system.
2.1.25. The ICE1 safety system shall perform logging for all the HW and SW I/O (e.g. opening
time of the chamber).
2.1.26. The ICE1 shall have a user-friendly vacuum monitoring and control system, PLC
(Programmable Logic Controller) based and TANGO compatible, developed using open
source software, and have the ability to log the parameters. An additional TANGO client
providing remote human-machine interface shall exist on a separate PC linked through
Ethernet to vacuum control and safety systems.
2.1.27. The ICE1 vacuum control system shall provide hardware and software signals in
order to interface it with LBTS vacuum control system.
2.1.28. The activation of preliminary vacuum system of ICE1 will be conditioned by the
pushing in the pre-established order of the search buttons mentioned at point 2.1.24, by
the closing of access door and by the presence an enabling signal generated by the LBTS
vacuum control system.
2.1.29. Due to radiation effects, the electronics including vacuum pumps controller, vacuum
gauge controllers, the PLC(s), has to be located at least 3 m away from vacuum chamber
in “west” direction.
2.1.30. The vacuum gauges installed on the vacuum chamber shall have radiation resistance
at least 104 Gy and shall be installed on (or close to) the west side of the chamber.
2.1.31. The ICE1 should comply with specified EMP protection measures. A number of
principal solutions are recommended in Annex II.
2.1.32. For visual inspection purposes of equipment inside vacuum chamber, ICE1 shall have
at least one viewport on the door and one on the opposite side of the chamber
2.1.33. Vacuum chamber shall have vacuum compatible lighting system inside.
2.2. Parameter list requirements
Distance form laser beam axis to
Laser beam ports flanges
Displacement of ISO-F 800 sealing
surface of laser beam ports
Deformation of the vacuum
chamber walls
Optical Table differential
Ultimate Pressure
Total leak rate
See Annex I for vertical
adjustment range
ISO-F 800
mbar x l/s
≤1 x 10-6
≤1 x 10-9
Under vacuum compared to
atmospheric pressure
Under vacuum compared to
atmospheric pressure
For additional loads of
150 kg. See point 5.1.
In clean empty chamber
Technical Specification
Interaction Chamber E1 – ICE1
Vacuum pump down time
Differential pumping on all large
covers and door
Venting partially (1 mbar) with N2
and then to atmospheric pressure
with pure compressed air
Physics aspects
Attenuation of EMP generated
11 inside interaction chamber
measured in its vicinity (outside)
Shielding Effectiveness of the
modified EMP protections of the
penetrations toward basement
EMP Shielding Effectiveness of
the crate for electronics and of
the EMP filters on electrical
feedthrough of the vacuum
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From atmosphere to
1x10-6 mbar in clean empty
vacuum chamber
Pure compressed air & N2
available on site, delivered
from dedicated networks
In the 10MHz-30GHz
frequency range
In the 10MHz-30GHz
frequency range.
The existing EMP protection
of vertical penetrations
consists in horizontal
metallic plates connected
with metallic EMC gaskets
to metallic walls of the
In the 10MHz-30GHz
frequency range
Access and Service
Top removable lid
Vacuum sealed
Two opposite removable
chamber walls
Vacuum sealed
Side hinged door
Lifting capacity of the inside
chamber dismountable lifting
≥ 700
Cleanroom class ISO 7 of surface
min. 12m2 connected to the
chamber access door, with a min.
6 m2 dressing compartment
Located by outside access
and inside reach
The used materials, their
plating and components
shall not contaminate the
2.3. Technological Requirements:
2.3.1. The welded chamber walls and flanges shall be provided by design with interlocking
joining features and steps such that the external pressure induced loads shall apply in
those features and not in the welds.
2.3.2. The vacuum seal continuous welds shall be on the vacuum side and the
reinforcement stich welds (not continuous) shall be made on the opposite side.
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2.3.3. All vacuum seal welds shall be made with using the fusion process of the joining
materials or with addition of material certified to be the same as the joining materials.
2.3.4. All vacuum seal welds shall be free of foreign material inclusion or porosity.
2.3.5. Vacuum weld seams shall not intersect O-ring seal paths unless special welding (full
penetration) techniques and surface finish are applied coupled with mandatory spot leak
check of those welds during leak check tests.
