Analysis Services ROLAP for SQL Server Data Warehouses SQL Server Technical Case Study Writers: Denny Lee, Kay Unkroth Investigators: Denny Lee, Thomas Kejser Contributors: James Podgorski, Richard Tkachuk, Mosha Pasumansky, Akshai Mirchandani, Edward Melomed, Jonathan Ehren, Mark Tameling, Mukesh Kumar Technical Reviewers: Akshai Mirchandani, Kevin Cox, Nicolae Mogoreanu Published: July 2010 Applies to: Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 Summary: This technical case study describes how the SQL Server® Customer Advisory Team (SQLCAT), in collaboration with SQL Server developers, tested and optimized a large Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) solution based on SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services by using the Relational OLAP (ROLAP) storage mode. The study examines ROLAP system requirements and usage scenarios, highlights advantages and disadvantages of ROLAP in comparison with Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), and evaluates various ROLAP-related data warehouse (DW) optimization techniques regarding their effectiveness and limitations. This case study is for data warehouse architects, database administrators, and storage engineers, and assumes the audience is already familiar with the concepts of large-scale data warehouse designs for servers, storage subsystems, and databases. A high-level understanding of Analysis Services optimization techniques for cube processing and query performance is also helpful. Detailed information is available in the SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Performance Guide at Note: For security reasons, the actual names of servers, cubes, tables, views, columns, and other resources have been replaced with fictitious names. The sample names mentioned in this paper do not represent real resource names and are for illustration purposes only. Copyright The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, email addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and SQL Server are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. 2 Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Scoping the Project and Building the TEST Lab............................................................................................. 5 Performing Initial Data Warehouse Optimization ........................................................................................ 7 Deploying the Lab Cube and Defining the Test Cases................................................................................... 9 Lab Cube Deployment ............................................................................................................................... 9 Cube Test Scenarios ................................................................................................................................ 10 Selecting Test Tools and Methods .............................................................................................................. 11 Establishing a Performance Baseline .......................................................................................................... 12 Implementing Data Warehouse Aggregations............................................................................................ 13 Cube-Based ROLAP Aggregations ........................................................................................................... 14 Transparent ROLAP Aggregations ........................................................................................................... 15 Choosing an Aggregation Strategy .......................................................................................................... 17 Creating Transparent Aggregations ........................................................................................................ 20 Table Binding versus Query Binding ....................................................................................................... 22 Reorganizing the Lab Data Warehouse................................................................................................... 23 Replacing Table Partitions with Individual Base Tables ...................................................................... 24 Loading the Facts Data ........................................................................................................................ 25 Realigning Cube Partitions .................................................................................................................. 27 Reviewing Measure Groups and Measures ............................................................................................ 29 Zooming in on Measures..................................................................................................................... 29 Row Counting and Query Binding ....................................................................................................... 31 Benchmarking the ROLAP Cube .................................................................................................................. 32 TopCount Customer Queries .................................................................................................................. 32 Additional SQLCAT MDX Queries ............................................................................................................ 34 Understanding Query Concurrency and Processor Utilization ................................................................... 34 Usage-Based Optimization of Long-Running Queries ................................................................................. 36 Dealing with Skewed Distribution of Data .................................................................................................. 37 Lessons Learned and Best Practices ........................................................................................................... 38 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 40 3 Introduction Data warehouse architects and storage engineers face exciting and challenging times as emerging hardware and software make it possible to build large-scale data warehouses with hundreds of terabytes of data at affordable prices. AMD Opteron and Intel Xeon Nehalem-EX servers with up to 256 logical processors and hundreds of gigabytes of memory offer enormous potential to achieve high performance and scalability. Such features let organizations keep increasing amounts of analytical data online, enabling users to readily analyze massive datasets, drill down into intricate details, and uncover actionable insights with a microscopic level of granularity. The challenge is on to stay on top of this data mountain that keeps accumulating at a rapid pace in the enterprise. SQL Server Analysis Services is a crucial technology for most Microsoft BI solutions, yet building Analysis Services cubes that keep up with growing data sizes is difficult. Gigantic MOLAP cubes with hundreds of terabytes of data are out of the question. Even the increased cube processing performance available with the latest versions of Analysis Services can’t help manage this enormous volume. Full cube processing would take weeks, and there are queryrelated performance issues to consider as well. A MOLAP cube of 5 terabytes is stretching the limit. A more reasonable maximum ranges between 1.5 and 3 terabytes. The adCenter cubes, documented in the white paper “Accelerating Microsoft adCenter with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services” (, can serve as a reference. With MOLAP (at this time) impractical for data volumes larger than 5 terabytes, ROLAP becomes an interesting option. ROLAP lets data and aggregates remain in the relational data warehouse. This is attractive because the SQL Server 2008 relational engine can be amazingly fast on top-end server models with storage subsystems designed for fast serial input/output (I/O), which means that DW architects can take full advantage of the latest hardware and software trends. Microsoft SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse ( even supports the deployment of such systems with reference architectures for HP, Dell, Bull, EMC, and IBM. In contrast to the relational engine, Analysis Services is currently limited to 64 logical processors. Plus, a ROLAP cube can, in some cases, fan out SQL queries across multiple database servers and combine the results for analysis. ROLAP can also provide low-latency data delivery for real-time solutions. In short, there are many good reasons to evaluate ROLAP. Of course, there are also complicating factors, which are good reasons to evaluate this storage mode just the same. In comparison with MOLAP, ROLAP handles attribute relationships less efficiently, requires more physical scans to get the data, and does not benefit from Analysis Services data compression. Hardware requirements are therefore substantially higher. ROLAP is also more susceptible to data quality issues, which MOLAP can automatically detect during cube processing. And there is a significant disadvantage relating to aggregation design and management. DW architects have to build ROLAP aggregates directly into the relational data warehouse. The relational engine of SQL Server includes all necessary capabilities to support 4 aggregations seamlessly, yet optimizing a ROLAP cube for query performance and scalability remains complex. Repeated testing, tweaking, and aggregation building are essential. For all of these reasons, SQLCAT decided to investigate typical ROLAP design and optimization tasks in a realistic lab setting representative of an enterprise environment. A large Microsoft customer agreed to help by providing SQLCAT with a copy of a 1.35 terabyte production data warehouse. During the project, SQLCAT converted an existing Analysis Services cube from MOLAP to ROLAP, compared the ROLAP performance with the MOLAP baseline, analyzed performance issues, optimized the ROLAP design to increase performance, and engaged SQL Server developers to determine best solutions and workarounds for difficult issues. The result of this work is the collection of ROLAP optimization techniques, lessons learned, and best practices summarized in this paper. Scoping the Project and Building the TEST Lab One of the first decisions the SQLCAT team had to make in the ROLAP investigation concerned the overall scope of the project. Important questions revolved around the preferred sizes and complexities of the cubes as well as the desired scalability scenarios. On the one hand, SQLCAT wanted to test with the largest possible cubes, multiple servers, and high query concurrency, but it also wanted to provide actionable information and guidelines without getting lost in implementation complexity or troubleshooting minutiae. For this reason, SQLCAT decided to rule out scalability testing and constrained the project scope by starting with a single cube of low complexity. This approach enabled SQLCAT to tackle typical ROLAP issues efficiently and to quickly develop effective optimization techniques. The ultimate goal was to benchmark the original query performance of a given MOLAP cube and then try to achieve similar or better results with ROLAP. Figure 1 illustrates the lab environment that SQLCAT deployed according to the overall project scope. This lab was based on a single quad-socket server with four dual-core processors and 64 GB of memory. With a total of eight processor cores and 64 GB of memory, the lab system was able to sustain the ROLAP processing demand, which is generally higher in comparison to MOLAP, as discussed in the section “Understanding Query Concurrency and Processor Utilization” later in this case study. 