Databases and Tools Cross Referred in ProGlycProt Database Description National Center for Biotechnology Information PubMed NCBI Taxonomy Browser Genbank EMBL Nucleotide Resource for Biomedical and Genomic information EMBL-CDS UniProtKB (Protein knowledgebase) RCSB PDB BRENDA STRING BCSDB CAZy Literature Resource Database of Taxonomic Information Nucleotide Sequence database Nucleotide Sequence Database Database of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA and PDB. Genome, gene and transcript sequence data Nucleotide Sequence database of Coding Sequences features Resource of protein sequence and functional information Database of Protein structures Repository of Enzyme Information Database of known and predicted protein interactions Structural, bibliographic, taxonomic and related information on bacterial carbohydrate structures (Encoding BCSDB linear code) Carbohydrate active enzymes Links to web based Resources for Carbohydrates Major Carbohydrate Portals, Databases and Tools Carbohydrate Portals and Databases Content JCGGDB Elution Coordinate DB GlycomeDB MonoSaccharideDB Database of Glyco genes, glycoproteins, lectin affinity, MS data, epitopes (Encoding CabosML) Websites of the Consortium for Functional Glycomics. Databases of Glycans, lectins, glycosyltransferases (Encoding Glycominds Linear Code) Resource for Carbohydrate related literature, networks and structures European Depository and Portal for carbohydrate (Encoding GlycoCT) Collection of tools and databases for glycobiology Encoding (LINUCS) Resource for Informatics of Glycomes at Soka Complex Carbohydrate Structure Database, first &largest carbohydrate database with 50 000 records of around 15 000 different carbohydrate structures (encoding IUPAC extended) collection of experimentally determined glycan structures (Encoding KCF ) continuation of the EUROCarbDB, repository for Glycan mass spectrometric data and structural assignment based on fragmentation data Carbohydrate-NMR database that combines CarbBank data with chemical shift values Conformational maps of carbohydrates Conformational maps of disaccharides Carbohydrate metabolism pathways Bacterial Polysaccharide Gene Database KEGG Orthology (KO) groups for glycosyltransferases A database of human genes associated with glycan synthesis such as glycosyltransferase, sugar nucleotide synthases etc A databse of GTs 3D structure database of glycosyltransferases Database of carbohydrate recognition motifs, recognising anti-bodies and glycoproteins/glycolipids carrying the motifs Database of enzymes for biosynthesis of GPI anchors Database of 2-aminobenzamide labelled N glycan structures and exoglycosidase digestion pathways Database of 2-aminopyridine labelled glycans Meta-database to search various databases via one interface Reference database for monosaccharide notation MS Tools Description GlycoWorkbench Tool for drawing of glycan structures based on glycan composition determined from their mass spectrometry data Determination of glycan composition from their mass signal Tool for annotation of Glycan MS spectra CFG Glycoconjugate Data Bank EUROCarbDB RINGS CCSDB/CarbBank KEGG Glycan UniCarb-DB Sugabase GlycoMapsDB DisaccharideDB KEGG Pathway Database BPGD KEGG Orthology Database GlycoGene Database (GGDB CFG glycosyltransferase database CERMAV glycosyltransferase database GlycoepitopeDB GPI Anchor Biosynthesis Report GlycoBase Glyco-Peakfinder GlycoPep DB GlycoMiner Glycofragment GlycosidIQ MS glycan analysis tool Composition analysis of N glycan chain linked to a protein Calculate and display the main fragments (Band C-, Z- and Y-, A- and X-ions) of oligosaccharides that should occur in MS spectra Calculation of the mass of an oligosaccharide structure from its composition Search database for structures matching a given set of MS mass peaks Tool for fast annotation of glycan MS spectra, results can be used for advanced database search in Glycofragment mass fingerprinting NMR Tools Description CASPER GlyNest ProSpectND CCPN Simulation of NMR spectra and carbohydrate sequence determination from NMR chemical shift values Estimation of NMR chemical shifts Integrated NMR data processing and inspection tool Website of the Collaborative ComputingP roject for NMR HPLC Tools Description autoGU GALAXY GlycoExtractor Tool to assist the interpretation of HPLC data Visualization of HPLC 2-D maps Automatic extraction of experimental HPLC data for multiple samples in various downstream analysis compatible formats Glycan structure/conformation Tool Description Sweet-II Glycan Builder Carbohydrate 3D Structure Predictor CARP DrawRINGS GlycoMaps DB Disaccharides