2.3.6. All the materials and surfaces exposed to vacuum shall be compatible and have a
finish/preparation consistent with high vacuum.
2.3.7. All surfaces exposed to vacuum shall be compatible with best practice cleaning
procedures (to be specified by the supplier)
2.3.8. All blind holes in the vacuum enclosure walls shall be shorter by 50 mm than the wall
2.3.9. The aluminum chamber external threaded holes shall be provided with Helicoil®
2.4. Interfaces and Connectivity Requirements:
2.4.1. The interface flanges shall follow ISO F, ISO K, CF or KF standards.
2.4.2. A number of spare ports shall be provided for future electrical/gas/liquid
feedthroughs needs.
2.4.3. All large components shall have electrical grounding.
2.4.4. Connectivity to all interfaces shall follow industrial standards.
2.4.5. The Viewports shall have protection covers.
2.4.6. All large components shall provide lifting equipment interface options (lifting from
above). Eye bolts shall comply with ISO 3266:2010 standard.
2.4.7. The vacuum chamber shall have interior and exterior precise alignment
features/markers/devices (such as an internal reference system that will be correlated
with the reference system of the building). Relative position for interior and exterior
features has to be provided.
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3. Standards and norms
3.1. Applicable legislation and standards
Document Number
ex.: Legea nr. 111/1996
ex.: Legea Nr.378 din
Ex.: PT R1-2010
Ex.: PT CR 6-2013
Ex.: PT CR 7-2013
ISO 1101
TANGO Control
ISO 1609
ISO 3266:2010
Document Name
Desfăşurarea în siguranţă, reglementarea, autorizarea şi
controlul activităţilor nucleare (Operation safety, regulation,
authorization and control of nuclear activities).
Gospodărirea în siguranţă a deşeurilor radioactive (Safe
management of radioactive waste).
Prescriptia Tehnica pentru “Masini de ridicat” (ISCIR)
Prescriptia Tehnica pentru “Autorizarea operatorilor control
nedistructiv si a persoanelor care efectueaza examinari
nedistructive….” (ISCIR)
Prescriptia Tehnica pentru “Aprobarea procedurilor de sudare
pentru otel, aluminiu, aliaje de aluminiu si polietilena de mare
densitate (PE-HD)” (ISCIR)
Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Geometrical
tolerancing – Tolerances of form, orientation, location and runout
object oriented distributed control system:
(ISO Standard) Vacuum technology -- Flange dimensions
Specificatie tehnica privind ancorarea armaturilor cu rasini
Attenuation Measurements for Enclosures, Electromagnetic
Shielding, For Electronic Test Purposes, Method Of
Forged steel eyebolts grade 4 for general lifting purposes
3.2. Safety Considerations
3.2.1. The safety system shall be based on the EU safety standards. The bidder shall provide
a list of possible risks (if any) to the personnel safety and their planed mitigation, as well
as a description of the requirements for an optimal operation of the system. The
supplied products shall respect the Romanian Government Decision no. 1022/2002 (HG
no. 1022/2002) regarding the administration of products and services that may endanger
the life, health, work safety, and environmental protection.
3.2.2. The operation personnel shall be identified and mandated to conform with the best
work practices related to vacuum vessels and applicable procedures and protocols for
the local experimental areas.
3.2.3. For operation and service personnel safety: Lock out, Tag out and Warning labelling
shall be implemented, where appropriate.
3.2.4. Procedures related to the system maintenance shall indicate pinch points associated
with the moving parts and the lifting methods of subassemblies and components
exceeding ergonomic hand lifting norms.
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4. Technical proposal
The technical proposal must be formulated in such way as to guarantee the fact that the bidder
understands completely and undertakes all requirements/ obligations/ terms/ deadlines stipulated in
the Technical Specification including criteria of feasibility, serviceability and their implied and direct
resulting costs for the entire ICE1.