5 Server Hardware Storage Subsystem Local 4 Dual-Core Processors Socket Socket Socket Socket Drive C: Windows and SQL Server binaries, and 800MB Windows page file Drive G: Workspace drive Core Core Core Core SAN A Drive M: 100GB Windows Page file Core Core Core Core SAN B Drive H: SQL Server DW log Drive N: SSAS drive (32KB cluster size) 64GB of RAM Drives O , P: TempDB and OLAP Temp folders Drives S , T: 1TB data drives (64KB cluster size) SAN C Drives U , V: 1TB data drives (64KB cluster size) Figure 1: Server Configuration for ROLAP Performance Tests and Benchmarking Particularly noteworthy is the lab server’s storage design. Because I/O performance greatly influences query performance, SQLCAT optimized the storage subsystem by using three separate SANs. In particular, SQLCAT connected the logical unit number (LUN) drives of each SAN to different ports so that two SAN ports handled the workload for every pair of LUNs (that is, O/P, S/T, and U/V). This configuration doubled the maximum I/O throughput and ensured that the storage subsystem did not create a bottleneck during performance testing. With 64 KB block sizes (except for the OLAP LUNs, which were set to 32 KB block sizes) and every port delivering 600-900 MB per second, SQLCAT was able to achieve in this configuration an I/O throughput of between 1.2 and 1.9 GB per second with minimal latencies. SQLCAT implemented the following storage design for the lab server: 6 Fact tables for the ROLAP cube Stored in a file group that was evenly split across the LUNs S, T, U, and V, formatted with a 64 KB cluster size according to SQL Server best practices. TempDB Placed on its own two separate LUNs, O and P, so that TempDB usage did not generate write requests to the data LUNs during querying. SQL Server log folder Placed on LUN H to ensure that the sequential writing of the transaction log would occur on a separate, dedicated drive. Windows page file Placed on LUN M to isolate most of the paging activity on a separate, dedicated drive. Only a small page file of 800 MB remained on the C drive. Using multiple page files placed on separate physical disks is a best practice to increase system performance, and by leaving a small page file on the system drive, SQLCAT ensured that critical operating system processes, such as the Local Security Authority Service (Lsass.exe), are able to access a page file without requiring a SAN environment. OLAP folder Placed on LUN N, which was optimized for random I/O requests according to the typical I/O pattern of MOLAP measures and was formatted with a 32 KB cluster size. SQLCAT performance tests show that a 32 KB cluster size can benefit Analysis Services performance more than a 64 KB cluster size. OLAP log folder Placed on LUN H, which also hosted the SQL log folder. Storing the OLTP and OLAP logs on the same LUN did not impact test results because SQLCAT performed the MOLAP and ROLAP tests in separate cycles. OLAP temp folder Placed on LUN O, which also hosted the TempDB database. Again, it was acceptable to share a LUN between OLAP temp folder and TempDB because SQLCAT performed MOLAP and ROLAP tests separately and there was very little disk activity. Note: SQLCAT hosted all resources on a single server to run the MOLAP and ROLAP performance tests with exactly the same system configuration. However, the single-server design depicted in Figure 1 is not a recommended configuration for production environments. For large-scale production designs, refer to the SQL Server Best Practices article “Scale-Out Querying with Analysis Services,” available on Microsoft TechNet at, as well as the white paper “Accelerating Microsoft adCenter with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services” at Performing Initial Data Warehouse Optimization With the lab server design and deployment completed, SQLCAT was ready to build and load the relational data warehouse, which marked the next important optimization milestone. Figure 2 illustrates the steps performed at this stage. 7 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactLabData]( [Base_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Segment_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Software_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Date_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Time_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [RelayHost_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Account_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Department_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [ClientIP_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [TargetIP_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [ClientSocket_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [TargetSocket_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [LayerThree_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [LayerFour_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Filter_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [TransmittedMB] [numeric](19, 6) NOT NULL, [GatheredMB] [numeric](19, 6) NOT NULL, [Duration] [numeric](19, 6) NOT NULL, [IncidentCount] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PrevRevision] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL ) Original Facts Table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized]( [Base_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Segment_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Software_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Date_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Time_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ClientSocket_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [TargetSocket_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [LayerThree_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [TransmittedMB] [bigint] NOT NULL, [GatheredMB] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Duration] [bigint] NOT NULL, [IncidentCount] [bigint] NOT NULL, ) Optimized Facts Table Data Source View Figure 2: Cube Design in Relationship to the Source Facts Table Most importantly, SQLCAT streamlined the source facts table in the lab data warehouse to reduce the size of the data rows. Smaller data rows lead to smaller indexes and lower I/O overhead to retrieve the data, which ultimately benefits query performance. After all, ROLAP performance depends on the capabilities of the relational data warehouse to return results quickly. SQLCAT carried out the following steps to optimize the source facts table: 8 Removal of unnecessary columns The original source facts table contained more columns than the lab cube needed. The columns in red in Figure 2 were not necessary. By removing these columns, SQLCAT was able to reduce the size of the facts table by more than 50 percent. Conversion of data types to save space By converting the numeric columns in the original facts table to the bigint data type, SQLCAT was able to save 11 bytes per value. This optimization also potentially improved the performance of Multidimensional Expressions (MDX). For example, the DistinctCount function is optimized for integer values. Table 1 compares the original and optimized lab data warehouse versions. Table 1: Original and Optimized Lab Data Warehouse Sizes Dataset Original MOLAP Cube 30 days worth of data 230 GB SQL Server DW Dimension Data 0.1 GB Facts Data 1.35 TB Indexed Views* 0 Optimized 230 GB 0.1 GB 521 GB 3.2 GB * After ROLAP Performance Optimization Note: As a best practice to achieve high ROLAP performance, SQLCAT recommends avoiding complex data models and simplifying the relational data warehouse as much as possible, such as by removing unnecessary columns and, if possible, by replacing wide data types with narrower alternatives to increase storage efficiency. SQLCAT also recommends using a straightforward star schema, avoiding snowflake designs and many-to-many attribute relationships in the dimensions. Deploying the Lab Cube and Defining the Test Cases Having optimized the storage subsystem for fast serial I/O and reduced the size of the data warehouse by more than 50 percent, SQLCAT felt confident that the lab environment would reach satisfactory performance levels. It was time to deploy the original MOLAP cube and take it for a test run. Lab Cube Deployment To deploy the lab cube, SQLCAT reused the customer’s Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) solution. In this context, it is important to note that SQLCAT did not modify any aspect of the MOLAP cube design and even refrained from altering aggregations to keep the lab cube closely aligned with the customer’s original. It was not necessary to apply design changes or cube optimizations because the cube already featured a clean star schema without any parent/child or many-to-many relationships in the dimension tables, as illustrated in Figure 2. This straightforward cube was an ideal candidate for a later conversion to ROLAP. Note: Parent-child and many-to-many attribute relationships can have a substantial performance impact in both MOLAP and ROLAP modes. And unlike MOLAP, ROLAP can’t determine the individual cube partitions that can satisfy the query if the query involves complex dimensions, which implies that Analysis Services must query all cube partitions. The section “Understanding Query Concurrency and Processor Utilization” later in this paper discusses the resulting performance impact and design implications. 