Generation of 3D carbohydrate structure models Visual editor of glycan structure Tool to create 3D glycan structure from linear sequences Carbohydrate Ramachandran Plot Tool for 2D glycan structure Drawings Conformational maps Conformational maps GlycanMass GlycoSearchMS GlycoPeakfinder Links to web based Resources for Glycoconjugates Major Glycoprotein & Lectin Databases and Tools Glycoprotein & Lectin Databases Description DOUGAL GlycoSuiteDB Glyco3D Lectin Database CFG (GBP molecules DB) JCGG (Lectin Frontier DB) Animal Lectins O Glycbase GlycoProtDB IUPHAR DATABASE VSGdb GlycoBase 6.0 dbPTM GlycoPep DB SysPTM Glycoprotein structures database A curated database of glycoprotein glycan contains 9436 entries, sourced from 864 references, representing 245 species (Encoding IUPAC condensed) 3D structures of carbohydrates, glycosyltransferases and lectins A searchable databse of Lectins from Algal, Animal, Bacterial, Fungal, Yeast, Plant, Virus A database of Glycan Binding Protein Provides quantitative interaction data in terms between lectins and pyridylaminated (PA) glycans A genomic resource of animal lectins Database of O and C linked glycoproteins Collection of experimentally indentified N-glycosylated proteins of C. elegans N2 and mouse tissues (strain C52BL/6J, male) An annotated and expert reviewed database of Mammalian Glycoprotein hormone receptors A database of trypanosome variant surface glycoproteins Database of published experimental HPLC (elution profile) data for N-glycans and O-glycans Different databases of experimentally verified PTM are linked under dbPTM and it also provides for predicted PTM annotation on SwissProt entries Databse of N linked glycan structures derived from biologically relevant glycopeptides Provides for manually curated multi-type post translational modification data with four data mining tools for Proteome research Glycoproteomics MS Tools Description Glyco-Peakfinder Tool to assist the manual interpretation of MS spectra of glycans as well as glycoconjugates Prediction of possible oligosaccharide structures that occur on proteins from their GlycoMod experimentally determined masses SimGlycan GlycoSpectrumScan GlycoPep ID Tool Glycan and glycopeptide MS/MS data analysis tool Analysis of Mass spectrum for N and O linked glycopeptides Identifying the peptide moiety of glycopeptides generated using a nonspecific enzyme Tools for prediction and analysis of glycosylation sites/ residues Description Big-Pi DGPI GPI-SOM NetCGlyc NetNGlyc NetOGlyc YinOYang EnsembleGly CKSAAP_OGlySite GPP GlySeq GlyVicinity FindMod GECS PTM prediction-User Interface Tool Glycoprotein Builder GlyProt Glydict pdb2linucs GlyTorsion Dynamic Molecules pdb-care Prediction of GPI-anchors GPI-anchor prediction Prediction of GPI-anchors Prediction of C-mannosylation Prediction of N-glycosylation Prediction of O-glycosylation Prediction of O-beta-GlcNAc-ylation Prediction of O-, N- and C-glycosylation Prediction of Mucin-type O-glycosylation Prediction of O- and N-glycosylation Statistical analysis of glycosylation sites of PDB and SwissProt entries based on sequence Statistical analysis of glycosylation sites based on 3D structures Peptides with experimentally measured masses are characterized for possible modifications N-Glycan Prediction Server is collection of methods for prediction of possible N glycan structures based on the repertoire of glycosyltransferases for N-glycan biosynthesis. list of available PTM prediction servers Glycoprotein Structure/ Conformation tools Description Tool to build 3D structure of oligosaccharides and in silico glycosylation of N and/ or O linked Glycoprotein Tool for in silico glycosylation of N linked glycoprotein Tool for Rapid Exploration of Conformational Space of N-Glycans Detection of carbohydrate moieties in PDB structures Statistical analysis of torsion angles derived from the PDB Online molecular dynamics (MD) simulations PDB carbohydrate residue check References: Frank, M. and S. Schloissnig (2010). "Bioinformatics and molecular modeling in glycobiology." Cell Mol Life Sci 67(16): 2749-72. Lutteke, T. (2008). "Web resources for the glycoscientist." Chembiochem 9(13): 2155-60. Marchal, I., G. Golfier, et al. (2003). "Bioinformatics in glycobiology." Biochimie 85(1-2): 75-81. von der Lieth, C. W., A. Bohne-Lang, et al. (2004). "Bioinformatics for glycomics: status, methods, requirements and perspectives." Brief Bioinform 5(2): 164-78. von der Lieth, C. W., T. Lutteke, et al. (2006). "The role of informatics in glycobiology research with special emphasis on automatic interpretation of MS spectra." Biochim Biophys Acta 1760(4): 568-77.