The technical proposal must contain:
4.1. The specifications of the ICE1, as specified in the Section 2 and in the Annex I of this
Technical Specification and the Supplier’s proposed values/ranges for parameters in the
Section 2.2;
4.2. A detailed Conceptual Design Report – CDR that should contain at least the following:
4.2.1 The proposed design: preliminary assembly drawings, 3D models, diagrams,
4.2.2 A description of the proposed solutions in order to fulfill all the requirements
contained in the Technical Specification
4.2.3 A preliminary structural Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for the proposed
design with outlining the maximum values and locations of the stresses and
elastic deformations under the required loads.
4.2.4 Schematic description of the testing and measurements procedures of
technical performances of the components and of the full system, at least for
the parameters listed in the Section 2.2; An endurance test of vacuum
system and associated control system of minimum 100 hours has to be
included. The measurements of the EMP shielding effectiveness (SE) shall be
done by a third party agreed by both the Supplier and Purchaser, on the
expenses of the Supplier.
4.2.5 Values of the measurement ranges, the resolution and the accuracy of all the
measurement methods, showing that they are suitable for the ICE1;
4.3. A detailed Schedule of Activities, resources and deliveries presented under the form of a
Gantt Diagram expressed in weeks/months, for the performance of the contract, taking
into account the two Stages of the contract defined as follows:
 Stage I – from contract start till not later than 16th of November, 2015
 Stage II – from Purchaser’s Notice to Commence Stage II till not later than 15th of
November, 2017
When preparing this schedule, the tenderer shall take into account the payment schedule
described under Section 8 of the Technical Specification, in coordination with the list of
4.4. The list of the components/sub-systems, with their corresponding technical
performances, to be delivered during each Stage, indicating the intermediary deliveries
defined as deliveries on the Supplier’s site(s);
4.5. The costs of the two Stages based on the detailed list of costs for each deliverable (cost
4.6. A list of the Supplier’s locations where the ICE1 components will be manufactured,
assembled, tested and delivered, by mentioning (with justification) the locations which
cannot be visited by the Purchaser or by its representatives during the contract
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4.7. Information concerning the way to implement the Quality Assurance (QA)/ Quality
Control (QC) System, created to ensure all aspects for the contract performance and for
the management of the contractual relationship with the Purchaser;
4.8. The description of work conditions in the ICE1 area: temperature stability, humidity,
power and cooling agent consumption.
4.9. A detailed plan of the transport/move/logistics;
4.10. The Training Curriculum proposed for the Purchaser’s technical team in order to provide
the functioning and maintenance of the ICE1. To provide to the Purchaser the personnel
for commissioning, operation and maintenance, the Supplier shall train, at its own
expense, the Purchaser’s personnel within the number proposed by the Supplier
(minimum 2 persons and maximum 4 persons) in the following fields, at least: ICE1
command and control systems, safety system, electrical and mechanical/auxiliary
systems, vacuum systems, alignment and maintenance procedures. This list of themes can
be extended by the Supplier, according to its own assessment. The persons to be trained
by the Supplier shall be nominated by the Purchaser. In the curriculum one shall specify
the level of education requested to the persons to be trained, the training length and the
level of knowledge, abilities and competencies to be reached at the end of the training
4.11. The warranty period proposed by the Supplier in accordance with the present ICE1
Technical Specifications; it shall not replace longer warranty periods allocated by law or by
the Suppliers/Manufacturers.
4.12. In the case of an association or subcontractors, one shall provide details on the means of
involvement and resources’ allocation of all partners/subcontractors;
4.13. The tenderer must provide a detailed plan, with the actions planned to be undertaken in
order to prevent possible delays that could be generated regarding the Schedule of
Activities for the Contract fulfilment.
4.14. The tenderer shall submit a statement showing that when preparing the offer, it took into
account the obligations concerning labor conditions, labor protection, health and work
safety, existing in the Purchaser’s country and that it shall comply with all these
requirements when rendering the products/services that are subject to this Technical
Detailed information on the regulations in force at national level and which refer to labor conditions,
labor protection, health and work safety, may be obtained from Ilfov Territorial Labor Inspectorate
(website: or
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5. Deliverables
The Supplier shall deliver the following:
Stage I
5.1. Structural FEA Report for the Chamber under vacuum and Optical Table deformation
under permanent loads up to 2000 kg distributed in 5 positions and additional loads of
150 kg.