9 The only extra optimization that SQLCAT applied to the MOLAP cube concerned the OLAP drive N, which SQLCAT formatted with a 32 KB cluster size for best performance, as mentioned earlier. Cube Test Scenarios For the test scenarios, SQLCAT planned to use a set of original customer queries. These queries promised realistic test runs, but a quick inspection revealed that the queries all used similar MDX expressions. Essentially, all of the queries the customer provided relied on the TopCount() function and analyzed three days or seven days of data. The TopCount() function can help to highlight storage mode differences because it requires a full scan of the data across all relevant cube partitions, which also implies a full scan of the underlying facts tables in ROLAP mode. Still, SQLCAT deemed it necessary to create additional sets of three-day and seven-day queries, as well as advanced queries that had more variety and did not rely on the TopCount() function. This expanded portfolio of test cases enabled SQLCAT to simulate standard queries as well as complex ad-hoc queries that individual analysts might generate in a production environment. Table 2 provides an overview of the test scenarios and a breakdown of the corresponding MDX queries that SQLCAT decided to use for the ROLAP investigation. Table 2: Query Breakdown for SQLCAT Test Cases Test Case Query IDs MDX subqueries restricting the Three-day queries: main query’s multidimensional 3\01, 3\02, 3\03, set based on various date/time 3\04, 3\05, 3\06, ranges, then using the 3\07, and 3\08 TopCount() function to sort Seven-day and then return the top-ten queries: 7\01, 7\02, members for a variety of 7\03, 7\04, 7\05, dimensions and measure 7\06, 7\07, 7\08, groups. 7\09, 7\10, and 7\11. SELECT statements with Three-day queries: members from the date 3\09, 3\10, 3\11, dimension on columns and all and 3\12. members from another dimension on rows. SELECT statements with One-day queries: results filtered on various 1\01 criteria in WHERE clause. Two-day queries: 2\01, 2\02 Other queries: O\01 Complex SELECT statements Additional with calculated members and queries: A\01, 10 Comments All queries use similar constructs with a cross product of multiple sets in the MDX subquery. Queries use different members or cross joins of multiple member sets on rows. Queries include all measure groups and shaped slices or highly selective criteria in the WHERE clause. Query O/01 slices by attributes related to cube partitioning. Queries calculate standard deviations, average values, and WHERE clauses. A\02, A\03, and A\04. year-to-date (YTD) values for all or selected date ranges, such as for all, three, or seven selected calendar days. Selecting Test Tools and Methods The standard tools to measure and benchmark Analysis Services performance are SQL Server Profiler and Performance Monitor. Another useful tool, and a SQLCAT favorite, is the Analysis Services command-line tool (ascmd.exe). ASCMD can run XML for Analysis (XMLA) scripts, MDX queries, and Data Mining Extensions (DMX) statements while tracking results and trace information in a log file. Note: The ASCMD source code is available as part of the SQL Server 2008 Samples at With SQL Server 2008 Samples installed, the path to the source code is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Analysis Services\Administrator\ASCMD. The source code can be compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, or Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition available as a free download at Figure 3 shows how SQLCAT automated the test runs by using a batch file to start the ASCMD command-line tool for each individual MDX query in a FOR…DO loop. ClearCache.xmla Ascmd.exe @echo off FOR %%I IN (*.mdx) DO ( ascmd -S . -d SQLCAT -i ClearCache.xmla -v Database=SQLCAT -o QueryOut.log -T QueryTrace.log ascmd -S . -d SQLCAT -i %%~nxI -o QueryOut.log -T QueryTrace.log ) Figure 3: MOLAP and ROLAP Performance Test Method 11 For the MOLAP and ROLAP performance tests, SQLCAT used the following tools and methods: ASCMD command-line tool SQLCAT fully automated the test runs for all MDX queries by using a batch file (see Figure 3). In each loop, SQLCAT first cleared the Analysis Services data cache by running the ClearCache.xmla script as documented in the ASCMD readme file, then executed the currently selected MDX query, recording the start time, end time, and query duration in milliseconds. SQL Server Profiler During the early stages of the ROLAP tests, SQLCAT doublechecked the accuracy of the ASCMD results with Profiler traces. A Profiler trace can provide detailed information about where Analysis Services spends its time processing an MDX query, starting with the command parser and ending with the formula engine finishing query execution. SQLCAT also used Profiler traces to examine the SQL queries that the lab ROLAP cube generated. Performance Monitor SQLCAT used Performance Monitor to keep an eye on CPU load, memory utilization, and I/O throughput to ensure that no unexpected factor or bottleneck distorted the query performance measurements. Note: All performance results mentioned in this case study are based on a cold Analysis Services cache. By clearing the data cache prior to running each MDX query, SQLCAT ensured accurate tests. A warm cache would boost query performance but would also distort test results, as Analysis Services could then answer queries directly from memory without going to disk or querying the relational data warehouse. Establishing a Performance Baseline Figure 4 shows the performance baseline for the original MOLAP cube, which SQLCAT established directly on the lab server using the tools and methods described in the previous section. This cold-cache baseline served as the yardstick to evaluate ROLAP performance during the subsequent investigation. Note: The figures in this paper use a logarithmic scale to help emphasize the difference between MOLAP and ROLAP on a per-query basis. A linear scale would emphasize the difference between short- and long-running queries in each storage mode, but would make it very difficult to compare MOLAP and ROLAP queries of less than 1 second, as well as those that take more than 20 minutes. 12 1 Minute Figure 4: MOLAP Performance Baseline on a Logarithmic Scale As illustrated, the majority of the MDX queries finished in less than one minute, the additional SQLCAT queries O\01, A\02, A\03, and A\04 required more than five minutes, and query A\03 took the longest with 20 minutes and 11 seconds. A\03 required this time to calculate the average of the cross product of two large datasets over a particular measure for 30 days of data (25 billion rows of facts). Implementing Data Warehouse Aggregations Although SQLCAT also ran preliminary tests against the ROLAP cube, it did not benchmark the initial performance because the relational data warehouse did not include aggregations yet. Putting a MOLAP cube that includes aggregations side-by-side with a ROLAP cube that does not include aggregations is an apples-to-oranges comparison. For a useful investigation, it is necessary to apply at least the same aggregation design in both MOLAP and ROLAP modes. In fact, ROLAP requires a higher degree of optimization to compensate for the performance advantages MOLAP offers out of the box, such as automatic two-level bitmap indexing on every attribute and lower I/O overhead due to data compression. 13 Cube-Based ROLAP Aggregations In MOLAP and HOLAP modes, aggregations reside in the multidimensional database maintained by Analysis Services. In ROLAP mode, on the other hand, aggregations are based on indexed views in the relational data warehouse. Analysis Services supports ROLAP aggregations insofar as it can create the indexed views to contain aggregations, and then uses these indexed views instead of the source tables where possible to answer queries (see Figure 5). However, Analysis Services is not involved in materializing these views or storing their result sets. Analysis Services delegates these tasks to the SQL Server relational engine by submitting CREATE VIEW and CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX commands to the data warehouse during cube partition processing. The relational engine then creates and maintains the indexed views in the database in much the same way as tables with a clustered index. To highlight how Analysis Services benefits from indexed views created by means of a cubebased aggregation design, Figure 5 describes the following scenarios: 14 SQL query without aggregations in place (red arrow, left side of figure) The SQL query goes with the lowest possible grain directly against the source facts table. Although SQL Server can rapidly scan large data sets on a fast storage subsystem, by aggressively performing synchronous and asynchronous I/O operations and using 512 KB block sizes, for example, performance suffers due to the time spent scanning across unnecessarily detailed data in the database (25 billion rows of facts in the SQLCAT lab environment). SQL query with aggregations in place (purple arrow, right side of figure) Analysis Services can generate a SQL query against the indexed view and the relational engine can process the query much faster because the indexed view already summarized the data and persisted the result set. MDX Query SELECT [Measures].[ Incident Count] ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY( TOPCOUNT( [Target Socket].[All].Children, 10,[Measures].[Gathered MB]) ) ON ROWS FROM SQLCAT SQL Query w/o Aggregations SUM ([TransmittedMB]), SUM ([GatheredMB]), SUM ([Duration]), SUM ([IncidentCount]), [TargetSocket_ID] FROM [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized] GROUP BY [TargetSocket_ID] SQL Query w Aggregations SELECT ROLAP Cube SELECT SUM ( [TransmittedMB_0] ), SUM ( [GatheredMB_1] ), SUM ( [Duration_2] ), SUM ( [IncidentCount_3] ), [TargetSocket_ID_4] FROM [Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized] GROUP BY [TargetSocket_ID_4] Relational Data Warehouse CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized] ( [TransmittedMB_0],[GatheredMB_1],[Duration_2], [IncidentCount_3],[TargetSocket_ID_4], [COUNT_BIG_7673aff6-2445-4ef6-a4c9-7bf3d93bd42a] ) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS ( SELECT SUM ( [TransmittedMB] ), SUM ( [GatheredMB] ), SUM ( [Duration] ), SUM ([IncidentCount] ), [TargetSocket_ID], COUNT_BIG(*) FROM [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized],[dbo].[DimDate] GROUP BY [TargetSocket_ID] ) GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized] ON [dbo].[Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized] ( [TargetSocket_ID_4] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100) ON [PRIMARY] (All SQL code simplified for readability) Figure 5: Analysis Services Querying with and without Cube-Based ROLAP Aggregations Transparent ROLAP Aggregations For a ROLAP cube to query an indexed view instead of a source table, Analysis Services must be able to recognize that the indexed view exists and contains aggregations that can satisfy the MDX query. This is only the case if Analysis Services created the indexed view based on a 15 ROLAP aggregation design, such as a design created using the aggregation wizards in BIDS. In contrast, indexed views created manually using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or other database tools are transparent to Analysis Services. These database objects are not directly associated with a ROLAP cube. Nonetheless, Analysis Services can still benefit from transparent aggregations, which offer DW architects additional flexibility for ROLAP performance tuning. The key to leveraging transparent aggregations is the relational engine’s ability to choose an optimal execution plan for parsed SQL queries. If the relational engine’s query optimizer finds a match between the query elements (such as columns, search conditions, joins, and aggregate functions) and the elements of an indexed view, it considers the view index as a possible option. Query optimizer then estimates the cost of each possible option, chooses the query plan with the lowest cost, and keeps track of the choice for subsequent queries. As a result, if an index of a view has the lowest cost of any considered access option, query optimizer chooses this view index even though the original SQL query references a table in the FROM clause. The execution plan in Figure 6 shows query optimizer at work. The SQL query references the FactLabDataOptimized table, but the relational engine transparently chooses the clustered index on the Agg_Fact Lab Data_SW_ID view to answer the query. Microsoft introduced this query optimization feature based on indexed views 10 years ago with SQL Server 2000 to increase the performance of database applications without requiring T-SQL code modifications, and has continued to improve the view-matching capabilities with every subsequent SQL Server release. Note: Query optimizer does not differentiate between client applications and is not aware of Analysis Services, and Analysis Services is not aware of query optimizer. 16 MDX Query SELECT [Measures].[Incident Count] ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY( TOPCOUNT( [Software ID].[All].Children, 10,[Measures].[Gathered MB]) ) ON ROWS FROM SQLCAT ROLAP Cube SELECT SQL Query SUM ([TransmittedMB]), SUM ([GatheredMB]), SUM ([Duration]), SUM ([IncidentCount]), [Software_ID] Relational Data Warehouse FROM [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized] GROUP BY [Software_ID] Query Optimizer Query Plan CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Agg_Fact Lab Data_SW_ID] ( [TransmittedMB_0],[GatheredMB_1],[Duration_2], [IncidentCount_3],[Software_ID_4], [COUNT_BIG_7673aff6-2445-4ef6-a4c9-7bf3d93bd42a] ) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS ( SELECT SUM ( [TransmittedMB] ), SUM ( [GatheredMB] ), SUM ( [Duration] ), SUM ([IncidentCount] ), [Software_ID], COUNT_BIG(*) FROM [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized] GROUP BY [Software_ID] ) GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [Agg_Fact Lab Data_SW_ID] ON [dbo].[Agg_Fact Lab Data_SW_ID] ( [Software_ID_4] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100) ON [PRIMARY] (All SQL code simplified for readability) Figure 6: Query Execution Plan Selecting a Transparent Aggregation Choosing an Aggregation Strategy For Analysis Services to leverage its sophisticated algorithms for calculating summary data based on aggregations and selecting aggregated values for the calculation of other aggregated values, it is necessary to create the aggregations through Analysis Services. However, these cube-based ROLAP aggregations also have disadvantages (see Table 3). Transparent 17 aggregations can be a better choice to build a foundation for all cubes in the data warehouse, while cube-based aggregations can then help to increase the performance of each cube individually. By using transparent aggregations in combination with cube-based aggregations, DW architects can implement an efficient aggregation design. Table 3 compares general advantages and disadvantages of cube-based and transparent aggregations. These considerations are particularly important for environments with multiple ROLAP cubes accessing the same relational data warehouse. Table 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of ROLAP Aggregation Types Aggregation Advantages Disadvantages Type Cube-Based Efficient query Storage inefficiency Multiple processing Analysis Services ROLAP cubes using the same can use cube-based data warehouse do not share aggregations even if the query cube-based aggregations. Analysis and aggregation granularities do Services creates separate indexed not exactly match. For example, views per cube even if the cubes a query on [Month] can use an include the same or similar aggregation on [Day], which aggregation designs. requires only the summarization Processing overhead Analysis of up to 31 numbers. Services drops and recreates Aggregation design indexed views associated with efficiency Analysis Services cube-based aggregations during includes Aggregation Design cube partition processing. Wizard and Usage-Based Dropping and recreating the Optimization Wizard to create indexes can take an excessive aggregation designs based on amount of time in a large-scale storage and percentage data warehouse. constraints or queries submitted by client applications. Transparent Reuse of existing indexes No sophisticated aggregation across cubes Multiple cubes algorithms Indexed views must using the same data warehouse match query granularity. Query can benefit from the same set of optimizer doesn’t consider indexed views. Sharing indexed dimension hierarchies or views among cubes mitigates aggregation granularities in the aggregation-related storage query execution plan. For requirements. Less overhead during cube example, a SQL query with processing Analysis Services GROUP BY on [Month] can’t use an index on [Day]. is unaware of the aggregations and does not drop the indexed Maintenance views during partition overhead Database 18 processing. There is no need to drop indexed views because the relational engine maintains the indexes continuously, such as during INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations against the base tables. administrators must maintain aggregations by using SSMS or other tools. It is difficult to keep track of the relationships between indexed views and ROLAP cubes. Design complexity Database Engine Tuning Advisor can help to facilitate aggregation design tasks by analyzing Profiler traces, but it can’t identify all possible candidates. Moreover, DW architects must manually study Profiler traces to determine effective aggregations. Figure 7 highlights the relationship between cube-based and transparent aggregations in a centralized data warehouse shared among multiple ROLAP cubes. As illustrated, each cube maintains its own aggregations even if the data warehouse already contains suitable indexed views. For this reason, SQLCAT recommends reviewing the indexed views in the data warehouse before and after creating or updating cube-based aggregation designs through Aggregation Design Wizard or Usage-Based Optimization Wizard to avoid inefficient use of storage space. 19 ROLAP Cube A ROLAP Cube B Cube-Based Aggregations Cube-Based Aggregations (SSAS-Created Indexed Views) (SSAS-Created Indexed Views) Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized_20_35_35_35_35_0 Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized_9_8_8_8_8_0 Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized_20_35_35_35_35_1 Agg_Fact Lab Data Optimized_9_8_8_8_8_1 Transparent Aggregations (Manually Created Indexed Views) dbo.Agg_Facts By Date By Segment dbo.Agg_Facts By Date By Target dbo.Agg_Facts By Date By SW dbo.Agg_Facts By Date By Client dbo.Agg_Facts By Date By Etc Base Tables Relational Data Warehouse Figure 7: Cube-Based and Transparent ROLAP Aggregations Creating Transparent Aggregations Taking into consideration that transparent aggregations can be an important ROLAP design element, SQLCAT decided to create a basic set of indexed views manually in order to add transparent aggregations to the lab data warehouse. It was not hard to find good aggregation candidates, given that a considerable number of test cases relied on similar MDX queries to analyze three or seven days of data along a given dimension, such as software or segment. By studying Profiler traces, SQLCAT determined that the lab ROLAP cube translated most of these queries into SQL statements according to the following pattern: SELECT SUM ( [TransmittedMB] ) , SUM ( [GatheredMB] ) , SUM ( [Duration] ) , SUM ( [IncidentCount] ) ,[<Dimension Key>] FROM [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized],[dbo].[DimDate] WHERE ( 20 ( [FactLabDataOptimized].[Date_ID]=[DimDate].[Date_ID] ) AND ([Year]=<…>)AND([Quarter]=<…>)AND([Month]=<…>)AND([Day]= <…>) ) GROUP BY [<Dimension Key>] The dimension key was the only relevant variable, and with seven different dimension keys in the source facts table SQLCAT was able to cover the most basic test cases with seven indexed views that each joined the facts data to the date dimension on the date key and then aggregated the values by an additional dimension key and by date dimension attributes. The clustered indexes then physically ordered the results by dimension key, year, quarter, month, and day so that the aggregated values for consecutive days were located in close physical proximity in the database. The following T-SQL listing shows the corresponding CREATE VIEW and CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX statements with placeholders for dimension-specific information (for more information about creating indexed views, refer to the topic “Creating Indexed Views” in SQL Server 2008 R2 Books Online at CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Agg_Facts By <Dimension> By Date] ( [TransmittedMB_0],[GatheredMB_1],[Duration_2], [IncidentCount_3],[<Dimension Key>_4], [Year_5],[Quarter_6],[Month_7],[Day_8], [COUNT_BIG] ) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS ( SELECT SUM ( [TransmittedMB] ), SUM ( [GatheredMB] ), SUM ( [Duration] ), SUM ([IncidentCount] ), [<Dimension Key>], [Year],[Quarter],[Month],[Day], COUNT_BIG(*) FROM [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized],[dbo].[DimDate] WHERE ( [FactLabDataOptimized].[Date_ID]=[DimDate].[Date_ID] ) GROUP BY [<Dimension Key>],[Year],[Quarter],[Month],[Day] ) GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [Agg_Facts By <Dimension> By Date] ON [dbo].