CUSTOMER_CODE SMUDE DIVISION_CODE SMUDE EVENT_CODE OCTOBER15 ASSESSMENT_CODE MC0082_OCTOBER15 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 5146 a.Explain the five ways to describe a set. QUESTION_TEXT b.What is the value of c.Define Deterministic Finite Automata. a.(5 marks) i.Describe a set by describing the properties of the members of the set. ii.Describe a set by listing its elements. iii.Describe a set A by its characteristic function. iv.Describe a set by recursive formula. This is to give one or more elements of the set and a rule by which the rest of the elements of the set may be generated. v.Describe a set by an operation (say union, intersection, complement etc ) on some other set. SCHEME OF EVALUATION b.=(1/2)+(2/3)+(3/4)=23/12 (2 marks) c.A DFA is 5-tuple or quintuple M=(Q, Σ, δ, q 0, F) where Q is non-empty, finite set of states Σ is non-empty, finite set of input alphabet Δ is transition function, which is mapping from Q x Σ to Q. for this transition function the parameters to be passed are state and input symbol. Based on the current state and input symbol, the machine may enter into another state. q 0∈Q is the start state. F⊆Q is set of accepting or final state. (3 marks) QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 5148 QUESTION_TEXT a.Explain the concept of grammars and languages. b.What do you mean by a transition graph? Explain. c.Explain the need for non-deterministic finite automata. a. A Language L can be considered as a subset of the free monoid on an alphabet. It is a set of strings or sentences over some finite alphabet. Finite languages can be specified by exhaustively enumerating all their sentences. A Grammar is defines by a 4–tuple G=(V N, V T, S, ϕ) where S is a distinguished element of V N called the starting symbol), ϕ is a finite subset of the relation from (V T∪V N)*V N(V T∪V N) to (V T∪V N)* A simple method of specification which satisfies this requirement using general devices is referred to as grammar. SCHEME OF EVALUATION b.A finite directed labeled graph in which each node or vertex of the graph represents a state and the directed edges from one node to another represent transition of state. All the edges of the transition graph are labeled as input/output. c.Digital computers are deterministic machines. Given the input, the state of the machine is predictable. Sometimes, constructing deterministic machine is difficult compared to non-deterministic machine. In such cases, there is a need to construct a machine very easily which can be achieved by constructing a NFA. After constructing NFA, DFA can be easily constructed. This is an efficient mechanism to describe some complicated languages concisely. So, practically nondeterministic machines will not exist. But one can construct an NFA easily and later that can be converted into DFA. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 5149 QUESTION_TEXT a.Explain the algebraic operations defined with regular expression. b.Prove that if L is regular and f is homomorphism then homomorphic image f(L) is regular. SCHEME OF EVALUATION a. ● Union: The union of two regular expressions is also a regular expression. For example if R 1 and R 2 are the two regular expressions then the union R 1+R 2 is also a regular expression. ● Concatenation: The concatenation of two regular expressions is a regular expression. For example if R 1 and R 2 are the two regular expressions then the concatenation R 1R 2 is also a regular expression. ● Iteration: The iteration of a regular expression is also a regular expression. For example if R 1 is a regular expression, then the iteration R 1* is also a regular expression. ● Order of evolution: The order of evolution of a regular expression is a regular expression. For example, if R 1 is a regular expression, then order of evolution (R 1) is also a regular expression. b. Let R be the regular expression and L(R) be the corresponding regular language. We can easily find f(R) by substituting f(a) for each a ∈Σ. By definition of regular expression, f(R) is a regular expression and so f(L) is regular language. So, the regular language is closed under homomorphism. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 72484 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the various types of grammars in detail Solution: Explanation of: 2 x5 = 10 Marks Type 0 grammar or unrestricted grammar Type 1 grammar or context sensitive grammar Type 2 grammar or context free grammar Type 3 grammar or regular grammar SCHEME OF EVALUATION Monotonic grammar QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 109987 QUESTION_TEXT Briefly explain how to convert NFA to DFA. Explanation (4 marks) SCHEME OF EVALUATION Example + explanation (3 + 3 marks) QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 109991 QUESTION_TEXT Prove that “The number of vertices of odd degrees is always even”. We know that some of degrees of all the ‘n’ vertices (say, So we have of a graph G is twice the number of edges (e) of G. ----- (i) If we consider the vertices of odd degree and even degree separately, then SCHEME OF EVALUATION ----- (ii) Since the L.H.S of (ii) is even (from (i)) and the first expression on the RHS side is even, we have that the second expression on RHS is always even. Therefore, ----- (iii) is an even number. In (iii), each d(vk) is odd. The number of terms in the sum must be even to make the sum an even number. Hence the number of vertices of odd degree is even.