5.2. Subsequent Detailed Design Report that shall specify in all respects the solutions
proposed by the Supplier in the Conceptual Design Report included the Technical
Proposal, including the detailed testing procedures for acceptance tests
5.3. Full CAD design and manufacturing drawings of the system components, including
associated electronic files in a common 3D CAD system in native format (with history).
5.4. The components of ICE1 assumed by Supplier for delivery during Stage I in the Technical
Proposal. At least a large part of the vacuum system is expected to be included in the
deliveries during Stage I.
Stage II
5.5. The full system shall be delivered and installed in place by the Supplier.
5.6. Certificate of Conformance and warranty.
5.7. Quality and material certificates for all row materials used.
5.8. Operation manual
5.9. Maintenance manual, including detailed description of the parts.
5.10. As built Technical Design in a common 3D CAD system
5.11. Source codes for safety system and vacuum control system software and documentation.
5.12. Maintenance cost breakdown for the first three years shall be provided.
5.13. . The maintenance procedures will be tested by Supplier in the presence of Purchaser
representatives, as demonstration of the feasibility of the maintenance procedures.
5.14. The guaranty for the electrical and electronics components shall be minimum 3 years.
5.15. The guaranty for the mechanical components shall be minimum 3 years.
5.16. List of packaging
During each of the stages, the Supplier may perform intermediate deliveries with deliverables from
the list mentioned in the Technical Proposal. The confirmation for the intermediate deliveries shall
be recorded in Delivery – Taking Certificate, where the identification information of the deliverables
subject to the delivery-taking will be stipulated. The Supplier will be bound to mark the deliverables
so that they can be identified as pertaining to ELI-NP and the marking can be traceable upon their
installation on ELI-PN site. The Purchaser and the Supplier will sign a Custody Deed for the
components/sub-systems subject to the intermediate deliveries on the Supplier’s site, in order to
allow them to be further used in the completion of the system to be delivered.
The components/sub-systems delivered shall meet all technical performances as described in the
Technical Proposal. The fulfilment of these technical performances shall be demonstrated through
the testing procedures proposed by the Supplier within the Detailed Design Report.
Besides ICE1 and auxiliary equipment related to it, the Supplier shall also render the following
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Training of the Purchaser’s technical team in what concerns ICE1 commissioning,
operation and maintenance (see Section 4.10);
Insurance for ICE1 and its components (see Section 10);
Transport of ICE1, its components and related auxiliary equipment; installation,
mounting, testing and commissioning of ICE1 and components at the Purchaser’s
Service during the warranty period.
6. Delivery and installation
6.1. General terms
The Supplier will consider the following:
6.1.1. The Supplier shall be liable for the full transport (including liability for all damages or
any other possible deteriorations of ICE1 components caused by transport conditions) of
ICE1 to the ELI-NP site. Insuring the equipment during transport up to the moment when
the Acceptance Certificate upon inspection/tests/commissioning are signed by the
Purchaser is also the Supplier’s responsibility;
6.1.2. The system components shall be designed, where appropriate, with devices for
lifting, handling and adjustment. The Supplier shall deliver any special fittings (eye bolts,
lifting beams, packing pieces, etc.) together with the equipment/components. The
equipment/components shall have all the lifting locations identified and the total weight
marked in SI units.
6.1.3. The Supplier shall provide suitable ducts, valves, regulators and filters for pneumatic
6.1.4. Air and nitrogen gas supply points for venting, as well as vacuum pump air exhaust
points are located in the basement. The Supplier shall provide suitable pipes, valves,
regulators and filters, and perform all the connections as part of the installation.
6.1.5. All components shall be new.
6.2. Acceptance
6.2.1. The delivery shall be confirmed by the Acceptance Certificate signed by the
Purchaser showing the results of the tests performed according to the testing procedures
fulfilling the technical performances for each deliverable corresponding to any of the two
stages. The Acceptance Certificate for the Technical Reports, namely the Structural FEA
Report and the Detailed Design Report, are conditioned by a review and check of the
Purchaser that all technical performances specified by the Technical Proposal has been
properly taken into account.
6.2.2. At the end of Stage II, the complete ICE1 system shall be delivered, installed, tested
and commissioned on the ELI-NP site and shall be declared operational on conditions
listed in section 6.3.