[Agg_Facts By <Dimension> By Date] ( [<Dimension Key>_4] ASC, [Year_5] ASC, [Quarter_6] ASC, [Month_7] ASC, [Day_8] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100) ON [PRIMARY] 21 Table Binding versus Query Binding Much to SQLCAT’s dismay, creating indexed views on top of a facts table with 25 billion rows took far longer than expected. After more than 24 hours, SQLCAT cancelled this process as soon as the relational engine completed the first view and index. This first indexed view now had to suffice for a small ROLAP test with a subset of MDX queries. However, not a single query showed performance improvements. It turned out that the facts table design and the corresponding cube partition design did not permit the relational engine to utilize indexed views for SQL queries originating from Analysis Services. Figure 8 shows the relevant design aspects. Cube Partitions 1 Partition per Facts Table Partition ROLAP Cube Facts Table: ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PerDay () SPLIT RANGE(CAST(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE()+1, 112) AS int)) 1 Partition per Day, 31 Partitions, 1 Month of Data Relational Data Warehouse Figure 8: Relational Facts Table Partitions and Corresponding Cube Partitions According to a best practice in large-scale data warehousing, the design of the facts table relied on partitions organized by calendar day to facilitate data pruning along a sliding time window. In this particular case, the partition function used the Date_ID in the format yyyyMMdd. Every day, the data warehouse would drop one expired table partition and add a new partition for the current day. An XMLA script would then drop the expired cube partition as well and create a new cube partition with a source query that referenced the new table partition by specifying the current day’s Date_ID in the WHERE clause. This design works well for MOLAP cubes, but it creates issues for ROLAP. 22 The primary problem is that Analysis Services must use query binding to reference individual facts table partitions, so the SQL queries do not reference the underlying source facts table directly. Instead, Analysis Services uses the source query of the cube partition in the FROM clause to access the relevant facts data, and because the FROM clause now references a subquery instead of the base table, query optimizer can’t choose a view index to optimize the execution plan. Query optimizer only considers view indexes if the SQL query references a base table or if the FROM clause specifies an indexed view directly. Therefore, ROLAP cube partitions must use table binding to benefit from transparent aggregations in the data warehouse. Figure 9 confirms this requirement. As the query execution plans indicate, the first query uses table binding and leverages the indexed view, while the second query uses query binding and performs all joining, sorting, and aggregating dynamically. Both queries return the same results, but the second is much less efficient because it does not use the aggregations that already exist in the data warehouse. Figure 9: Query Plans for Table Binding and Query Binding Reorganizing the Lab Data Warehouse SQLCAT learned two lessons from this first attempt to implement ROLAP aggregations. Most importantly, Analysis Services must not use subqueries, which means that Data Source Views (DSVs) must reference source tables (not views or named queries), and cube partitions must use table binding as the binding type to support ROLAP aggregations. Second, the relational data warehouse should not maintain facts data in one large table. While it is possible to create views and indexes that span an entire partitioned table before loading the data, changing any 23 aspect of the table or aggregation design throughout the cube’s lifecycle leads to lengthy processing time. For example, switch operations on partitioned tables require dropping and recreating any associated indexed views. Taking these dependencies into account, SQLCAT concluded that the lab data warehouse required a substantial overhaul. It was necessary to replace the facts table partitions for individual days of data with separate daily tables, load the facts data from the original source table into the daily tables, create separate indexed views for each daily table, and then reconfigure the cube partitions to access the daily tables instead of the original source table. Note: Partitioning a large database by using separate daily tables used to be a best practice for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and earlier versions, but it is not a best practice for SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition and higher because these editions support table partitions based on a partition function. SQLCAT reverted to the earlier method to achieve optimal ROLAP query performance, but does not recommend this approach for other partitioning scenarios because of the incurred complexity and administrative overhead. Replacing Table Partitions with Individual Base Tables The following T-SQL listing conveys how SQLCAT created the daily facts tables. Each table mirrored the design of the original facts table, with the exception of the CHECK constraint on the Date_ID column. This CHECK constraint limited the valid data range per table to the correct calendar day. As the placeholders indicate, SQLCAT also appended the calendar-day information to the table name. This common best practice helps to avoid confusion, particularly during the configuration of the cube partitions in a subsequent step. SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>]( [Base_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Segment_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Software_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Date_ID] [int] NOT NULL CHECK ([Date_ID]=<yyyyMMdd>), [Time_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ClientSocket_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [TargetSocket_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [LayerThree_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [TransmittedMB] [bigint] NOT NULL, [GatheredMB] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Duration] [bigint] NOT NULL, [IncidentCount] [bigint] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimSegments] FOREIGN KEY([Segment_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSegments] ([Segment_ID]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimSoftware] FOREIGN KEY([Software_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSoftware] ([Software_ID]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimDate] 24 FOREIGN KEY([Date_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDate] ([Date_ID]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimSockets] FOREIGN KEY([ClientSocket_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSockets] ([Socket_ID]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimSockets1] FOREIGN KEY([TargetSocket_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSockets] ([Socket_ID]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimLayerThree] FOREIGN KEY([LayerThree_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimLayerThree] ([LayerThree_ID]), CONSTRAINT [FK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>_DimTime] FOREIGN KEY([Time_ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimTime] ([Time_ID]), CONSTRAINT [PK_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd>] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Base_ID] ASC ) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] Note: An alternative approach is to switch out partitions to new tables. However, switch operations on partitioned tables require dropping and recreating any associated indexed views, which renders this approach impractical for large-scale data warehouses with ROLAP aggregations based on indexed views. Loading the Facts Data Considering the large data volume, SQLCAT opted to use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for bulk-loading the facts data into the daily tables. The SSIS packages that SQLCAT created for this purposes included a Data Flow task with an OLE DB Source and a SQL Server Destination. The OLE DB Source used a SQL command with the Date_ID in the WHERE clause to restrict the extracted source data to the relevant day. The SQL Server Destination then mapped the source’s output columns in a straightforward way to the destination’s input columns. Figure 10 displays the resulting distribution of facts data across the new collection of daily tables in the lab data warehouse. 25 Table Name Rows Reserved (KB) FactLabDataOptimized_20091201 99,011,161 7,522,024 FactLabDataOptimized_20091202 279,383,215 21,388,904 FactLabDataOptimized_20091203 195,506,528 14,928,520 FactLabDataOptimized_20091204 186,455,841 14,251,944 FactLabDataOptimized_20091205 142,253,763 10,868,424 FactLabDataOptimized_20091206 154,235,792 11,796,168 FactLabDataOptimized_20091207 168,909,367 12,913,656 FactLabDataOptimized_20091208 139,929,984 10,687,848 FactLabDataOptimized_20091209 288,345,580 22,085,912 FactLabDataOptimized_20091210 348,858,817 26,744,264 FactLabDataOptimized_20091211 354,376,341 27,170,592 FactLabDataOptimized_20091212 333,212,598 25,552,840 FactLabDataOptimized_20091213 128,082,044 9,766,728 FactLabDataOptimized_20091214 145,237,885 11,109,448 FactLabDataOptimized_20091215 138,634,654 10,594,568 FactLabDataOptimized_20091216 319,150,039 24,462,088 FactLabDataOptimized_20091217 231,184,784 17,677,448 FactLabDataOptimized_20091218 239,419,040 18,306,312 FactLabDataOptimized_20091219 221,820,808 16,946,696 FactLabDataOptimized_20091220 177,329,611 13,527,240 FactLabDataOptimized_20091221 145,947,110 11,156,808 FactLabDataOptimized_20091222 166,356,235 12,726,984 FactLabDataOptimized_20091223 294,977,470 22,593,400 FactLabDataOptimized_20091224 228,812,724 17,488,488 FactLabDataOptimized_20091225 178,710,273 13,637,904 FactLabDataOptimized_20091226 185,415,173 14,150,272 FactLabDataOptimized_20091227 284,250,178 50,898,184 FactLabDataOptimized_20091228 157,355,493 28,177,320 FactLabDataOptimized_20091229 148,857,535 26,655,496 FactLabDataOptimized_20091230 262,429,282 20,080,200 FactLabDataOptimized_20091231* 0 0 * The lab data warehouse only included 30 days of data Figure 10: Bulk Loading Daily Facts using SSIS Although the SQL Server Destination object is less flexible than other Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) objects, it lets you customize bulk-load operations for high performance. Specifically, SQLCAT disabled the option to check constraints and ran five packages in parallel, achieving a throughput of 32 MB per second. By increasing the network packet size to 32 KB, SQLCAT increased the bulk-load performance even further to 42 MB per second. For detailed information about SSIS-based high-performance bulk loading, refer to “We Loaded 1TB in 30 Minutes with SSIS, and So Can You,” available on Microsoft MSDN at See also “Top 10 SQL Server Integration Services Best Practices” on the SQLCAT Web site at Note: After loading the facts data, SQLCAT created the full set of indexed views for each daily table with the options SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF, and FILLFACTOR = 100. For more information about how 26 SQLCAT created indexed views for ROLAP aggregations, see the section “Creating Transparent Aggregations” earlier in this case study. Realigning Cube Partitions For maintenance and other reasons, it is a best practice to partition cubes in exactly the same way as the underlying facts data. Applied to the lab environment, this meant that the ROLAP cube required 31 cube partitions, each mapping directly to a corresponding daily table in the lab data warehouse, as illustrated in Figure 11. Given this large number of cube partitions, SQLCAT opted to automate the task using XMLA scripts. ROLAP Cube Partition Name Fact Lab Data Optimized_20091201 Fact Lab Data Optimized_<yyyyMMdd> Fact Lab Data Optimized_20091231 Table ID dbo_FactLabDataOptimized_20091201 dbo_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd> dbo_FactLabDataOptimized_20091231 Relational Data Warehouse Slice [Dim Date].