6.2.3. Copies of the testing records shall be attached to the Acceptance Certificate and they
shall constitute annexes to it.
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6.3. Conditions for final acceptance
The conditions for final acceptance are:
6.3.1. Actual delivery on the ELI-NP site;
6.3.2. Installation and assembling of the complete ICE1;
6.3.3. Delivery of all documents mentioned at points 5.6-5.12;
6.3.4. Performing the tests and measurements of the complete ICE1, according to the
procedures proposed by the Supplier in the Detailed Design Report;
6.3.5. Solving the possible identified nonconformities;
6.3.6. Confirming that the technical parameters, dimensions and conditions specified in
section 2, Annex I and in the Detailed Design Report have been met, including the
following specific conditions:
Successful completion of the endurance test
The measured values of EMP shielding effectiveness are within the range
defined in the Technical Proposal
Cleanroom class has been achieved in the airlock attached to vacuum
6.3.7. Confirming that the Delivery Schedule proposed by the Supplier and accepted by the
Purchaser is complied with.
6.3.8. Confirming that the Payment Schedule proposed by the Supplier and accepted by the
Purchaser is complied with.
6.3.9. Stage II will be considered fully accomplished only after the Purchaser’s team has
been trained by the Supplier according to provision of the Technical Proposal.
7. Warranty
The Supplier shall provide for ICE1 a warranty period (expressed in months), of at least 24 months for
the entire system, starting from the date of signing the Acceptance Certificate upon the complete
ICE1 commissioning.
8. Payment schedule
The payment of the contract shall be made as follows, considering that payment for Stage I
represents x% of the total price of the contract:
8.1. Stage I will contain the following payments:
8.1.1. Advance payment 30% of x% of the total price of the contract.
8.1.2. Payment up to 70% of x% of the total price of the contract, correlated with the list of
deliverables assumed by the Supplier in the Technical Proposal and in the Financial
Proposal until the end of Stage I.
8.2. Stage II will contain the following payments:
8.2.1. Advance payment 30% of (100-x)% of the total price of the contract.
8.2.2. Intermediate payments of up to 40% of (100-x)% of the total price of the contract,
correlated with the list of deliverables assumed by the Supplier in the Technical Proposal
and in the Financial Proposal.
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8.2.3. Final payment after the accomplishment of Stage II: 30% of (100-x)% of the total
price of the contract.
The exact value of x results from the detailed list of costs for all deliverables for Stage I presented in
the Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal.
For intermediate payments, the Supplier shall distinctly specify the deliverables. The Delivery-Taking
Certificate for the deliverables corresponding to the intermediate payments will be based on
documents and inspections performed by the Purchaser or its representatives in the locations
stipulated by the Supplier in the Technical Proposal.
9. Purchaser’s representatives
In order to monitor and ensure the adequate fulfillment of the contract, as well as the integration of
the ICE1 works within the complex implementation activities at ELI-NP, the Purchaser may nominate
natural/legal persons to represent its interests in the relationship with the Supplier. They shall act as
representatives of the Purchaser for monitoring, inspecting (including on Supplier’s premises),
supervising and other implementation-related tasks. Their identities and responsibilities will be
communicated by the Purchaser to the Supplier. The limits and the terms of their mandates will be
clearly specified to the Supplier. Certain actions and decisions specifically listed shall be taken solely
by the Purchaser.
The Supplier shall participate to all the meetings mentioned under Article 24 of the Contract Form
which is part of the Award Documentation.
The Supplier will conclude, insurance policy/policies which will comply with the requirements stated
A signed and stamped nonbinding offer from an Insurer shall be attached to the tender.
The minimum insurance coverage is as follows:
10.1. “Named Perils” Property Insurance Policy:
Insurance policy type: “Named Perils” Property insurance, as per good market standard, including
but not limited to fire, natural catastrophes, atmospheric phenomena, theft.
Insured/Purchaser: IFIN-HH
Contracting party: The Supplier
Period of insurance: From the moment of the intermediate deliveries (when the Delivery-Taking
Certificate will be signed and the transfer of the property to IFIN-HH will take place) and until the
beginning of the installation on IFIN-HH site.