&[2009]&[4]&[12]&[1] [Dim Date].&[<yyyy>]&[<qq>]&[<MM>] &[<d>] [Dim Date].&[2009]&[4]&[12]&[31] Storage Mode ROLAP ROLAP ROLAP Proactive Caching Disabled Disabled Disabled Figure 11: Aligning Cube Partitions with Daily Facts Tables To bring the ROLAP cube back into alignment with the lab data warehouse, SQLCAT performed the following steps: 1. Adding all daily facts tables to the DSV By using the Add/Remove Tables wizard in BIDS, SQLCAT added all 31 daily facts tables to the Analysis Services database in a single step. The Add/Remove Tables wizard established the relationships between facts and dimension tables automatically because the daily tables included all necessary foreign key definitions. It is worth pointing out that SQLCAT did not remove the original 27 facts table from the DSV because it served as the source table for the measures in the Fact Lab Data Optimized measure group. 2. Removing all existing cube partitions By deleting the existing cube partitions associated with the original table partitions, SQLCAT excluded the original facts table from further querying and processing in the Fact Lab Data Optimized measure group. 3. Adding daily cube partitions By using the following XMLA script, SQLCAT added all 31 daily partitions to the ROLAP cube with consistent configuration settings. Particularly important for query performance is the Slice property, which Analysis Services uses during query execution to determine the partitions that contain relevant data. SQLCAT configured each cube partition’s Slice property according to each base table’s calendar day (see also Figure 11). <Create xmlns=""> <ParentObject> <DatabaseID>SQLCAT</DatabaseID> <CubeID>SQLCAT</CubeID> <MeasureGroupID>Fact Lab Data Optimized</MeasureGroupID> </ParentObject> <ObjectDefinition> <Partition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Name>Fact Lab Data Optimized_<yyyyMMdd></Name> <ID>Fact Lab Data Optimized_<yyyyMMdd></ID> <Source xsi:type="DsvTableBinding"> <DataSourceViewID>SQLCAT</DataSourceViewID> <TableID>dbo_FactLabDataOptimized_<yyyyMMdd></TableID> </Source> <StorageMode>Rolap</StorageMode> <ProcessingMode>Regular</ProcessingMode> <Slice> [Dim Date].&amp;[<yyyy>]&amp;[<qq>]&amp;[<MM>]&amp;[<d>] </Slice> <ProactiveCaching> <SilenceInterval>-PT1S</SilenceInterval> <Latency>P0D</Latency> <SilenceOverrideInterval>-PT1S</SilenceOverrideInterval> <ForceRebuildInterval>-PT1S</ForceRebuildInterval> <Enabled>false</Enabled> <AggregationStorage>MolapOnly</AggregationStorage> <OnlineMode>Immediate</OnlineMode> <Source xsi:type="ProactiveCachingInheritedBinding"> <NotificationTechnique>Server</NotificationTechnique> 28 </Source> </ProactiveCaching> </Partition> </ObjectDefinition> </Create> 4. Processing the measure group To process all daily cube partitions and any unprocessed dimensions for the Fact Lab Data Optimized measure group in a single step, SQLCAT reprocessed the measure group programmatically using the following XMLA script, This script enabled SQLCAT to process the data quickly using the ASCMD command-line tool. <Process xmlns=""> <Object> <DatabaseID>SQLCAT</DatabaseID> <CubeID>SQLCAT</CubeID> <MeasureGroupID>Fact Lab Data Optimized</MeasureGroupID> <PartitionID>$(Partition)</PartitionID> </Object> <Type>ProcessFull</Type> <WriteBackTableCreation>UseExisting</WriteBackTableCreation> </Process> Note: The ASCMD command-line tool supports a -v command parameter for different variables. In this case, the different variables corresponded to the different partitions (i.e., different dates) within the cube. Reviewing Measure Groups and Measures With the successful completion of the data warehouse overhaul and subsequent cube alignment, SQLCAT felt confident that the ROLAP cube now met all aggregation requirements—but Analysis Services did not concur. The ROLAP cube continued to generate SQL queries with subqueries in the FROM clause, despite the fact that all cube partitions now used table binding and mapped directly to daily facts tables. SQLCAT needed to investigate and solve this issue because as long as a ROLAP cube uses subqueries to retrieve data from the underlying data warehouse, it can’t benefit from relational aggregations in the data warehouse. Zooming in on Measures Figure 12 shows the hierarchy of the most important Analysis Services objects that influence how a ROLAP cube communicates with an underlying data warehouse. 29 Figure 12: Analysis Services Object Hierarchy Based on this hierarchy and the following considerations, SQLCAT was able to narrow down the root cause and focus attention on the measure group: 30 Data source The Data Source object of an Analysis Services database specifies the connection string, database isolation level, and maximum number of concurrent connections, which have no bearing on the binding type. Data source view The DSV on top of the Data Source included no views or named queries and only referenced base tables, so the DSV was not the reason. Cube partitions The cube partitions also showed the correct configuration. The XMLA script to create the partitions set the Type parameter of the Source property correctly to DsvTableBinding (see previous T-SQL listing under “Realigning Cube Partitions”). Cube-based aggregations The cube partitions were not associated with an aggregation design, so cube-based aggregations did not yet exist at this stage. Measure groups The next logical place to look was the Fact Lab Data Optimized measure group with its measures Transmitted MB, Gathered MB, Duration, Incident Count, and Fact Lab Data Optimized Count. The first four measures relied on the SUM aggregation function to calculate summary data over their corresponding source columns (that is, Transmitted MB, Gathered MB, Duration, and Incident Count in the daily facts tables), but the fifth measure was different. It used the “Count of Rows” function, which calculates the row count on the entire source table, not just a single column. This Count of Rows measure was the likely cause of the issue. The Fact Lab Data Optimized Count measure was also different in the sense that it did not exist in the original MOLAP cube. When SQLCAT created the ROLAP cube, the Cube Wizard in BIDS automatically added this measure to the measure group. As soon as SQLCAT deleted this measure and processed the cube, Analysis Services switched to table binding in the SQL queries, as SQLCAT verified through Profiler traces. Row Counting and Query Binding To understand the query-binding puzzle created by Count of Rows measures, it is important to note that Analysis Services attempts to calculate the row count in a way that is independent of the underlying Database Management System (DBMS). Basically, Analysis Services constructs a SQL query that dynamically adds a column with a constant value of 1 in each row to the result set. As the Profiler trace in Figure 13 reveals, this query then serves as the subquery of an outer SQL query that uses the SQL aggregation function COUNT_BIG on this dynamic column to return the number of rows as a bigint. Because all rows have a value of 1 in this column, there is no need to pay special attention to the handling of NULL values by the DBMS, but the drawback is query binding. If a ROLAP cube is supposed to use aggregations based on indexed views, it can’t include Count of Rows measures in its measure groups. Hence, for optimized ROLAP, SQLCAT recommends disabling this Count of Rows measure. Figure 13: Calculating the Row Count with the Help of a Subquery 31 Benchmarking the ROLAP Cube At last, SQLCAT’s redesign and optimization efforts paid off. The ROLAP cube was finally ready for performance testing, and thanks to the amazingly fast performance of the relational SQL Server engine on top of a super-fast storage subsystem, the results looked better than expected. To everybody’s surprise, the ROLAP cube outpaced the MOLAP cube in 45 percent of all queries right from the start (see Figure 14). Only 39 percent of the queries showed substantially slower response times in ROLAP mode (more than twice the amount of MOLAP time) and 16 percent showed moderate performance degradation (less than twice the amount of MOLAP time). Admittedly, the lab cube featured a low number of attributes, low cardinality, and the date dimension was relatively simple, but the performance results proved that ROLAP can be a viable option for simple cubes with large data volumes but low dimensional complexity. Query 1\01 O\01 7\07 7\08 7\06 7\11 7\10 A\02 45% 3\08 3\07 3\05 3\04 A\04 3\03 7\09 7\01 16% A\01 3\01 2\02 7\03 7\04 3\09 3\02 39% 7\02 2\01 3\06 3\11 3\12 3\10 A\03 7\05 MOLAP 0:00:15 0:06:56 0:01:37 0:01:38 0:01:43 0:09:50 0:01:42 0:14:58 0:03:42 0:00:39 0:00:40 0:00:40 0:16:12 0:00:35 0:01:36 0:01:34 0:00:00 0:00:34 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:01 0:00:14 0:00:00 0:00:02 0:00:46 0:00:37 0:00:00 0:00:32 0:20:11 0:00:20 ROLAP 0:00:00 0:01:12 0:00:19 0:00:23 0:00:25 0:02:39 0:00:28 0:04:11 0:01:02 0:00:18 0:00:25 0:00:25 0:10:58 0:00:27 0:01:54 0:02:08 0:00:01 0:00:56 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:03 0:00:32 0:00:01 0:00:05 0:02:09 0:02:56 0:00:01 0:02:58 2:34:57 0:03:48 Figure 14: ROLAP Performance in Comparison to a MOLAP Baseline on a Logarithmic Scale TopCount Customer Queries In particular, the three-day and seven-day queries provided by the customer exhibited remarkable performance behavior. For these TopCount() queries, ROLAP was at par with MOLAP and in many cases faster. For example, query 7\11’s average response times dropped 32 from 9 minutes and 50 seconds to 2 minutes and 39 seconds (see Figure 14). Across all TopCount() customer queries, average response times dropped from 1 minute and 28 seconds with MOLAP to 58 seconds with ROLAP. The average performance was better with ROLAP because the three-day and seven-day TopCount() queries were able to leverage the transparent aggregations in ROLAP mode, while MOLAP is naturally unable to exploit these types of aggregations in the relational data warehouse to increase query performance. The original MOLAP cube did not include corresponding aggregation designs. The ROLAP performance also benefited from the daily cube partition design. As explained earlier, the ROLAP cube included 31 partitions that mapped to 31 daily facts tables, each with its own set of indexed views that satisfied the TopCount() queries. In this configuration, when executing an MDX query for a given range of days, Analysis Services first checks the Slice property of the cube partitions to determine the partitions that contain relevant data, then submits SQL queries to the data warehouse for only those facts tables that correspond to the relevant cube partitions. If the relational engine can process these SQL queries in parallel and fully leverage multiple indexed views, and if the storage subsystem is optimized for fast serial I/O, the data warehouse can return the results to Analysis Services in the shortest possible time. Figure 15 shows a seven-day MDX query example. The seven selected days corresponded to seven cube partitions, each owning a Slice within the specified day range. Accordingly, Analysis Services submitted seven SQL queries to the SQLCAT lab data warehouse. MDX Query SELECT [Measures].[Incident Count] ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY( TOPCOUNT( [Target Socket].[All].Children, 10,[Measures].[Gathered MB]) ) ON ROWS FROM SQLCAT WHERE {([Dim Date].&[2009]&[4]&[12]&[1]: [Dim Date].&[2009]&[4]&[12]&[7])} ROLAP Cube Partitions Slice [Dim Date]. &[2009] &[4]&[12] &[1] SQL Query &[2] &[3] &[4] &[5] &[6] &[7] SQL Query SQL Query SQL Query SQL Query SQL Query SQL Query Daily Facts Tables Figure 15: ROLAP Query Processing and TopCount Performance Results 33 Additional SQLCAT MDX Queries For the most part, the additional queries that SQLCAT defined for a greater variety of test cases also performed well in ROLAP mode, although query performance suffered noticeably over larger data sets. As Figure 16 reveals, query A\03 was the worst performer. It calculated average values for 30 days of data—and ROLAP required no less than 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 57 seconds to deliver the results. The next section, “Understanding Query Concurrency and Processor Utilization,” deals with query A\03 in more detail. Query 1\01 O\01 A\02 A\04 A\01 2\02 3\09 2\01 3\11 3\12 3\10 A\03 MOLAP 0:00:15 0:06:56 0:14:58 0:16:12 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:01 0:00:02 0:00:37 0:00:00 0:00:32 0:20:11 ROLAP 0:00:00 0:01:12 0:04:11 0:10:58 0:00:01 0:00:00 0:00:03 0:00:05 0:02:56 0:00:01 0:02:58 2:34:57 Figure 16: Additional MDX Query Performance Results Understanding Query Concurrency and Processor Utilization An interesting aspect of query A\03 is that its MDX expression was very similar to that of query A\02, yet query A\02 performed much better. The difference was that query A\02 analyzed data over seven days whereas query A\03 covered 30 days of data. By studying Performance Monitor traces, SQLCAT noticed the following query behavior: 34 Seven-day MDX query A\02 Generated seven SQL queries, which the relational engine was able to execute quickly because the number of queries did not exceed the number of processor cores on the server. The server had eight cores, and thanks to the high I/O performance in the storage subsystem, the relational engine was able to reach a very high level of CPU utilization while executing all seven queries in parallel. 30-day query A\03 Generated 30 SQL queries, which far exceeded the number of available cores, thus flooding the relational engine and causing a substantial backlog of queries attempting to execute. The relational engine parallelized each of these 30 SQL queries and utilized all available cores to distribute the query threads, which caused excessive thread thrashing and I/O congestion. To increase the performance of query A\03 and to ensure that the cores would not become a bottleneck for a wider range of ROLAP queries, SQLCAT concluded that it would be necessary to limit parallel query plan generation and scale out the lab environment, as illustrated in Figure 17. By restricting the maximum degree of parallelism to 1 (MAXDOP = 1), SQL queries run single-threaded, so 30 cores would be necessary to run all SQL queries of MDX query A\03 in parallel. For more information about the MAXDOP setting, refer to the section “Max Degree of Parallelism Option” in SQL Server 2008 Books Online at Note that the MAXDOP setting can also be enforced with Resource Governor. MDX Query SELECT [Measures].[Incident Count] ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY( TOPCOUNT( [Target Socket].[All].Children, 10,[Measures].[Gathered MB]) ) ON ROWS FROM SQLCAT Analysis Services Query Server ROLAP Cube Partitions Partitions Slice [Dim Date]. &[2009] &[4]&[12] &[1] &[2] &[3] &[4] &[5] &[6] &[7] &[8] &[9] &[10] &[11] &[12] &[13] &[14] &[15] SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query &[16] &[17] &[18] &[19] &[20] &[21] &[22] &[23] &[24] &[25] &[26] &[27] &[28] &[29] &[30] &[31] SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Query Daily Facts Tables Daily Facts Tables 4 Quad-Core Processors 4 Quad-Core Processors Socket Socket Socket Socket Socket Socket Socket Socket Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Relational Data Warehouse Figure 17: ROLAP SQL Query Fan-Out 35 Relational Data Warehouse Note: The SQL query fan-out design depicted in Figure 17 primarily benefits ROLAP cubes with a high percentage of MDX queries spanning all cube partitions, such as MDX queries on attributes that are not associated with partition slices. This design does not apply to MOLAP. MOLAP has substantially lower hardware requirements. For example, MOLAP was able to execute query A\03 much faster than ROLAP on a single server with eight cores. It didn’t require as much CPU power to parse through 30 days of data (see the results in Figure 16). Usage-Based Optimization of Long-Running Queries Up to this point, SQLCAT had implemented ROLAP aggregations based on the assumption that all MDX queries had equal weight. The next logical step was to increase cube performance specifically for long-running queries, such as queries 3\10 and 3\11, by using the Usage-Based Optimization Wizard. The Usage-Based Optimization Wizard can create smart cube-based aggregations based on statistical information about MDX queries tracked in the Analysis Services query log. To generate suitable query log entries, SQLCAT enabled the query log as discussed in the TechNet article “Configuring the Analysis Services Query Log” at, then ran the selected queries via the ASCMD command-line tool. Figure 18 shows a breakdown of the response times for query 3\10 and 3\11 before and after UBO. As the results reveal, the long-running queries benefited substantially from UBO. Figure 18: Query Times Before and After UBO on a Logarithmic Scale Particularly in ROLAP mode, response times dropped from almost 3 minutes to roughly 300 milliseconds. Prior to UBO, the ROLAP queries lagged far behind their MOLAP counterparts. 36 After UBO, MOLAP and ROLAP response times were at par, and only fractions of a second apart. This proves that the application of a smart aggregation design through UBO can benefit both MOLAP and ROLAP cubes. However, UBO should not be applied indiscriminately to all queries to avoid inadvertent effects on storage and processing overhead, as discussed in the Technical Note “Reintroducing Usage-Based Optimization in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services” available on the SQLCAT web site at Dealing with Skewed Distribution of Data In addition to aggregations, SQLCAT was also interested in studying the effect of data skew on ROLAP performance. The lab data warehouse facilitated this investigation because the Software dimension data was very unequally distributed across the facts data. As illustrated in Figure 19, the vast majority of the Software_IDs in the source facts tables were unknown values (-1). Only a small portion of the IDs referred to known entities. Cube MOLAP (without aggregations) ROLAP (without aggregations) Time 0:49 2:38 Figure 19: Skewed Distribution of Software_IDs in a Lab Facts Table In particular, SQLCAT wanted to examine the impact of data skew on query optimizer. Query optimizer uses a complex optimization algorithm based on table and index statistics to formulate the query execution plan. This algorithm works well in most cases, but it is not perfect. Skewed data can cause query optimizer to generate an inefficient query execution plan, which would affect ROLAP performance while the effect remains virtually non-existent for MOLAP. To perform the tests, SQLCAT ran arbitrary ad-hoc queries against the MOLAP and ROLAP cubes. These ad-hoc queries did not benefit from aggregations or indexed views, and the performance results validated the assumption that data skew must be better compensated for with ROLAP than with MOLAP. The MOLAP queries performed well with an average response 37 time of 49 seconds while the ROLAP queries, on average, took approximately two minutes longer (see Figure 19). One way to compensate for data skew in a relational data warehouse is to cover the most relevant queries with indexed views. Another is to ensure that appropriate, up-to-date column statistics exist. For information about concepts and guidelines for using query optimization statistics, refer to the topic “Using Statistics to Improve Query Performance” in SQL Server 2008 Books Online at Lessons Learned and Best Practices In reviewing the investigation project, SQLCAT concluded that the efforts to achieve similar or better performance with ROLAP over MOLAP had been successful. The test results exceeded expectations in many cases and gave SQLCAT a good grasp on hardware requirements, implementation details, and design implications. Table 4 summarizes corresponding lessons learned during the ROLAP investigation and best practices for large-scale ROLAP implementations, which SQLCAT determined in discussions with SQL Server and Analysis Services developers. Table 4: ROLAP—Lessons Learned and Best Practices ROLAP Lessons Learned Is a viable For large cubes with a low level of choice for complexity and low attribute cardinality, cubes with ROLAP can be a good choice, but low ROLAP is less attractive than MOLAP complexity. for cubes with many dimensions (wide facts tables), a large number of attributes (wide dimension tables), and complex attribute relationships (snowflake schema or many-to-many relationships). Must use Analysis Services must reference table binding. database tables in the SQL queries to support relational aggregations based on indexed views because SQL Server does not support building indexed views against views or subqueries and the query optimizer does not leverage indexed views if the SQL queries do not reference tables directly. Requires In comparison to MOLAP, ROLAP has more substantially higher hardware hardware requirements, such as higher demand resources for CPU power and I/O performance. than MOLAP. 