Insured locations: All locations indicated by the Supplier /its subcontractors, used for manufacturing
and storage of ICE1 components subject to intermediate deliveries/ title transfers, and IFIN-HH site;
Limit of indemnity: The insurance policy must cover the full replacement value of the property
insured (the total value of the invoices) relating to ICE1 components which are subject to interim
deliveries and are in custody of the Supplier.
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10.2. “All Risks” Cargo Insurance Policy:
Insurance policy type: “All Risks” Cargo Insurance (Institute Cargo Clauses A) including war and
piracy clause
Insured/Purchaser: Owner of the goods (IFIN-HH or the Supplier)
Period of insurance: From the moment of the first loading until the final delivery on the IFIN-HH site,
including all loading/unloading operations and intermediate storage.
Limit of indemnity: The insurance policy must cover 110% of the DDP value of the ICE1
products/components transported.
10.3. Erection “All Risks” Insurance Policy:
Insurance policy type: Erection “All Risks” subject to ICE1 installation works – third party liability
Insured: The Purchaser, the Supplier and their representatives
Contracting party: Supplier
Insurance policy Purchaser: IFIN-HH
Period of insurance: covering the period of installation works and testing, until the signing of the
Acceptance Certificate upon Commissioning of the ICE1
Scope of Coverage: The full replacement value of the property insured in accordance with the
standard market EAR insurance covering “All-risks” of direct physical loss or damage including all
testing and commissioning risks and third party liability (limit of EUR 210.000), as per usual market
limitations and exclusions.
Maximum indemnity limit for both Sections: EUR 210.000 per event and policy aggregate.
Section 1 – Material Damages - Special Clauses (principal Extensions)
Existing/Surrounding Property (limit of EUR 100.000); 72-Hour clause; Escalation clause (110%)
Strike, riots, civil commotion damage subject to customary sublimit; Off-site storage; Cut through
Section 2 (TPL – Third Party Liability) – Special clauses (with suggested limits)
a) Material damages
b) Bodily Injuries
This section must contain/ covering the following additional risks:
Environmental Liability; Cross Liability / Multiple Insured; Employer’s Liability subject to condition
that Employer is considered all the entities mentioned at column “Insured”
Additional Clauses: Professional fees clause for a sublimit of EUR 10.000; Fire Fighting Expenses
clause for a limit of EUR 100.000; Advance payment in case of loss, minimum 50%; Insurance policy
”Non-Cancelation clause”; Stand Still Clause.
Permitted Excluded Risks:
War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military
or usurped power confiscation, requisition, sequestration, nationalization or similar act.
Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, chemical, biological and
electromagnetic weapons;
Deliberate or willful acts or willful negligence of the insured.
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Liability from accidents caused by motor vehicles, aircraft, vessels.
Wear and tear, oxidation, corrosion.
Loss or damage due to faulty design, defective material or casting, bad workmanship other than
faults in erection.
Note: Compulsory requests necessarily to be fulfilled by insurance company as part of insurance
technical proposal, valid for all insurance policies:
- The technical insurance proposal will contain all applicable insurance conditions (e.g. general,
special and any other clause contained by the future insurance policy) and the structure of the
reinsurance placement for this project, where applicable;
- In case the insurance proposal includes more than one insurance company (co-insurance), the
above mentioned conditions are valid for each company, individually. In this situation, the CoInsurance clause will be submitted;
- In case of loss, subject to covered risk occurrence, the Supplier is held liable for this claim/ loss,
including but not limited to property reinstatement expenses, including deductibles, if applicable;
- Taking into consideration the type of this project, the documents subject to be presented by the
Supplier must contain references that this project is part of “State of the Art Project”
unique/prototype worldwide;
- In case of insurance policy validity extension, the insurance company will maintain unchanged the
agreed insurance rate, subject to pro-rata insurance premium calculation.
- The insurance policy/policies must be issued by insurance companies authorized by the Commission
for Insurance Supervision or by a similar regulatory body in the country of origin. These companies
shall not have been subject to suspension of activity within the last three years. The Supplier shall
provide written evidence on the fulfillment of this request.