38 Best Practices Avoid complex data models and simplify the relational data warehouse as much as possible, such as by removing unnecessary columns and, if possible, by replacing wide data types with narrower alternatives to increase storage efficiency. Use table binding (not query binding) for ROLAP cube partitions, include only tables (not views or named queries) in the DSVs, and remove any Count of Rows measures from ROLAP measure groups. Provide sufficient CPU power to sustain the high number of concurrent SQL queries and optimize the storage subsystem to deliver sufficient I/O throughput to reach a very high level of CPU utilization. Correctly implemented, Impacts the size of relational databases. Increases design complexity and management overhead. Can leverage cube-based aggregations even if the granularities do not exactly match. Might be affected by data problems and referential integrity issues. 39 Although ROLAP avoids copying source facts data into multidimensional databases, it does place a high demand on storage capacities in the relational data warehouse for indexed views and summary tables. For example, indexing on every attribute can lead to excessive storage consumption in ROLAP mode, while MOLAP is much more efficient with its automatic two-level bitmap indexes. MOLAP automatically optimizes many design aspects that require manual attention in ROLAP mode. Queries that don’t hit aggregations require a very clean, normalized schema and other data warehouse optimization techniques also come into play, such as restricting the maximum degree of parallelism to 1 and compensating for data skew. Also, because the cube can’t rely on partitioned facts tables, the data warehouse requires individual daily tables and separate sets of indexed views, which can substantially increase management overhead. MOLAP and ROLAP can use aggregations even when the query granularity doesn’t exactly match the aggregation granularity. However, ROLAP can only use cube-based aggregations on the leaf level of a dimension when querying higher levels. MOLAP can catch referential integrity errors and other data problems during cube processing, but these issues can affect ROLAP during query execution. ROLAP cubes do not support Snapshot isolation with multiple active result sets on a SQL Server connection, so DW architects must use the ReadCommitted isolation level, which allows nonrepeatable reads ROLAP should be consistently generating sequential scans, so the storage subsystem should be optimized for a high volume of serial I/O requests. Use transparent aggregations in combination with cube-based aggregations to avoid inefficient use of storage resources, particularly in environments with multiple cubes sharing the same data warehouse. Avoid overlapping cube-based aggregations and cubes with different levels of granularity because they require different sets of tables for each level of granularity. Create scripts or other custom solutions to automate the provisioning of facts tables, indexed views, and corresponding cube partitions. Directly map the facts tables in the relational data warehouse to cube partitions in Analysis Services. Also, use the ASCMD command-line tool and Profiler traces to test applicable queries with original aggregations, new UBO aggregations, handmade aggregations, and no aggregations to better understand the query characteristics of the cube. Create cube-based aggregations at the leaf level to help known cross-join patterns. Note that Analysis Services can only leverage aggregations for different granularities if the aggregations are part of the ROLAP cube design, such as aggregations created by using UBO. Transparent aggregations do not fall into this category. Focus on data cleanup and data quality during the load process. Confine data changes to the most current facts table, such as to the most recent daily table, in order to avoid any impact of referential integrity issues on past data. Relies on query optimizer’s ability to make the best decisions for the query execution plan. (reading the same row twice delivers different results) and phantoms (reexecuting the same query delivers a different set of rows). ROLAP performance depends on the capabilities of the query optimizer to formulate an efficient query execution plan. An inefficient query execution plan affects ROLAP performance, while the effect remains virtually nonexistent for MOLAP. Add foreign key and other constraints to the facts tables. Keep the statistics up to date by running regular UPDATE STATISTICS jobs after updates (or turn on auto update stats). Conclusion ROLAP can be a viable option for simple cubes with large data volumes but low dimensional complexity if DW architects and database administrators have the knowledge to fine-tune the data warehouse manually. It is important to realize that MOLAP optimizes many design aspects automatically, while this must be done by hand in ROLAP mode. However, given sufficient CPU power, memory capacity, a storage subsystem optimized for high I/O throughput, and useful relational aggregations, ROLAP can reach very high performance levels thanks to the amazing performance of the SQL Server 2008 relational engine, exceeding MOLAP performance in some cases. In comparison to the gold standard of MOLAP, ROLAP clearly places a higher demand on hardware resources, impacts the size of relational databases, increases design complexity and management overhead, comes with higher processing overhead, and might be affected by data problems and referential integrity issues. For instance, to benefit from aggregations, a ROLAP cube can’t use query binding, which limits cube design flexibility and prevents the data warehouse from using table partitioning. For partitioning purposes, the data warehouse must rely on the old-style method of individual facts tables organized by attributes related to cube partitioning, which noticeably increases management overhead. Furthermore, if ROLAP can’t determine which partitions contain relevant data, perhaps because the query did not specify any of the slice attributes or because of complex attribute relationships that ROLAP can’t analyze, ROLAP includes all available cube partitions in the query execution, potentially flooding the relational engine and causing a substantial backlog of queries as well as excessive thread thrashing and I/O congestion. Limiting parallel query plan generation and implementing a SQL query fan-out design can help to mitigate this issue, but the required resources to implement a fan-out are substantial. In comparison, MOLAP can determine the relevant cube partitions even with parent-child and many-to-many relationships in the dimensions and can execute queries much more efficiently and with much less CPU power. MOLAP offers many performance 40 advantages out of the box, such as automatic two-level bitmap indexing on every attribute and lower I/O overhead due to data compression. On the other hand, ROLAP undeniably does have the advantage that it doesn’t need to copy the source data into a multidimensional database. With data volumes beginning to exceed the maximum MOLAP capabilities, this advantage will trump all of the ROLAP disadvantages, especially considering the powerful features of the SQL Server relational engine to manage the data volumes. Smart aggregation designs that combine the advantages of transparent and cube-based aggregations can mitigate some of the performance disadvantages of ROLAP. It is also possible to fan out SQL queries across multiple data warehouse servers. The data warehouse scale-out onto multiple servers would also benefit cube partition processing. And finally, XMLA scripts and custom solutions can help to lower the administrative burden of maintaining a large number of facts tables and cube partitions. The keys to a successful ROLAP implementation are a fast underlying storage subsystem, a streamlined relational data warehouse, and thorough testing, tweaking, and usage-based optimization. It is imperative to study Profiler traces and analyze the SQL queries generated by Analysis Services. If these SQL queries reference views or subqueries in the FROM clause, the ROLAP cube will not be able to leverage relational aggregations. Query optimizer will not use transparent aggregations created manually in the data warehouse and the creation of cubebased aggregations will fail during partition processing if the cube uses query binding for any reason. It is important to review the design of DSVs, cube partitions, and measure groups to ensure that Analysis Services uses table binding. Although SQLCAT deemed its first lab-based customer ROLAP investigation a great success, a few questions still remain to be answered. For example, SQLCAT did not examine the ROLAP behavior for multiple concurrent users and did not study how ROLAP would benefit from a warm Analysis Services cache. In theory, the ROLAP storage mode exhibits the same caching as MOLAP does and should therefore show similar performance improvements, but this still needs to be verified in a realistic test lab. Furthermore, SQLCAT still needs to clarify the impact of attribute cardinality, distinct count measures, and complex attribute relationships on ROLAP performance. It still needs to be seen how ROLAP performs over very wide dimensions and attributes with one million or more members. For all of these reasons, customers are encouraged to use ROLAP with caution, apply the optimization techniques discussed in this case study, and perform additional acceptance tests with the full number of current users in their environments. 41 For more information: SQLCAT Web site SQL Server Web site SQL Server TechCenter SQL Server DevCenter Did this paper help you? Please give us your feedback. Tell us on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) how you would rate this paper and why you’ve given it this rating. For example: Are you rating it high because it has good examples, excellent screen shots, clear writing, or another reason? Are you rating it low because the examples are poor, the screen shots fuzzy, or the writing unclear? This feedback will help us improve the quality of the case studies we release. Send feedback. 42